
144 lines
3.1 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
# Generate UTF-8 case mapping tables
# (c) 2010 Steve Bennett <steveb@workware.net.au>
# See LICENCE for licence details.
# Parse the unicode data from: http://unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt
# and http://unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/EastAsianWidth.txt
# to generate case mapping and display width tables
set map(lower) {}
set map(upper) {}
set map(title) {}
set map(combining) {}
set map(wide) {}
set USAGE "Usage: parse-unidata.tcl \[-width\] UnicodeData.txt \[EastAsianWidth.txt\]"
set do_width 0
if {[lindex $argv 0] eq "-width"} {
set do_width 1
set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
if {[llength $argv] ni {1 2}} {
puts stderr $USAGE
exit 1
lassign $argv unicodefile widthfile
set f [open $unicodefile]
while {[gets $f buf] >= 0} {
# Remove any trailing whitespace, especially errant CR
set buf [string trim $buf]
set title ""
set lower ""
set upper ""
lassign [split $buf ";"] code name class x x x x x x x x x upper lower title
set codex [string tolower 0x$code]
if {[string match M* $class]} {
if {![info exists combining]} {
set combining $codex
} elseif {[info exists combining]} {
lappend map(combining) $combining $codex
unset combining
if {$codex <= 0x7f} {
if {$codex > 0xffff} {
if {![string match L* $class]} {
if {$upper ne ""} {
lappend map(upper) $codex [string tolower 0x$upper]
if {$lower ne ""} {
lappend map(lower) $codex [string tolower 0x$lower]
if {$title ne "" && $title ne $upper} {
if {$title eq $code} {
set title 0
lappend map(title) $codex [string tolower 0x$title]
close $f
proc output-int-pairs {list} {
set n 0
foreach {v1 v2} $list {
puts -nonewline "\t{ $v1, $v2 },"
if {[incr n] % 4 == 0} {
puts ""
if {$n % 4} {
puts ""
# Merges adjacent ranges in a list of ranges (lower upper lower upper ...)
proc combine-adjacent-ranges {list} {
set newlist {}
foreach {lower upper} $list {
if {[info exists prev_upper]} {
if {$lower == $prev_upper + 1} {
# combine these
set prev_upper $upper
} else {
# can't combine
lappend newlist $prev_lower $prev_upper
set prev_lower $lower
set prev_upper $upper
# Now add the last range
lappend newlist $prev_lower $prev_upper
return $newlist
foreach type {upper lower title} {
puts "static const struct casemap unicode_case_mapping_$type\[\] = \{"
output-int-pairs $map($type)
puts "\};\n"
if {$do_width} {
set f [open $widthfile]
while {[gets $f buf] >= 0} {
# Remove any trailing whitespace, especially errant CR
set buf [string trim $buf]
if {[regexp {^([0-9A-Fa-f.]+);W} $buf -> range]} {
set range [string tolower $range]
lassign [split $range .] lower - upper
if {$upper eq ""} {
set upper $lower
lappend map(wide) 0x$lower 0x$upper
close $f
foreach type {combining wide} {
puts "static const struct utf8range unicode_range_$type\[\] = \{"
if {$do_width} {
output-int-pairs [combine-adjacent-ranges $map($type)]
} else {
# Just produce empty width tables in this case
output-int-pairs {}
puts "\};\n"