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2022-04-08 14:42:47 +00:00
1. Installation.
2. mbedTLS Add-on for Kinetis SDK 2.0 directory structure.
3. Try examples with mbedTLS.
4. How to add mbedTLS support to user applications.
5. Release Notes
1. Installation.
1.1. Install Kinetis SDK 2.0 package
1.2. Copy content of the mbedTLS add-on to the root directory of the Kinetis SDK 2.0 installation
The package does not overwrite or modify any Kinetis SDK 2.0 file, just adds new ones.
2. mbedTLS_for_Kinetis_SDK_v2.0 directory structure.
|-- boards
| -- <board> - see 3. Try examples with mbedTLS.
| -- demo_apps
| -- mbedtls
| -- mbedtls_benchmark - Measure throughput of various crypto algorithms.
| -- mbedtls_selftest - Tests right output from various crypto algorithms.
|-- middleware
| -- mbedtls_<version> - mbedTLS library source code.
| -- include
| -- mbedtls
| -- *.h
| -- library
| -- *.c
| -- port
| -- ksdk - KSDK mbedTLS porting files.
| -- *.c, *h
3. Try examples with mbedTLS.
The package contains two demo applications: mbedtls_benchmark and mbedtls_selftest.
The build projects can be found in boards/<board>/demo_apps/mbedtls/mbedtls_selftest and
The following boards are enabled out of the box: frdmk64f, frdmk66f, frdmk82f, twrk21f120m,
twrk64f120m, twrk65f180m, twrk80f150m, twrk81f150m.
As mbedTLS contains software implementation of all algorithms, it could be used on any devices
with enough FLASH and RAM size (see section 4 of this readme).
4. How to add mbedTLS support to user applications.
4.1. Add "middleware/mbedtls_<version>/mbedtls" to compiler include path settings.
4.2. Add source files to the application build project.
4.3. Review and possibly configure mbedTLS configuration file "middleware/mbetls_<version>/port/ksdk_mbedtls_config.h"
according to the application needs. Hardware crypto acceleration can be enabled or disabled
at compile time in this file. Be sure that MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE definition is set to "ksdk_mbedtls_config.h".
4.4. If you're using hardware acceleration for crypto algorithms (such as Kinetis MMCAU or LTC modules)
make sure their driver is also included in the application build project.
For MMCAU acceleration, add "middleware/mmcau_<version>" to compiler include path settings
and add "middleware/mmcau_<version>/asm-<core>/lib_mmcau.a" to the linker settings.
For LTC acceleration, add "devices/<your_device>/drivers/fsl_ltc.h"
and "devices/<your_device>/drivers/fsl_ltc.c" to your application build project.
5. Release notes.
The middleware/mbedtls_<version> library is based on the mbedTLS package from
The original mbedTLS change log can be found in the middleware/mbedtls_<version>/ChangeLog file.
The KSDK mbedTLS change log can be found in the middleware/mbedtls_<version>/ChangeLogKSDK file.
Main modifications introduced to the original library source code:
* Added support for Kinetis LTC and MMCAU hardware acceleration modules.
* Added support for Kinetis TRNG and RNGA random number generator modules.