/* * Copyright 2017-2020 NXP * All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include "fsl_semc.h" /******************************************************************************* * Definitions ******************************************************************************/ /* Component ID definition, used by tools. */ #ifndef FSL_COMPONENT_ID #define FSL_COMPONENT_ID "platform.drivers.semc" #endif /*! @brief Define macros for SEMC driver. */ #define SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX (4U) #define SEMC_IPCOMMANDMAGICKEY (0xA55A) #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT > 0x01U) #define SEMC_IOCR_PINMUXBITWIDTH (0x4UL) #else #define SEMC_IOCR_PINMUXBITWIDTH (0x3UL) #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT */ #define SEMC_IOCR_NAND_CE (4UL) #define SEMC_IOCR_NOR_CE (5UL) #define SEMC_IOCR_NOR_CE_A8 (2UL) #define SEMC_IOCR_PSRAM_CE (6UL) #define SEMC_IOCR_PSRAM_CE_A8 (3UL) #define SEMC_IOCR_DBI_CSX (7UL) #define SEMC_IOCR_DBI_CSX_A8 (4UL) #define SEMC_NORFLASH_SRAM_ADDR_PORTWIDTHBASE (24U) #define SEMC_NORFLASH_SRAM_ADDR_PORTWIDTHMAX (28U) #define SEMC_BMCR0_TYPICAL_WQOS (5U) #define SEMC_BMCR0_TYPICAL_WAGE (8U) #define SEMC_BMCR0_TYPICAL_WSH (0x40U) #define SEMC_BMCR0_TYPICAL_WRWS (0x10U) #define SEMC_BMCR1_TYPICAL_WQOS (5U) #define SEMC_BMCR1_TYPICAL_WAGE (8U) #define SEMC_BMCR1_TYPICAL_WPH (0x60U) #define SEMC_BMCR1_TYPICAL_WBR (0x40U) #define SEMC_BMCR1_TYPICAL_WRWS (0x24U) #define SEMC_STARTADDRESS (0x80000000UL) #define SEMC_ENDADDRESS (0xDFFFFFFFUL) #define SEMC_BR_MEMSIZE_MIN (4U) #define SEMC_BR_MEMSIZE_OFFSET (2U) #define SEMC_BR_MEMSIZE_MAX (4UL * 1024UL * 1024UL) #define SEMC_SDRAM_MODESETCAL_OFFSET (4U) #define SEMC_BR_REG_NUM (9U) #define SEMC_BYTE_NUMBIT (8U) /******************************************************************************* * Prototypes ******************************************************************************/ /*! * @brief Get instance number for SEMC module. * * @param base SEMC peripheral base address */ static uint32_t SEMC_GetInstance(SEMC_Type *base); /*! * @brief Covert the input memory size to internal register set value. * * @param base SEMC peripheral base address * @param size_kbytes SEMC memory size in unit of kbytes. * @param sizeConverted SEMC converted memory size to 0 ~ 0x1F. * @return Execution status. */ static status_t SEMC_CovertMemorySize(SEMC_Type *base, uint32_t size_kbytes, uint8_t *sizeConverted); /*! * @brief Covert the external timing nanosecond to internal clock cycle. * * @param time_ns SEMC external time interval in unit of nanosecond. * @param clkSrc_Hz SEMC clock source frequency. * @return The changed internal clock cycle. */ static uint8_t SEMC_ConvertTiming(uint32_t time_ns, uint32_t clkSrc_Hz); /*! * @brief Configure IP command. * * @param base SEMC peripheral base address. * @param size_bytes SEMC IP command data size. * @return Execution status. */ static status_t SEMC_ConfigureIPCommand(SEMC_Type *base, uint8_t size_bytes); /*! * @brief Check if the IP command has finished. * * @param base SEMC peripheral base address. * @return Execution status. */ static status_t SEMC_IsIPCommandDone(SEMC_Type *base); /******************************************************************************* * Variables ******************************************************************************/ #if !(defined(FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) && FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) /*! @brief Pointers to SEMC clocks for each instance. */ static const clock_ip_name_t s_semcClock[FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SEMC_COUNT] = SEMC_CLOCKS; #if (defined(SEMC_EXSC_CLOCKS)) static const clock_ip_name_t s_semcExtClock[FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SEMC_COUNT] = SEMC_EXSC_CLOCKS; #endif /* SEMC_EXSC_CLOCKS */ #endif /* FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL */ /*! @brief Pointers to SEMC bases for each instance. */ static SEMC_Type *const s_semcBases[] = SEMC_BASE_PTRS; /******************************************************************************* * Code ******************************************************************************/ static uint32_t SEMC_GetInstance(SEMC_Type *base) { uint32_t instance; /* Find the instance index from base address mappings. */ for (instance = 0; instance < ARRAY_SIZE(s_semcBases); instance++) { if (s_semcBases[instance] == base) { break; } } assert(instance < ARRAY_SIZE(s_semcBases)); return instance; } static status_t SEMC_CovertMemorySize(SEMC_Type *base, uint32_t size_kbytes, uint8_t *sizeConverted) { assert(sizeConverted != NULL); uint32_t memsize; status_t status = kStatus_Success; if ((size_kbytes < SEMC_BR_MEMSIZE_MIN) || (size_kbytes > SEMC_BR_MEMSIZE_MAX)) { status = kStatus_SEMC_InvalidMemorySize; } else { *sizeConverted = 0U; memsize = size_kbytes / 8U; while (memsize != 0x00U) { memsize >>= 1U; (*sizeConverted)++; } } return status; } static uint8_t SEMC_ConvertTiming(uint32_t time_ns, uint32_t clkSrc_Hz) { assert(clkSrc_Hz != 0x00U); uint8_t clockCycles = 0; uint32_t tClk_ps; clkSrc_Hz /= 1000000U; /* Using ps for high resolution */ tClk_ps = 1000000U / clkSrc_Hz; while (tClk_ps * clockCycles < time_ns * 1000U) { clockCycles++; } return (clockCycles == 0x00U) ? clockCycles : (clockCycles - 0x01U); } static status_t SEMC_ConfigureIPCommand(SEMC_Type *base, uint8_t size_bytes) { status_t status = kStatus_Success; if ((size_bytes > SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX) || (size_bytes == 0x00U)) { status = kStatus_SEMC_InvalidIpcmdDataSize; } else { /* Set data size. */ /* Note: It is better to set data size as the device data port width when transferring * device command data. But for device memory data transfer, it can be set freely. * Note: If the data size is greater than data port width, for example, datsz = 4, data port = 16bit, * then the 4-byte data transfer will be split into two 2-byte transfers, the slave address * will be switched automatically according to connected device type*/ base->IPCR1 = SEMC_IPCR1_DATSZ(size_bytes); /* Clear data size. */ base->IPCR2 = 0; /* Set data size. */ if (size_bytes < 4U) { base->IPCR2 |= SEMC_IPCR2_BM3_MASK; } if (size_bytes < 3U) { base->IPCR2 |= SEMC_IPCR2_BM2_MASK; } if (size_bytes < 2U) { base->IPCR2 |= SEMC_IPCR2_BM1_MASK; } } return status; } static status_t SEMC_IsIPCommandDone(SEMC_Type *base) { status_t status = kStatus_Success; /* Poll status bit till command is done*/ while ((base->INTR & (uint32_t)SEMC_INTR_IPCMDDONE_MASK) == 0x00U) { }; /* Clear status bit */ base->INTR |= SEMC_INTR_IPCMDDONE_MASK; /* Check error status */ if ((base->INTR & (uint32_t)SEMC_INTR_IPCMDERR_MASK) != 0x00U) { base->INTR |= SEMC_INTR_IPCMDERR_MASK; status = kStatus_SEMC_IpCommandExecutionError; } return status; } /*! * brief Gets the SEMC default basic configuration structure. * * The purpose of this API is to get the default SEMC * configure structure for SEMC_Init(). User may use the initialized * structure unchanged in SEMC_Init(), or modify some fields of the * structure before calling SEMC_Init(). * Example: code semc_config_t config; SEMC_GetDefaultConfig(&config); endcode * param config The SEMC configuration structure pointer. */ void SEMC_GetDefaultConfig(semc_config_t *config) { assert(config != NULL); /* Initializes the configure structure to zero. */ (void)memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config)); config->queueWeight.queueaEnable = true; semc_queuea_weight_struct_t *queueaWeight = &(config->queueWeight.queueaWeight.queueaConfig); config->queueWeight.queuebEnable = true; semc_queueb_weight_struct_t *queuebWeight = &(config->queueWeight.queuebWeight.queuebConfig); /* Get default settings. */ config->dqsMode = kSEMC_Loopbackinternal; config->cmdTimeoutCycles = 0xFF; config->busTimeoutCycles = 0x1F; queueaWeight->qos = SEMC_BMCR0_TYPICAL_WQOS; queueaWeight->aging = SEMC_BMCR0_TYPICAL_WAGE; queueaWeight->slaveHitSwith = SEMC_BMCR0_TYPICAL_WSH; queueaWeight->slaveHitNoswitch = SEMC_BMCR0_TYPICAL_WRWS; queuebWeight->qos = SEMC_BMCR1_TYPICAL_WQOS; queuebWeight->aging = SEMC_BMCR1_TYPICAL_WAGE; queuebWeight->slaveHitSwith = SEMC_BMCR1_TYPICAL_WRWS; queuebWeight->weightPagehit = SEMC_BMCR1_TYPICAL_WPH; queuebWeight->bankRotation = SEMC_BMCR1_TYPICAL_WBR; } /*! * brief Initializes SEMC. * This function ungates the SEMC clock and initializes SEMC. * This function must be called before calling any other SEMC driver functions. * * param base SEMC peripheral base address. * param configure The SEMC configuration structure pointer. */ void SEMC_Init(SEMC_Type *base, semc_config_t *configure) { assert(configure != NULL); uint8_t index = 0; #if !(defined(FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) && FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) /* Un-gate sdram controller clock. */ CLOCK_EnableClock(s_semcClock[SEMC_GetInstance(base)]); #if (defined(SEMC_EXSC_CLOCKS)) CLOCK_EnableClock(s_semcExtClock[SEMC_GetInstance(base)]); #endif /* SEMC_EXSC_CLOCKS */ #endif /* FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL */ /* Initialize all BR to zero due to the default base address set. */ for (index = 0; index < SEMC_BR_REG_NUM; index++) { base->BR[index] = 0; } /* Software reset for SEMC internal logical . */ base->MCR = SEMC_MCR_SWRST_MASK; while ((base->MCR & (uint32_t)SEMC_MCR_SWRST_MASK) != 0x00U) { } /* Configure, disable module first. */ base->MCR |= SEMC_MCR_MDIS_MASK | SEMC_MCR_BTO(configure->busTimeoutCycles) | SEMC_MCR_CTO(configure->cmdTimeoutCycles) | SEMC_MCR_DQSMD(configure->dqsMode); if (configure->queueWeight.queueaEnable == true) { /* Configure Queue A for AXI bus access to SDRAM, NAND, NOR, SRAM and DBI slaves.*/ base->BMCR0 = (uint32_t)(configure->queueWeight.queueaWeight.queueaValue); } else { base->BMCR0 = 0x00U; } if (configure->queueWeight.queuebEnable == true) { /* Configure Queue B for AXI bus access to SDRAM slave. */ base->BMCR1 = (uint32_t)(configure->queueWeight.queuebWeight.queuebValue); } else { base->BMCR1 = 0x00U; } /* Enable SEMC. */ base->MCR &= ~SEMC_MCR_MDIS_MASK; } /*! * brief Deinitializes the SEMC module and gates the clock. * This function gates the SEMC clock. As a result, the SEMC * module doesn't work after calling this function. * * param base SEMC peripheral base address. */ void SEMC_Deinit(SEMC_Type *base) { /* Disable module. Check there is no pending command before disable module. */ while ((base->STS0 & (uint32_t)SEMC_STS0_IDLE_MASK) == 0x00U) { ; } base->MCR |= SEMC_MCR_MDIS_MASK | SEMC_MCR_SWRST_MASK; #if !(defined(FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) && FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL) /* Disable SDRAM clock. */ CLOCK_DisableClock(s_semcClock[SEMC_GetInstance(base)]); #if (defined(SEMC_EXSC_CLOCKS)) CLOCK_DisableClock(s_semcExtClock[SEMC_GetInstance(base)]); #endif /* SEMC_EXSC_CLOCKS */ #endif /* FSL_SDK_DISABLE_DRIVER_CLOCK_CONTROL */ } /*! * brief Configures SDRAM controller in SEMC. * * param base SEMC peripheral base address. * param cs The chip selection. * param config The sdram configuration. * param clkSrc_Hz The SEMC clock frequency. */ status_t SEMC_ConfigureSDRAM(SEMC_Type *base, semc_sdram_cs_t cs, semc_sdram_config_t *config, uint32_t clkSrc_Hz) { assert(config != NULL); assert(clkSrc_Hz > 0x00U); assert(config->refreshBurstLen > 0x00U); uint8_t memsize; status_t result = kStatus_Success; uint16_t prescale = (uint16_t)(config->tPrescalePeriod_Ns / 16U / (1000000000U / clkSrc_Hz)); uint32_t refresh; uint32_t urgentRef; uint32_t idle; uint32_t mode; uint32_t timing; if ((config->address < SEMC_STARTADDRESS) || (config->address > SEMC_ENDADDRESS)) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidBaseAddress; } if (config->csxPinMux == kSEMC_MUXA8) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidSwPinmuxSelection; } if (prescale > 256U) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidTimerSetting; } refresh = config->refreshPeriod_nsPerRow / config->tPrescalePeriod_Ns; urgentRef = config->refreshUrgThreshold / config->tPrescalePeriod_Ns; idle = config->tIdleTimeout_Ns / config->tPrescalePeriod_Ns; uint32_t iocReg = base->IOCR & (~(SEMC_IOCR_PINMUXBITWIDTH << (uint32_t)config->csxPinMux)); /* Base control. */ result = SEMC_CovertMemorySize(base, config->memsize_kbytes, &memsize); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } base->BR[cs] = (config->address & SEMC_BR_BA_MASK) | SEMC_BR_MS(memsize) | SEMC_BR_VLD_MASK; #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SDRAM_SUPPORT_COLUMN_ADDRESS_8BIT) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SDRAM_SUPPORT_COLUMN_ADDRESS_8BIT) if (kSEMC_SdramColunm_8bit == config->columnAddrBitNum) { base->SDRAMCR0 = SEMC_SDRAMCR0_PS(config->portSize) | SEMC_SDRAMCR0_BL(config->burstLen) | SEMC_SDRAMCR0_COL8(true) | SEMC_SDRAMCR0_CL(config->casLatency); } else #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SDRAM_SUPPORT_COLUMN_ADDRESS_8BIT */ { base->SDRAMCR0 = SEMC_SDRAMCR0_PS(config->portSize) | SEMC_SDRAMCR0_BL(config->burstLen) | SEMC_SDRAMCR0_COL(config->columnAddrBitNum) | SEMC_SDRAMCR0_CL(config->casLatency); } /* IOMUX setting. */ if (cs != kSEMC_SDRAM_CS0) { base->IOCR = iocReg | ((uint32_t)cs << (uint32_t)config->csxPinMux); } base->IOCR &= ~SEMC_IOCR_MUX_A8_MASK; #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_DELAY_CHAIN_CONTROL) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_DELAY_CHAIN_CONTROL) uint32_t tempDelayChain = base->DCCR; tempDelayChain &= ~(SEMC_DCCR_SDRAMVAL_MASK | SEMC_DCCR_SDRAMEN_MASK); /* Configure delay chain. */ base->DCCR = tempDelayChain | SEMC_DCCR_SDRAMVAL((uint32_t)config->delayChain - 0x01U) | SEMC_DCCR_SDRAMEN_MASK; #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_DELAY_CHAIN_CONTROL */ timing = SEMC_SDRAMCR1_PRE2ACT(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tPrecharge2Act_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SDRAMCR1_ACT2RW(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tAct2ReadWrite_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SDRAMCR1_RFRC(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tRefreshRecovery_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SDRAMCR1_WRC(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWriteRecovery_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SDRAMCR1_CKEOFF(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tCkeOff_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SDRAMCR1_ACT2PRE(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tAct2Prechage_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); /* SDRAMCR1 timing setting. */ base->SDRAMCR1 = timing; timing = SEMC_SDRAMCR2_SRRC(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tSelfRefRecovery_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SDRAMCR2_REF2REF(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tRefresh2Refresh_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SDRAMCR2_ACT2ACT(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tAct2Act_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)) | SEMC_SDRAMCR2_ITO(idle); /* SDRAMCR2 timing setting. */ base->SDRAMCR2 = timing; /* SDRAMCR3 timing setting. */ base->SDRAMCR3 = SEMC_SDRAMCR3_REBL((uint32_t)config->refreshBurstLen - 1UL) | /* N * 16 * 1s / clkSrc_Hz = config->tPrescalePeriod_Ns */ SEMC_SDRAMCR3_PRESCALE(prescale) | SEMC_SDRAMCR3_RT(refresh - 1UL) | SEMC_SDRAMCR3_UT(urgentRef); SEMC->IPCR1 = 0x2U; SEMC->IPCR2 = 0U; result = SEMC_SendIPCommand(base, kSEMC_MemType_SDRAM, config->address, (uint32_t)kSEMC_SDRAMCM_Prechargeall, 0, NULL); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } result = SEMC_SendIPCommand(base, kSEMC_MemType_SDRAM, config->address, (uint32_t)kSEMC_SDRAMCM_AutoRefresh, 0, NULL); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } result = SEMC_SendIPCommand(base, kSEMC_MemType_SDRAM, config->address, (uint32_t)kSEMC_SDRAMCM_AutoRefresh, 0, NULL); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } /* Mode setting value. */ mode = (uint32_t)config->burstLen | (((uint32_t)config->casLatency) << SEMC_SDRAM_MODESETCAL_OFFSET); result = SEMC_SendIPCommand(base, kSEMC_MemType_SDRAM, config->address, (uint32_t)kSEMC_SDRAMCM_Modeset, mode, NULL); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } /* Enables refresh */ base->SDRAMCR3 |= SEMC_SDRAMCR3_REN_MASK; return kStatus_Success; } /*! * brief Configures NAND controller in SEMC. * * param base SEMC peripheral base address. * param config The nand configuration. * param clkSrc_Hz The SEMC clock frequency. */ status_t SEMC_ConfigureNAND(SEMC_Type *base, semc_nand_config_t *config, uint32_t clkSrc_Hz) { assert(config != NULL); assert(config->timingConfig != NULL); uint8_t memsize; status_t result; uint32_t timing; if ((config->axiAddress < SEMC_STARTADDRESS) || (config->axiAddress > SEMC_ENDADDRESS)) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidBaseAddress; } if (config->cePinMux == kSEMC_MUXRDY) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidSwPinmuxSelection; } /* Disable SEMC module during configuring control registers. */ base->MCR |= SEMC_MCR_MDIS_MASK; uint32_t iocReg = base->IOCR & (~((SEMC_IOCR_PINMUXBITWIDTH << (uint32_t)config->cePinMux) | SEMC_IOCR_MUX_RDY_MASK)); /* Base control. */ if (config->rdyactivePolarity == kSEMC_RdyActivehigh) { base->MCR |= SEMC_MCR_WPOL1_MASK; } else { base->MCR &= ~SEMC_MCR_WPOL1_MASK; } result = SEMC_CovertMemorySize(base, config->axiMemsize_kbytes, &memsize); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } base->BR[4] = (config->axiAddress & SEMC_BR_BA_MASK) | SEMC_BR_MS(memsize) | SEMC_BR_VLD_MASK; result = SEMC_CovertMemorySize(base, config->ipgMemsize_kbytes, &memsize); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } base->BR[8] = (config->ipgAddress & SEMC_BR_BA_MASK) | SEMC_BR_MS(memsize) | SEMC_BR_VLD_MASK; /* IOMUX setting. */ if ((uint32_t)config->cePinMux != 0x00U) { base->IOCR = iocReg | (SEMC_IOCR_NAND_CE << (uint32_t)config->cePinMux); } else { base->IOCR = iocReg | (1UL << (uint32_t)config->cePinMux); } base->NANDCR0 = SEMC_NANDCR0_PS(config->portSize) | SEMC_NANDCR0_BL(config->burstLen) | SEMC_NANDCR0_EDO(config->edoModeEnabled) | SEMC_NANDCR0_COL(config->columnAddrBitNum); timing = SEMC_NANDCR1_CES(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->timingConfig->tCeSetup_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NANDCR1_CEH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->timingConfig->tCeHold_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NANDCR1_WEL(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->timingConfig->tWeLow_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NANDCR1_WEH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->timingConfig->tWeHigh_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NANDCR1_REL(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->timingConfig->tReLow_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NANDCR1_REH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->timingConfig->tReHigh_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NANDCR1_TA(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->timingConfig->tTurnAround_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NANDCR1_CEITV(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->timingConfig->tCeInterval_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); /* NANDCR1 timing setting. */ base->NANDCR1 = timing; timing = SEMC_NANDCR2_TWHR(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->timingConfig->tWehigh2Relow_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NANDCR2_TRHW(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->timingConfig->tRehigh2Welow_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NANDCR2_TADL(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->timingConfig->tAle2WriteStart_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NANDCR2_TRR(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->timingConfig->tReady2Relow_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NANDCR2_TWB(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->timingConfig->tWehigh2Busy_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); /* NANDCR2 timing setting. */ base->NANDCR2 = timing; /* NANDCR3 timing setting. */ base->NANDCR3 = (uint32_t)config->arrayAddrOption; /* Enables SEMC module after configuring control registers completely. */ base->MCR &= ~SEMC_MCR_MDIS_MASK; return kStatus_Success; } /*! * brief Configures NOR controller in SEMC. * * param base SEMC peripheral base address. * param config The nor configuration. * param clkSrc_Hz The SEMC clock frequency. */ status_t SEMC_ConfigureNOR(SEMC_Type *base, semc_nor_config_t *config, uint32_t clkSrc_Hz) { assert(config != NULL); uint8_t memsize; status_t result; uint32_t timing; if ((config->address < SEMC_STARTADDRESS) || (config->address > SEMC_ENDADDRESS)) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidBaseAddress; } uint32_t iocReg = base->IOCR & (~(SEMC_IOCR_PINMUXBITWIDTH << (uint32_t)config->cePinMux)); uint32_t muxCe = (config->cePinMux == kSEMC_MUXRDY) ? (SEMC_IOCR_NOR_CE - 1U) : ((config->cePinMux == kSEMC_MUXA8) ? SEMC_IOCR_NOR_CE_A8 : SEMC_IOCR_NOR_CE); /* IOMUX setting. */ base->IOCR = iocReg | (muxCe << (uint32_t)config->cePinMux); /* Address bit setting. */ if (config->addrPortWidth > SEMC_NORFLASH_SRAM_ADDR_PORTWIDTHBASE) { if (config->addrPortWidth >= (SEMC_NORFLASH_SRAM_ADDR_PORTWIDTHBASE + 1U)) { /* Address bit 24 (A24) */ base->IOCR &= ~(uint32_t)SEMC_IOCR_MUX_CSX0_MASK; if (config->cePinMux == kSEMC_MUXCSX0) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidSwPinmuxSelection; } } if (config->addrPortWidth >= (SEMC_NORFLASH_SRAM_ADDR_PORTWIDTHBASE + 2U)) { /* Address bit 25 (A25) */ base->IOCR &= ~(uint32_t)SEMC_IOCR_MUX_CSX1_MASK; if (config->cePinMux == kSEMC_MUXCSX1) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidSwPinmuxSelection; } } if (config->addrPortWidth >= (SEMC_NORFLASH_SRAM_ADDR_PORTWIDTHBASE + 3U)) { /* Address bit 26 (A26) */ base->IOCR &= ~(uint32_t)SEMC_IOCR_MUX_CSX2_MASK; if (config->cePinMux == kSEMC_MUXCSX2) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidSwPinmuxSelection; } } if (config->addrPortWidth >= (SEMC_NORFLASH_SRAM_ADDR_PORTWIDTHBASE + 4U)) { if (config->addr27 == kSEMC_NORA27_MUXCSX3) { /* Address bit 27 (A27) */ base->IOCR &= ~(uint32_t)SEMC_IOCR_MUX_CSX3_MASK; } else if (config->addr27 == kSEMC_NORA27_MUXRDY) { base->IOCR |= SEMC_IOCR_MUX_RDY_MASK; } else { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidSwPinmuxSelection; } if (config->cePinMux == kSEMC_MUXCSX3) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidSwPinmuxSelection; } } if (config->addrPortWidth > SEMC_NORFLASH_SRAM_ADDR_PORTWIDTHMAX) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidAddressPortWidth; } } /* Base control. */ if (config->rdyactivePolarity == kSEMC_RdyActivehigh) { base->MCR |= SEMC_MCR_WPOL0_MASK; } else { base->MCR &= ~SEMC_MCR_WPOL0_MASK; } result = SEMC_CovertMemorySize(base, config->memsize_kbytes, &memsize); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } base->BR[5] = (config->address & SEMC_BR_BA_MASK) | SEMC_BR_MS(memsize) | SEMC_BR_VLD_MASK; base->NORCR0 = SEMC_NORCR0_PS(config->portSize) | SEMC_NORCR0_BL(config->burstLen) | SEMC_NORCR0_AM(config->addrMode) | SEMC_NORCR0_ADVP(config->advActivePolarity) | SEMC_NORCR0_COL(config->columnAddrBitNum); #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_DELAY_CHAIN_CONTROL) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_DELAY_CHAIN_CONTROL) uint32_t tempDelayChain = base->DCCR; tempDelayChain &= ~(SEMC_DCCR_NORVAL_MASK | SEMC_DCCR_NOREN_MASK); /* Configure delay chain. */ base->DCCR = tempDelayChain | SEMC_DCCR_NORVAL((uint32_t)config->delayChain - 0x01U) | SEMC_DCCR_NOREN_MASK; #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_DELAY_CHAIN_CONTROL */ timing = SEMC_NORCR1_CES(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tCeSetup_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NORCR1_CEH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tCeHold_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NORCR1_AS(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tAddrSetup_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NORCR1_AH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tAddrHold_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NORCR1_WEL(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWeLow_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NORCR1_WEH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWeHigh_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NORCR1_REL(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tReLow_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NORCR1_REH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tReHigh_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); /* NORCR1 timing setting. */ base->NORCR1 = timing; timing = SEMC_NORCR2_CEITV(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tCeInterval_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_NOR_WDS_TIME) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_NOR_WDS_TIME) timing |= SEMC_NORCR2_WDS(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWriteSetup_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_NOR_WDS_TIME */ #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_NOR_WDH_TIME) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_NOR_WDH_TIME) timing |= SEMC_NORCR2_WDH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWriteHold_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_NOR_WDH_TIME */ timing |= SEMC_NORCR2_TA(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tTurnAround_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_NORCR2_AWDH((uint32_t)SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tAddr2WriteHold_Ns, clkSrc_Hz) + 0x01UL); timing |= SEMC_NORCR2_LC(config->latencyCount) | SEMC_NORCR2_RD((uint32_t)config->readCycle - 0x01UL); /* NORCR2 timing setting. */ base->NORCR2 = timing; return SEMC_ConfigureIPCommand(base, ((uint8_t)config->portSize + 1U)); } /*! * brief Configures SRAM controller in SEMC. * * param base SEMC peripheral base address. * param config The sram configuration. * param clkSrc_Hz The SEMC clock frequency. */ status_t SEMC_ConfigureSRAM(SEMC_Type *base, semc_sram_config_t *config, uint32_t clkSrc_Hz) { return SEMC_ConfigureSRAMWithChipSelection(base, kSEMC_SRAM_CS0, config, clkSrc_Hz); } /*! * brief Configures SRAM controller in SEMC. * * param base SEMC peripheral base address. * param cs The chip selection. * param config The sram configuration. * param clkSrc_Hz The SEMC clock frequency. */ status_t SEMC_ConfigureSRAMWithChipSelection(SEMC_Type *base, semc_sram_cs_t cs, semc_sram_config_t *config, uint32_t clkSrc_Hz) { assert(config != NULL); uint32_t tempBRVal; uint32_t timing; uint8_t memsize; status_t result = kStatus_Success; if ((config->address < SEMC_STARTADDRESS) || (config->address > SEMC_ENDADDRESS)) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidBaseAddress; } uint32_t iocReg = base->IOCR & (~(SEMC_IOCR_PINMUXBITWIDTH << (uint32_t)config->cePinMux)); uint32_t muxCe = (config->cePinMux == kSEMC_MUXRDY) ? (SEMC_IOCR_PSRAM_CE - 1U) : ((config->cePinMux == kSEMC_MUXA8) ? SEMC_IOCR_PSRAM_CE_A8 : SEMC_IOCR_PSRAM_CE); /* IOMUX setting. */ base->IOCR = iocReg | (muxCe << (uint32_t)config->cePinMux); /* Address bit setting. */ if (config->addrPortWidth > SEMC_NORFLASH_SRAM_ADDR_PORTWIDTHBASE) { if (config->addrPortWidth >= (SEMC_NORFLASH_SRAM_ADDR_PORTWIDTHBASE + 1U)) { /* Address bit 24 (A24) */ base->IOCR &= ~(uint32_t)SEMC_IOCR_MUX_CSX0_MASK; if (config->cePinMux == kSEMC_MUXCSX0) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidSwPinmuxSelection; } } if (config->addrPortWidth >= (SEMC_NORFLASH_SRAM_ADDR_PORTWIDTHBASE + 2U)) { /* Address bit 25 (A25) */ base->IOCR &= ~(uint32_t)SEMC_IOCR_MUX_CSX1_MASK; if (config->cePinMux == kSEMC_MUXCSX1) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidSwPinmuxSelection; } } if (config->addrPortWidth >= (SEMC_NORFLASH_SRAM_ADDR_PORTWIDTHBASE + 3U)) { /* Address bit 26 (A26) */ base->IOCR &= ~(uint32_t)SEMC_IOCR_MUX_CSX2_MASK; if (config->cePinMux == kSEMC_MUXCSX2) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidSwPinmuxSelection; } } if (config->addrPortWidth >= (SEMC_NORFLASH_SRAM_ADDR_PORTWIDTHBASE + 4U)) { if (config->addr27 == kSEMC_NORA27_MUXCSX3) { /* Address bit 27 (A27) */ base->IOCR &= ~(uint32_t)SEMC_IOCR_MUX_CSX3_MASK; } else if (config->addr27 == kSEMC_NORA27_MUXRDY) { base->IOCR |= SEMC_IOCR_MUX_RDY_MASK; } else { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidSwPinmuxSelection; } if (config->cePinMux == kSEMC_MUXCSX3) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidSwPinmuxSelection; } } if (config->addrPortWidth > SEMC_NORFLASH_SRAM_ADDR_PORTWIDTHMAX) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidAddressPortWidth; } } /* Base control. */ result = SEMC_CovertMemorySize(base, config->memsize_kbytes, &memsize); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } tempBRVal = (config->address & SEMC_BR_BA_MASK) | SEMC_BR_MS(memsize) | SEMC_BR_VLD_MASK; uint32_t tempCtrlVal; switch (cs) { case kSEMC_SRAM_CS0: base->BR[6] = tempBRVal; break; #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT > 0x01U) case kSEMC_SRAM_CS1: base->BR9 = tempBRVal; break; case kSEMC_SRAM_CS2: base->BR10 = tempBRVal; break; case kSEMC_SRAM_CS3: base->BR11 = tempBRVal; break; #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT */ default: assert(NULL); break; } /* PSRAM0 SRAMCRx timing setting. */ if (kSEMC_SRAM_CS0 == cs) { #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT > 0x01U) /* Ready/wait(WAITEN and WAITSP) feature is only for async mode. */ if (kSEMC_AsyncMode == config->syncMode) { tempCtrlVal = SEMC_SRAMCR0_PS(config->portSize) | #if defined(SEMC_SRAMCR4_SYNCEN_MASK) && (SEMC_SRAMCR4_SYNCEN_MASK) SEMC_SRAMCR4_SYNCEN(config->syncMode) | #endif /* SEMC_SRAMCR4_SYNCEN_MASK */ #if defined(SEMC_SRAMCR0_WAITEN_MASK) && (SEMC_SRAMCR0_WAITEN_MASK) SEMC_SRAMCR0_WAITEN(config->waitEnable) | #endif /* SEMC_SRAMCR0_WAITEN_MASK */ #if defined(SEMC_SRAMCR0_WAITSP_MASK) && (SEMC_SRAMCR0_WAITSP_MASK) SEMC_SRAMCR0_WAITSP(config->waitSample) | #endif /* SEMC_SRAMCR0_WAITSP_MASK */ SEMC_SRAMCR0_BL(config->burstLen) | SEMC_SRAMCR0_AM(config->addrMode) | SEMC_SRAMCR0_ADVP(config->advActivePolarity) | #if defined(SEMC_SRAMCR4_ADVH_MASK) && (SEMC_SRAMCR4_ADVH_MASK) SEMC_SRAMCR4_ADVH(config->advLevelCtrl) | #endif /* SEMC_SRAMCR4_ADVH_MASK */ SEMC_SRAMCR0_COL_MASK; } else #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT */ { tempCtrlVal = SEMC_SRAMCR0_PS(config->portSize) | #if defined(SEMC_SRAMCR4_SYNCEN_MASK) && (SEMC_SRAMCR4_SYNCEN_MASK) SEMC_SRAMCR4_SYNCEN(config->syncMode) | #endif /* SEMC_SRAMCR4_SYNCEN_MASK */ SEMC_SRAMCR0_BL(config->burstLen) | SEMC_SRAMCR0_AM(config->addrMode) | SEMC_SRAMCR0_ADVP(config->advActivePolarity) | #if defined(SEMC_SRAMCR4_ADVH_MASK) && (SEMC_SRAMCR4_ADVH_MASK) SEMC_SRAMCR4_ADVH(config->advLevelCtrl) | #endif /* SEMC_SRAMCR4_ADVH_MASK */ SEMC_SRAMCR0_COL_MASK; } base->SRAMCR0 = tempCtrlVal; } #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT > 0x01U) /* PSRAM1~PSRAM3 SRAMCRx timing setting. */ else { /* Ready/wait(WAITEN and WAITSP) feature is only for async mode. */ if (kSEMC_AsyncMode == config->syncMode) { tempCtrlVal = SEMC_SRAMCR4_PS(config->portSize) | SEMC_SRAMCR4_SYNCEN(config->syncMode) | SEMC_SRAMCR4_WAITEN(config->waitEnable) | SEMC_SRAMCR4_WAITSP(config->waitSample) | SEMC_SRAMCR4_BL(config->burstLen) | SEMC_SRAMCR4_AM(config->addrMode) | SEMC_SRAMCR4_ADVP(config->advActivePolarity) | SEMC_SRAMCR4_ADVH(config->advLevelCtrl) | SEMC_SRAMCR4_COL_MASK; } else { tempCtrlVal = SEMC_SRAMCR4_PS(config->portSize) | SEMC_SRAMCR4_SYNCEN(config->syncMode) | SEMC_SRAMCR4_BL(config->burstLen) | SEMC_SRAMCR4_AM(config->addrMode) | SEMC_SRAMCR4_ADVP(config->advActivePolarity) | SEMC_SRAMCR4_ADVH(config->advLevelCtrl) | SEMC_SRAMCR4_COL_MASK; } base->SRAMCR4 = tempCtrlVal; } #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT */ #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_DELAY_CHAIN_CONTROL) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_DELAY_CHAIN_CONTROL) uint32_t tempDelayChain = base->DCCR; /* Configure delay chain. */ switch (cs) { case kSEMC_SRAM_CS0: tempDelayChain &= ~(SEMC_DCCR_SRAM0VAL_MASK | SEMC_DCCR_SRAM0EN_MASK); base->DCCR = tempDelayChain | SEMC_DCCR_SRAM0VAL((uint32_t)config->delayChain - 0x01U) | SEMC_DCCR_SRAM0EN_MASK; break; #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT > 0x01U) case kSEMC_SRAM_CS1: SUPPRESS_FALL_THROUGH_WARNING(); case kSEMC_SRAM_CS2: SUPPRESS_FALL_THROUGH_WARNING(); case kSEMC_SRAM_CS3: tempDelayChain &= ~(SEMC_DCCR_SRAMXVAL_MASK | SEMC_DCCR_SRAMXEN_MASK); base->DCCR = tempDelayChain | SEMC_DCCR_SRAMXVAL((uint32_t)config->delayChain - 0x01U) | SEMC_DCCR_SRAMXEN_MASK; break; #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT */ default: assert(NULL); break; } #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_DELAY_CHAIN_CONTROL */ if (kSEMC_SRAM_CS0 == cs) { timing = SEMC_SRAMCR1_CES(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tCeSetup_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR1_CEH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tCeHold_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR1_AS(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tAddrSetup_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR1_AH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tAddrHold_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR1_WEL(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWeLow_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR1_WEH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWeHigh_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR1_REL(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tReLow_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR1_REH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tReHigh_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); /* SRAMCR1 timing setting. */ base->SRAMCR1 = timing; timing = SEMC_SRAMCR2_WDS(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWriteSetup_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR2_WDH((uint32_t)SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWriteHold_Ns, clkSrc_Hz) + 1UL); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR2_TA(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tTurnAround_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR2_AWDH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tAddr2WriteHold_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR2_LC(config->latencyCount) | SEMC_SRAMCR2_RD((uint32_t)config->readCycle - 1UL); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR2_CEITV(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tCeInterval_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_SRAM_RDH_TIME) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_SRAM_RDH_TIME) timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR2_RDH((uint32_t)SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->readHoldTime_Ns, clkSrc_Hz) + 0x01U); #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_SRAM_RDH_TIME */ /* SRAMCR2 timing setting. */ base->SRAMCR2 = timing; } #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT > 0x01U) else { timing = SEMC_SRAMCR5_CES(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tCeSetup_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR5_CEH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tCeHold_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR5_AS(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tAddrSetup_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR5_AH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tAddrHold_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR5_WEL(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWeLow_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR5_WEH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWeHigh_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR5_REL(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tReLow_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR5_REH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tReHigh_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); /* SRAMCR5 timing setting. */ base->SRAMCR5 = timing; timing = SEMC_SRAMCR6_WDS(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWriteSetup_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR6_WDH((uint32_t)SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWriteHold_Ns, clkSrc_Hz) + 1UL); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR6_TA(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tTurnAround_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR6_AWDH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tAddr2WriteHold_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR6_LC(config->latencyCount) | SEMC_SRAMCR2_RD((uint32_t)config->readCycle - 1UL); timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR6_CEITV(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tCeInterval_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_SRAM_RDH_TIME) && (FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_SRAM_RDH_TIME) timing |= SEMC_SRAMCR6_RDH((uint32_t)SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->readHoldTime_Ns, clkSrc_Hz) + 0x01U); #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_HAS_SRAM_RDH_TIME */ /* SRAMCR6 timing setting. */ base->SRAMCR6 = timing; } #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_SEMC_SUPPORT_SRAM_COUNT */ return result; } /*! * brief Configures DBI controller in SEMC. * * param base SEMC peripheral base address. * param config The dbi configuration. * param clkSrc_Hz The SEMC clock frequency. */ status_t SEMC_ConfigureDBI(SEMC_Type *base, semc_dbi_config_t *config, uint32_t clkSrc_Hz) { assert(config != NULL); uint8_t memsize; status_t result; uint32_t timing; if ((config->address < SEMC_STARTADDRESS) || (config->address > SEMC_ENDADDRESS)) { return kStatus_SEMC_InvalidBaseAddress; } uint32_t iocReg = base->IOCR & (~(SEMC_IOCR_PINMUXBITWIDTH << (uint32_t)config->csxPinMux)); uint32_t muxCsx = (config->csxPinMux == kSEMC_MUXRDY) ? (SEMC_IOCR_DBI_CSX - 1U) : ((config->csxPinMux == kSEMC_MUXA8) ? SEMC_IOCR_DBI_CSX_A8 : SEMC_IOCR_DBI_CSX); /* IOMUX setting. */ base->IOCR = iocReg | (muxCsx << (uint32_t)config->csxPinMux); /* Base control. */ result = SEMC_CovertMemorySize(base, config->memsize_kbytes, &memsize); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } base->BR[7] = (config->address & SEMC_BR_BA_MASK) | SEMC_BR_MS(memsize) | SEMC_BR_VLD_MASK; /* DBICR0 timing setting. */ base->DBICR0 = SEMC_DBICR0_PS(config->portSize) | SEMC_DBICR0_BL(config->burstLen) | SEMC_DBICR0_COL(config->columnAddrBitNum); timing = SEMC_DBICR1_CES(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tCsxSetup_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_DBICR1_CEH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tCsxHold_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_DBICR1_WEL(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWexLow_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_DBICR1_WEH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tWexHigh_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_DBICR1_REL(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tRdxLow_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_DBICR1_REH(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tRdxHigh_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); timing |= SEMC_DBICR1_CEITV(SEMC_ConvertTiming(config->tCsxInterval_Ns, clkSrc_Hz)); /* DBICR1 timing setting. */ base->DBICR1 = timing; return SEMC_ConfigureIPCommand(base, ((uint8_t)config->portSize + 1U)); } /*! * brief SEMC IP command access. * * param base SEMC peripheral base address. * param type SEMC memory type. refer to "semc_mem_type_t" * param address SEMC device address. * param command SEMC IP command. * For NAND device, we should use the SEMC_BuildNandIPCommand to get the right nand command. * For NOR/DBI device, take refer to "semc_ipcmd_nor_dbi_t". * For SRAM device, take refer to "semc_ipcmd_sram_t". * For SDRAM device, take refer to "semc_ipcmd_sdram_t". * param write Data for write access. * param read Data pointer for read data out. */ status_t SEMC_SendIPCommand( SEMC_Type *base, semc_mem_type_t type, uint32_t address, uint32_t command, uint32_t write, uint32_t *read) { uint32_t cmdMode; bool readCmd = false; bool writeCmd = false; status_t result; /* Clear status bit */ base->INTR |= SEMC_INTR_IPCMDDONE_MASK; /* Set address. */ base->IPCR0 = address; /* Check command mode. */ cmdMode = (uint32_t)command & 0x0FU; switch (type) { case kSEMC_MemType_NAND: readCmd = (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_NANDCM_CommandAddressRead) || (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_NANDCM_CommandRead) || (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_NANDCM_Read); writeCmd = (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_NANDCM_CommandAddressWrite) || (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_NANDCM_CommandWrite) || (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_NANDCM_Write); break; case kSEMC_MemType_NOR: case kSEMC_MemType_8080: readCmd = (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_NORDBICM_Read); writeCmd = (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_NORDBICM_Write); break; case kSEMC_MemType_SRAM: readCmd = (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_SRAMCM_ArrayRead) || (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_SRAMCM_RegRead); writeCmd = (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_SRAMCM_ArrayWrite) || (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_SRAMCM_RegWrite); break; case kSEMC_MemType_SDRAM: readCmd = (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_SDRAMCM_Read); writeCmd = (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_SDRAMCM_Write) || (cmdMode == (uint32_t)kSEMC_SDRAMCM_Modeset); break; default: assert(false); break; } if (writeCmd) { /* Set data. */ base->IPTXDAT = write; } /* Set command code. */ base->IPCMD = command | SEMC_IPCMD_KEY(SEMC_IPCOMMANDMAGICKEY); /* Wait for command done. */ result = SEMC_IsIPCommandDone(base); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } if (readCmd) { /* Get the read data */ *read = base->IPRXDAT; } return kStatus_Success; } /*! * brief SEMC NAND device memory write through IP command. * * param base SEMC peripheral base address. * param address SEMC NAND device address. * param data Data for write access. * param size_bytes Data length. */ status_t SEMC_IPCommandNandWrite(SEMC_Type *base, uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size_bytes) { assert(data != NULL); status_t result = kStatus_Success; uint16_t ipCmd; uint32_t tempData = 0; /* Write command built */ ipCmd = SEMC_BuildNandIPCommand(0, kSEMC_NANDAM_ColumnRow, kSEMC_NANDCM_Write); while (size_bytes >= SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX) { /* Configure IP command data size. */ (void)SEMC_ConfigureIPCommand(base, SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX); result = SEMC_SendIPCommand(base, kSEMC_MemType_NAND, address, ipCmd, *(uint32_t *)(void *)data, NULL); if (result != kStatus_Success) { break; } data += SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX; size_bytes -= SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX; } if ((result == kStatus_Success) && (size_bytes != 0x00U)) { (void)SEMC_ConfigureIPCommand(base, (uint8_t)size_bytes); while (size_bytes != 0x00U) { size_bytes--; tempData <<= SEMC_BYTE_NUMBIT; tempData |= data[size_bytes]; } result = SEMC_SendIPCommand(base, kSEMC_MemType_NAND, address, ipCmd, tempData, NULL); } return result; } /*! * brief SEMC NAND device memory read through IP command. * * param base SEMC peripheral base address. * param address SEMC NAND device address. * param data Data pointer for data read out. * param size_bytes Data length. */ status_t SEMC_IPCommandNandRead(SEMC_Type *base, uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size_bytes) { assert(data != NULL); status_t result = kStatus_Success; uint16_t ipCmd; uint32_t tempData = 0; /* Configure IP command data size. */ (void)SEMC_ConfigureIPCommand(base, SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX); /* Read command built */ ipCmd = SEMC_BuildNandIPCommand(0, kSEMC_NANDAM_ColumnRow, kSEMC_NANDCM_Read); while (size_bytes >= SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX) { result = SEMC_SendIPCommand(base, kSEMC_MemType_NAND, address, ipCmd, 0, (uint32_t *)(void *)data); if (result != kStatus_Success) { break; } data += SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX; size_bytes -= SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX; } if ((result == kStatus_Success) && (size_bytes != 0x00U)) { (void)SEMC_ConfigureIPCommand(base, (uint8_t)size_bytes); result = SEMC_SendIPCommand(base, kSEMC_MemType_NAND, address, ipCmd, 0, &tempData); while (size_bytes != 0x00U) { size_bytes--; *(data + size_bytes) = (uint8_t)((tempData >> (SEMC_BYTE_NUMBIT * size_bytes)) & 0xFFU); } } return result; } /*! * brief SEMC NOR device memory read through IP command. * * param base SEMC peripheral base address. * param address SEMC NOR device address. * param data Data pointer for data read out. * param size_bytes Data length. */ status_t SEMC_IPCommandNorRead(SEMC_Type *base, uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size_bytes) { assert(data != NULL); uint32_t tempData = 0; status_t result = kStatus_Success; uint8_t dataSize = (uint8_t)base->NORCR0 & SEMC_NORCR0_PS_MASK; /* Configure IP command data size. */ (void)SEMC_ConfigureIPCommand(base, SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX); while (size_bytes >= SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX) { result = SEMC_SendIPCommand(base, kSEMC_MemType_NOR, address, (uint32_t)kSEMC_NORDBICM_Read, 0, (uint32_t *)(void *)data); if (result != kStatus_Success) { break; } data += SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX; size_bytes -= SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX; } if ((result == kStatus_Success) && (size_bytes != 0x00U)) { (void)SEMC_ConfigureIPCommand(base, (uint8_t)size_bytes); result = SEMC_SendIPCommand(base, kSEMC_MemType_NOR, address, (uint16_t)kSEMC_NORDBICM_Read, 0, &tempData); while (size_bytes != 0x00U) { size_bytes--; *(data + size_bytes) = (uint8_t)((tempData >> (SEMC_BYTE_NUMBIT * size_bytes)) & 0xFFU); } } (void)SEMC_ConfigureIPCommand(base, dataSize); return result; } /*! * brief SEMC NOR device memory write through IP command. * * param base SEMC peripheral base address. * param address SEMC NOR device address. * param data Data for write access. * param size_bytes Data length. */ status_t SEMC_IPCommandNorWrite(SEMC_Type *base, uint32_t address, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size_bytes) { assert(data != NULL); uint32_t tempData = 0; status_t result = kStatus_Success; uint8_t dataSize = (uint8_t)base->NORCR0 & SEMC_NORCR0_PS_MASK; /* Write command built */ while (size_bytes >= SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX) { /* Configure IP command data size. */ (void)SEMC_ConfigureIPCommand(base, SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX); result = SEMC_SendIPCommand(base, kSEMC_MemType_NOR, address, (uint16_t)kSEMC_NORDBICM_Write, *(uint32_t *)(void *)data, NULL); if (result != kStatus_Success) { break; } size_bytes -= SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX; data += SEMC_IPCOMMANDDATASIZEBYTEMAX; } if ((result == kStatus_Success) && (size_bytes != 0x00U)) { (void)SEMC_ConfigureIPCommand(base, (uint8_t)size_bytes); while (size_bytes != 0x00U) { tempData |= ((uint32_t) * (data + size_bytes - 1U) << ((size_bytes - 1U) * SEMC_BYTE_NUMBIT)); size_bytes--; } result = SEMC_SendIPCommand(base, kSEMC_MemType_NOR, address, (uint16_t)kSEMC_NORDBICM_Write, tempData, NULL); } (void)SEMC_ConfigureIPCommand(base, dataSize); return result; }