2022-04-08 22:42:47 +08:00

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* E M B E D D E D W I Z A R D P R O J E C T
* Copyright (c) TARA Systems GmbH
* written by Paul Banach and Manfred Schweyer
* This software is delivered "as is" and shows the usage of other software
* components. It is provided as an example software which is intended to be
* modified and extended according to particular requirements.
* TARA Systems hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to the
* software, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability
* and non-infringement of any third party IPR or other rights which may result
* from the use or the inability to use the software.
* This file was generated automatically by Embedded Wizard Studio.
* Please do not make any modifications of this file! The modifications are lost
* when the file is generated again by Embedded Wizard Studio!
* Version : 10.0
* Date : 17.02.2021 8:00:50
* Profile : NxpLpc
* Platform : NXP.LPC.RGB565
#ifndef _EffectsEffect_H
#define _EffectsEffect_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include "ewrte.h"
#if EW_RTE_VERSION != 0x000A0000
#error Wrong version of Embedded Wizard Runtime Environment.
#include "ewgfx.h"
#if EW_GFX_VERSION != 0x000A0000
#error Wrong version of Embedded Wizard Graphics Engine.
/* Forward declaration of the class Core::Timer */
#ifndef _CoreTimer_
#define _CoreTimer_
/* Forward declaration of the class Effects::Effect */
#ifndef _EffectsEffect_
EW_DECLARE_CLASS( EffectsEffect )
#define _EffectsEffect_
/* Forward declaration of the class Effects::TimingList */
#ifndef _EffectsTimingList_
EW_DECLARE_CLASS( EffectsTimingList )
#define _EffectsTimingList_
/* The class Effects::Effect provides the base functionality for all kinds of animation
effects. Effects allow the designer to enrich the GUI application with additional
fancy and eye candy animations. For example, the effect Effects::ColorEffect
performs the color fade animation. Effects::RectEffect in contrast can animate
the position and the size of a GUI component, etc. Animation effects are determined
by their duration and by the timing function.
The duration is primarily controlled by the value of the property @CycleDuration.
This is the time the effect will take for a single animation run. Whether and
how often the animation is repeated is stored in the property @NoOfCycles. In
this case the property @InterCycleDelay can determine an optional interval to
wait between two consecutive animation runs. Finally the property @InitialDelay
determines the interval to wait at the very beginning of the effect still before
the first animation run began.
The timing function determines the curve to run the animation. The class implements
an extensive set of various timing functions. In its simplest case the animation
can follow a straight line, or it can start slow and get faster afterwards. More
complex timings perform realistic spring elastic and bounce animations. Besides
it the user can configure his/her own animation curve. In such case the timing
function is based on a cubic Bezier curve. It gives the designer a lot of possibilities
to specify very fancy timing functions. The timing is controlled by the property
@Timing. In the case the designer wants to specify a new curve, the properties
@TimingCustom1 and @TimingCustom2 are available. With the property @Noise an
additional random noise can be added to the effect.
During the runtime of the animation, the effect will send signals to the slot
method stored in the property @OnAnimate. When the effect is finished a signal
is send to the slot method stored in the @OnFinished property.
Whether the effect is running or not is controlled by its property @Enabled.
It can be used to start and stop the effect. The effect can also be controlled
by sending signals to its @StartEffect and @StopEffect slot methods. With the
property @Reversed the playback direction can be determined. This allows to simply
rewind running effects or to configure an effect to be played in the reverse
direction. The slot method @ReverseEffect can also be used to switch the playback
direction. */
EW_DEFINE_FIELDS( EffectsEffect, XObject )
EW_VARIABLE( timingList, EffectsTimingList )
EW_VARIABLE( timer, CoreTimer )
EW_VARIABLE( privateOnFinished, XSlot )
EW_PROPERTY( OnFinished, XSlot )
EW_PROPERTY( OnAnimate, XSlot )
EW_VARIABLE( direction, XInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( startDirection, XInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( curveFactor2, XFloat )
EW_VARIABLE( curveFactor1, XFloat )
EW_VARIABLE( invCycleDuration, XFloat )
EW_VARIABLE( lastFrame, XFloat )
EW_VARIABLE( cycleCounter, XInt32 )
EW_VARIABLE( startTime, XUInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( Elasticity, XFloat )
EW_PROPERTY( Bounces, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( Oscillations, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( Amplitude, XFloat )
EW_PROPERTY( Exponent, XFloat )
EW_PROPERTY( Noise, XFloat )
EW_PROPERTY( NoOfCycles, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( CycleDuration, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( InterCycleDelay, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( InitialDelay, XInt32 )
EW_PROPERTY( Timing, XEnum )
EW_PROPERTY( Enabled, XBool )
EW_PROPERTY( Symmetric, XBool )
EW_PROPERTY( Reversed, XBool )
EW_VARIABLE( useBezier2, XBool )
EW_VARIABLE( useBezier3, XBool )
EW_END_OF_FIELDS( EffectsEffect )
/* Virtual Method Table (VMT) for the class : 'Effects::Effect' */
EW_DEFINE_METHODS( EffectsEffect, XObject )
EW_METHOD( Animate, void )( EffectsEffect _this, XFloat aProgress )
EW_END_OF_METHODS( EffectsEffect )
/* 'C' function for method : 'Effects::Effect.timerSlot()' */
void EffectsEffect_timerSlot( EffectsEffect _this, XObject sender );
/* 'C' function for method : '' */
void EffectsEffect_run( EffectsEffect _this, XFloat aFrame );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Effects::Effect.runRevRev()' */
XBool EffectsEffect_runRevRev( EffectsEffect _this );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Effects::Effect.runRevFwd()' */
XBool EffectsEffect_runRevFwd( EffectsEffect _this );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Effects::Effect.runFwdRev()' */
XBool EffectsEffect_runFwdRev( EffectsEffect _this );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Effects::Effect.runFwdFwd()' */
XBool EffectsEffect_runFwdFwd( EffectsEffect _this );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Effects::Effect.OnSetCycleDuration()' */
void EffectsEffect_OnSetCycleDuration( EffectsEffect _this, XInt32 value );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Effects::Effect.OnSetInitialDelay()' */
void EffectsEffect_OnSetInitialDelay( EffectsEffect _this, XInt32 value );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Effects::Effect.OnSetEnabled()' */
void EffectsEffect_OnSetEnabled( EffectsEffect _this, XBool value );
/* 'C' function for method : 'Effects::Effect.Animate()' */
void EffectsEffect_Animate( EffectsEffect _this, XFloat aProgress );
/* Wrapper function for the virtual method : 'Effects::Effect.Animate()' */
void EffectsEffect__Animate( void* _this, XFloat aProgress );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _EffectsEffect_H */
/* Embedded Wizard */