/* generated configuration header file - do not edit */ #ifndef BSP_PIN_CFG_H_ #define BSP_PIN_CFG_H_ #if __has_include("r_ioport.h") #include "r_ioport.h" #elif __has_include("r_ioport_b.h") #include "r_ioport_b.h" #endif /* Common macro for FSP header files. There is also a corresponding FSP_FOOTER macro at the end of this file. */ FSP_HEADER extern const ioport_cfg_t g_bsp_pin_cfg; /* R7FA6M5BF2CBG.pincfg */ void BSP_PinConfigSecurityInit(); /* Common macro for FSP header files. There is also a corresponding FSP_HEADER macro at the top of this file. */ FSP_FOOTER #endif /* BSP_PIN_CFG_H_ */