Yilin Sun 291629b05d
Added RTOS thread port.
Signed-off-by: Yilin Sun <>
2022-12-10 22:22:35 +08:00

290 lines
12 KiB

* \file cyabs_rtos.h
* \brief
* Defines the Cypress RTOS Interface. Provides prototypes for functions that
* allow Cypress libraries to use RTOS resources such as threads, mutexes & timing
* functions in an abstract way. The APIs are implemented
* in the Port Layer RTOS interface which is specific to the RTOS in use.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2018-2019 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "cyabs_rtos_impl.h"
#include <cy_result.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
* Note, cyabs_rtos_impl.h above is included and is the implementation of some basic
* types for the abstraction layer. The types expected to be defined are.
* cy_thread_t : typedef from underlying RTOS thread type
* cy_thread_arg_t : typedef from the RTOS type that is passed to the
* entry function of a thread.
* cy_time_t : count of time in milliseconds
* cy_rtos_error_t : typedef from the underlying RTOS error type *
* \addtogroup group_abstraction_rtos RTOS abstraction
* \ingroup group_abstraction
* \{
* Basic abstraction layer for dealing with RTOSes.
* \defgroup group_abstraction_rtos_macros Macros
* \defgroup group_abstraction_rtos_enums Enums
* \defgroup group_abstraction_rtos_data_structures Data Structures
* \defgroup group_abstraction_rtos_functions Functions
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/*********************************************** CONSTANTS **********************************************/
* \addtogroup group_abstraction_rtos_macros
* \{
/** Used with RTOS calls that require a timeout. This implies the call will never timeout. */
#define CY_RTOS_NEVER_TIMEOUT ( (uint32_t)0xffffffffUL )
// Note on error strategy. If the error is a normal part of operation (timeouts, full queues, empty
// queues), the these errors are listed here and the abstraction layer implementation must map from the
// underlying errors to these. If the errors are special cases, the the error CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR can be
// returns and cy_rtos_last_error() used to retrieve the RTOS specific error message.
/** Requested operationd did not complete in the specified time */
/** The RTOS could not allocate memory for the specified operation */
/** An error occured in the RTOS */
/** The Queue is already full and can't accept any more items at this time */
/** The Queue is empty and has nothing to remove */
/** A bad argument was passed into the APIs */
/** \} group_abstraction_rtos_macros */
/*********************************************** TYPES **********************************************/
* \addtogroup group_abstraction_rtos_data_structures
* \{
* The type of a function that is the entry point for a thread
* @param[in] arg the argument passed from the thread create call to the entry function
typedef void (*cy_thread_entry_fn_t)(cy_thread_arg_t arg);
/** \} group_abstraction_rtos_data_structures */
* \addtogroup group_abstraction_rtos_functions
* \{
/*********************************************** Threads **********************************************/
/** Create a thread with specific thread argument.
* This function is called to startup a new thread. If the thread can exit, it must call
* cy_rtos_finish_thread() just before doing so. All created threds that can terminate, either
* by themselves or forcefully by another thread MUST be joined in order to cleanup any resources
* that might have been allocated for them.
* @param[out] thread Pointer to a variable which will receive the new thread handle
* @param[in] entry_function Function pointer which points to the main function for the new thread
* @param[in] name String thread name used for a debugger
* @param[in] stack The buffer to use for the thread stack
* @param[in] stack_size The size of the thread stack in bytes
* @param[in] priority The priority of the thread. Values are operating system specific, but some
* common priority levels are defined:
* @param[in] arg The argument to pass to the new thread
* @return The status of thread create request. [CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
extern cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_create_thread(cy_thread_t *thread, cy_thread_entry_fn_t entry_function,
const char *name, void *stack, uint32_t stack_size,
cy_thread_priority_t priority, cy_thread_arg_t arg);
/** Exit the current thread.
* This function is called just before a thread exits. In some cases it is sufficient
* for a thread to just return to exit, but in other cases, the RTOS must be explicitly
* signaled. In cases where a return is sufficient, this should be a null funcition.
* where the RTOS must be signaled, this function should perform that In cases operation.
* In code using RTOS services, this function should be placed at any at any location
* where the main thread function will return, exiting the thread. Threads that can
* exit must still be joined (cy_rtos_join_thread) to ensure their resources are fully
* cleaned up.
* @return The status of thread exit request. [CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
extern cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_exit_thread(void);
/** Terminates another thread.
* This function is called to terminate another thread and reap the resoruces claimed
* by it thread. This should be called both when forcibly terminating another thread
* as well as any time a thread can exit on its own. For some RTOS implementations
* this is not required as the thread resoruces are claimed as soon as it exits. In
* other cases, this must be called to reclaim resources. Threads that are terminated
* must still be joined (cy_rtos_join_thread) to ensure their resources are fully
* cleaned up.
* @param[in] thread Handle of the thread to terminate
* @returns The status of the thread terminate. [CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
extern cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_terminate_thread(cy_thread_t *thread);
/** Checks if the thread is running
* This function is called to determine if a thread is running or not.
* @param[in] thread handle of the terminated thread to delete
* @param[out] state returns true if the thread is running, otherwise false
* @returns The status of the thread check. [CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
extern cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_is_thread_running(cy_thread_t *thread, bool *state);
/** Waits for a thread to complete.
* This must be called on any thread that can complete to ensure that any resources that
* were allocated for it are cleaned up.
* @param[in] thread Handle of the thread to wait for
* @returns The status of thread join request. [CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
extern cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_join_thread(cy_thread_t *thread);
/*********************************************** Semaphores **********************************************/
* Create a semaphore
* This is basically a counting semaphore.
* @param[in,out] semaphore Pointer to the semaphore handle to be initialized
* @param[in] maxcount The maximum count for this semaphore
* @param[in] initcount The initial count for this sempahore
* @return The status of the sempahore creation. [CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
extern cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_init_semaphore(cy_semaphore_t *semaphore, uint32_t maxcount, uint32_t initcount);
* Get/Acquire a semaphore
* If the semaphore count is zero, waits until the semaphore count is greater than zero.
* Once the semaphore count is greater than zero, this function decrements
* the count and return. It may also return if the timeout is exceeded.
* @param[in] semaphore Pointer to the semaphore handle
* @param[in] timeout_ms Maximum number of milliseconds to wait while attempting to get
* the semaphore. Use the NEVER_TIMEOUT constant to wait forever. Must
* be zero is in_isr is true
* @param[in] in_isr true if we are trying to get the semaphore from with an ISR
* @return The status of get semaphore operation [CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
extern cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_get_semaphore(cy_semaphore_t *semaphore, cy_time_t timeout_ms, bool in_isr);
* Set/Release a semaphore
* Increments the semaphore count, up to the maximum count for this semaphore.
* @param[in] semaphore Pointer to the semaphore handle
* @param[in] in_isr Value of true indicates calling from interrupt context
* Value of false indicates calling from normal thread context
* @return The status of set semaphore operation [CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
extern cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_set_semaphore(cy_semaphore_t *semaphore, bool in_isr);
* Deletes a sempahore
* This function frees the resources associated with a sempahore.
* @param[in] semaphore Pointer to the sempahore handle
* @return The status of semaphore deletion [CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, CY_RTOS_NO_MEMORY, CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
extern cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_deinit_semaphore(cy_semaphore_t *semaphore);
/*********************************************** Time **********************************************/
/** Gets time in milliseconds since RTOS start.
* @note Since this is only 32 bits, it will roll over every 49 days, 17 hours, 2 mins, 47.296 seconds
* @param[out] tval Pointer to the struct to populate with the RTOS time
* @returns Time in milliseconds since the RTOS started.
extern cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_get_time(cy_time_t *tval);
/** Delay for a number of milliseconds.
* Processing of this function depends on the minimum sleep
* time resolution of the RTOS. The current thread should sleep for
* the longest period possible which is less than the delay required,
* then makes up the difference with a tight loop.
* @param[in] num_ms The number of miliseconds to delay for
* @return The status of the creation request. [CY_RSLT_SUCCESS, CY_RTOS_GENERAL_ERROR]
extern cy_rslt_t cy_rtos_delay_milliseconds(cy_time_t num_ms);
/** \} group_abstraction_rtos_functions */
/** @} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* ifndef INCLUDED_CY_RTOS_INTERFACE_H_ */