
56 lines
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source [file dirname [info script]]/testing.tcl
needs constraint jim; needs cmd package
proc a {} {
error "error thrown from a"
proc b {} {
set rc [catch {a} msg]
if {$rc} {
error $msg [info stacktrace]
test error-1.1 "Rethrow caught error" {
set rc [catch {b} msg]
#puts stderr "error-1.1\n[errorInfo $msg]\n"
list $rc $msg [basename-stacktrace [info stacktrace]]
} {1 {error thrown from a} {{} error.test 4 a error.test 8 b error.test 15}}
proc c {} {
proc d {} {
proc e {} {
test error-1.2 "Modify stacktrace" {
set rc [catch {e} msg]
set st [info stacktrace]
# Now elide one entry from the stacktrace
#puts [errorInfo $msg]
set newst {}
foreach {p f l} $st {
if {$p ne "d"} {
lappend newst $p $f $l
# Now rethrow with the new stack
set rc [catch {error $msg $newst} msg]
#puts [errorInfo $msg]
basename-stacktrace [info stacktrace]
} {{} error.test 4 a error.test 22 c error.test 26 e error.test 34}
# Package should be able to invoke exit, which should exit if not caught
test error-2.1 "Exit from package" {
catch -exit {package require exitpackage} msg
} 6