
138 lines
3.4 KiB

source [file dirname [info script]]/testing.tcl
needs constraint manual
set iterations 10000
set version [info patchlevel]
proc bench {name cmd} {
if {[catch {
set t [time $cmd 2]
set ms [format %.0f [expr {[lindex $t 0] / 1000}]]
}]} {
set ms ?
puts "$::version: $name ${ms}ms"
proc set_dict_sugar {} {
for {set i 0} {$i < $::iterations} {incr i} {
set a(b) $i
# Note that this case does not benefit from the dict sugar
# speedup since a($b) needs to be interpolated and reparsed every time
proc set_var_dict_sugar {} {
set b b
for {set i 0} {$i < $::iterations} {incr i} {
set a($b) $i
proc set_var_dict {} {
set b b
for {set i 0} {$i < $::iterations} {incr i} {
dict set a $b $i
proc read_file {file} {
set f [open $file]
while {[gets $f buf] >= 0} {
close $f
proc read_file_split {file} {
set f [open $file]
while {[gets $f buf] >= 0} {
split $buf \t
close $f
proc read_file_split_assign_foreach {file} {
set f [open $file]
while {[gets $f buf] >= 0} {
foreach {info(chan) info(datetime) info(duration) info(title) subtitle_genre info(desc) info(rating) dummy} [split $buf \t] {break}
close $f
proc read_file_split_assign_foreach_dict {file} {
set f [open $file]
while {[gets $f buf] >= 0} {
foreach {chan datetime duration title subtitle_genre desc rating dummy} [split $buf \t] {break}
dict set info chan $chan
dict set info duration $duration
dict set info title $title
dict set info subtitle_genre $subtitle_genre
dict set info desc $desc
dict set info rating $rating
close $f
proc read_file_split_assign_foreach_dictsugar {file} {
set f [open $file]
while {[gets $f buf] >= 0} {
foreach {chan datetime duration title subtitle_genre desc rating dummy} [split $buf \t] {break}
set info(chan) $chan
set info(duration) $duration
set info(title) $title
set info(subtitle_genre) $subtitle_genre
set info(desc) $desc
set info(rating) $rating
close $f
proc read_file_split_assign_foreach_simple {file} {
set f [open $file]
while {[gets $f buf] >= 0} {
foreach {chan datetime duration title subtitle_genre desc rating dummy} [split $buf \t] {break}
close $f
proc read_file_split_assign_lindex {file} {
set f [open $file]
while {[gets $f buf] >= 0} {
set split [split $buf \t]
set info(chan) [lindex $split 0]
set info(datetime) [lindex $split 1]
set info(duration) [lindex $split 2]
set info(title) [lindex $split 3]
set info(subtitle_genre) [lindex $split 4]
set info(desc) [lindex $split 5]
set info(rating) [lindex $split 6]
close $f
# Create a really big file
set f [open test.in w]
for {set i 0} {$i < $::iterations} {incr i} {
puts $f "a\tb\tc\te\tf\tg\th\ti\tj\tk"
close $f
bench "set dictsugar" {set_dict_sugar}
bench "set var dictsugar" {set_var_dict_sugar}
bench "set var dict" {set_var_dict}
# Read once before testing perf
read_file test.in
bench "read file" {read_file test.in}
bench "read file split" {read_file_split test.in}
bench "foreach: simple" {read_file_split_assign_foreach_simple test.in}
bench "foreach: direct dictsugar" {read_file_split_assign_foreach test.in}
bench "foreach: dict cmd" {read_file_split_assign_foreach_dict test.in}
bench "foreach: assign to dictsugar" {read_file_split_assign_foreach_dictsugar test.in}
bench "foreach: assign to dictsugar via lindex" {read_file_split_assign_lindex test.in}
file delete test.in
# testreport