
269 lines
4.9 KiB

source [file dirname [info script]]/testing.tcl
needs constraint jim
needs cmd array
needs cmd ref
test alias-1.1 "One word alias" {
set x 2
alias newincr incr
newincr x
} {3}
test alias-1.4 "Two word alias" {
alias infoexists info exists
infoexists x
} {1}
test alias-1.5 "Replace alias" {
alias newincr infoexists
newincr x
} {1}
test alias-1.6 "Delete alias" {
rename newincr ""
catch {newincr x}
} {1}
test alias-1.7 "Replace alias with proc" {
proc infoexists {n} {
return yes
infoexists any
} {yes}
test alias-1.8 "Replace proc with alias" {
alias infoexists info exists
infoexists any
} {0}
test alias-1.9 "error message from alias" -body {
alias newstring string
newstring match
} -returnCodes error -result {wrong # args: should be "string match ?-nocase? pattern string"}
test alias-1.10 "info alias" {
alias x info exists
info alias x
} {info exists}
test alias-1.10 "info alias on non-alias" -body {
info alias format
} -returnCodes error -result {command "format" is not an alias}
test curry-1.1 "One word curry" {
set x 2
set one [curry incr]
$one x
} {3}
test curry-1.4 "Two word curry" {
set two [curry info exists]
list [$two x] [$two y]
} {1 0}
test curry-1.5 "Delete curry" references {
$one abc
unset one two
} {2}
test local-1.2 "local curry in proc" {
proc a {} {
local set p [curry info exists]
set x 1
list $p [$p x] [$p y]
lassign [a] p exists_x exists_y
list [info procs $p] $exists_x $exists_y
} {{} 1 0}
test local-1.2 "set local curry in proc" {
proc a {} {
set p [local curry info exists]
set x 1
list $p [$p x] [$p y]
lassign [a] p exists_x exists_y
list [info procs $p] $exists_x $exists_y
} {{} 1 0}
test local-1.3 "local alias in proc" {
proc a {} {
local alias p info exists
set x 1
list [p x] [p y]
lassign [a] exists_x exists_y
list [info commands p] $exists_x $exists_y
} {{} 1 0}
test local-1.5 "local proc in proc" {
set ::x 1
proc a {} {
local proc b {} { incr ::x }
set ::x
list [info procs b] $::x
} {{} 2}
test local-1.6 "local lambda in lsort" {
proc a {} {
lsort -command [local lambda {a b} {string compare $a $b}] {d a f g}
} {a d f g}
test local-1.7 "check no reference procs" {
info procs "<reference*"
} {}
test local-1.8 "local on non-existent command" {
list [catch {local set x blah} msg] $msg
} {1 {invalid command name "blah"}}
test local-1.9 "local on existing proc" {
proc x {} {
proc a {b} {incr b}
local function a
set c [lambda b {incr b -1}]
local function $c
lappend result [a 1] [$c 2]
set result [x]
list [info procs a] $result
} {{} {2 1}}
test statics-1.1 "missing static variable init" {
unset -nocomplain c
catch {
proc a {b} {c} {
# No initialiser for c
} 1
test statics-1.2 "static variable with name containing null" {
proc a {b} "{c\0d 4}" {
return [set c\0d]
a 5
} 4
test statics-1.3 "duplicate static variable" {
catch {
proc a {b} {{c 1} {c 2}} {
} 1
test statics-1.4 "bad static variable init" {
catch {
proc a {b} {{c 1 2}} {
} 1
test local-2.1 "proc over existing proc" {
proc a {b} {incr b}
proc t {x} {
proc a {b} {incr b -1}
a $x
unset -nocomplain x
lappend x [a 5]
lappend x [t 5]
lappend x [a 5]
} {6 4 4}
test local-2.2 "local proc over existing proc" {
proc a {b} {incr b}
proc t {x} {
local proc a {b} {incr b -1}
a $x
unset -nocomplain x
lappend x [a 5]
lappend x [t 5]
lappend x [a 5]
} {6 4 6}
test local-2.3 "local proc over existing proc" {
proc a {b} {incr b}
proc t {x} {
local proc a {b} {incr b -1}
a $x
unset -nocomplain x
lappend x [a 5]
lappend x [t 5]
lappend x [a 5]
} {6 4 6}
test upcall-1.1 "upcall pushed proc" {
proc a {b} {incr b}
local proc a {b} {
incr b 10
# invoke the original defn via upcall
return [upcall a $b]
# Should call the new defn which will call the original defn
a 3
} 14
test upcall-1.2 "upcall in proc" {
proc a {b} {incr b}
proc t {c} {
local proc a {b} {
incr b 10
return [upcall a $b]
a $c
unset -nocomplain x
lappend x [t 5]
lappend x [a 5]
set x
} {16 6}
test upcall-1.3 "double upcall" {
proc a {} {return 1}
local proc a {} {list 2 {*}[upcall a]}
local proc a {} {list 3 {*}[upcall a]}
} {3 2 1}
test upcall-1.4 "upcall errors" {
proc a {} {return 1}
list [catch {upcall a} msg] $msg
} {1 {no previous command: "a"}}
test upcall-1.5 "upcall errors" {
proc a {} {upcall a}
list [catch a msg] $msg
} {1 {no previous command: "a"}}
test upcall-1.6 "delete local command" -setup {
# First make sure a is gone
rename a ""
} -body {
local proc a {x} {list 2 $x}
# It is OK to rename this local proc
rename a b
b 5
} -result {2 5} -cleanup {
rename b ""
test upcall-1.6 {delete local command with upcall} -body {
local proc a {x} {list 2 $x}
local proc a {x} {list 3 $x}
# Can't rename a because it would invalide upcalls from a
rename a c
} -returnCodes error -result {can't rename local command "a"}