
758 lines
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# Commands covered: regexp, regsub
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1991-1993 The Regents of the University of California.
# Copyright (c) 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by Scriptics Corporation.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# RCS: @(#) $Id: regexp.test,v 2008/08/21 23:19:06 hobbs Exp $
source [file dirname [info script]]/testing.tcl
needs cmd regexp
testConstraint regexp_are [regexp {\d} 1]
catch {unset foo}
test regexp-1.1 {basic regexp operation} {
regexp ab*c abbbc
} 1
test regexp-1.2 {basic regexp operation} {
regexp ab*c ac
} 1
test regexp-1.3 {basic regexp operation} {
regexp ab*c ab
} 0
test regexp-1.4 {basic regexp operation} {
regexp -- -gorp abc-gorpxxx
} 1
test regexp-1.5 {basic regexp operation} {
regexp {^([^ ]*)[ ]*([^ ]*)} "" a
} 1
test regexp-1.6 {basic regexp operation} regexp_are {
list [catch {regexp {} abc} msg] $msg
} {0 1}
#test regexp-1.7 {regexp utf compliance} {
# # if not UTF-8 aware, result is "0 1"
# set foo "\u4e4eb q"
# regexp "\u4e4eb q" "a\u4e4eb qw\u5e4e\x4e wq" bar
# list [string compare $foo $bar] [regexp 4 $bar]
#} {0 0}
test regexp-2.1 {getting substrings back from regexp} {
set foo {}
list [regexp ab*c abbbbc foo] $foo
} {1 abbbbc}
test regexp-2.2 {getting substrings back from regexp} {
set foo {}
set f2 {}
list [regexp a(b*)c abbbbc foo f2] $foo $f2
} {1 abbbbc bbbb}
test regexp-2.3 {getting substrings back from regexp} {
set foo {}
set f2 {}
list [regexp a(b*)(c) abbbbc foo f2] $foo $f2
} {1 abbbbc bbbb}
test regexp-2.4 {getting substrings back from regexp} {
set foo {}
set f2 {}
set f3 {}
list [regexp a(b*)(c) abbbbc foo f2 f3] $foo $f2 $f3
} {1 abbbbc bbbb c}
test regexp-2.5 {getting substrings back from regexp} {
set foo {}; set f1 {}; set f2 {}; set f3 {}; set f4 {}; set f5 {};
set f6 {}; set f7 {}; set f8 {}; set f9 {}; set fa {}; set fb {};
list [regexp (1*)(2*)(3*)(4*)(5*)(6*)(7*)(8*)(9*)(a*)(b*) \
12223345556789999aabbb \
foo f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 fa fb] $foo $f1 $f2 $f3 $f4 $f5 \
$f6 $f7 $f8 $f9 $fa $fb
} {1 12223345556789999aabbb 1 222 33 4 555 6 7 8 9999 aa bbb}
test regexp-2.6 {getting substrings back from regexp} {
set foo 2; set f2 2; set f3 2; set f4 2
list [regexp (a)(b)? xay foo f2 f3 f4] $foo $f2 $f3 $f4
} {1 a a {} {}}
test regexp-2.7 {getting substrings back from regexp} {
set foo 1; set f2 1; set f3 1; set f4 1
list [regexp (a)(b)?(c) xacy foo f2 f3 f4] $foo $f2 $f3 $f4
} {1 ac a {} c}
test regexp-2.8 {getting substrings back from regexp} {
set match {}
list [regexp {^a*b} aaaab match] $match
} {1 aaaab}
test regexp-2.9 {getting substrings back from regexp} {
set foo {}
set f2 {}
list [regexp f\352te(b*)c f\352tebbbbc foo f2] $foo $f2
} [list 1 f\352tebbbbc bbbb]
test regexp-2.10 {getting substrings back from regexp} {
set foo {}
set f2 {}
list [regexp f\352te(b*)c eff\352tebbbbc foo f2] $foo $f2
} [list 1 f\352tebbbbc bbbb]
test regexp-3.1 {-indices option to regexp} {
set foo {}
list [regexp -indices ab*c abbbbc foo] $foo
} {1 {0 5}}
test regexp-3.2 {-indices option to regexp} {
set foo {}
set f2 {}
list [regexp -indices a(b*)c abbbbc foo f2] $foo $f2
} {1 {0 5} {1 4}}
test regexp-3.3 {-indices option to regexp} {
set foo {}
set f2 {}
list [regexp -indices a(b*)(c) abbbbc foo f2] $foo $f2
} {1 {0 5} {1 4}}
test regexp-3.4 {-indices option to regexp} {
set foo {}
set f2 {}
set f3 {}
list [regexp -indices a(b*)(c) abbbbc foo f2 f3] $foo $f2 $f3
} {1 {0 5} {1 4} {5 5}}
test regexp-3.5 {-indices option to regexp} {
set foo {}; set f1 {}; set f2 {}; set f3 {}; set f4 {}; set f5 {};
set f6 {}; set f7 {}; set f8 {}; set f9 {}
list [regexp -indices (1*)(2*)(3*)(4*)(5*)(6*)(7*)(8*)(9*) \
12223345556789999 \
foo f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9] $foo $f1 $f2 $f3 $f4 $f5 \
$f6 $f7 $f8 $f9
} {1 {0 16} {0 0} {1 3} {4 5} {6 6} {7 9} {10 10} {11 11} {12 12} {13 16}}
test regexp-3.6 {getting substrings back from regexp} {
set foo 2; set f2 2; set f3 2; set f4 2
list [regexp -indices (a)(b)? xay foo f2 f3 f4] $foo $f2 $f3 $f4
} {1 {1 1} {1 1} {-1 -1} {-1 -1}}
test regexp-3.7 {getting substrings back from regexp} {
set foo 1; set f2 1; set f3 1; set f4 1
list [regexp -indices (a)(b)?(c) xacy foo f2 f3 f4] $foo $f2 $f3 $f4
} {1 {1 2} {1 1} {-1 -1} {2 2}}
test regexp-4.1 {-nocase option to regexp} {
regexp -nocase foo abcFOo
} 1
test regexp-4.2 {-nocase option to regexp} {
set f1 22
set f2 33
set f3 44
list [regexp -nocase {a(b*)([xy]*)z} aBbbxYXxxZ22 f1 f2 f3] $f1 $f2 $f3
} {1 aBbbxYXxxZ Bbb xYXxx}
test regexp-4.3 {-nocase option to regexp} {
regexp -nocase FOo abcFOo
} 1
set x abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890
set x $x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x
test regexp-4.4 {case conversion in regexp} {
list [regexp -nocase $x $x foo] $foo
} "1 $x"
catch {unset x}
test regexp-5.1 {exercise cache of compiled expressions} {
regexp .*a b
regexp .*b c
regexp .*c d
regexp .*d e
regexp .*e f
regexp .*a bbba
} 1
test regexp-5.2 {exercise cache of compiled expressions} {
regexp .*a b
regexp .*b c
regexp .*c d
regexp .*d e
regexp .*e f
regexp .*b xxxb
} 1
test regexp-5.3 {exercise cache of compiled expressions} {
regexp .*a b
regexp .*b c
regexp .*c d
regexp .*d e
regexp .*e f
regexp .*c yyyc
} 1
test regexp-5.4 {exercise cache of compiled expressions} {
regexp .*a b
regexp .*b c
regexp .*c d
regexp .*d e
regexp .*e f
regexp .*d 1d
} 1
test regexp-5.5 {exercise cache of compiled expressions} {
regexp .*a b
regexp .*b c
regexp .*c d
regexp .*d e
regexp .*e f
regexp .*e xe
} 1
test regexp-6.1 {regexp errors} {
list [catch {regexp a} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "regexp ?-switch ...? exp string ?matchVar? ?subMatchVar ...?"}}
test regexp-6.2 {regexp errors} {
list [catch {regexp -nocase a} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "regexp ?-switch ...? exp string ?matchVar? ?subMatchVar ...?"}}
test regexp-6.3 {regexp errors} jim {
list [catch {regexp -gorp a} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad switch "-gorp": must be --, -all, -indices, -inline, -line, -nocase, or -start}}
test regexp-6.4 {regexp errors} {
catch {regexp a( b} msg
} 1
test regexp-6.5 {regexp errors} regexp_are {
list [catch {regexp a) b} msg] [string match *parentheses* $msg]
} {1 1}
test regexp-6.6 {regexp errors} {
list [catch {regexp a a f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1} msg] $msg
} {0 1}
test regexp-6.7 {regexp errors} {
list [catch {regexp (x)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.) xyzzy} msg] $msg
} {0 0}
test regexp-6.8 {regexp errors} jim {
catch {unset f1}
set f1 44
list [catch {regexp abc abc f1(f2)} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't set "f1(f2)": variable isn't array}}
test regexp-6.9 {regexp errors, -start bad int check} {
list [catch {regexp -start bogus {^$} {}} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "bogus": must be intexpr or end?[+-]intexpr?}}
test regexp-6.10 {regexp errors, -start too few args} {
list [catch {regexp -all -start} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "regexp ?-switch ...? exp string ?matchVar? ?subMatchVar ...?"}}
test regexp-7.1 {basic regsub operation} {
list [regsub aa+ xaxaaaxaa 111&222 foo] $foo
} {1 xax111aaa222xaa}
test regexp-7.2 {basic regsub operation} {
list [regsub aa+ aaaxaa &111 foo] $foo
} {1 aaa111xaa}
test regexp-7.3 {basic regsub operation} {
list [regsub aa+ xaxaaa 111& foo] $foo
} {1 xax111aaa}
test regexp-7.4 {basic regsub operation} {
list [regsub aa+ aaa 11&2&333 foo] $foo
} {1 11aaa2aaa333}
test regexp-7.5 {basic regsub operation} {
list [regsub aa+ xaxaaaxaa &2&333 foo] $foo
} {1 xaxaaa2aaa333xaa}
test regexp-7.6 {basic regsub operation} {
list [regsub aa+ xaxaaaxaa 1&22& foo] $foo
} {1 xax1aaa22aaaxaa}
test regexp-7.7 {basic regsub operation} {
list [regsub a(a+) xaxaaaxaa {1\122\1} foo] $foo
} {1 xax1aa22aaxaa}
test regexp-7.8 {basic regsub operation} {
list [regsub a(a+) xaxaaaxaa {1\\\122\1} foo] $foo
} "1 {xax1\\aa22aaxaa}"
test regexp-7.9 {basic regsub operation} {
list [regsub a(a+) xaxaaaxaa {1\\122\1} foo] $foo
} "1 {xax1\\122aaxaa}"
test regexp-7.10 {basic regsub operation} {
list [regsub a(a+) xaxaaaxaa {1\\&\1} foo] $foo
} "1 {xax1\\aaaaaxaa}"
test regexp-7.11 {basic regsub operation} {
list [regsub a(a+) xaxaaaxaa {1\&\1} foo] $foo
} {1 xax1&aaxaa}
test regexp-7.12 {basic regsub operation} {
list [regsub a(a+) xaxaaaxaa {\1\1\1\1&&} foo] $foo
} {1 xaxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxaa}
test regexp-7.13 {basic regsub operation} {
set foo xxx
list [regsub abc xyz 111 foo] $foo
} {0 xyz}
test regexp-7.14 {basic regsub operation} {
set foo xxx
list [regsub ^ xyz "111 " foo] $foo
} {1 {111 xyz}}
test regexp-7.15 {basic regsub operation} {
set foo xxx
list [regsub -- -foo abc-foodef "111 " foo] $foo
} {1 {abc111 def}}
test regexp-7.16 {basic regsub operation} {
set foo xxx
list [regsub x "" y foo] $foo
} {0 {}}
#test regexp-7.17 {regsub utf compliance} {
# # if not UTF-8 aware, result is "0 1"
# set foo "xyz555ijka\u4e4ebpqr"
# regsub a\u4e4eb xyza\u4e4ebijka\u4e4ebpqr 555 bar
# list [string compare $foo $bar] [regexp 4 $bar]
#} {0 0}
test regexp-8.1 {case conversion in regsub} {
list [regsub -nocase a(a+) xaAAaAAay & foo] $foo
} {1 xaAAaAAay}
test regexp-8.2 {case conversion in regsub} {
list [regsub -nocase a(a+) xaAAaAAay & foo] $foo
} {1 xaAAaAAay}
test regexp-8.3 {case conversion in regsub} {
set foo 123
list [regsub a(a+) xaAAaAAay & foo] $foo
} {0 xaAAaAAay}
test regexp-8.4 {case conversion in regsub} {
set foo 123
list [regsub -nocase a CaDE b foo] $foo
} {1 CbDE}
test regexp-8.5 {case conversion in regsub} {
set foo 123
list [regsub -nocase XYZ CxYzD b foo] $foo
} {1 CbD}
test regexp-8.6 {case conversion in regsub} {
set x abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890
set x $x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x$x
set foo 123
list [regsub -nocase $x $x b foo] $foo
} {1 b}
test regexp-9.1 {-all option to regsub} {
set foo 86
list [regsub -all x+ axxxbxxcxdx |&| foo] $foo
} {4 a|xxx|b|xx|c|x|d|x|}
test regexp-9.2 {-all option to regsub} {
set foo 86
list [regsub -nocase -all x+ aXxXbxxcXdx |&| foo] $foo
} {4 a|XxX|b|xx|c|X|d|x|}
test regexp-9.3 {-all option to regsub} {
set foo 86
list [regsub x+ axxxbxxcxdx |&| foo] $foo
} {1 a|xxx|bxxcxdx}
test regexp-9.4 {-all option to regsub} {
set foo 86
list [regsub -all bc axxxbxxcxdx |&| foo] $foo
} {0 axxxbxxcxdx}
test regexp-9.5 {-all option to regsub} {
set foo xxx
list [regsub -all node "node node more" yy foo] $foo
} {2 {yy yy more}}
test regexp-9.6 {-all option to regsub} {
set foo xxx
list [regsub -all ^ xxx 123 foo] $foo
} {1 123xxx}
test regexp-10.2 {newline sensitivity in regsub} {
set foo xxx
list [regsub -line {^a.*b$} "dabc\naxyb\n" 123 foo] $foo
} "1 {dabc\n123\n}"
test regexp-10.3 {newline sensitivity in regsub} {
set foo xxx
list [regsub -line {^a.*b$} "dabc\naxyb\nxb" 123 foo] $foo
} "1 {dabc\n123\nxb}"
#test regexp-10.4 {partial newline sensitivity in regsub} {
# set foo xxx
# list [regsub -lineanchor {^a.*b$} "da\naxyb\nxb" 123 foo] $foo
#} "1 {da\n123}"
#test regexp-10.5 {inverse partial newline sensitivity in regsub} {
# set foo xxx
# list [regsub -linestop {a.*b} "da\nbaxyb\nxb" 123 foo] $foo
#} "1 {da\nb123\nxb}"
test regexp-11.1 {regsub errors} {
list [catch {regsub a b} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "regsub ?-switch ...? exp string subSpec ?varName?"}}
test regexp-11.2 {regsub errors} {
list [catch {regsub -nocase a b} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "regsub ?-switch ...? exp string subSpec ?varName?"}}
test regexp-11.3 {regsub errors} {
list [catch {regsub -nocase -all a b} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "regsub ?-switch ...? exp string subSpec ?varName?"}}
test regexp-11.4 {regsub errors} {
list [catch {regsub a b c d e f} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "regsub ?-switch ...? exp string subSpec ?varName?"}}
test regexp-11.5 {regsub errors} jim {
list [catch {regsub -gorp a b c} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad switch "-gorp": must be --, -all, -line, -nocase, or -start}}
test regexp-11.6 {regsub errors} {
catch {regsub -nocase a( b c d} msg
} 1
test regexp-11.7 {regsub errors} jim {
catch {unset f1}
set f1 44
list [catch {regsub -nocase aaa aaa xxx f1(f2)} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't set "f1(f2)": variable isn't array}}
test regexp-11.8 {regsub errors, -start bad int check} {
list [catch {regsub -start bogus pattern string rep var} msg] $msg
} {1 {bad index "bogus": must be intexpr or end?[+-]intexpr?}}
test regexp-11.9 {regsub without final variable name returns value} {
regsub b abaca X
} {aXaca}
test regexp-11.10 {regsub without final variable name returns value} {
regsub -all a abaca X
} {XbXcX}
test regexp-11.11 {regsub without final variable name returns value} {
regsub b(\[^d\]*)d abcdeabcfde {,&,\1,}
} {a,bcd,c,eabcfde}
test regexp-11.12 {regsub without final variable name returns value} {
regsub -all b(\[^d\]*)d abcdeabcfde {,&,\1,}
} {a,bcd,c,ea,bcfd,cf,e}
test regexp-11.13 {regsub errors, -start too few args} {
list [catch {regsub -all -nocase -nocase -start} msg] $msg
} {1 {wrong # args: should be "regsub ?-switch ...? exp string subSpec ?varName?"}}
# This test crashes on the Mac unless you increase the Stack Space to about 1
# Meg. This is probably bigger than most users want...
# 8.2.3 regexp reduced stack space requirements, but this should be
# tested again
test regexp-12.1 {Tcl_RegExpExec: large number of subexpressions} {
list [regexp (.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.) abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz all a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z] $all $a $b $c $d $e $f $g $h $i $j $k $l $m $n $o $p $q $r $s $t $u $v $w $x $y $z
} {1 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}
test regexp-13.1 {regsub of a very large string} {
# This test is designed to stress the memory subsystem in order
# to catch Bug #933. It only fails if the Tcl memory allocator
# is in use.
set line {BEGIN_TABLE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; END_TABLE}
set filedata [string repeat $line 200]
for {set i 1} {$i<10} {incr i} {
regsub -all "BEGIN_TABLE " $filedata "" newfiledata
set x done
} {done}
test regexp-14.1 {CompileRegexp: regexp cache} {
regexp .*a b
regexp .*b c
regexp .*c d
regexp .*d e
regexp .*e f
set x .
append x *a
regexp $x bbba
} 1
test regexp-14.2 {CompileRegexp: regexp cache, different flags} {
regexp .*a b
regexp .*b c
regexp .*c d
regexp .*d e
regexp .*e f
set x .
append x *a
regexp -nocase $x bbba
} 1
test regexp-15.1 {regexp -start} regexp_are {
catch {unset x}
list [regexp -start -10 {\d} 1abc2de3 x] $x
} {1 1}
test regexp-15.2 {regexp -start} regexp_are {
catch {unset x}
list [regexp -start 2 {\d} 1abc2de3 x] $x
} {1 2}
test regexp-15.3 {regexp -start} regexp_are {
catch {unset x}
list [regexp -start 4 {\d} 1abc2de3 x] $x
} {1 2}
test regexp-15.4 {regexp -start} regexp_are {
catch {unset x}
list [regexp -start 5 {\d} 1abc2de3 x] $x
} {1 3}
test regexp-15.5 {regexp -start, over end of string} regexp_are {
catch {unset x}
list [regexp -start [string length 1abc2de3] {\d} 1abc2de3 x] [info exists x]
} {0 0}
test regexp-15.6 {regexp -start, loss of ^$ behavior} {
list [regexp -start 2 {^$} {}]
} {0}
test regexp-15.7 {regexp -start, double option} {
regexp -start 2 -start 0 a abc
} 1
test regexp-15.8 {regexp -start, double option} {
regexp -start 0 -start 2 a abc
} 0
test regexp-15.9 {regexp -start, end relative index} {
catch {unset x}
list [regexp -start end {\d} 1abc2de3 x] [info exists x]
} {0 0}
test regexp-15.10 {regexp -start, end relative index} regexp_are {
catch {unset x}
list [regexp -start end-1 {\d} 1abc2de3 x] [info exists x] $x
} {1 1 3}
test regexp-16.1 {regsub -start} regexp_are {
catch {unset x}
list [regsub -all -start 2 {\d} a1b2c3d4e5 {/&} x] $x
} {4 a1b/2c/3d/4e/5}
test regexp-16.2 {regsub -start} {
catch {unset x}
list [regsub -all -start -25 {z} hello {/&} x] $x
} {0 hello}
test regexp-16.3 {regsub -start} {
catch {unset x}
list [regsub -all -start 3 {z} hello {/&} x] $x
} {0 hello}
test regexp-16.4 {regsub -start, \A behavior} {
set out {}
lappend out [regsub -start 0 -all {\A(\w)} {abcde} {/\1} x] $x
lappend out [regsub -start 2 -all {\A(\w)} {abcde} {/\1} x] $x
} {5 /a/b/c/d/e 3 ab/c/d/e}
test regexp-16.5 {regsub -start, double option} {
list [regsub -start 2 -start 0 a abc c x] $x
} {1 cbc}
test regexp-16.6 {regsub -start, double option} {
list [regsub -start 0 -start 2 a abc c x] $x
} {0 abc}
test regexp-16.7 {regexp -start, end relative index} {
list [regsub -start end a aaa b x] $x
} {0 aaa}
test regexp-16.8 {regexp -start, end relative index} {
list [regsub -start end-1 a aaa b x] $x
} {1 aab}
test regexp-17.1 {regexp -inline} {
regexp -inline b ababa
} {b}
test regexp-17.2 {regexp -inline} {
regexp -inline (b) ababa
} {b b}
test regexp-17.3 {regexp -inline -indices} {
regexp -inline -indices (b) ababa
} {{1 1} {1 1}}
test regexp-17.4 {regexp -inline} regexp_are {
regexp -inline {\w(\d+)\w} " hello 23 there456def "
} {e456d 456}
test regexp-17.5 {regexp -inline no matches} {
regexp -inline {\w(\d+)\w} ""
} {}
test regexp-17.6 {regexp -inline no matches} {
regexp -inline hello goodbye
} {}
test regexp-17.7 {regexp -inline, no matchvars allowed} {
list [catch {regexp -inline b abc match} msg] $msg
} {1 {regexp match variables not allowed when using -inline}}
test regexp-17.8 {\W, \S and \D} regexp_are {
regexp -inline {(\W+)(\D+)(\S+)} " #!word abc 13123 "
} {{ #!word abc 13123} { #!} {word abc } 13123}
test regexp-18.1 {regexp -all} {
regexp -all b bbbbb
} {5}
test regexp-18.2 {regexp -all} {
regexp -all b abababbabaaaaaaaaaab
} {6}
test regexp-18.3 {regexp -all -inline} {
regexp -all -inline b abababbabaaaaaaaaaab
} {b b b b b b}
test regexp-18.4 {regexp -all -inline} regexp_are {
regexp -all -inline {\w(\w)} abcdefg
} {ab b cd d ef f}
test regexp-18.5 {regexp -all -inline} regexp_are {
regexp -all -inline {\w(\w)$} abcdefg
} {fg g}
test regexp-18.6 {regexp -all -inline} regexp_are {
regexp -all -inline {\d+} 10:20:30:40
} {10 20 30 40}
test regexp-18.7 {regexp -all -inline} {
list [catch {regexp -all -inline b abc match} msg] $msg
} {1 {regexp match variables not allowed when using -inline}}
test regexp-18.8 {regexp -all} {
# This should not cause an infinite loop
regexp -all -inline {a*} a
} {a}
test regexp-18.9 {regexp -all} {
# Yes, the expected result is {a {}}. Here's why:
# Start at index 0; a* matches the "a" there then stops.
# Go to index 1; a* matches the lambda (or {}) there then stops. Recall
# that a* matches zero or more "a"'s; thus it matches the string "b", as
# there are zero or more "a"'s there.
# Go to index 2; this is past the end of the string, so stop.
regexp -all -inline {a*} ab
} {a {}}
test regexp-18.10 {regexp -all} {
# Yes, the expected result is {a {} a}. Here's why:
# Start at index 0; a* matches the "a" there then stops.
# Go to index 1; a* matches the lambda (or {}) there then stops. Recall
# that a* matches zero or more "a"'s; thus it matches the string "b", as
# there are zero or more "a"'s there.
# Go to index 2; a* matches the "a" there then stops.
# Go to index 3; this is past the end of the string, so stop.
regexp -all -inline {a*} aba
} {a {} a}
test regexp-18.11 {regexp -all} {
regexp -all -inline {^a} aaaa
} {a}
test regexp-18.12 {regexp -all -inline -indices} {
regexp -all -inline -indices a(b(c)d|e(f)g)h abcdhaefgh
} {{0 4} {1 3} {2 2} {-1 -1} {5 9} {6 8} {-1 -1} {7 7}}
test regexp-19.1 {regsub null replacement} {
regsub -all {@} {@hel@lo@} "\0a\0" result
list $result [string length $result]
} "\0a\0hel\0a\0lo\0a\0 14"
#test regexp-20.1 {regsub shared object shimmering} {
# # Bug #461322
# set a abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz
# set b $a
# set c abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz0123456789
# regsub $a $c $b d
# list $d [string length $d] [string bytelength $d]
#} [list abcdefghijklmnopqurstuvwxyz0123456789 37 37]
#test regexp-20.2 {regsub shared object shimmering with -about} {
# eval regexp -about abc
#} {0 {}}
test regexp-21.1 {regsub works with empty string} {
regsub -- ^ {} foo
} {foo}
test regexp-21.2 {regsub works with empty string} {
regsub -- \$ {} foo
} {foo}
test regexp-21.3 {regsub works with empty string offset} {
regsub -start 0 -- ^ {} foo
} {foo}
test regexp-21.4 {regsub works with empty string offset} {
regsub -start 0 -- \$ {} foo
} {foo}
test regexp-21.5 {regsub works with empty string offset} {
regsub -start 3 -- \$ {123} foo
} {123foo}
test regexp-21.6 {regexp works with empty string} {
regexp -- ^ {}
} {1}
test regexp-21.7 {regexp works with empty string} {
regexp -start 0 -- ^ {}
} {1}
test regexp-21.8 {regexp works with empty string offset} {
regexp -start 3 -- ^ {123}
} {0}
test regexp-21.9 {regexp works with empty string offset} {
regexp -start 3 -- \$ {123}
} {1}
#test regexp-21.10 {multiple matches handle newlines} {
# regsub -all -lineanchor -- {^#[^\n]*\n} "#one\n#two\n#three\n" foo\n
#} "foo\nfoo\nfoo\n"
test regexp-21.11 {multiple matches handle newlines} {
regsub -all -line -- ^ "a\nb\nc" \#
} "\#a\n\#b\n\#c"
test regexp-21.12 {multiple matches handle newlines} {
regsub -all -line -- ^ "\n\n" \#
} "\#\n\#\n\#"
test regexp-21.13 {multiple matches handle newlines} {
regexp -all -inline -indices -line -- ^ "a\nb\nc"
} {{0 -1} {2 1} {4 3}}
test regexp-21.14 {Literal newline in pattern} {
regexp -all -inline "\n(\[ \t\]+)" "\n\t\t# This is a test"
} "{\n\t\t} {\t\t}"
test regexp-21.15 {Replace literal backslash} {
regsub -all <bs> {<bs>abc<bs>def} \\ value
set value
} "\\abc\\def"
test regexp-22.1 {char range} {
regexp -all -inline {[a-c]+} "defaaghbcadfbaacccd"
} {aa bca baaccc}
# Tcl doesn't like this
test regexp-22.2 {reversed char range} jim {
regexp -all -inline {[c-a]+} "defaaghbcadfbaacccd"
} {aa bca baaccc}
# Note that here the hex escapes are interpreted by regexp, not by Tcl
test regexp-22.3 {hex digits} {
regexp -all -inline {[\x6a-\x6c]+} "jlaksdjflkwueorilkj"
} {jl k j lk lkj}
test regexp-22.4 {uppercase hex digits} {
regexp -all -inline {[\x6A-\x6C]+} "jlaksdjflkwueorilkj"
} {jl k j lk lkj}
# Below \x9X will be treated as \x9 followed by X
test regexp-22.5 {invalid hex digits} {
regexp -all -inline {[\x9X\x6C]+} "jla\tX6djflyw\tueorilkj"
} [list l \tX l \t l]
test regexp-22.6 {unicode hex digits} jim {
regexp -all -inline {[\u{41}-\u{00043}]+} "AVBASDFBABDFBAFBAFA"
# \u{X41} is treated as u { X 41 }
test regexp-22.7 {unicode hex digits with invalid exscape} jim {
regexp -all -inline {[\u{X41}]+} "uVBAX{SD4B1}DFBAFBAFA"
} {u X\{ 4 1\}}
test regexp-22.8 {unicode hex digits} {
regexp -all -inline {[\u0041-\u0043]+} "AVBASDFBABDFBAFBAFA"
test regexp-22.9 {\U unicode hex digits} {
regexp -all -inline {[\U00000041-\U00000043]+} "AVBASDFBABDFBAFBAFA"
test regexp-22.10 {Various char escapes} {
set result {}
foreach match [regexp -all -inline {[\e\f\v\t\b]+} "A\f\vBB\b\tC\x1BG"] {
set chars {}
foreach c [split $match ""] {
scan $c %c char
lappend chars $char
lappend result [join $chars ,]
join $result |
} {12,11|8,9|27}
test regexp-22.11 {backslash as last char} -body {
regexp -all -inline "\[a\\" "ba\\d\[ef"
} -returnCodes error -result {couldn't compile regular expression pattern: invalid escape \ sequence}
test regexp-22.12 {missing closing bracket} -body {
regexp -all -inline {[abc} "abcdefghi"
} -returnCodes error -result {couldn't compile regular expression pattern: brackets [] not balanced}
test regexp-22.13 {empty alternative} {
regexp -all -inline {a(a|b|)c} "aacbacbaa"
} {aac a ac {}}
test regexp-22.14 {] in set} {
regexp -all -inline {[]ab]+} "aac\[ba\]cbaa"
} {aa ba\] baa}
test regexp-22.15 {- in set} {
regexp -all -inline {[-ab]+} "aac\[ba\]cb-aa"
} {aa ba b-aa}
test regexp-22.16 {\s in set} {
regexp -all -inline {[\sa]+} "aac\[b a\]c\tb-aa"
} [list aa " a" \t aa]
test regexp-22.17 {\d in set} {
regexp -all -inline {[a\d]+} "a0ac\[b a\]44c\tb-1aa7"
} {a0a a 44 1aa7}
# Tests resulting from bugs reported by users
test reg-31.1 {[[:xdigit:]] behaves correctly when followed by [[:space:]]} {
set str {2:::DebugWin32}
set re {([[:xdigit:]])([[:space:]]*)}
list [regexp $re $str match xdigit spaces] $match $xdigit $spaces
# Code used to produce {1 2:::DebugWin32 2 :::DebugWin32} !!!
} {1 2 2 {}}
test reg-31.2 {scanner not reset in failed optional group} {
regexp -inline {^(?:(-)(?:(\w[\w-]*)\|)?)?(\w[\w-]*)$} -debug
} {-debug - {} debug}