/* * Copyright 2020 NXP * All rights reserved. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ #include "fsl_phyksz8081.h" /******************************************************************************* * Definitions ******************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Defines the PHY KSZ8081 vendor defined registers. */ #define PHY_CONTROL1_REG 0x1EU /*!< The PHY control one register. */ #define PHY_CONTROL2_REG 0x1FU /*!< The PHY control two register. */ /*! @brief Defines the PHY KSZ8081 ID number. */ #define PHY_CONTROL_ID1 0x22U /*!< The PHY ID1 */ /*! @brief Defines the mask flag of operation mode in control registers */ #define PHY_CTL2_REMOTELOOP_MASK 0x0004U /*!< The PHY remote loopback mask. */ #define PHY_CTL2_REFCLK_SELECT_MASK 0x0080U /*!< The PHY RMII reference clock select. */ #define PHY_CTL1_10HALFDUPLEX_MASK 0x0001U /*!< The PHY 10M half duplex mask. */ #define PHY_CTL1_100HALFDUPLEX_MASK 0x0002U /*!< The PHY 100M half duplex mask. */ #define PHY_CTL1_10FULLDUPLEX_MASK 0x0005U /*!< The PHY 10M full duplex mask. */ #define PHY_CTL1_100FULLDUPLEX_MASK 0x0006U /*!< The PHY 100M full duplex mask. */ #define PHY_CTL1_SPEEDUPLX_MASK 0x0007U /*!< The PHY speed and duplex mask. */ #define PHY_CTL1_ENERGYDETECT_MASK 0x10U /*!< The PHY signal present on rx differential pair. */ #define PHY_CTL1_LINKUP_MASK 0x100U /*!< The PHY link up. */ #define PHY_LINK_READY_MASK (PHY_CTL1_ENERGYDETECT_MASK | PHY_CTL1_LINKUP_MASK) /*! @brief Defines the timeout macro. */ #define PHY_READID_TIMEOUT_COUNT 1000U /******************************************************************************* * Prototypes ******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* * Variables ******************************************************************************/ const phy_operations_t phyksz8081_ops = {.phyInit = PHY_KSZ8081_Init, .phyWrite = PHY_KSZ8081_Write, .phyRead = PHY_KSZ8081_Read, .getAutoNegoStatus = PHY_KSZ8081_GetAutoNegotiationStatus, .getLinkStatus = PHY_KSZ8081_GetLinkStatus, .getLinkSpeedDuplex = PHY_KSZ8081_GetLinkSpeedDuplex, .setLinkSpeedDuplex = PHY_KSZ8081_SetLinkSpeedDuplex, .enableLoopback = PHY_KSZ8081_EnableLoopback}; /******************************************************************************* * Code ******************************************************************************/ status_t PHY_KSZ8081_Init(phy_handle_t *handle, const phy_config_t *config) { uint32_t counter = PHY_READID_TIMEOUT_COUNT; status_t result = kStatus_Success; uint32_t regValue = 0; /* Init MDIO interface. */ MDIO_Init(handle->mdioHandle); /* Assign phy address. */ handle->phyAddr = config->phyAddr; /* Check PHY ID. */ do { result = MDIO_Read(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_ID1_REG, ®Value); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } counter--; } while ((regValue != PHY_CONTROL_ID1) && (counter != 0U)); if (counter == 0U) { return kStatus_Fail; } /* Reset PHY. */ result = MDIO_Write(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_BASICCONTROL_REG, PHY_BCTL_RESET_MASK); if (result == kStatus_Success) { #if defined(FSL_FEATURE_PHYKSZ8081_USE_RMII50M_MODE) result = MDIO_Read(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_CONTROL2_REG, ®Value); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } result = MDIO_Write(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_CONTROL2_REG, (regValue | PHY_CTL2_REFCLK_SELECT_MASK)); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } #endif /* FSL_FEATURE_PHYKSZ8081_USE_RMII50M_MODE */ if (config->autoNeg) { /* Set the auto-negotiation then start it. */ result = MDIO_Write(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_AUTONEG_ADVERTISE_REG, (PHY_100BASETX_FULLDUPLEX_MASK | PHY_100BASETX_HALFDUPLEX_MASK | PHY_10BASETX_FULLDUPLEX_MASK | PHY_10BASETX_HALFDUPLEX_MASK | PHY_IEEE802_3_SELECTOR_MASK)); if (result == kStatus_Success) { result = MDIO_Write(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_BASICCONTROL_REG, (PHY_BCTL_AUTONEG_MASK | PHY_BCTL_RESTART_AUTONEG_MASK)); } } else { /* This PHY only supports 10/100M speed. */ assert(config->speed <= kPHY_Speed100M); /* Disable isolate mode */ result = MDIO_Read(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_BASICCONTROL_REG, ®Value); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } regValue &= ~PHY_BCTL_ISOLATE_MASK; result = MDIO_Write(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_BASICCONTROL_REG, regValue); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } /* Disable the auto-negotiation and set user-defined speed/duplex configuration. */ result = PHY_KSZ8081_SetLinkSpeedDuplex(handle, config->speed, config->duplex); } } return result; } status_t PHY_KSZ8081_Write(phy_handle_t *handle, uint32_t phyReg, uint32_t data) { return MDIO_Write(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, phyReg, data); } status_t PHY_KSZ8081_Read(phy_handle_t *handle, uint32_t phyReg, uint32_t *dataPtr) { return MDIO_Read(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, phyReg, dataPtr); } status_t PHY_KSZ8081_GetAutoNegotiationStatus(phy_handle_t *handle, bool *status) { assert(status); status_t result; uint32_t regValue; *status = false; /* Check auto negotiation complete. */ result = MDIO_Read(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_BASICSTATUS_REG, ®Value); if (result == kStatus_Success) { if ((regValue & PHY_BSTATUS_AUTONEGCOMP_MASK) != 0U) { *status = true; } } return result; } status_t PHY_KSZ8081_GetLinkStatus(phy_handle_t *handle, bool *status) { assert(status); status_t result; uint32_t regValue; /* Read the basic status register. */ result = MDIO_Read(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_BASICSTATUS_REG, ®Value); if (result == kStatus_Success) { if ((PHY_BSTATUS_LINKSTATUS_MASK & regValue) != 0U) { /* Link up. */ *status = true; } else { /* Link down. */ *status = false; } } return result; } status_t PHY_KSZ8081_GetLinkSpeedDuplex(phy_handle_t *handle, phy_speed_t *speed, phy_duplex_t *duplex) { assert(!((speed == NULL) && (duplex == NULL))); status_t result; uint32_t regValue; uint32_t flag; /* Read the control register. */ result = MDIO_Read(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_CONTROL1_REG, ®Value); if (result == kStatus_Success) { if (speed != NULL) { flag = regValue & PHY_CTL1_SPEEDUPLX_MASK; if ((PHY_CTL1_100HALFDUPLEX_MASK == flag) || (PHY_CTL1_100FULLDUPLEX_MASK == flag)) { *speed = kPHY_Speed100M; } else { *speed = kPHY_Speed10M; } } if (duplex != NULL) { flag = regValue & PHY_CTL1_SPEEDUPLX_MASK; if ((PHY_CTL1_10FULLDUPLEX_MASK == flag) || (PHY_CTL1_100FULLDUPLEX_MASK == flag)) { *duplex = kPHY_FullDuplex; } else { *duplex = kPHY_HalfDuplex; } } } return result; } status_t PHY_KSZ8081_SetLinkSpeedDuplex(phy_handle_t *handle, phy_speed_t speed, phy_duplex_t duplex) { /* This PHY only supports 10/100M speed. */ assert(speed <= kPHY_Speed100M); status_t result; uint32_t regValue; result = MDIO_Read(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_BASICCONTROL_REG, ®Value); if (result == kStatus_Success) { /* Disable the auto-negotiation and set according to user-defined configuration. */ regValue &= ~PHY_BCTL_AUTONEG_MASK; if (speed == kPHY_Speed100M) { regValue |= PHY_BCTL_SPEED0_MASK; } else { regValue &= ~PHY_BCTL_SPEED0_MASK; } if (duplex == kPHY_FullDuplex) { regValue |= PHY_BCTL_DUPLEX_MASK; } else { regValue &= ~PHY_BCTL_DUPLEX_MASK; } result = MDIO_Write(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_BASICCONTROL_REG, regValue); } return result; } status_t PHY_KSZ8081_EnableLoopback(phy_handle_t *handle, phy_loop_t mode, phy_speed_t speed, bool enable) { /* This PHY only supports local/remote loopback and 10/100M speed. */ assert(mode <= kPHY_RemoteLoop); assert(speed <= kPHY_Speed100M); status_t result; uint32_t regValue; /* Set the loop mode. */ if (enable) { if (mode == kPHY_LocalLoop) { if (speed == kPHY_Speed100M) { regValue = PHY_BCTL_SPEED0_MASK | PHY_BCTL_DUPLEX_MASK | PHY_BCTL_LOOP_MASK; } else { regValue = PHY_BCTL_DUPLEX_MASK | PHY_BCTL_LOOP_MASK; } return MDIO_Write(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_BASICCONTROL_REG, regValue); } else { /* Remote loopback only supports 100M full-duplex. */ assert(speed == kPHY_Speed100M); regValue = PHY_BCTL_SPEED0_MASK | PHY_BCTL_DUPLEX_MASK | PHY_BCTL_LOOP_MASK; result = MDIO_Write(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_BASICCONTROL_REG, regValue); if (result != kStatus_Success) { return result; } /* Set the remote loopback bit. */ result = MDIO_Read(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_CONTROL2_REG, ®Value); if (result == kStatus_Success) { return MDIO_Write(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_CONTROL2_REG, (regValue | PHY_CTL2_REMOTELOOP_MASK)); } } } else { /* Disable the loop mode. */ if (mode == kPHY_LocalLoop) { /* First read the current status in control register. */ result = MDIO_Read(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_BASICCONTROL_REG, ®Value); if (result == kStatus_Success) { regValue &= ~PHY_BCTL_LOOP_MASK; return MDIO_Write(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_BASICCONTROL_REG, (regValue | PHY_BCTL_RESTART_AUTONEG_MASK)); } } else { /* First read the current status in control one register. */ result = MDIO_Read(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_CONTROL2_REG, ®Value); if (result == kStatus_Success) { return MDIO_Write(handle->mdioHandle, handle->phyAddr, PHY_CONTROL2_REG, (regValue & ~PHY_CTL2_REMOTELOOP_MASK)); } } } return result; }