/* MISC */ #include "cbor.h" #include "esp_log.h" /* APP */ #include "app_bkp_ram.h" #include "app_mqtt.h" #include "app_ui.h" #define APP_CITY_ID (CONFIG_APP_WX_CITY_ID) #define APP_LOG_TAG "WX" static char *s_condition_icon_table_day[] = { [1] = "\U0000F00D", [2] = "\U0000F00D", [3] = "\U0000F00D", [4] = "\U0000F00D", [5] = "\U0000F00D", /* 晴 */ [6] = "\U0000F00C", [7] = "\U0000F00C", /* 大部晴朗 */ [8] = "\U0000F002", [9] = "\U0000F002", [10] = "\U0000F002", [11] = "\U0000F002", [80] = "\U0000F002", /* 多云 */ [81] = "\U0000F002", [82] = "\U0000F002", /* 多云 */ [12] = "\U0000F00C", /* 少云 */ [13] = "\U0000F013", [14] = "\U0000F013", [36] = "\U0000F013", [85] = "\U0000F013", /* 阴 */ [15] = "\U0000F008", [16] = "\U0000F008", [17] = "\U0000F008", [18] = "\U0000F008", [19] = "\U0000F008", /* 阵雨 */ [86] = "\U0000F008", /* 阵雨 */ [20] = "\U0000F008", [21] = "\U0000F008", [22] = "\U0000F008", [23] = "\U0000F008", /* 局部阵雨 小阵雨 强阵雨 */ [51] = "\U0000F008", [52] = "\U0000F008", [53] = "\U0000F008", [54] = "\U0000F008", /* 小中大雨 */ [69] = "\U0000F008", [70] = "\U0000F008", /* 大暴雨 */ [55] = "\U0000F008", [56] = "\U0000F008", [57] = "\U0000F008", /* 暴雨 大 特大 */ [66] = "\U0000F008", [67] = "\U0000F008", [68] = "\U0000F008", /* 小中大雨 */ [78] = "\U0000F008", /* 雨 */ [91] = "\U0000F008", [92] = "\U0000F008", [93] = "\U0000F008", /* 小-中-大-暴雨 */ [24] = "\U0000F00A", [25] = "\U0000F00A", /* 阵雪 小阵雪 */ [58] = "\U0000F00A", [59] = "\U0000F00A", [60] = "\U0000F00A", [61] = "\U0000F00A", /* 小中暴雪 */ [62] = "\U0000F00A", /* 暴雪 */ [71] = "\U0000F00A", [72] = "\U0000F00A", [73] = "\U0000F00A", /* 小雪 */ [74] = "\U0000F00A", [75] = "\U0000F00A", [76] = "\U0000F00A", [77] = "\U0000F00A", /* 大雪 雪 */ [94] = "\U0000F00A", /* 小-中雪 */ [26] = "\U0000F003", [27] = "\U0000F003", [28] = "\U0000F003", [83] = "\U0000F003", [84] = "\U0000F003", /* 雾 冻 */ [29] = "\U0000F082", /* 沙尘暴 */ [30] = "\U0000F063", [31] = "\U0000F063", [32] = "\U0000F063", /* 浮尘 尘卷风 扬沙 */ [33] = "\U0000F082", /* 强沙尘暴 */ [34] = "\U0000F0B6", [35] = "\U0000F0B6", [79] = "\U0000F0B6", /* 霾 */ [37] = "\U0000F010", [38] = "\U0000F010", [39] = "\U0000F010", [40] = "\U0000F010", [41] = "\U0000F010", /* 雷雨 */ [87] = "\U0000F010", [88] = "\U0000F010", [89] = "\U0000F010", [90] = "\U0000F010", /* 雷阵雨 */ [42] = "\U0000F005", /* 雷电 */ [43] = "\U0000F005", /* 雷暴 */ [44] = "\U0000F068", [45] = "\U0000F068", /* 雷阵雨伴有冰雹 */ [46] = "\U0000F004", [47] = "\U0000F004", [48] = "\U0000F004", /* 冰雹 冰针 冰粒*/ [49] = "\U0000F006", [50] = "\U0000F006", /* 雨夹雪 */ [64] = "\U0000F006", [65] = "\U0000F006", /* 冻雨 */ }; static char *s_wind_levels[] = { "\U0000F0B7", "\U0000F0B8", "\U0000F0B9", "\U0000F0BA", /* 0-3 */ "\U0000F0BB", "\U0000F0BC", "\U0000F0BD", "\U0000F0BE", /* 4-7 */ "\U0000F0BF", "\U0000F0C0", "\U0000F0C1", "\U0000F0C2", /* 8-11 */ "\U0000F0C3" /* 12 */ }; typedef struct { app_ui_cmd_t cmd; char *key; } app_weather_condition_kv_t; static app_weather_condition_kv_t s_condition_kv[] = { {.cmd = APP_UI_CMD_SUNRISE, .key = "sunRise"}, {.cmd = APP_UI_CMD_SUNSET, .key = "sunSet"}, {.cmd = APP_UI_CMD_UVI, .key = "uvi"}, {.cmd = APP_UI_CMD_UPDATED, .key = "updatetime"}, {.cmd = APP_UI_CMD_TEMP, .key = "temp"}, {.cmd = APP_UI_CMD_HUMID, .key = "humidity"}, {.cmd = APP_UI_CMD_TEMP_REAL, .key = "realFeel"}, {.cmd = APP_UI_CMD_WIND_SPEED, .key = "windSpeed"}, {.cmd = APP_UI_CMD_WIND_LEVEL, .key = "windLevel"}, {.cmd = APP_UI_CMD_COND, .key = "conditionId"}, }; static int wxapi_request(char *api_type); static CborError get_condition_string(CborValue *it, char *key, char **value, uint32_t *size); static int windlevel_to_font(char *input, char **output); static int condition_to_font(char *input, char **output); int app_weather_update(void) { char *topic; uint8_t *payload; uint32_t payload_len; app_mqtt_subscribe("iot/weather/ESP32_Weather/response"); if (wxapi_request("condition") < 0) { return -1; } if (app_mqtt_poll(&topic, &payload, &payload_len, 10000) != 0) { ESP_LOGE(APP_LOG_TAG, "failed to receive payload in time, bail out"); return -2; } ESP_LOGI(APP_LOG_TAG, "Received %ld bytes from topic %s", payload_len, topic); CborParser root_parser; CborValue it; CborError cbor_ret; cbor_ret = cbor_parser_init(payload, payload_len, 0, &root_parser, &it); if (cbor_ret != CborNoError) { ESP_LOGE(APP_LOG_TAG, "CBOR Parse 1"); return -3; } char *str; uint32_t size; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(s_condition_kv) / sizeof(app_weather_condition_kv_t); i++) { if (get_condition_string(&it, s_condition_kv[i].key, &str, &size) == CborNoError) { if (s_condition_kv[i].cmd == APP_UI_CMD_WIND_LEVEL) { windlevel_to_font(str, &str); } else if (s_condition_kv[i].cmd == APP_UI_CMD_COND) { condition_to_font(str, &str); } app_ui_update(s_condition_kv[i].cmd, str); free(str); } } free(topic); free(payload); return 0; } static int wxapi_request(char *api_type) { CborEncoder root_encoder; uint8_t *tx_buf = malloc(100); if (tx_buf == NULL) { ESP_LOGE(APP_LOG_TAG, "Failed to allocate tx buffer"); return -1; } cbor_encoder_init(&root_encoder, tx_buf, 100, 0); CborEncoder map_encoder; cbor_encoder_create_map(&root_encoder, &map_encoder, 2); cbor_encode_text_stringz(&map_encoder, "type"); cbor_encode_text_stringz(&map_encoder, api_type); cbor_encode_text_stringz(&map_encoder, "city_id"); cbor_encode_uint(&map_encoder, APP_CITY_ID); cbor_encoder_close_container(&root_encoder, &map_encoder); uint32_t data_size = cbor_encoder_get_buffer_size(&root_encoder, tx_buf); ESP_LOGI(APP_LOG_TAG, "Encoded CBOR message %ld bytes.", data_size); app_mqtt_publish("iot/weather/ESP32_Weather/request", tx_buf, data_size); free(tx_buf); return 0; } static int condition_to_font(char *input, char **output) { *output = malloc(4); if (*output == NULL) return -1; int wx_id = strtol(input, NULL, 10); char *unicode = s_condition_icon_table_day[wx_id % sizeof(s_condition_icon_table_day)]; snprintf(*output, 4, "%s", unicode); free(input); return 0; } static int windlevel_to_font(char *input, char **output) { *output = malloc(4); if (*output == NULL) return -1; int level = strtol(input, NULL, 10); char *unicode = s_wind_levels[level % sizeof(s_wind_levels)]; snprintf(*output, 4, "%s", unicode); free(input); return 0; } static CborError get_condition_string(CborValue *it, char *key, char **value, uint32_t *size) { CborError ret; CborValue data; ret = cbor_value_map_find_value(it, "data", &data); if (ret != CborNoError) { ESP_LOGE(APP_LOG_TAG, "CBOR Parse 2"); return ret; } if (cbor_value_get_type(&data) != CborMapType) { ESP_LOGE(APP_LOG_TAG, "CBOR Parse 3"); return ret; } CborValue condition; ret = cbor_value_map_find_value(&data, "condition", &condition); if (ret != CborNoError) { ESP_LOGE(APP_LOG_TAG, "CBOR Parse 4"); return ret; } if (cbor_value_get_type(&condition) != CborMapType) { ESP_LOGE(APP_LOG_TAG, "CBOR Parse 5"); return ret; } CborValue result; ret = cbor_value_map_find_value(&condition, key, &result); if (ret != CborNoError) { ESP_LOGE(APP_LOG_TAG, "CBOR Parse 6"); return ret; } if (cbor_value_is_text_string(&result)) { cbor_value_dup_text_string(&result, value, (size_t *)&size, &result); } return ret; }