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2022-03-29 09:01:37 +00:00
# Conceptually compatible with tcllib ::struct::tree
# but uses an object based interface.
# To mimic tcllib, do:
# rename [tree] mytree
package require oo
# set pt [tree]
# Create a tree
# This automatically creates a node named "root"
# $pt destroy
# Destroy the tree and all it's nodes
# $pt set <nodename> <key> <value>
# Set the value for the given key
# $pt lappend <nodename> <key> <value> ...
# Append to the (list) value(s) for the given key, or set if not yet set
# $pt keyexists <nodename> <key>
# Returns 1 if the given key exists
# $pt get <nodename> <key>
# Returns the value associated with the given key
# $pt getall <nodename>
# Returns the entire attribute dictionary associated with the given key
# $pt depth <nodename>
# Returns the depth of the given node. The depth of "root" is 0.
# $pt parent <nodename>
# Returns the name of the parent node, or "" for the root node.
# $pt numchildren <nodename>
# Returns the number of child nodes.
# $pt children <nodename>
# Returns a list of the child nodes.
# $pt next <nodename>
# Returns the next sibling node, or "" if none.
# $pt insert <nodename> ?index?
# Add a new child node to the given node.
# THe default index is "end"
# Returns the name of the newly added node
# $pt delete <nodename>
# Delete the given node and all it's children.
# $pt walk <nodename> dfs|bfs {actionvar nodevar} <code>
# Walks the tree starting from the given node, either breadth first (bfs)
# depth first (dfs).
# The value "enter" or "exit" is stored in variable $actionvar
# The name of each node is stored in $nodevar.
# The script $code is evaluated twice for each node, on entry and exit.
# $pt dump
# Dumps the tree contents to stdout
# Internal implementation.
# The tree class has 4 instance variables.
# - tree is a dictionary. key=node, value=node value dictionary
# - parent is a dictionary. key=node, value=parent of this node
# - children is a dictionary. key=node, value=list of child nodes for this node
# - nodeid is an integer which increments to give each node a unique id
# Construct a tree with a single root node with no parent and no children
class tree {
tree {root {}}
parents {root {}}
children {root {}}
nodeid 0
# Simply walk up the tree to get the depth
tree method depth {node} {
set depth 0
while {$node ne "root"} {
incr depth
set node [dict get $parents $node]
return $depth
tree method parent {node} {
dict get $parents $node
tree method children {node} {
dict get $children $node
tree method numchildren {node} {
llength [dict get $children $node]
tree method next {node} {
# My siblings are my parents children
set siblings [dict get $children [dict get $parents $node]]
# Find me
set i [lsearch $siblings $node]
incr i
lindex $siblings $i
tree method set {node key value} {
dict set tree $node $key $value
return $value
tree method get {node key} {
dict get $tree $node $key
tree method keyexists {node key} {
dict exists $tree $node $key
tree method getall {node} {
dict get $tree $node
tree method insert {node {index end}} {
# Make a new node and add it to the tree
set childname node[incr nodeid]
dict set tree $childname {}
# The new node has no children
dict set children $childname {}
# Set the parent
dict set parents $childname $node
# And add it as a child
set nodes [dict get $children $node]
dict set children $node [linsert $nodes $index $childname]
return $childname
tree method delete {node} {
if {$node eq "root"} {
return -code error "can't delete root node"
$self walk $node dfs {action subnode} {
if {$action eq "exit"} {
# Remove the node
dict unset tree $subnode
# And remove as a child of our parent
set parent [$self parent $subnode]
if {$parent ne ""} {
set siblings [dict get $children $parent]
set i [lsearch $siblings $subnode]
dict set children $parent [lreplace $siblings $i $i]
tree method lappend {node key args} {
if {[dict exists $tree $node $key]} {
set result [dict get $tree $node $key]
lappend result {*}$args
dict set tree $node $key $result
return $result
# $tree walk node bfs|dfs {action loopvar} <code>
tree method walk {node type vars code} {
# set up vars
lassign $vars actionvar namevar
set n $node
if {$type ne "child"} {
upvar 2 $namevar name $actionvar action
# Enter this node
set name $node
set action enter
uplevel 2 $code
if {$type eq "dfs"} {
# Depth-first so do the children
foreach child [$self children $n] {
uplevel 2 [list $self walk $child $type $vars $code]
} elseif {$type ne "none"} {
# Breadth-first so do the children to one level only
foreach child [$self children $n] {
uplevel 2 [list $self walk $child none $vars $code]
# Now our grandchildren
foreach child [$self children $n] {
uplevel 2 [list $self walk $child child $vars $code]
if {$type ne "child"} {
# Exit this node
set name $node
set action exit
uplevel 2 $code
tree method dump {} {
$self walk root dfs {action n} {
set indent [string repeat " " [$self depth $n]]
if {$action eq "enter"} {
puts "$indent$n ([$self getall $n])"
puts ""