
94 lines
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# Implements 'json::encode'
# (c) 2019 Steve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>
# See LICENCE in this directory for licensing.
# Encode Tcl objects as JSON
# dict -> object
# list -> array
# numeric -> number
# string -> string
# The schema provides the type information for the value.
# str = string
# num = numeric (or null)
# bool = boolean
# obj ... = object. parameters are 'name' 'subschema' where the name matches the dict.
# list ... = array. parameters are 'subschema' for the elements of the list/array.
# mixed ... = array of mixed types. parameters are types for each element of the list/array.
# Top level JSON encoder which encodes the given
# value based on the schema
proc json::encode {value {schema str}} {
json::subencode [lindex $schema 0] $value [lrange $schema 1 end]
# encode the value according to to the given type
proc json::subencode {type value {schema {}}} {
switch -exact -- $type {
str - "" {
# Strictly we should be converting \x00 through \x1F to unicode escapes
# And anything outside the BMP to a UTF-16 surrogate pair
return \"[string map [list \\ \\\\ \" \\" \f \\f \n \\n / \\/ \b \\b \r \\r \t \\t] $value]\"
num {
if {$value in {Inf -Inf}} {
append value inity
return $value
bool {
if {$value} {
return true
return false
obj {
set result "\{"
set sep " "
foreach k [lsort [dict keys $value]] {
if {[dict exists $schema $k]} {
set subtype [dict get $schema $k]
} elseif {[dict exists $schema *]} {
set subtype [dict get $schema *]
} else {
set subtype str
append result $sep\"$k\":
append result [json::subencode [lindex $subtype 0] [dict get $value $k] [lrange $subtype 1 end]]
set sep ", "
append result " \}"
return $result
list {
set result "\["
set sep " "
foreach l $value {
append result $sep
append result [json::subencode [lindex $schema 0] $l [lrange $schema 1 end]]
set sep ", "
append result " \]"
return $result
mixed {
set result "\["
set sep " "
foreach l $value subtype $schema {
append result $sep
append result [json::subencode [lindex $subtype 0] $l [lrange $subtype 1 end]]
set sep ", "
append result " \]"
default {
error "bad type $type"
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