2022-03-29 17:01:37 +08:00

588 lines
11 KiB

source [file dirname [info script]]/testing.tcl
needs constraint jim
needs cmd gets tclcompat
needs cmd array
catch {unset a b}
test regr-1.1 "Double dereference arrays" {
array set a {one ONE two TWO three THREE}
array set b {ONE 1 TWO 2 THREE 3}
set chan two
set b($a($chan))
} {2}
# Will assert on exit if the bug exists
test regr-1.2 "Reference count shared literals" {
proc a {} {
while {1} {break}
rename a ""
return 1
} {1}
test regr-1.3 "Invalid for expression" jim {
# Crashes with invalid expression
catch {
for {set i 0} {$i < n} {incr i} {
set a(b) $i
set a(c) $i
} 1
test regr-1.4 "format double percent" {
format (%d%%) 12
} {(12%)}
test regr-1.5 "lassign with empty list" {
unset -nocomplain a b c
lassign {} a b c
info exists c
} {1}
test io-1.1 "Read last line with no newline" {
set lines 0
set f [open [file dirname [info script]]/testio.in]
while {[gets $f buf] >= 0} {
incr lines
close $f
list $lines
} {2}
set g1 1
set g2 2
array set g3 {4 5 6 7}
proc test_unset {} {
test unset-1.1 "Simple var" {
set g4 4
list [catch {unset g4; info exists g4} msg] $msg
} {0 0}
test unset-1.2 "Simple var" {
list [catch {unset g4; info exists g4} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't unset "g4": no such variable}}
test unset-1.3 "Simple var" {
list [catch {unset g2; info exists g2} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't unset "g2": no such variable}}
test unset-1.4 "Global via global" {
global g1
list [catch {unset g1; info exists g1} msg] $msg
} {0 0}
test unset-1.5 "Global error" {
list [catch {unset ::g2; info exists ::g2} msg] $msg
} {0 0}
test unset-1.6 "Global array" {
list [catch {unset ::g3; info exists ::g3} msg] $msg
} {0 0}
test unset-1.7 "Simple var -nocomplain" {
list [catch {unset -nocomplain g2; info exists g2} msg] $msg
} {0 0}
test unset-1.8 "Simple var --" {
list [catch {unset -- g2; info exists g2} msg] $msg
} {1 {can't unset "g2": no such variable}}
test unset-1.9 "Simple var -nocomplain --" {
set g2 1
list [catch {unset -nocomplain -- g2; info exists g2} msg] $msg
} {0 0}
test unset-1.10 "Var named -nocomplain with --" {
set -nocomplain 1
list [catch {unset -- -nocomplain; info exists -nocomplain} msg] $msg
} {0 0}
test unset-1.11 "Unset no args" {
list [catch {unset} msg] $msg
} {0 {}}
test lrepeat-1.1 "Basic tests" {
lrepeat 1 a
} {a}
test lrepeat-1.2 "Basic tests" {
lrepeat 1 a b
} {a b}
test lrepeat-1.3 "Basic tests" {
lrepeat 2 a b
} {a b a b}
test lrepeat-1.4 "Basic tests" {
lrepeat 2 a
} {a a}
test lrepeat-1.5 "Errors" {
catch {lrepeat}
} {1}
test lrepeat-1.6 "Errors" {
lrepeat 1
} {}
test lrepeat-1.7 "Errors" {
lrepeat 0 a b
} {}
test lrepeat-1.8 "Errors" {
catch {lrepeat -10 a}
} {1}
test lindex-1.1 "Integer" {
lindex {a b c} 0
} a
test lindex-1.2 "Integer" {
lindex {a b c} 2
} c
test lindex-1.3 "Integer" {
lindex {a b c} -1
} {}
test lindex-1.4 "Integer" {
lindex {a b c} 4
} {}
test lindex-1.5 "end" {
lindex {a b c} end
} c
test lindex-1.6 "end" {
lindex {a b c} end-1
} b
test lindex-1.7 "end" {
lindex {a b c} end-4
} {}
test lindex-1.8 "end + " {
lindex {a b c} end+1
} {}
test lindex-1.9 "end + " {
lindex {a b c} end+-1
} b
test lindex-1.10 "end - errors" {
catch {lindex {a b c} end-}
} 1
test lindex-1.11 "end - errors" {
catch {lindex {a b c} end-blah}
} 1
test lindex-1.12 "int+int, int-int" {
lindex {a b c} 0+4
} {}
test lindex-1.13 "int+int, int-int" {
lindex {a b c} 3-1
} c
test lindex-1.14 "int+int, int-int" {
lindex {a b c} 1--1
} c
test lindex-1.15 "int+int, int-int" {
set l {a b c}
lindex $l [lsearch $l b]-1
} a
test lindex-1.16 "int+int, int-int" {
lindex {a b c} 0+1
} b
test lindex-1.17 "int+int - errors" {
catch {lindex {a b c} 5-blah}
} 1
test lindex-1.18 "int+int - errors" {
catch {lindex {a b c} blah-2}
} 1
test lindex-1.19 "int+int - errors" {
catch {lindex {a b c} 5+blah}
} 1
test lindex-1.20 "unary plus" {
lindex {a b c} +2
} c
test incr-1.1 "incr unset" {
unset -nocomplain a
incr a
set a
} 1
test incr-1.2 "incr, incr unset" {
incr a
} 2
test incr-1.3 "incr unset array element" {
unset -nocomplain a
incr a(2)
set a(2)
} 1
test incr-1.4 "incr array element - shimmering" {
set b "$a(2)-test"
incr a(2)
} 2
test catch-1.1 "catch ok" {
list [catch {set abc 2} result] $result
} {0 2}
test catch-1.2 "catch error" {
list [catch {error 3} result] $result
} {1 3}
test catch-1.3 "catch break" {
list [catch {break} result] $result
} {3 {}}
test catch-1.4 "catch -nobreak" {
set result {}
foreach x {a b c} {
lappend result $x
# This acts just like break since it won't be caught by catch
catch -nobreak {break} tmp
set result
} {a}
test catch-1.5 "catch -no3" {
set result {}
foreach x {a b c} {
lappend result $x
# Same as above, but specify as an integer
catch -no3 {break} tmp
set result
} {a}
test catch-1.6 "catch break" {
set result {}
foreach x {a b c} {
lappend result $x
# This does nothing since the break is caught
catch {break} tmp
set result
} {a b c}
test catch-1.7 "catch exit" {
# Normally exit would not be caught
list [dict get [info returncodes] [catch -exit {exit 5} result]] $result
} {exit 5}
test catch-1.8 "catch error has -errorinfo" {
set rc [catch {set undefined} msg opts]
list $rc [info exists opts(-errorinfo)]
} {1 1}
test catch-1.9 "catch no error has no -errorinfo" {
set rc [catch {set x 1} msg opts]
list $rc [info exists opts(-errorinfo)]
} {0 0}
test return-1.1 "return can rethrow an error" {
proc a {} { error "from a" }
proc b {} { catch {a} msg opts; return {*}$opts $msg }
set rc [catch {b} msg opts]
list $rc $msg [llength $opts(-errorinfo)]
} {1 {from a} 9}
test return-1.2 "error can rethrow an error" {
proc a {} { error "from a" }
proc b {} { catch {a} msg; error $msg [info stacktrace] }
set rc [catch {b} msg opts]
list $rc $msg [llength $opts(-errorinfo)]
} {1 {from a} 9}
test return-1.3 "return can rethrow no error" {
proc a {} { return "from a" }
proc b {} { catch {a} msg opts; return {*}$opts $msg }
set rc [catch {b} msg opts]
#list $rc $msg [llength $opts(-errorinfo)]
list $rc $msg [info exists opts(-errorinfo)]
} {0 {from a} 0}
test stringreverse-1.1 "Containing nulls" {
string reverse abc\0def
} "fed\0cba"
test split-1.1 "Split with leading null" {
split "\0abc\0def\0" \0
} {{} abc def {}}
test parsevar-1.1 "Variables should include double colons" {
set ::a::b 2
set x $::a::b
unset ::a::b
set x
} 2
test sharing-1.1 "Problems with ref sharing in arrays: lappend" {
set a {a 1 c 2}
set b $a
lappend b(c) 3
set a(c)
} 2
test sharing-1.2 "Problems with ref sharing in arrays: append" {
set a {a 1 c 2}
set b $a
append b(c) 3
set a(c)
} 2
test sharing-1.3 "Problems with ref sharing in arrays: incr" {
set a {a 1 c 2}
set b $a
incr b(c)
set a(c)
} 2
test sharing-1.4 "Problems with ref sharing in arrays: lset" {
set a {a 1 c {2 3}}
set b $a
lset b(c) 1 x
set a(c)
} {2 3}
test jimexpr-1.1 "integer ** operator" {
expr {2 ** 3}
} 8
test jimexpr-1.2 "integer ** operator" {
expr {0 ** 3}
} 0
test jimexpr-1.3 "integer ** operator" {
expr {2 ** 0}
} 1
test jimexpr-1.4 "integer ** operator" {
expr {-2 ** 1}
} -2
test jimexpr-1.5 "integer ** operator" {
expr {3 ** -2}
} 0
test jimexpr-1.6 "+ command" {
+ 1
} 1
test jimexpr-1.7 "+ command" {
+ 2 3.5
} 5.5
test jimexpr-1.8 "+ command" {
+ 2 3 4 -6
} 3
test jimexpr-1.9 "* command" {
* 4
} 4
test jimexpr-1.10 "* command" {
* 4 2
} 8
test jimexpr-1.11 "* command" {
* 4 2 -0.5
} -4.0
test jimexpr-1.12 "/ command" {
/ 2
} 0.5
test jimexpr-1.12 "/ command" {
/ 0.5
} 2.0
test jimexpr-1.13 "/ command" {
/ 12 3
} 4
test jimexpr-1.14 "/ command" {
/ 12 3 2.0
} 2.0
test jimexpr-1.15 "- command" {
- 6
} -6
test jimexpr-1.15 "- command" {
- 6.5
} -6.5
test jimexpr-1.16 "- command" {
- 6 3
} 3
test jimexpr-1.17 "- command" {
- 6 3 1.5
} 1.5
test jimexpr-1.17 "- command" {
- 6.5 3
} 3.5
test jimexpr-2.1 "errors in math commands" {
list [catch /] [catch {/ x}] [catch -] [catch {- blah blah}] [catch {- 2.0 blah}] [catch {+ x y}] [catch {* x}]
} {1 1 1 1 1 1 1}
test jimexpr-2.2 "not var optimisation" {
set x [expr 1]
set y [expr 0]
set z [expr 2.0]
list [expr {!$x}] [expr {!$y}] [expr {!$z}]
} {0 1 0}
test jimexpr-2.3 "expr access unset var" {
unset -nocomplain a
catch {expr {3 * $a}}
} 1
test jimexpr-2.4 "expr double as bool" {
set x 2
if {1.0} {
set x 3
} 3
# May be supported if support compiled in
test jimexpr-2.5 "double ** operator" {
catch {expr {2.0 ** 3}} result
expr {$result in {unsupported 8.0}}
} 1
test jimexpr-2.6 "exit in expression" {
# The inner 'exit 0' should propagate through the if to
# the outer catch
catch -exit {
set x 1
if {[catch {exit 0}] == 1} {
set x 2
} else {
set x 3
} 6
# This one is for test coverage of an unusual case
test jimobj-1.1 "duplicate obj with no dupIntRepProc" {
proc "x x" {} { return 2 }
set a "x x"
# force it to be a command object
set b [$a]
# A second reference
set c $a
# Now force it to be duplicated
lset a 1 x
# force the duplicate object it to be a command object again
set b [$a]
# And get the string rep
set x "y $a"
} "y x x"
test jimobj-1.2 "cooerced double to int" {
set x 3
# cooerce to a double
expr {4.5 + $x}
# Now get the int rep
incr x
} 4
test jimobj-1.3 "cooerced double to double" {
set x 3
# cooerce to a double
expr {4.5 + $x}
# Now use as a double
expr {1.5 + $x}
} 4.5
test jimobj-1.4 "incr dict sugar" {
unset -nocomplain a
set a(3) 3
incr a(3)
list $a(3) $a
} {4 {3 4}}
test jim-badvar-1.1 "variable name with embedded null" {
set x b\0c
set $x 5
} 5
test jim-badvar-1.2 "incr variable name with embedded null" {
set x b\0c
incr $x
} 6
test lset-1.1 "lset with bad var" {
catch {lset badvar 1 x}
} 1
test lset-1.2 "lset error message" {
catch lset msg
set msg
} {wrong # args: should be "lset listVar ?index ...? value"}
test dict-1.1 "dict to string" {
set a [dict create abc \\ def \"]
set x x$a
# The order of keys in the dictionary is random
if {$x eq "xabc \\\\ def {\"}" || $x eq "xdef {\"} abc \\\\"} {
return ok
} else {
return "failed: \"$x\""
} ok
test channels-1.1 {info channels} {
lsort [info channels]
} {stderr stdin stdout}
test lmap-1.1 {lmap} {
lmap p {1 2 3} {incr p}
} {2 3 4}
test exprerr-1.1 {Error message with bad expr} {
catch {expr {5 ||}} msg
set msg
} {syntax error in expression "5 ||": premature end of expression}
test eval-list-1.1 {Lost string rep with list} {
set x {set y 1; incr y}
# Convert to list rep internally
lindex $x 4
# But make sure we don't lost the original string rep
list [catch $x] $y
} {0 2}
test info-statics-1.1 {info statics commands} {
set x 1
proc a {} {x {y 2}} {}
lsort [info statics a]
} {1 2 x y}