2022-08-23 23:05:58 +08:00

313 lines
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* E M B E D D E D W I Z A R D P R O J E C T
* Copyright (c) TARA Systems GmbH
* written by Paul Banach and Manfred Schweyer
* This software is delivered "as is" and shows the usage of other software
* components. It is provided as an example software which is intended to be
* modified and extended according to particular requirements.
* TARA Systems hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to the
* software, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability
* and non-infringement of any third party IPR or other rights which may result
* from the use or the inability to use the software.
* This file was generated automatically by Embedded Wizard Studio.
* Please do not make any modifications of this file! The modifications are lost
* when the file is generated again by Embedded Wizard Studio!
* Version : 10.0
* Date : 17.02.2021 8:00:50
* Profile : NxpLpc
* Platform : NXP.LPC.RGB565
#ifndef _CoreSlideTouchHandler_H
#define _CoreSlideTouchHandler_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include "ewrte.h"
#if EW_RTE_VERSION != 0x000A0000
#error Wrong version of Embedded Wizard Runtime Environment.
#include "ewgfx.h"
#if EW_GFX_VERSION != 0x000A0000
#error Wrong version of Embedded Wizard Graphics Engine.
#include "_CoreRectView.h"
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::CursorHit */
#ifndef _CoreCursorHit_
#define _CoreCursorHit_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::Event */
#ifndef _CoreEvent_
#define _CoreEvent_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::Group */
#ifndef _CoreGroup_
#define _CoreGroup_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::LayoutContext */
#ifndef _CoreLayoutContext_
EW_DECLARE_CLASS( CoreLayoutContext )
#define _CoreLayoutContext_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::SlideTouchHandler */
#ifndef _CoreSlideTouchHandler_
EW_DECLARE_CLASS( CoreSlideTouchHandler )
#define _CoreSlideTouchHandler_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::Timer */
#ifndef _CoreTimer_
#define _CoreTimer_
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::View */
#ifndef _CoreView_
#define _CoreView_
/* Forward declaration of the class Graphics::Canvas */
#ifndef _GraphicsCanvas_
EW_DECLARE_CLASS( GraphicsCanvas )
#define _GraphicsCanvas_
/* The class Core::SlideTouchHandler provides a special kind of a view able to react
to touch screen events and to process slide gestures. Each time the user taps
inside the area of the handler and drags the finger, the handler modifies the
stored @Offset value accordingly to the direction and distance the user has stroke.
Each modification of this @Offset value causes the handler to send a signal to
a slot method stored in the property @OnSlide. The intention of this handler
is to cover the internal aspects of the cursor event handling.
This slide handler is very useful to add the scrolling functionality to GUI components
containing large lists of items, text blocks, or other extensive contents. Even
the classes Core::Outline, Core::HorizontalList, Core::VerticalList, Views::Text
and Views::Image provide an interface to connect themselves with a such slide
handler. In this manner the user can scroll their content by simply touching
inside the handler area and dragging the finger.
The slide handler implements fancy animation effects to simulate movements similar
to them in a real physical system with its inertia and the friction. For example,
after the user has finished the interaction the sliding can continue running
and its speed will decelerate accordingly to the @Friction factor.
The handler provides several variables useful to query e.g. the current handler
state (@Sliding), or the current slide position (@Offset), etc. These variables
can be simply evaluated in the implementation of the slot method.
The property @Enabled can be used to activate/deactivate the touch handler. Disabled
handler will not react to user taps.
With the properties @RetargetCondition, @RetargetOffset and @RetargetDelay the
handler can be configured to automatically deflect the current event processing
to another handler as soon as the user has performed a simple gesture, e.g. wipe
down. Using these properties several handler can cooperate during an active user
interaction even if these handler overlap each other. For example, one handler
can process horizontal gestures while another handler will limit to vertical
gestures, etc.
The handler can be configured to react to multi-touch gestures performed by two
or more fingers. In such case the expected number of fingers can be specified
in the property @NoOfFingers. With the property @LimitToFinger the handler can
be limited to react to events generated by a particular finger only.
Due to its ancestry from the Core::View class, the touch handler can be arranged
within its @Owner or if @Embedded == 'true' within the boundary area of an Core::Outline
view in the same manner as it is done with all regular views.
The touch handler itself is invisible except the Embedded Wizard Composer, where
all handler appear as semitransparent rectangles. This allows you to interact
with the handlers during the design time. */
EW_DEFINE_FIELDS( CoreSlideTouchHandler, CoreRectView )
EW_VARIABLE( timer, CoreTimer )
EW_VARIABLE( privateOnStart, XSlot )
EW_VARIABLE( privateOnEnd, XSlot )
EW_VARIABLE( privateOnSlide, XSlot )
EW_PROPERTY( OnSlide, XSlot )
EW_PROPERTY( OnStart, XSlot )
EW_VARIABLE( stateRetargetReason, XSet )
EW_VARIABLE( state, XUInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( activeFinger, XInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( frictFactor, XFloat )
EW_VARIABLE( refTime, XUInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( initOffset, XPoint )
EW_VARIABLE( endY, XInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( accelerationY, XFloat )
EW_VARIABLE( speedY, XFloat )
EW_VARIABLE( startY, XFloat )
EW_VARIABLE( startTimeY, XUInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( endX, XInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( accelerationX, XFloat )
EW_VARIABLE( speedX, XFloat )
EW_VARIABLE( startX, XFloat )
EW_VARIABLE( startTimeX, XUInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( HittingPos, XPoint )
EW_VARIABLE( Delta, XPoint )
EW_PROPERTY( NoOfFingers, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( LimitToFinger, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( MaxOffset, XPoint )
EW_PROPERTY( MinOffset, XPoint )
EW_PROPERTY( Offset, XPoint )
EW_PROPERTY( SnapLast, XPoint )
EW_PROPERTY( SnapNext, XPoint )
EW_PROPERTY( SnapFirst, XPoint )
EW_PROPERTY( RubberBandEffectElasticity, XFloat )
EW_PROPERTY( RubberBandEffectDuration, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( RetargetDelay, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( RetargetOffset, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( RetargetCondition, XSet )
EW_PROPERTY( ResetSpace, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( ResetDelay, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( SpeedLimit, XFloat )
EW_PROPERTY( RubberBandScrolling, XBool )
EW_PROPERTY( SlideVert, XBool )
EW_PROPERTY( SlideHorz, XBool )
EW_VARIABLE( Sliding, XBool )
EW_VARIABLE( parkingX, XBool )
EW_VARIABLE( parkingY, XBool )
EW_VARIABLE( active, XBool )
EW_END_OF_FIELDS( CoreSlideTouchHandler )
/* Virtual Method Table (VMT) for the class : 'Core::SlideTouchHandler' */
EW_DEFINE_METHODS( CoreSlideTouchHandler, CoreRectView )
EW_METHOD( initLayoutContext, void )( CoreRectView _this, XRect aBounds, CoreOutline
aOutline )
EW_METHOD( GetRoot, CoreRoot )( CoreView _this )
EW_METHOD( Draw, void )( CoreSlideTouchHandler _this, GraphicsCanvas
aCanvas, XRect aClip, XPoint aOffset, XInt32 aOpacity, XBool aBlend )
EW_METHOD( HandleEvent, XObject )( CoreSlideTouchHandler _this, CoreEvent
aEvent )
EW_METHOD( CursorHitTest, CoreCursorHit )( CoreSlideTouchHandler _this, XRect
aArea, XInt32 aFinger, XInt32 aStrikeCount, CoreView aDedicatedView, XSet aRetargetReason )
EW_METHOD( ArrangeView, XPoint )( CoreRectView _this, XRect aBounds, XEnum
aFormation )
EW_METHOD( MoveView, void )( CoreRectView _this, XPoint aOffset, XBool
aFastMove )
EW_METHOD( GetExtent, XRect )( CoreRectView _this )
EW_METHOD( ChangeViewState, void )( CoreView _this, XSet aSetState, XSet aClearState )
EW_METHOD( OnSetBounds, void )( CoreRectView _this, XRect value )
EW_END_OF_METHODS( CoreSlideTouchHandler )
/* The method Draw() is invoked automatically if parts of the view should be redrawn
on the screen. This can occur when e.g. the view has been moved or the appearance
of the view has changed before.
Draw() is invoked automatically by the framework, you never will need to invoke
this method directly. However you can request an invocation of this method by
calling the method InvalidateArea() of the views @Owner. Usually this is also
unnecessary unless you are developing your own view.
The passed parameters determine the drawing destination aCanvas and the area
to redraw aClip in the coordinate space of the canvas. The parameter aOffset
contains the displacement between the origin of the views owner and the origin
of the canvas. You will need it to convert views coordinates into these of the
The parameter aOpacity contains the opacity descended from this view's @Owner.
It lies in range 0 .. 255. If the view implements its own 'Opacity', 'Color',
etc. properties, the Draw() method should calculate the resulting real opacity
by mixing the values of these properties with the one passed in aOpacity parameter.
The parameter aBlend contains the blending mode descended from this view's @Owner.
It determines, whether the view should be drawn with alpha-blending active or
not. If aBlend is false, the outputs of the view should overwrite the corresponding
pixel in the drawing destination aCanvas. If aBlend is true, the outputs should
be mixed with the pixel already stored in aCanvas. For this purpose all Graphics
Engine functions provide a parameter to specify the mode for the respective drawing
operation. If the view implements its own 'Blend' property, the Draw() method
should calculate the resulting real blend mode by using logical AND operation
of the value of the property and the one passed in aBlend parameter. */
void CoreSlideTouchHandler_Draw( CoreSlideTouchHandler _this, GraphicsCanvas aCanvas,
XRect aClip, XPoint aOffset, XInt32 aOpacity, XBool aBlend );
/* The method HandleEvent() is invoked automatically if the view has received an
event. For example, touching the view on the touch screen can cause the view
to receive a Core::CursorEvent event. Within this method the view can evaluate
the event and react to it.
Whether the event has been handled by the view or not is determined by the return
value. To sign an event as handled HandleEvent() should return a valid object
(e.g. 'this'). If the event has not been handled, 'null' should be returned.
Depending on the kind of the event, the framework can continue dispatching of
still unhandled events. For example, keyboard events (Core::KeyEvent class) are
automatically delivered to the superior @Owner of the receiver view if this view
has ignored the event.
HandleEvent() is invoked automatically by the framework, so you never should
need to invoke it directly. However you can prepare and post new events by using
the methods DispatchEvent() and BroadcastEvent() of the application class Core::Root. */
XObject CoreSlideTouchHandler_HandleEvent( CoreSlideTouchHandler _this, CoreEvent
aEvent );
/* The method CursorHitTest() is invoked automatically in order to determine whether
the view is interested in the receipt of cursor events or not. This method will
be invoked immediately after the user has tapped the visible area of the view.
If the view is not interested in the cursor event, the framework repeats this
procedure for the next behind view until a willing view has been found or all
views are evaluated.
In the implementation of the method the view can evaluate the passed aArea parameter.
It determines the place where the user has tapped the view with their fingertip
expressed in the coordinates of the views @Owner. The method can test e.g. whether
the tapped area does intersect any touchable areas within the view, etc. The
affected finger is identified in the parameter aFinger. The first finger (or
the first mouse device button) has the number 0.
The parameter aStrikeCount determines how many times the same area has been tapped
in series. This is useful to detect series of multiple touches, e.g. in case
of the double click, aStrikeCount == 2.
The parameter aDedicatedView, if it is not 'null', restricts the event to be
handled by this view only. If aDedicatedView == null, no special restriction
This method is also invoked if during an existing grab cycle the current target
view has decided to resign and deflect the cursor events to another view. This
is usually the case after the user has performed a gesture the current target
view is not interested to process. Thereupon, the system looks for another view
willing to take over the cursor event processing after the performed gesture.
Which gesture has caused the operation, is specified in the parameter aRetargetReason.
If the view is willing to process the event, the method should create, initialize
and return a new Core::CursorHit object. This object identify the willing view.
Otherwise the method should return 'null'.
CursorHitTest() is invoked automatically by the framework, so you never should
need to invoke it directly. This method is predetermined for the hit-test only.
The proper processing of events should take place in the @HandleEvent() method
by reacting to Core::CursorEvent and Core::DragEvent events. */
CoreCursorHit CoreSlideTouchHandler_CursorHitTest( CoreSlideTouchHandler _this,
XRect aArea, XInt32 aFinger, XInt32 aStrikeCount, CoreView aDedicatedView, XSet
aRetargetReason );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Core::SlideTouchHandler.stopAnimation()' */
void CoreSlideTouchHandler_stopAnimation( CoreSlideTouchHandler _this );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Core::SlideTouchHandler.startAnimation()' */
void CoreSlideTouchHandler_startAnimation( CoreSlideTouchHandler _this );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Core::SlideTouchHandler.timerSlot()' */
void CoreSlideTouchHandler_timerSlot( CoreSlideTouchHandler _this, XObject sender );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Core::SlideTouchHandler.OnSetSnapNext()' */
void CoreSlideTouchHandler_OnSetSnapNext( CoreSlideTouchHandler _this, XPoint value );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Core::SlideTouchHandler.OnSetResetSpace()' */
void CoreSlideTouchHandler_OnSetResetSpace( CoreSlideTouchHandler _this, XInt32
value );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _CoreSlideTouchHandler_H */
/* Embedded Wizard */