
238 lines
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# A simplified version of Tcl expect using a pseudo-tty pair
# This could be turned into a standard module, but for now
# it is just used in the test suite
# Example usage:
# set p [expect::spawn {cmd pipeline}]
# $p timeout 5
# $p send "a command\r"
# $p expect {
# ab.*c {
# script
# }
# d[a-z] {
# script
# }
# EOF { ... }
# TIMEOUT { ... }
# }
# [$p before] returns data before the match
# [$p after] returns data that matches the pattern
# [$p buf] returns any data after the match that has been read
# $p close
# $p tty ?...?
# $p kill ?SIGNAL?
if {![exists -command namespace]} {
# Just enough to support [namespace current]
proc namespace {args} {
return ""
proc expect::spawn {cmd} {
lassign [socket pty] m s
# By default, turn off echo so that we can see just the output, not the input
$m tty echo 0
$m buffering none
try {
lappend cmd <@$s >@$s &
set pids [exec {*}$cmd]
$s close
# Create a unique global variable for vwait
set donevar ::[ref "" expect]
set $donevar 0
set matchinfo {
buf {}
return [namespace current]::[lambda {cmd args} {m pids {timeout 30} donevar matchinfo {debug 0}} {
#puts "expect::spawn cmd=$cmd, matchinfo=$matchinfo"
# Find our own name
set self [lindex [info level 0] 0]
switch -exact -- $cmd {
dputs {
if {$debug} {
set escapes {13 \\r 10 \\n 9 \\t 92 \\\\}
lassign $args str
# convert non-printable chars to printable
set formatted {}
binary scan $str cu* chars
foreach c $chars {
if {[exists escapes($c)]} {
append formatted $escapes($c)
} elseif {$c < 32} {
append formatted [format \\x%02x $c]
} elseif {$c > 127} {
append formatted [format \\u%04x $c]
} else {
append formatted [format %c $c]
puts $formatted
kill {
# kill the process with the given signal
foreach i $pids {
kill {*}$args $i
pid {
# return the process pids
return $pids
getfd - tty {
# pass through to the pty file descriptor
tailcall $m $cmd {*}$args
close {
# close the file descriptor, wait for the child process to complete
# and return the result
$m close
set retopts {}
foreach p $pids {
lassign [wait $p] status - rc
if {$status eq "CHILDSTATUS"} {
# Don't treat a non-zero return code as fatal here
if {[llength $retopts] <= 1} {
set retopts $rc
} else {
set msg "child killed: received signal"
set retopts [list -code error -errorcode [list $status $p $rc] $msg]
rename $self ""
return {*}$retopts
timeout - debug {
# set or return the variable
if {[llength $args]} {
set $cmd [lindex $args 0]
} else {
return [set $cmd]
send {
$self dputs ">>> [lindex $args 0]"
# send to the process
$m puts -nonewline [lindex $args 0]
$m flush
before - after - buf {
# return the before, after and remaining data
return $matchinfo($cmd)
handle {
# Internal use only
set args [lassign $args type]
switch -- $type {
timeout {
$self dputs "\[TIMEOUT patterns=$matchinfo(patterns) buf=$matchinfo(buf)\]"
# a timeout occurred
set matchinfo(before) $matchinfo(buf)
set matchinfo(buf) {}
set matchinfo(matched_pattern) TIMEOUT
incr $donevar
return 1
eof {
$self dputs "\[EOF\]"
# EOF was reached
set matchinfo(before) $matchinfo(buf)
set matchinfo(buf) {}
set matchinfo(matched_pattern) EOF
incr $donevar
return 1
data {
# data was received
lassign $args data
$self dputs "<<< $data"
append matchinfo(buf) $data
foreach pattern $matchinfo(patterns) {
set result [regexp -inline -indices $pattern $matchinfo(buf)]
if {[llength $result]} {
$self dputs "MATCH=\[$pattern\]"
lassign [lindex $result 0] start end
set matchinfo(before) [string range $matchinfo(buf) 0 $start-1]
set matchinfo(after) [string range $matchinfo(buf) $start $end]
set matchinfo(buf) [string range $matchinfo(buf) $end+1 end]
# Got a match, stop
set matchinfo(matched_pattern) $pattern
incr $donevar
return 1
return 0
expect {
# Takes a list of regex-pattern, script, ... where the last script can be missing
if {[llength $args] % 2 == 1} {
lappend args {}
# Stash all the state in the matchinfo dict
# Keep matchinfo(buf)
array set matchinfo {
before {}
after {}
patterns {}
matched_pattern {}
foreach {pattern script} $args {
lappend matchinfo(patterns) $pattern
# Handle the case where there is buffered data
# that matches the pattern
if {[$self handle data {}] == 0} {
$m readable [namespace current]::[lambda {} {m self} {
$m ndelay 1
try {
set buf [$m read]
if {$buf eq ""} {
$self handle eof "EOF"
} else {
$self handle data $buf
} on error msg {
$self handle eof $msg
$m ndelay 0
set matchinfo(afterid) [after $($timeout * 1e3) [list $self handle timeout]]
vwait $donevar
after cancel $matchinfo(afterid)
# Now invoke the matching script
if {[dict exists $args $matchinfo(matched_pattern)]} {
uplevel 1 [dict get $args $matchinfo(matched_pattern)]
# And return the data that matched the pattern
# (is $matchinfo(before) more generally useful?)
return $matchinfo(after)
} on error {error opts} {
catch {$m close}
catch {$s close}
return -code error $error