
77 lines
1.7 KiB

# Run all tests in the current directory
# Tests are run in a sub-interpreter (if possible) to avoid
# interactions between tests.
lappend auto_path .
set testdir [file dirname [info script]]
# In case interp is a module
catch {package require interp}
if {[info commands interp] eq ""} {
set rc 0
foreach script [lsort [glob $testdir/*.test]] {
if {[catch {
exec [info nameofexecutable] $script >@stdout 2>@stderr
} msg opts]} {
puts "Failed: $script"
set rc 1
exit $rc
} else {
array set total {pass 0 fail 0 skip 0 tests 0}
foreach script [lsort [glob $testdir/*.test]] {
set ::argv0 $script
if {[file tail $script] eq "signal.test"} {
# special case, can't run this in a child interpeter
catch -exit {
source $script
foreach var {pass fail skip tests} {
incr total($var) $testinfo(num$var)
} else {
set i [interp]
foreach var {argv0 auto_path} {
$i eval [list set $var [set ::$var]]
# Run the test
catch -exit [list $i eval [list source $script]] msg opts
if {[info returncode $opts(-code)] eq "error"} {
puts [format "%16s: --- error ($msg)" $script]
incr total(fail)
} elseif {[info return $opts(-code)] eq "exit"} {
# if the test explicitly called exit 99,
# it must be from a child process via os.fork, so
# silently exit
if {$msg eq "99"} {
exit 0
# Extract the counts
foreach var {pass fail skip tests} {
catch {
incr total($var) [$i eval "set testinfo(num$var)"]
$i delete
stdout flush
puts [string repeat = 73]
puts [format "%16s: Total %5d Passed %5d Skipped %5d Failed %5d" \
Totals $total(tests) $total(pass) $total(skip) $total(fail)]
if {$total(fail)} {
exit 1