#include #include #include #include #include "drivers/user_config_driver.h" #include "impl/user_mqtt_impl.h" #include "user_common.h" #include "utils/user_log_util.h" #define USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "agent.libraries.mqtt." // TODO: Add callbacks here as static functions. extern user_config_t g_config; /** * @brief Mosquitto connect callback function. * * @param mosq mosquitto object pointer * @param obj user pointer passed to mosquitto_new() * @param rc connect return value, see section of * http://docs.oasis-open.org/mqtt/mqtt/v3.1.1/mqtt-v3.1.1.html */ static void user_moqtt_impl_cb_on_connect(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *obj, int rc) { UNUSED(mosq); switch(rc) { case 0: USER_LOG(USER_LOG_INFO, "MQTT connection accepted."); break; case 1: USER_LOG(USER_LOG_WARN, "MQTT connection refused, unacceptable protocol version."); break; case 2: USER_LOG(USER_LOG_WARN, "MQTT connection refused, identifier rejected."); break; case 3: USER_LOG(USER_LOG_WARN, "MQTT connection refused, server unavailable."); break; case 4: USER_LOG(USER_LOG_WARN, "MQTT connection refused, bad username or password."); break; case 5: USER_LOG(USER_LOG_WARN, "MQTT connection refused, not authorized."); break; default: USER_LOG(USER_LOG_WARN, "MQTT connection callback: unknown rc (%d).", rc); break; } if(rc == 0) { user_mqtt_impl_t *handle = obj; handle->ready = true; // If we are about to subscribe some topics, do it here. } } /** * @brief Mosquitto disconnect event callback function, * used to determine whether this disconnect is expected or not. * * @param mosq mosquitto object pointer * @param obj user pointer passed to mosquitto_new() * @param rc disconnect reason, 0 is expected. */ static void user_mqtt_impl_cb_on_disconnect(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *obj, int rc) { UNUSED(mosq); UNUSED(obj); if(rc != 0) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_WARN, "MQTT received unexpected disconnect event (%d).", rc); } else { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_INFO, "Disconnected successfully from MQTT broker."); } } /** * @brief Mosquitto logging callback function. * * @param mosq mosquitto object pointer * @param obj user pointer passed to mosquitto_new() * @param level log level * @param str log message */ static void user_mqtt_impl_cb_log(struct mosquitto *mosq, void *obj, int level, const char *str) { UNUSED(mosq); UNUSED(obj); user_log_level_t log_level; switch(level) { case MOSQ_LOG_DEBUG: log_level = USER_LOG_DEBUG; break; case MOSQ_LOG_INFO: case MOSQ_LOG_NOTICE: log_level = USER_LOG_INFO; break; case MOSQ_LOG_WARNING: log_level = USER_LOG_WARN; break; case MOSQ_LOG_ERR: log_level = USER_LOG_ERROR; break; default: log_level = USER_LOG_DEBUG; break; } USER_LOG(log_level, "mosquitto: %s", str); } /** * @brief Mosquitto config (mainly TLS related) * * @param handle user_mqtt_impl_t handle pointer * @return 0 if success, negative value if error. */ static inline int user_mqtt_impl_config(user_mqtt_impl_t *handle) { char *server_host = user_config_lookup_string(&g_config, USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "server.host"); if(!server_host) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_ERROR, "failed to lookup MQTT host string."); return -1; } int server_port = 0; if(user_config_lookup_int(&g_config, USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "server.port", &server_port) != 0) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_ERROR, "failed to lookup MQTT port."); return -1; } bool use_tls = false; if(user_config_lookup_bool(&g_config, USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "tls.enabled", &use_tls) != 0) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_ERROR, "failed to get TLS config."); return -1; } if(use_tls) { char *psk = user_config_lookup_string(&g_config, USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "tls.psk"); if(!psk || (psk[0] == '\0')) { // Use client certificate char *ca_path = user_config_lookup_string(&g_config, USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "tls.ca_path"); char *ca_file = user_config_lookup_string(&g_config, USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "tls.ca_file"); if(!ca_path || (ca_path[0] == '\0')) ca_path = NULL; if(!ca_file || (ca_file[0] == '\0')) ca_file = NULL; if(!ca_file && !ca_path) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_ERROR, "failed to set CA path or file."); return -2; } char *client_cert = user_config_lookup_string(&g_config, USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "tls.client_cert_file"); char *client_key = user_config_lookup_string(&g_config, USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "tls.client_key_file"); if(!client_cert || (client_cert[0] == '\0')) client_cert = NULL; if(!client_key || (client_key[0] == '\0')) client_key = NULL; if(client_cert == NULL && client_key != NULL) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_ERROR, "must provide both certificate and private key."); return -2; } else if(client_cert != NULL && client_key == NULL) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_ERROR, "must provide both certificate and private key."); return -2; } if(mosquitto_tls_set(handle->mosq, ca_file, ca_path, client_cert, client_key, NULL) != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) { return -2; } } else { if(mosquitto_tls_psk_set(handle->mosq, psk, "IDENTITY", NULL) != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) { return -2; } } } return 0; } /** * @brief Set mosquitto username and password, connect * to server. * * @param handle user_mqtt_impl_t handle * @return 0 if success, negative value if error. */ static inline int user_mqtt_connect(user_mqtt_impl_t *handle) { char *mqtt_user = user_config_lookup_string(&g_config, USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "client.username"); char *mqtt_pass = user_config_lookup_string(&g_config, USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "client.password"); if(mqtt_user && (mqtt_user[0] != '\0')) { if(!mqtt_pass || (mqtt_pass[0] == '\0')) mqtt_pass = NULL; mosquitto_username_pw_set(handle->mosq, mqtt_user, mqtt_pass); USER_LOG(USER_LOG_DEBUG, "set MQTT username and password."); } char *mqtt_host = user_config_lookup_string(&g_config, USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "server.host"); if(!mqtt_host) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_ERROR, "failed to get MQTT server."); return -1; } int mqtt_port = 0; if(user_config_lookup_int(&g_config, USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "server.port", &mqtt_port) != 0) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_ERROR, "failed to get MQTT port."); return -1; } int mqtt_keepalive = 0; if(user_config_lookup_int(&g_config, USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "server.keepalive", &mqtt_keepalive) != 0) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_INFO, "No MQTT keepalive defined, use default."); mqtt_keepalive = 30; } mosquitto_log_callback_set(handle->mosq, user_mqtt_impl_cb_log); mosquitto_connect_callback_set(handle->mosq, user_moqtt_impl_cb_on_connect); mosquitto_disconnect_callback_set(handle->mosq, user_mqtt_impl_cb_on_disconnect); int result = mosquitto_connect(handle->mosq, mqtt_host, mqtt_port, mqtt_keepalive); if(result != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_ERROR, "mosquitto connect() failed, result is %s.", mosquitto_strerror(result)); return -2; } return 0; } /** * @brief Init MQTT implementation * * @param handle user_mqtt_impl_t handle pointer * @return 0 if success, negative value if error. */ int user_mqtt_impl_init(user_mqtt_impl_t *handle) { int mosq_major, mosq_minor, mosq_revision; mosquitto_lib_init(); mosquitto_lib_version(&mosq_major, &mosq_minor, &mosq_revision); USER_LOG(USER_LOG_INFO, "libmosquitto library version %d.%d rev. %d.", mosq_major, mosq_minor, mosq_revision); char *topic = user_config_lookup_string(&g_config, USER_MQTT_CONFIG_COMMON "server.topic"); if(!topic || (topic[0] == '\0')) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_ERROR, "MQTT topic undefined."); return -1; } int topic_len = strlen(topic); if(topic_len > USER_MQTT_IMPL_TOPIC_MAX_LEN) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_WARN, "MQTT topic too long, cap to %d bytes.", USER_MQTT_IMPL_TOPIC_MAX_LEN); topic_len = USER_MQTT_IMPL_TOPIC_MAX_LEN; } strncpy(handle->topic, topic, topic_len); // Init mosquitto instance. handle->mosq = mosquitto_new("ID", false, handle); if(handle->mosq == NULL) { int err = errno; USER_LOG(USER_LOG_ERROR, "mosquitto client creation failed, reason: (%s).", strerror(err)); return -1; } // Enable multi-thread support. mosquitto_threaded_set(handle->mosq, true); if(user_mqtt_impl_config(handle) != 0) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_ERROR, "MQTT config failed."); return -2; } if(user_mqtt_connect(handle) != 0) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_ERROR, "MQTT connect failed."); return -3; } return 0; } /** * @brief De-initialize MQTT implementation * * @param handle user_mqtt_impl_t handle pointer * @return 0 if success, negative value if error. */ int user_mqtt_impl_deinit(user_mqtt_impl_t *handle) { mosquitto_disconnect(handle->mosq); mosquitto_destroy(handle->mosq); mosquitto_lib_cleanup(); return 0; } /** * @brief MQTT implementation main network loop, run this forever. * * @param handle user_mqtt_impl_t handle pointer * @return 0 if success, negative value if error. */ int user_mqtt_network_loop(user_mqtt_impl_t *handle) { int status = mosquitto_loop(handle->mosq, 1000, 1); if(status == MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS) { return 0; } else if(status == MOSQ_ERR_NO_CONN) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_DEBUG, "Mosquitto loop not connected"); return 0; } else { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_ERROR, "Mosquitto loop returned error: %s.", mosquitto_strerror(status)); return -1; } } mqtt_influx_ret_t user_mqtt_get_nsec_timestamp_cb(user_mqtt_impl_t *handle, char *timestamp_string) { UNUSED(handle); struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); uint64_t ts_int = ts.tv_sec * 1e9 + ts.tv_nsec; sprintf(timestamp_string, "%lu", ts_int); return MQTT_INFLUX_OK; } mqtt_influx_ret_t user_mqtt_publish_message_cb(user_mqtt_impl_t *handle, char *data) { USER_LOG(USER_LOG_DEBUG, "MQTT message: %s", data); // TODO: Exception handling required. mosquitto_publish(handle->mosq, NULL, handle->topic, strlen(data), data, 1, false); return MQTT_INFLUX_OK; } bool user_mqtt_ready_cb(user_mqtt_impl_t *handle) { return handle->ready; }