2022-08-23 23:05:58 +08:00

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* E M B E D D E D W I Z A R D P R O J E C T
* Copyright (c) TARA Systems GmbH
* written by Paul Banach and Manfred Schweyer
* This software is delivered "as is" and shows the usage of other software
* components. It is provided as an example software which is intended to be
* modified and extended according to particular requirements.
* TARA Systems hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to the
* software, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability
* and non-infringement of any third party IPR or other rights which may result
* from the use or the inability to use the software.
* This file was generated automatically by Embedded Wizard Studio.
* Please do not make any modifications of this file! The modifications are lost
* when the file is generated again by Embedded Wizard Studio!
* Version : 10.0
* Date : 17.02.2021 8:00:50
* Profile : NxpLpc
* Platform : NXP.LPC.RGB565
#ifndef _CoreRoot_H
#define _CoreRoot_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include "ewrte.h"
#if EW_RTE_VERSION != 0x000A0000
#error Wrong version of Embedded Wizard Runtime Environment.
#include "ewgfx.h"
#if EW_GFX_VERSION != 0x000A0000
#error Wrong version of Embedded Wizard Graphics Engine.
#include "_CoreGroup.h"
#include "_CoreTimer.h"
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::CursorEvent */
#ifndef _CoreCursorEvent_
EW_DECLARE_CLASS( CoreCursorEvent )
#define _CoreCursorEvent_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::CursorGrabEvent */
#ifndef _CoreCursorGrabEvent_
EW_DECLARE_CLASS( CoreCursorGrabEvent )
#define _CoreCursorGrabEvent_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::DialogContext */
#ifndef _CoreDialogContext_
EW_DECLARE_CLASS( CoreDialogContext )
#define _CoreDialogContext_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::DragEvent */
#ifndef _CoreDragEvent_
#define _CoreDragEvent_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::Event */
#ifndef _CoreEvent_
#define _CoreEvent_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::KeyPressHandler */
#ifndef _CoreKeyPressHandler_
EW_DECLARE_CLASS( CoreKeyPressHandler )
#define _CoreKeyPressHandler_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::LayoutContext */
#ifndef _CoreLayoutContext_
EW_DECLARE_CLASS( CoreLayoutContext )
#define _CoreLayoutContext_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::ModalContext */
#ifndef _CoreModalContext_
EW_DECLARE_CLASS( CoreModalContext )
#define _CoreModalContext_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::Root */
#ifndef _CoreRoot_
#define _CoreRoot_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::TaskQueue */
#ifndef _CoreTaskQueue_
#define _CoreTaskQueue_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::View */
#ifndef _CoreView_
#define _CoreView_
/* Forward declaration of the class Graphics::Canvas */
#ifndef _GraphicsCanvas_
EW_DECLARE_CLASS( GraphicsCanvas )
#define _GraphicsCanvas_
/* The class Core::Root provides the base functionality for the entire GUI application.
Due to its ancestry, the application provides the entire set of functionality
implemented in the Core::Group class. It serves as the root container for all
GUI components, menus, panels, etc.
The application also provides an interface to the underlying target system and
to the screen. The coordinate system of the application corresponds therefore
to the coordinate system of the screen. Every Embedded Wizard application needs
one application object.
The interface of the Core::Root class provides several methods and properties
to control the application and to coordinate the screen update and the event
dispatching. For example:
The property @Keyboard allows the management of virtual keyboard components.
A keyboard component is an ordinary GUI component you can design and fill e.g.
with buttons. Its job is to generate keyboard events in response to other user
interaction events, like the touch event. For this purpose the application will
provide the virtual keyboard component with all necessary touch events before
these are passed to the remaining parts of the GUI. Additionally, the application
ensures that the virtual keyboard always remains visible on the top of the screen.
- The methods @BeginAnimation() and @EndAnimation() allow you to temporarily
deactivate the handling of keyboard and mouse/touch panel events. This is useful
during animated screen transitions to avoid interferences with user interactions.
- The methods @BeginModal() and @EndModal() are useful to temporarily limit the
event delivery to a particular component. In this manner the component will become
'modal'. The event delivery limitation ensures that the user will interact with
the given component only whereas the remaining GUI parts are not available. Modal
GUI components are very common in all GUI applications.
- The methods @CaptureCursor(), @DeflectCursor() and @RetargetCursor() affect
the flow of touch events. They are used in special cases, when e.g. after receiving
a touch event the component needs to redirect the events to other component.
- The methods @DriveCursorHitting(), @DriveCursorMovement(), @DriveMultiTouchHitting(),
@DriveMultiTouchMovement() and @DriveKeyboardHitting() are for the integration
purpose with the underlaying target system. You will never need to invoke these
methods from the GUI application. But if you are responsible for the integration
of the GUI application with your target system, you may need to feed these methods
with events from your touch screen or hardware keyboard.
- The properties @Language and @Styles reflect the currently selected language
and the active styles. These may determine the visual aspect of the GUI application.
The properties cover the underlaying Chora variables 'language' and 'styles'
and broadcast Core::LanguageEvent or Core::StylesEvent in case of their modification. */
EW_DEFINE_FIELDS( CoreRoot, CoreGroup )
EW_VARIABLE( keyLastTarget, XObject )
EW_VARIABLE( modalGroups, CoreModalContext )
EW_VARIABLE( cursorCaptureView, CoreView )
EW_ARRAY ( cursorTargetView, CoreView, [10])
EW_VARIABLE( canvas, GraphicsCanvas )
EW_PROPERTY( VirtualKeyboard, CoreGroup )
EW_OBJECT ( cursorHoldTimer, CoreTimer )
EW_VARIABLE( updateLock, XInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( animationLock, XInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( currentEventTimestamp, XUInt32 )
EW_ARRAY ( cursorSequelCounter, XInt32, [10])
EW_ARRAY ( cursorSequelArea, XRect, [10])
EW_ARRAY ( cursorHoldPeriod, XInt32, [10])
EW_ARRAY ( cursorHittingPos, XPoint, [10])
EW_ARRAY ( cursorHittingTime, XUInt32, [10])
EW_ARRAY ( cursorCurrentPos, XPoint, [10])
EW_ARRAY ( cursorHitOffset, XPoint, [10])
EW_ARRAY ( cursorLastPos, XPoint, [10])
EW_ARRAY ( cursorFirstPos, XPoint, [10])
EW_VARIABLE( cursorFinger, XInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( fpsTime, XUInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( fpsCounter, XInt32 )
EW_ARRAY ( lastRegions, XRect, [3])
EW_VARIABLE( noOfLastRegions, XInt32 )
EW_ARRAY ( regionsArea, XInt32, [4])
EW_ARRAY ( regions, XRect, [4])
EW_VARIABLE( noOfRegions, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( CursorDragLimit, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( CursorSequelDelay, XInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( keyLastCode, XEnum )
EW_VARIABLE( keyLastCharCode, XChar )
EW_VARIABLE( hasRootFocus, XBool )
EW_VARIABLE( keyLastLocked, XBool )
/* Virtual Method Table (VMT) for the class : 'Core::Root' */
EW_DEFINE_METHODS( CoreRoot, CoreGroup )
EW_METHOD( initLayoutContext, void )( CoreRectView _this, XRect aBounds, CoreOutline
aOutline )
EW_METHOD( GetRoot, CoreRoot )( CoreRoot _this )
EW_METHOD( Draw, void )( CoreRoot _this, GraphicsCanvas aCanvas,
XRect aClip, XPoint aOffset, XInt32 aOpacity, XBool aBlend )
EW_METHOD( HandleEvent, XObject )( CoreView _this, CoreEvent aEvent )
EW_METHOD( CursorHitTest, CoreCursorHit )( CoreGroup _this, XRect aArea, XInt32
aFinger, XInt32 aStrikeCount, CoreView aDedicatedView, XSet aRetargetReason )
EW_METHOD( ArrangeView, XPoint )( CoreRectView _this, XRect aBounds, XEnum
aFormation )
EW_METHOD( MoveView, void )( CoreRectView _this, XPoint aOffset, XBool
aFastMove )
EW_METHOD( GetExtent, XRect )( CoreRectView _this )
EW_METHOD( ChangeViewState, void )( CoreRoot _this, XSet aSetState, XSet aClearState )
EW_METHOD( OnSetBounds, void )( CoreGroup _this, XRect value )
EW_METHOD( OnSetFocus, void )( CoreRoot _this, CoreView value )
EW_METHOD( OnSetOpacity, void )( CoreRoot _this, XInt32 value )
EW_METHOD( DispatchEvent, XObject )( CoreRoot _this, CoreEvent aEvent )
EW_METHOD( BroadcastEvent, XObject )( CoreRoot _this, CoreEvent aEvent, XSet
aFilter )
EW_METHOD( UpdateViewState, void )( CoreGroup _this, XSet aState )
EW_METHOD( InvalidateArea, void )( CoreRoot _this, XRect aArea )
EW_METHOD( FindSiblingView, CoreView )( CoreGroup _this, CoreView aView, XSet
aFilter )
EW_METHOD( Add, void )( CoreGroup _this, CoreView aView, XInt32
aOrder )
/* The method GetRoot() delivers the application object, this view belongs to. The
application object represents the entire screen of the GUI application. Thus
in the views hierarchy, the application object serves as the root view.
This method can fail and return null if the view still doesn't belong to any
owner group. */
CoreRoot CoreRoot_GetRoot( CoreRoot _this );
/* The method Draw() is invoked automatically if parts of the view should be redrawn
on the screen. This can occur when e.g. the view has been moved or the appearance
of the view has changed before.
Draw() is invoked automatically by the framework, you never will need to invoke
this method directly. However you can request an invocation of this method by
calling the method InvalidateArea() of the views @Owner. Usually this is also
unnecessary unless you are developing your own view.
The passed parameters determine the drawing destination aCanvas and the area
to redraw aClip in the coordinate space of the canvas. The parameter aOffset
contains the displacement between the origin of the views owner and the origin
of the canvas. You will need it to convert views coordinates into these of the
The parameter aOpacity contains the opacity descended from this view's @Owner.
It lies in range 0 .. 255. If the view implements its own 'Opacity', 'Color',
etc. properties, the Draw() method should calculate the resulting real opacity
by mixing the values of these properties with the one passed in aOpacity parameter.
The parameter aBlend contains the blending mode descended from this view's @Owner.
It determines, whether the view should be drawn with alpha-blending active or
not. If aBlend is false, the outputs of the view should overwrite the corresponding
pixel in the drawing destination aCanvas. If aBlend is true, the outputs should
be mixed with the pixel already stored in aCanvas. For this purpose all Graphics
Engine functions provide a parameter to specify the mode for the respective drawing
operation. If the view implements its own 'Blend' property, the Draw() method
should calculate the resulting real blend mode by using logical AND operation
of the value of the property and the one passed in aBlend parameter. */
void CoreRoot_Draw( CoreRoot _this, GraphicsCanvas aCanvas, XRect aClip, XPoint
aOffset, XInt32 aOpacity, XBool aBlend );
/* The method ChangeViewState() modifies the current state of the view. The state
is a set of switches determining whether a view is visible, whether it can react
to user inputs or whether it is just performing some update operations, etc.
The modification is controlled by the the both parameters. The first aSetState
contains the switches to activate within the view state. The second aClearState
determines all switches to disable.
Depending on the state alteration the method will perform different operations,
e.g. in response to the clearing of the visible state, the method will request
a screen redraw to make disappear the view from the screen.
ChangeViewState() is invoked automatically by the framework, so you never should
need to invoke it directly. All relevant states are available as properties e.g.
the property Visible in derived classes reflects the visible state of the view. */
void CoreRoot_ChangeViewState( CoreRoot _this, XSet aSetState, XSet aClearState );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Core::Root.OnSetFocus()' */
void CoreRoot_OnSetFocus( CoreRoot _this, CoreView value );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Core::Root.OnSetOpacity()' */
void CoreRoot_OnSetOpacity( CoreRoot _this, XInt32 value );
/* The method DispatchEvent() feeds the component with the event passed in the parameter
aEvent and propagates it along the so-called focus path. This focus path leads
to the currently selected keyboard event receiver view. If the event is rejected
by the view, the same operation is repeated for the next superior view. This
permits the hierarchical event dispatching until a willing view has handled the
event or all views in the focus path have been evaluated. If the event remains
still unhandled, it will be passed to the component itself.
The focus path is established by the property @Focus.
DispatchEvent() returns the value returned by the @HandleEvent() method of the
view which has handled the event. In the case, the event was not handled, the
method returns 'null'. */
XObject CoreRoot_DispatchEvent( CoreRoot _this, CoreEvent aEvent );
/* The method BroadcastEvent() feeds the component with the event passed in the
parameter aEvent and propagates it to all views enclosed within the component
until the event has been handled or all views are evaluated. If the event remains
still unhandled, it will be passed to the component itself.
The additional parameter aFilter can be used to limit the operation to special
views only, e.g. to visible and touchable views. To broadcast the event to all
views pass in the parameter aFilter the value 'Core::ViewState[]'.
BroadcastEvent() is very useful to provide all views with one and the same event
in order e.g. to inform all views about an important global state alteration.
To send events to views enclosing a given position use the method @BroadcastEventAtPosition().
BroadcastEvent() returns the value returned by the @HandleEvent() method of the
view which has handled the event. In the case, the event was not handled, the
method returns 'null'. */
XObject CoreRoot_BroadcastEvent( CoreRoot _this, CoreEvent aEvent, XSet aFilter );
/* The method InvalidateArea() declares the given area of the component as invalid,
this means this area should be redrawn at the next screen update. */
void CoreRoot_InvalidateArea( CoreRoot _this, XRect aArea );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Core::Root.createDragEvent()' */
CoreDragEvent CoreRoot_createDragEvent( CoreRoot _this );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Core::Root.createCursorEvent()' */
CoreCursorEvent CoreRoot_createCursorEvent( CoreRoot _this );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Core::Root.createCursorGrabEvent()' */
CoreCursorGrabEvent CoreRoot_createCursorGrabEvent( CoreRoot _this );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Core::Root.cursorHoldTimerProc()' */
void CoreRoot_cursorHoldTimerProc( CoreRoot _this, XObject sender );
/* The method GetFPS() returns the screen update performance expressed in frames
per second. The performance is estimated for the period between the current and
the preceding invocation of the GetFPS() method. */
XInt32 CoreRoot_GetFPS( CoreRoot _this );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.GetFPS()' */
XInt32 CoreRoot__GetFPS( void* _this );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.GetFPS(). */
#define _CoreRoot__GetFPS_
/* The method Update() exists for the integration purpose with the underlying target
system. You will never need to invoke this method directly from your GUI application.
The method is responsible for the redrawing of invalid screen areas.
This method forces the redraw of all affected views and returns the position
and the size of the redrawn area. If there is no invalid area to redraw, */
XRect CoreRoot_Update( CoreRoot _this );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.Update()' */
XRect CoreRoot__Update( void* _this );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.Update(). */
#define _CoreRoot__Update_
/* The method UpdateGE20() exists for the integration purpose with the underlying
target system. You will never need to invoke this method directly from your GUI
application. The method is responsible for the redrawing of invalid screen areas.
This method forces the redraw of all affected views into the given drawing destination
aCanvas and returns the position and the size of the redrawn area. If there is
no invalid area to redraw, UpdateGE20() returns an empty rectangle. This method
is intended to work with the new Graphics Engine 2.0 only. */
XRect CoreRoot_UpdateGE20( CoreRoot _this, GraphicsCanvas aCanvas );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.UpdateGE20()' */
XRect CoreRoot__UpdateGE20( void* _this, GraphicsCanvas aCanvas );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.UpdateGE20(). */
#define _CoreRoot__UpdateGE20_
/* The method EndUpdate() belongs to an interface required for integration purpose
with the underlying target system. You will never need to invoke this method
directly from your GUI application.
Calling this method finalizes the screen update cycle initiated by the preceding
@BeginUpdate() invocation. */
void CoreRoot_EndUpdate( CoreRoot _this );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.EndUpdate()' */
void CoreRoot__EndUpdate( void* _this );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.EndUpdate(). */
#define _CoreRoot__EndUpdate_
/* The method UpdateCanvas() belongs to an interface required for integration purpose
with the underlying target system. You will never need to invoke this method
directly from your GUI application.
This method redraws all invalid screen regions into the canvas passed in the
parameter aCanvas. The parameter aOffset determines the origin where to map the
top-left corner of the canvas on the screen. All update areas lying outside the
canvas are clipped.
The method returns the position and the size of the resulting area within the
canvas affected by the update. If there is no intersection between the canvas
and any of the invalid areas, UpdateCanvas() returns an empty rectangle. */
XRect CoreRoot_UpdateCanvas( CoreRoot _this, GraphicsCanvas aCanvas, XPoint aOffset );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.UpdateCanvas()' */
XRect CoreRoot__UpdateCanvas( void* _this, GraphicsCanvas aCanvas, XPoint aOffset );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.UpdateCanvas(). */
#define _CoreRoot__UpdateCanvas_
/* The method GetUpdateRegion() belongs to an interface required for integration
purpose with the underlying target system. You will never need to invoke this
method directly from your GUI application.
This method returns the position and the size of the invalid region with the
number specified in the parameter aRegionNo. If the desired region does not exist,
the method returns an empty area. */
XRect CoreRoot_GetUpdateRegion( CoreRoot _this, XInt32 aRegionNo );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.GetUpdateRegion()' */
XRect CoreRoot__GetUpdateRegion( void* _this, XInt32 aRegionNo );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.GetUpdateRegion(). */
#define _CoreRoot__GetUpdateRegion_
/* The method BeginUpdate() belongs to an interface required for integration purpose
with the underlying target system. You will never need to invoke this method
directly from your GUI application.
Calling this method initiates a new screen update cycle. Subsequently the method
@UpdateCanvas() can be called in order to perform all waiting drawing operations.
If necessary UpdateCanvas() can be called multiple times in order to draw multiple
screen areas individually. Finally the update cycle is terminated by calling
the method @EndUpdate().
The method BeginUpdate() returns the number of invalid regions waiting currently
for the update. If there is nothing to update, the method returns 0 (zero). The
position and the size of the invalid regions can be queried by using the method
@GetUpdateRegion(). */
XInt32 CoreRoot_BeginUpdate( CoreRoot _this );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.BeginUpdate()' */
XInt32 CoreRoot__BeginUpdate( void* _this );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.BeginUpdate(). */
#define _CoreRoot__BeginUpdate_
/* The method DoesNeedUpdate() returns a value indicating whether an area of the
application needs an update. If there is no invalid area to redraw, DoesNeedUpdate()
returns 'false'. */
XBool CoreRoot_DoesNeedUpdate( CoreRoot _this );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.DoesNeedUpdate()' */
XBool CoreRoot__DoesNeedUpdate( void* _this );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.DoesNeedUpdate(). */
#define _CoreRoot__DoesNeedUpdate_
/* The method Initialize() exists for the integration purpose with the underlying
target system. You will never need to invoke this method directly from your GUI
application. The method is responsible for the preparation of the application
object to work with a screen with the given size aSize. */
CoreRoot CoreRoot_Initialize( CoreRoot _this, XPoint aSize );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.Initialize()' */
CoreRoot CoreRoot__Initialize( void* _this, XPoint aSize );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.Initialize(). */
#define _CoreRoot__Initialize_
/* 'C' function for method : 'Core::Root.SetRootFocus()' */
XBool CoreRoot_SetRootFocus( CoreRoot _this, XBool aHasRootFocus );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.SetRootFocus()' */
XBool CoreRoot__SetRootFocus( void* _this, XBool aHasRootFocus );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.SetRootFocus(). */
#define _CoreRoot__SetRootFocus_
/* The method 'SetUserInputTimestamp()' exists for optional purpose to provide the
exact timestamp when the last user interaction took place. With this exact information
the GUI application can calculate better interactions like touch screen gestures,
etc. The time is expressed in milliseconds.
Usually the method will be invoked in response to user input events received
in the main() message loop from the target specific keyboard or touch screen
driver. The method should be called before the event is fed to the GUI system. */
void CoreRoot_SetUserInputTimestamp( CoreRoot _this, XUInt32 aTimestamp );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.SetUserInputTimestamp()' */
void CoreRoot__SetUserInputTimestamp( void* _this, XUInt32 aTimestamp );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.SetUserInputTimestamp(). */
#define _CoreRoot__SetUserInputTimestamp_
/* The method DriveKeyboardHitting() exists for the integration purpose with the
underlying target system. Usually the method will be invoked in response to events
received in the main() message loop from the target specific hardware keyboard
The parameters passed to the method determine the event. aDown determines whether
the user has pressed (== 'true') or released (== 'false') a key. The parameters
aCode and aCharCode are used exclusively. They determine the affected key. If
the method is called with a valid aCode then aCharCode should be '\0'. If the
method is called with a valid aCharCode then aCode should be Core::KeyCode.NoKey. */
XBool CoreRoot_DriveKeyboardHitting( CoreRoot _this, XEnum aCode, XChar aCharCode,
XBool aDown );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.DriveKeyboardHitting()' */
XBool CoreRoot__DriveKeyboardHitting( void* _this, XEnum aCode, XChar aCharCode,
XBool aDown );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.DriveKeyboardHitting(). */
#define _CoreRoot__DriveKeyboardHitting_
/* The method DriveCursorMovement() exists for the integration purpose with the
underlying target system. Usually the method will be invoked in response to to
drag events received in the main() message loop from the target specific touch
screen driver.
The method expects only one parameter aPos. This parameter determines the current
cursor (or finger in the touch screen analogy) position. aPos lies relative to
the top-left corner of the application coordinate system.
Please note, this method is limited to process a single touch (or mouse) event
at the same time. When integrating with a target system supporting multi-touch
please use the method @DriveMultiTouchMovement(). */
XBool CoreRoot_DriveCursorMovement( CoreRoot _this, XPoint aPos );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.DriveCursorMovement()' */
XBool CoreRoot__DriveCursorMovement( void* _this, XPoint aPos );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.DriveCursorMovement(). */
#define _CoreRoot__DriveCursorMovement_
/* The method DriveMultiTouchMovement() exists for the integration purpose with
the underlying target system. Usually the method will be invoked in response
to to drag events received in the main() message loop from the target specific
touch screen driver.
The parameter aPos determines the current cursor (or finger in the touch screen
analogy) position. aPos lies relative to the top-left corner of the application
coordinate system. The number of the finger is specified in the parameter aFinger.
The first finger has the number 0, the second 1, and so far till 9.
Please note, unlike the method @DriveCursorMovement() this method is able to
process and dispatch several multi-touch events simultaneously. */
XBool CoreRoot_DriveMultiTouchMovement( CoreRoot _this, XInt32 aFinger, XPoint aPos );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.DriveMultiTouchMovement()' */
XBool CoreRoot__DriveMultiTouchMovement( void* _this, XInt32 aFinger, XPoint aPos );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.DriveMultiTouchMovement(). */
#define _CoreRoot__DriveMultiTouchMovement_
/* The method DriveCursorHitting() exists for the integration purpose with the underlying
target system. Usually the method will be invoked in response to to touch events
received in the main() message loop from the target specific touch screen driver.
The parameters passed to the method determine the event. aDown determines whether
the user has pressed (== 'true') or released (== 'false') their finger at the position
aPos relative to the top-left origin of the GUI application area. The parameter
aFinger specifies the finger (or mouse button) the user pressed for this operation.
The first finger (mouse button) has the number 0, the second 1, and so far.
Please note, this method is limited to process a single touch (or mouse) event
at the same time. When integrating with a target system supporting multi-touch
please use the method @DriveMultiTouchHitting(). */
XBool CoreRoot_DriveCursorHitting( CoreRoot _this, XBool aDown, XInt32 aFinger,
XPoint aPos );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.DriveCursorHitting()' */
XBool CoreRoot__DriveCursorHitting( void* _this, XBool aDown, XInt32 aFinger, XPoint
aPos );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.DriveCursorHitting(). */
#define _CoreRoot__DriveCursorHitting_
/* The method DriveMultiTouchHitting() exists for the integration purpose with the
underlying target system. Usually the method will be invoked in response to touch
events received in the main() message loop from the target specific touch screen
The parameters passed to the method determine the event. aDown determines whether
the user has pressed (== 'true') or released (== 'false') their finger at the position
aPos relative to the top-left origin of the GUI application area. The parameter
aFinger identifies the associated finger. The first finger has the number 0,
the second 1 and so far till 9.
Please note, unlike the method @DriveCursorHitting() this method is able to process
and dispatch several multi-touch events simultaneously. */
XBool CoreRoot_DriveMultiTouchHitting( CoreRoot _this, XBool aDown, XInt32 aFinger,
XPoint aPos );
/* Wrapper function for the non virtual method : 'Core::Root.DriveMultiTouchHitting()' */
XBool CoreRoot__DriveMultiTouchHitting( void* _this, XBool aDown, XInt32 aFinger,
XPoint aPos );
/* The following define announces the presence of the method Core::Root.DriveMultiTouchHitting(). */
#define _CoreRoot__DriveMultiTouchHitting_
/* The method RetargetCursorWithReason() changes the currently active cursor event
target view. Usually, the target view is determined when the user presses the
finger on the touch screen. Once determined, the target view remains active until
the user has released the finger. In the meantime the framework will provide
this target view with all cursor events. This entire cycle is called 'grab cycle'.
The method RetargetCursorWithReason() allows you to select a new target view
without the necessity to wait until the user has released the touch screen and
thus has finalized the grab cycle.
Except the additional parameter aRetargetReason, this method works similarly
to @RetargetCursor(). At first the method asks the new potential target view
aNewTarget whether it or one of its sub-views is willing to continue processing
the cursor events for the gesture specified in aRetargetReason. If successful,
the method hands over the cursor event flow to this determined view. If there
is no view willing to handle these events, the method hands over the event flow
directly to the view specified in the parameter aFallbackTarget. If no willing
view could be found and no fall-back view was given, the current grab cycle is
finalized as if the user had released the touch screen.
Unlike the method @DeflectCursor() this RetargetCursorWithReason() method performs
the cursor hit test for all views of the new potential target. This is as if
the user had tapped the screen and the framework tries to determine the view
affected by this interaction. This search operation is limited to views at the
current cursor position. Unlike @RetargetCursor(), this method limits additionally
to candidates willing to handle the gesture specified in the parameter aRetargetReason.
When switching the target view, the framework provides the old and the new target
views with cursor events. The old view will receive a Core::CursorEvent with
variables Down == 'false' and AutoDeflected == 'true' - this simulates the release
operations. The new target view will receive a Core::CursorEvent with the variable
Down == 'true' as if it had been just touched by the user.
If the application is running within a multi-touch environment, the invocation
of the RetargetCursor() method does affect the event flow corresponding only
to the finger which has lastly generated touch events. */
void CoreRoot_RetargetCursorWithReason( CoreRoot _this, CoreView aNewTarget, CoreView
aFallbackTarget, XSet aRetargetReason );
/* The method DeflectCursor() changes the currently active cursor event target view.
Usually, the target view is determined when the user presses the finger on the
touch screen. Once determined, the target view remains active until the user
has released the finger. In the meantime the framework will provide this target
view with all cursor events. This entire cycle is called 'grab cycle'. The method
DeflectCursor() allows you to select a new target view without the necessity
to wait until the user has released the touch screen and thus has finalized the
grab cycle.
Unlike the method @RetargetCursor() this @DeflectCursor() method hands over the
cursor event flow to the new target regardless its position or state. If no new
target view has been specified, the current grab cycle is finalized as if the
user had released the touch screen.
When switching the target view, the framework provides the old and the new target
views with cursor events. The old view will receive a Core::CursorEvent with
variables Down == 'false' and AutoDeflected == 'true' - this simulates the release
operations. The new target view will receive a Core::CursorEvent with the variable
Down == 'true' as if it had been just touched by the user.
If the application is running within a multi-touch environment, the invocation
of the DeflectCursor() method does affect the event flow corresponding only to
the finger which has lastly generated touch events. */
void CoreRoot_DeflectCursor( CoreRoot _this, CoreView aNewTarget, XPoint aHitOffset );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _CoreRoot_H */
/* Embedded Wizard */