Overview ======== This is a small demo of the high-performance FileX FAT file system. It includes setup for a small 34KB RAM disk and a loop that writes and reads a small file. Toolchain supported =================== - IAR embedded Workbench 9.20.2 - Keil MDK 5.36 - GCC ARM Embedded 10.3.1 - MCUXpresso 11.5.0 Hardware requirements ===================== - One Micro USB cables - Target Board - Personal Computer(PC) Board settings ============== No special settings are required. Prepare the Demo ================ 1. Connect a USB Micro cable between the host PC and the Debug Link USB port (P6) on the target board. 2. Open a serial terminal on PC with the following settings: - 115200 baud rate - 8 data bits - No parity - One stop bit - No flow control 3. Compile the demo. 4. Download the program to the target board. 5. Press the on-board RESET button to start the demo. Running the demo ================ After writing the program to the flash of the target board, press the reset button on your board to start the demo. Example output: FILEX example..... Open RAM Disk..... Creat TEST.TXT..... Write TEST.TXT..... Close TEST.TXT..... Close RAM Disk.....