
383 lines
9.8 KiB

# Commands covered: proc, return, global
# This file, proc-old.test, includes the original set of tests for Tcl's
# proc, return, and global commands. There is now a new file proc.test
# that contains tests for the tclProc.c source file.
# Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for
# errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: proc-old.test,v 1.6 2000/04/10 17:19:03 ericm Exp $
source [file dirname [info script]]/testing.tcl
needs constraint jim
needs cmd array
catch {rename t1 ""}
catch {rename foo ""}
proc tproc {} {return a; return b}
test proc-old-1.1 {simple procedure call and return} {tproc} a
proc tproc x {
set x [expr $x+1]
return $x
test proc-old-1.2 {simple procedure call and return} {tproc 2} 3
test proc-old-1.3 {simple procedure call and return} {
proc tproc {} {return foo}
} {tproc}
test proc-old-1.4 {simple procedure call and return} {
proc tproc {} {return}
} {}
proc tproc1 {a} {incr a; return $a}
proc tproc2 {a b} {incr a; return $a}
test proc-old-1.5 {simple procedure call and return (2 procs with same body but different parameters)} {
list [tproc1 123] [tproc2 456 789]
} {124 457}
test proc-old-1.6 {simple procedure call and return (shared proc body string)} {
set x {}
proc tproc {} {} ;# body is shared with x
list [tproc] [append x foo]
} {{} foo}
test proc-old-2.1 {local and global variables} {
proc tproc x {
set x [expr $x+1]
return $x
set x 42
list [tproc 6] $x
} {7 42}
test proc-old-2.2 {local and global variables} {
proc tproc x {
set y [expr $x+1]
return $y
set y 18
list [tproc 6] $y
} {7 18}
test proc-old-2.3 {local and global variables} {
proc tproc x {
global y
set y [expr $x+1]
return $y
set y 189
list [tproc 6] $y
} {7 7}
test proc-old-2.4 {local and global variables} {
proc tproc x {
global y
return [expr $x+$y]
set y 189
list [tproc 6] $y
} {195 189}
catch {unset _undefined_}
test proc-old-2.5 {local and global variables} {
proc tproc x {
global _undefined_
return $_undefined_
list [catch {tproc xxx} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't read "_undefined_": no such variable}}
test proc-old-2.6 {local and global variables} {
set a 114
set b 115
global a b
list $a $b
} {114 115}
proc do {cmd} {eval $cmd}
test proc-old-3.1 {local and global arrays} {
catch {unset a}
set a(0) 22
list [catch {do {global a; set a(0)}} msg] $msg
} {0 22}
test proc-old-3.2 {local and global arrays} {
catch {unset a}
set a(x) 22
list [catch {do {global a; set a(x) newValue}} msg] $msg $a(x)
} {0 newValue newValue}
test proc-old-3.3 {local and global arrays} {
catch {unset a}
set a(x) 22
set a(y) 33
list [catch {do {global a; unset a(y)}; array names a} msg] $msg
} {0 x}
test proc-old-3.4 {local and global arrays} {
catch {unset a}
set a(x) 22
set a(y) 33
list [catch {do {global a; unset a; info exists a}} msg] $msg \
[info exists a]
} {0 0 0}
test proc-old-3.5 {local and global arrays} {
catch {unset a}
set a(x) 22
set a(y) 33
list [catch {do {global a; unset a(y); array names a}} msg] $msg
} {0 x}
catch {unset a}
test proc-old-3.6 {local and global arrays} {
catch {unset a}
set a(x) 22
set a(y) 33
do {global a; do {global a; unset a}; set a(z) 22}
list [catch {array names a} msg] $msg
} {0 z}
test proc-old-3.1 {arguments and defaults} {
proc tproc {x y z} {
return [list $x $y $z]
tproc 11 12 13
} {11 12 13}
test proc-old-3.2 {arguments and defaults} {
proc tproc {x y z} {
return [list $x $y $z]
list [catch {tproc 11 12} msg]
} {1}
test proc-old-3.3 {arguments and defaults} {
proc tproc {x y z} {
return [list $x $y $z]
list [catch {tproc 11 12 13 14} msg]
} {1}
test proc-old-3.4 {arguments and defaults} {
proc tproc {x {y y-default} {z z-default}} {
return [list $x $y $z]
tproc 11 12 13
} {11 12 13}
test proc-old-3.5 {arguments and defaults} {
proc tproc {x {y y-default} {z z-default}} {
return [list $x $y $z]
tproc 11 12
} {11 12 z-default}
test proc-old-3.6 {arguments and defaults} {
proc tproc {x {y y-default} {z z-default}} {
return [list $x $y $z]
tproc 11
} {11 y-default z-default}
test proc-old-3.7 {arguments and defaults} {
proc tproc {x {y y-default} {z z-default}} {
return [list $x $y $z]
list [catch {tproc} msg]
} {1}
# Note: This requires new TIP #288 support
test proc-old-3.8 {arguments and defaults} {
list [catch {
proc tproc {x {y y-default} z} {
return [list $x $y $z]
tproc 2 3
} msg] $msg
} {0 {2 y-default 3}}
test proc-old-3.9 {arguments and defaults} {
proc tproc {x {y y-default} args} {
return [list $x $y $args]
tproc 2 3 4 5
} {2 3 {4 5}}
test proc-old-3.10 {arguments and defaults} {
proc tproc {x {y y-default} args} {
return [list $x $y $args]
tproc 2 3
} {2 3 {}}
test proc-old-3.11 {arguments and defaults} {
proc tproc {x {y y-default} args} {
return [list $x $y $args]
tproc 2
} {2 y-default {}}
test proc-old-3.12 {arguments and defaults} {
proc tproc {x {y y-default} args} {
return [list $x $y $args]
list [catch {tproc} msg]
} {1}
test proc-old-4.1 {variable numbers of arguments} {
proc tproc args {return $args}
} {}
test proc-old-4.2 {variable numbers of arguments} {
proc tproc args {return $args}
tproc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
} {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8}
test proc-old-4.3 {variable numbers of arguments} {
proc tproc args {return $args}
tproc 1 {2 3} {4 {5 6} {{{7}}}} 8
} {1 {2 3} {4 {5 6} {{{7}}}} 8}
test proc-old-4.4 {variable numbers of arguments} {
proc tproc {x y args} {return $args}
tproc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
} {3 4 5 6 7}
test proc-old-4.5 {variable numbers of arguments} {
proc tproc {x y args} {return $args}
tproc 1 2
} {}
test proc-old-4.6 {variable numbers of arguments} {
proc tproc {x missing args} {return $args}
list [catch {tproc 1} msg]
} {1}
test proc-old-5.1 {error conditions} {
list [catch {proc} msg]
} {1}
test proc-old-5.2 {error conditions} {
list [catch {proc tproc b} msg]
} {1}
test proc-old-5.3 {error conditions} {
list [catch {proc tproc b c d e} msg]
} {1}
test proc-5.4 {proc double args} -body {
proc a {args args} {}
} -returnCodes error -result {'args' specified more than once}
test proc-old-5.6 {error conditions} {
list [catch {proc tproc {{} y} {return foo}} msg] $msg
} {1 {argument with no name}}
test proc-old-5.7 {error conditions} {
list [catch {proc tproc {{x 1 2} y} {return foo}} msg] $msg
} {1 {too many fields in argument specifier "x 1 2"}}
test proc-old-5.8 {error conditions} {
catch {return}
} 2
test proc-old-5.9 {error conditions} {
list [catch {global} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "global varName ?varName ...?"}}
proc tproc {} {
set a 22
global a
test proc-old-5.10 {error conditions} {
list [catch {tproc} msg] $msg
} {1 {variable "a" already exists}}
test proc-old-5.11 {error conditions} {
catch {rename tproc {}}
catch {
proc tproc {x {} z} {return foo}
list [catch {tproc 1} msg] $msg
} {1 {invalid command name "tproc"}}
test proc-old-5.12 {error conditions} {
proc tproc {} {
set a 22
error "error in procedure"
list [catch tproc msg] $msg
} {1 {error in procedure}}
# The tests below will really only be useful when run under Purify or
# some other system that can detect accesses to freed memory...
test proc-old-6.1 {procedure that redefines itself} {
proc tproc {} {
proc tproc {} {
return 44
return 45
} 45
test proc-old-6.2 {procedure that deletes itself} {
proc tproc {} {
rename tproc {}
return 45
} 45
proc tproc code {
return -code $code abc
test proc-old-7.1 {return with special completion code} {
list [catch {tproc ok} msg] $msg
} {0 abc}
test proc-old-7.2 {return with special completion code} {
list [catch {tproc error} msg] $msg
} {1 abc}
test proc-old-7.3 {return with special completion code} {
list [catch {tproc return} msg] $msg
} {2 abc}
test proc-old-7.4 {return with special completion code} {
list [catch {tproc break} msg] $msg
} {3 abc}
test proc-old-7.5 {return with special completion code} {
list [catch {tproc continue} msg] $msg
} {4 abc}
test proc-old-7.6 {return with special completion code} {
list [catch {tproc -14} msg] $msg
} {-14 abc}
test proc-old-7.7 {return with special completion code} {
list [catch {tproc gorp} msg]
} {1}
test proc-old-7.8 {return with special completion code} {
list [catch {tproc 10b} msg]
} {1}
test proc-old-7.9 {return with special completion code} {
proc tproc2 {} {
tproc return
list [catch tproc2 msg] $msg
} {0 abc}
test proc-old-7.10 {return with special completion code} {
proc tproc2 {} {
return -code error
list [catch tproc2 msg] $msg
} {1 {}}
test proc-old-8.1 {unset and undefined local arrays} {
proc t1 {} {
foreach v {xxx, yyy} {
catch {unset $v}
set yyy(foo) bar
} bar
test proc-old-9.1 {empty command name} {
catch {rename {} ""}
proc t1 {args} {
set v [t1]
catch {$v}
} 1
test proc-old-10.1 {ByteCode epoch change during recursive proc execution} {
proc t1 x {
set y 20
rename expr expr.old
rename expr.old expr
if $x then {t1 0} ;# recursive call after foo's code is invalidated
return 20
t1 1
} 20
# cleanup
catch {rename t1 ""}
catch {rename foo ""}