Michael Coracin 4c61c5d48e v1.0.0
* Initial release for SX1302 CoreCell Reference Design.
2019-07-12 15:40:13 +02:00
inc v1.0.0 2019-07-12 15:40:13 +02:00
src v1.0.0 2019-07-12 15:40:13 +02:00
tst v1.0.0 2019-07-12 15:40:13 +02:00
library.cfg v1.0.0 2019-07-12 15:40:13 +02:00
Makefile v1.0.0 2019-07-12 15:40:13 +02:00 v1.0.0 2019-07-12 15:40:13 +02:00

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  (C)2019 Semtech

LoRa concentrator HAL user manual

1. Introduction

The LoRa concentrator Hardware Abstraction Layer is a C library that allow you to use a Semtech concentrator chip through a reduced number of high level C functions to configure the hardware, send and receive packets.

The Semtech LoRa concentrator is a digital multi-channel multi-standard packet radio used to send and receive packets wirelessly using LoRa or FSK modulations.

2. Components of the library

The library is composed of the following modules:

  • loragw_hal
  • loragw_reg
  • loragw_spi
  • loragw_i2c
  • loragw_aux
  • loragw_gps
  • loragw_sx125x
  • loragw_sx1250
  • loragw_sx1302
  • loragw_sx1302_rx
  • loragw_sx1302_timestamp
  • loragw_stts751

The library also contains basic test programs to demonstrate code use and check functionality.

2.1. loragw_hal

This is the main module and contains the high level functions to configure and use the LoRa concentrator:

  • lgw_board_setconf, to set the configuration of the concentrator
  • lgw_rxrf_setconf, to set the configuration of the radio channels
  • lgw_rxif_setconf, to set the configuration of the IF+modem channels
  • lgw_txgain_setconf, to set the configuration of the concentrator gain table
  • lgw_start, to apply the set configuration to the hardware and start it
  • lgw_stop, to stop the hardware
  • lgw_receive, to fetch packets if any was received
  • lgw_send, to send a single packet (non-blocking, see warning in usage section)
  • lgw_status, to check when a packet has effectively been sent

For an standard application, include only this module. The use of this module is detailed on the usage section.

/!\ When sending a packet, there is a delay (approx 1.5ms) for the analog circuitry to start and be stable. This delay is adjusted by the HAL depending on the board version (lgw_i_tx_start_delay_us).

In 'timestamp' mode, this is transparent: the modem is started lgw_i_tx_start_delay_us microseconds before the user-set timestamp value is reached, the preamble of the packet start right when the internal timestamp counter reach target value.

In 'immediate' mode, the packet is emitted as soon as possible: transferring the packet (and its parameters) from the host to the concentrator takes some time, then there is the lgw_i_tx_start_delay_us, then the packet is emitted.

In 'triggered' mode (aka PPS/GPS mode), the packet, typically a beacon, is emitted lgw_i_tx_start_delay_us microsenconds after a rising edge of the trigger signal. Because there is no way to anticipate the triggering event and start the analog circuitry beforehand, that delay must be taken into account in the protocol.

2.2. loragw_reg

This module is used to access to the LoRa concentrator registers by name instead of by address:

  • lgw_connect, to initialise and check the connection with the hardware
  • lgw_disconnect, to disconnect the hardware
  • lgw_reg_r, read a named register
  • lgw_reg_w, write a named register
  • lgw_reg_rb, read a name register in burst
  • lgw_reg_wb, write a named register in burst

This module handles read-only registers protection, multi-byte registers management, signed registers management, read-modify-write routines for sub-byte registers and read/write burst fragmentation to respect SPI maximum burst length constraints.

It make the code much easier to read and to debug. Moreover, if registers are relocated between different hardware revisions but keep the same function, the code written using register names can be reused "as is".

If you need access to all the registers, include this module in your application.

/!\ Warning please be sure to have a good understanding of the LoRa concentrator inner working before accessing the internal registers directly.

2.3. loragw_spi

This module contains the functions to access the LoRa concentrator register array through the SPI interface:

  • lgw_spi_r to read one byte
  • lgw_spi_w to write one byte
  • lgw_spi_rb to read two bytes or more
  • lgw_spi_wb to write two bytes or more

Please do not include that module directly into your application.

/!\ Warning Accessing the LoRa concentrator register array without the checks and safety provided by the functions in loragw_reg is not recommended.

2.4. loragw_aux

This module contains a single host-dependant function wait_ms to pause for a defined amount of milliseconds.

The procedure to start and configure the LoRa concentrator hardware contained in the loragw_hal module requires to wait for several milliseconds at certain steps, typically to allow for supply voltages or clocks to stabilize after been switched on.

An accuracy of 1 ms or less is ideal. If your system does not allow that level of accuracy, make sure that the actual delay is longer that the time specified when the function is called (ie. wait_ms(X) MUST NOT before X milliseconds under any circumstance).

If the minimum delays are not guaranteed during the configuration and start procedure, the hardware might not work at nominal performance. Most likely, it will not work at all.

2.5. loragw_gps

This module contains functions to synchronize the concentrator internal counter with an absolute time reference, in our case a GPS satellite receiver.

The internal concentrator counter is used to timestamp incoming packets and to triggers outgoing packets with a microsecond accuracy. In some cases, it might be useful to be able to transform that internal timestamp (that is independent for each concentrator running in a typical networked system) into an absolute GPS time.

In a typical implementation a GPS specific thread will be called, doing the following things after opening the serial port:

  • blocking reads on the serial port (using system read() function)
  • parse UBX messages (using lgw_parse_ubx) to get actual native GPS time
  • parse NMEA sentences (using lgw_parse_nmea) to get location and UTC time Note: the RMC sentence gives UTC time, not native GPS time.

And each time an NAV-TIMEGPS UBX message has been received:

  • get the concentrator timestamp (using lgw_get_trigcnt, mutex needed to protect access to the concentrator)
  • get the GPS time contained in the UBX message (using lgw_gps_get)
  • call the lgw_gps_sync function (use mutex to protect the time reference that should be a global shared variable).

Then, in other threads, you can simply used that continuously adjusted time reference to convert internal timestamps to GPS time (using lgw_cnt2gps) or the other way around (using lgw_gps2cnt). Inernal concentrator timestamp can also be converted to/from UTC time using lgw_cnt2utc/lgw_utc2cnt functions.

2.6. loragw_sx125x

This module contains functions to handle the configuration of SX1255 and SX1257 radios.

2.7. loragw_sx1250

This module contains functions to handle the configuration of SX1250 radios.

2.8. loragw_sx1302

This module contains functions to abstract SX1302 concentrator capabilities.

2.9. loragw_sx1302_rx

This module is a sub-module of the loragw_sx1302 module focusing on abstracting the RX buffer of the SX1302.

2.10. loragw_sx1302_timestamp

This module is a sub-module of the loragw_sx1302 module focusing on abstracting the timestamp counter of the SX1302. It converts the 32-bits 32MHz internal counter of the SX1302 to a 32-bits 1MHz counter. This module needs to be called regularly by upper layers to maintain counter wrapping when converting from 32MHz to 1MHz. It also provides function to add correction to the timestamp counter to take into account the LoRa demodulation processing time.

2.11. loragw_stts751

This module contains a very basic driver for the STmicroelectronics ST751 temeprature sensor which is on the CoreCell reference design.

2.12. loragw_i2c

This module provides basic function to communicate with I2C devices on the board. It is used in this project for accessing the temperature sensor.

3. Software build process

3.1. Details of the software

The library is written following ANSI C conventions but using C99 explicit length data type for all data exchanges with hardware and for parameters.

The loragw_aux module contains POSIX dependant functions for millisecond accuracy pause. For embedded platforms, the function could be rewritten using hardware timers.

3.2. Building options

All modules use a fprintf(stderr,...) function to display debug diagnostic messages if the DEBUG_xxx is set to 1 in library.cfg

3.3. Building procedures

For cross-compilation set the ARCH and CROSS_COMPILE variables in the Makefile, or in your shell environment, with the correct toolchain name and path. ex: export PATH=/home/foo/rpi-toolchain/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64/bin:$PATH export ARCH=arm export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-

The Makefile in the libloragw directory will parse the library.cfg file and generate a config.h C header file containing #define options. Those options enables and disables sections of code in the loragw_xxx.h files and the *.c source files.

The library.cfg is also used directly to select the proper set of dynamic libraries to be linked with.

3.4. Export

Once build, to use that library on another system, you need to export the following files :

  • libloragw/library.cfg -> root configuration file
  • libloragw/libloragw.a -> static library, to be linked with a program
  • libloragw/ -> required for license compliance
  • libloragw/inc/config.h -> C configuration flags, derived from library.cfg
  • libloragw/inc/loragw_*.h -> take only the ones you need (eg. _hal and _gps)

After statically linking the library to your application, only the license is required to be kept or copied inside your program documentation.

4. Hardware dependencies

4.1. Hardware revision

The loragw_reg and loragw_hal are written for a specific version on the Semtech hardware (IP and/or silicon revision).

This code has been written for:

  • Semtech SX1302 chip
  • Semtech SX1250, SX1257 or SX1255 I/Q transceivers

The library will not work if there is a mismatch between the hardware version and the library version. You can use the test program test_loragw_reg to check if the hardware registers match their software declaration.

4.2. SPI communication

loragw_spi contains 4 SPI functions (read, write, burst read, burst write) that are platform-dependant. The functions must be rewritten depending on the SPI bridge you use:

  • SPI master matched to the Linux SPI device driver (provided)
  • SPI over USB using FTDI components (not provided)
  • native SPI using a microcontroller peripheral (not provided)

You can use the test program test_loragw_spi to check with a logic analyser that the SPI communication is working

4.3. GPS receiver (or other GNSS system)

To use the GPS module of the library, the host must be connected to a GPS receiver via a serial link (or an equivalent receiver using a different satellite constellation). The serial link must appear as a "tty" device in the /dev/ directory, and the user launching the program must have the proper system rights to read and write on that device. Use chmod a+rw to allow all users to access that specific tty device, or use sudo to run all your programs (eg. sudo ./test_loragw_gps).

In the current revision, the library only reads data from the serial port, expecting to receive NMEA frames that are generally sent by GPS receivers as soon as they are powered up, and UBX messages which are proprietary to u-blox modules.

The GPS receiver MUST send UBX messages shortly after sending a PPS pulse on to allow internal concentrator timestamps to be converted to absolute GPS time. If the GPS receiver sends a GGA NMEA sentence, the gateway 3D position will also be available.

5. Usage

5.1. Setting the software environment

For a typical application you need to:

  • include loragw_hal.h in your program source
  • link to the libloragw.a static library during compilation
  • link to the librt library due to loragw_aux dependencies (timing functions)

For an application that will also access the concentrator configuration registers directly (eg. for advanced configuration) you also need to:

  • include loragw_reg.h in your program source

5.2. Using the software API

To use the HAL in your application, you must follow some basic rules:

  • configure the radios path and IF+modem path before starting the radio
  • the configuration is only transferred to hardware when you call the start function
  • you cannot receive packets until one (or +) radio is enabled AND one (or +) IF+modem part is enabled AND the concentrator is started
  • you cannot send packets until one (or +) radio is enabled AND the concentrator is started
  • you must stop the concentrator before changing the configuration

A typical application flow for using the HAL is the following:

<configure the radios and IF+modems>
<start the LoRa concentrator>
loop {
	<fetch packets that were received by the concentrator>
	<process, store and/or forward received packets>
	<send packets through the concentrator>
<stop the concentrator>

/!\ Warning The lgw_send function is non-blocking and returns while the LoRa concentrator is still sending the packet, or even before the packet has started to be transmitted if the packet is triggered on a future event. While a packet is emitted, no packet can be received (limitation intrinsic to most radio frequency systems).

Your application must take into account the time it takes to send a packet or check the status (using lgw_status) before attempting to send another packet.

Trying to send a packet while the previous packet has not finished being send will result in the previous packet not being sent or being sent only partially (resulting in a CRC error in the receiver).

5.3. Debugging mode

To debug your application, it might help to compile the loragw_hal function with the debug messages activated (set DEBUG_HAL=1 in library.cfg). It then send a lot of details, including detailed error messages to stderr.

6. License

Copyright (c) 2019, SEMTECH S.A. All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  • Neither the name of the Semtech corporation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.