2022-07-14 21:09:47 +08:00

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* Copyright 2019 NXP
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* @file lpc55s16.h
* @brief The lpc55s16.h file defines GPIO pin mappings for LPCXpresso55S16 board
#ifndef LPC55S16_H_
#define LPC55S16_H_
#include "pin_mux.h"
#include "fsl_power.h"
#include "RTE_Device.h"
#include "gpio_driver.h"
#include "clock_config.h"
#define PORT0 0
#define PORT1 1
// I2C4 Pin Handles
extern gpioHandleKSDK_t D14;
extern gpioHandleKSDK_t D15;
// SPI7 Handles
extern gpioHandleKSDK_t D11;
extern gpioHandleKSDK_t D12;
extern gpioHandleKSDK_t D13;
// UART0 Handle
extern gpioHandleKSDK_t D0;
extern gpioHandleKSDK_t D1;
// LPCXpresso54114 Internal Peripheral Pin Definitions
extern gpioHandleKSDK_t RED_LED;
extern gpioHandleKSDK_t GREEN_LED;
extern gpioHandleKSDK_t BLUE_LED;
// I2C_S1: Pin mapping and driver information for default I2C brought to shield
#define I2C_S1_SCL_PIN D15
#define I2C_S1_SDA_PIN D14
#define I2C_S1_DRIVER Driver_I2C4
#define I2C_S1_SIGNAL_EVENT I2C4_SignalEvent_t
// SPI_S: Pin mapping and driver information default SPI brought to shield
#define SPI_S_DRIVER Driver_SPI7
#define SPI_S_BAUDRATE 500000U ///< Transfer baudrate - 500k
#define SPI_S_SIGNAL_EVENT SPI7_SignalEvent_t
// UART: Driver information for default UART to communicate with HOST PC.
#define HOST_S_DRIVER Driver_USART0
#define HOST_S_SIGNAL_EVENT HOST_SignalEvent_t
#define HOST_B_DRIVER Driver_USART1
#define HOST_B_SIGNAL_EVENT HOST_SignalEvent_t
/* @brief Ask use input to resume after specified samples have been processed. */
#define ASK_USER_TO_RESUME(x) \
static bool askResume = true; \
static uint16_t samplesToProcess = x - 1; \
if (askResume && !samplesToProcess--) \
{ \
PRINTF("\r\n Specified samples processed, press any key to continue... \r\n"); \
askResume = false; \
/* @brief dummy arguement to Power Mode Wait Wrapper. */
#define SMC NULL
/* @brief Kinetis style Wrapper API for Power Mode Wait (Wait for Interrupt). */
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeWait(void *arg);
/* @brief Kinetis style Wrapper API for Power Mode VLPR (Wait for Interrupt). */
status_t SMC_SetPowerModeVlpr(void *arg);
/* @brief Kinetis style Wrapper API for handling all Clock related configurations. */
void BOARD_BootClockRUN(void);
#endif /* LPC55S69_CM4_H_ */