Yilin Sun 6e8d03ec0a Updated to SDK v2.15.000
Signed-off-by: Yilin Sun <>
2024-04-12 21:21:49 +08:00

296 lines
14 KiB

* SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH *
* Solutions for real time microcontroller applications *
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* (c) 1996 - 2023 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH *
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* Internet: Support: *
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** emWin V6.34 - Graphical user interface for embedded applications **
All Intellectual Property rights in the Software belongs to SEGGER.
emWin is protected by international copyright laws. Knowledge of the
source code may not be used to write a similar product. This file may
only be used in accordance with the following terms:
The software has been licensed to NXP Semiconductors USA, Inc. whose
registered office is situated at 411 E. Plumeria Drive, San Jose,
CA 95134, USA solely for the purposes of creating libraries for
NXPs M0, M3/M4 and ARM7/9 processor-based devices, sublicensed and
distributed under the terms and conditions of the NXP End User License
Full source code is available at:
We appreciate your understanding and fairness.
Licensing information
Licensor: SEGGER Microcontroller Systems LLC
Licensed to: NXP Semiconductors, 1109 McKay Dr, M/S 76, San Jose, CA 95131, USA
Licensed SEGGER software: emWin
License number: GUI-00186
License model: emWin License Agreement, dated August 20th 2011 and Amendment No. 1, dated October 17th 2017 and Amendment No. 2, dated December 18th 2018
Licensed platform: NXP's ARM 7/9, Cortex-M0, M3, M4, M7, A7, M33
Support and Update Agreement (SUA)
SUA period: 2011-08-19 - 2024-09-02
Contact to extend SUA:
Purpose : TREEVIEW include
#ifndef TREEVIEW_H
#define TREEVIEW_H
#include "WM.h"
#include "DIALOG_Type.h" /* Req. for Create indirect data structure */
#include "WIDGET.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" { /* Make sure we have C-declarations in C++ programs */
* Defines
* TREEVIEW create flags
* Description
* Create flags used by the TREEVIEW widget. These flags are used for the \a{ExFlags} parameter
* of TREEVIEW_CreateEx(). These values can be OR-combined.
#define TREEVIEW_CF_HIDELINES (1 << 0) // Joining lines are not displayed.
#define TREEVIEW_CF_ROWSELECT (1 << 1) // Activates row selection mode.
#define TREEVIEW_CF_AUTOSCROLLBAR_H (1 << 2) // Enables the use of an automatic horizontal scroll bar.
#define TREEVIEW_CF_AUTOSCROLLBAR_V (1 << 3) // Enables the use of an automatic vertical scroll bar.
/* Status flags */
* TREEVIEW bitmap indexes
* Description
* Bitmap indexes used by the TREEVIEW widget. Refer to TREEVIEW_SetImage().
#define TREEVIEW_BI_CLOSED 0 // Image of closed nodes.
#define TREEVIEW_BI_OPEN 1 // Image of open nodes.
#define TREEVIEW_BI_LEAF 2 // Image of leaf.
#define TREEVIEW_BI_PLUS 3 // Plus sign of closed nodes.
#define TREEVIEW_BI_MINUS 4 // Minus sign of open nodes.
#define TREEVIEW_BI_PM 5 // Used by TREEVIEW_SetBitmapOffset() for setting the offset of the plus/minus bitmaps.
* TREEVIEW color indexes
* Description
* Color indexes used by the TREEVIEW widget.
#define TREEVIEW_CI_UNSEL 0 // Color of unselected element.
#define TREEVIEW_CI_SEL 1 // Color of selected element.
#define TREEVIEW_CI_DISABLED 2 // Color of disabled element.
* TREEVIEW position flags (insert)
* Description
* These flags are used to specify a position when creating and inserting
* a new item into the TREEVIEW widget.
#define TREEVIEW_INSERT_ABOVE 0 // Attaches the item above the given position at the same indent level as the given position.
#define TREEVIEW_INSERT_BELOW 1 // Attaches the item below the given position at the same indent level as the given position.
#define TREEVIEW_INSERT_FIRST_CHILD 2 // Attaches the item below the given position by indenting it. The given position needs to be a node level.
* TREEVIEW position flags (get)
* Description
* These flags are used to specify a position when retrieving an item
* of the TREEVIEW widget using the routine TREEVIEW_GetItem().
#define TREEVIEW_GET_FIRST 0 // Returns the first item of the TREEVIEW widget. Parameter hItem is not required and can be 0.
#define TREEVIEW_GET_LAST 1 // Returns the last item of the TREEVIEW widget. Parameter hItem is not required and can be 0.
#define TREEVIEW_GET_NEXT_SIBLING 2 // Returns the next child item of the parent node of hItem.
#define TREEVIEW_GET_PREV_SIBLING 3 // Returns the previous child item of the parent node of hItem.
#define TREEVIEW_GET_FIRST_CHILD 4 // Returns the first child of the given node.
#define TREEVIEW_GET_PARENT 5 // Returns the parent node of the given item.
* TREEVIEW item flags
* Description
* Flags that define the item type of a newly created TREEVIEW item.
#define TREEVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_LEAF (0 << 0) // Used to create a leaf.
#define TREEVIEW_ITEM_TYPE_NODE (1 << 0) // Used to create a node.
* TREEVIEW selection modes
* Description
* Flags that are used to define the selection mode of a TREEVIEW widget.
* Refer to TREEVIEW_SetSelMode() for more information.
#define TREEVIEW_SELMODE_ROW 1 // Activates row selection mode.
#define TREEVIEW_SELMODE_TEXT 0 // Activates text selection mode.
* Types
typedef WM_HMEM TREEVIEW_Handle;
* Description
* Structure that contains information about a node in a TREEVIEW widget.
typedef struct {
int IsNode; // 1 if item is a node, 0 if not.
int IsExpanded; // 1 if item (node) is open, 0 if closed.
int HasLines; // 1 if joining lines are visible, 0 if not.
int HasRowSelect; // 1 if row selection is active, 0 if not.
int Level; // Indentation level of item.
typedef struct {
GUI_COLOR ColorText;
GUI_COLOR ColorTextBk;
GUI_COLOR ColorLines;
const GUI_FONT * pFont;
char * pText;
U8 NumLines;
I16 ax0[3];
I16 ay0[3];
I16 ax1[3];
I16 ay1[3];
U8 NumConnectors;
I16 axc[16];
const GUI_BITMAP * pBmPM;
const GUI_BITMAP * pBmOCL;
I16 xPosPM, xPosOCL;
U8 IndexPM;
U8 IndexOCL;
* Create functions
TREEVIEW_Handle TREEVIEW_CreateEx (int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize, WM_HWIN hParent, int WinFlags, int ExFlags, int Id);
TREEVIEW_Handle TREEVIEW_CreateUser (int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize, WM_HWIN hParent, int WinFlags, int ExFlags, int Id, int NumExtraBytes);
TREEVIEW_Handle TREEVIEW_CreateIndirect(const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO * pCreateInfo, WM_HWIN hWinParent, int x0, int y0, WM_CALLBACK * cb);
* The callback ...
* Do not call it directly ! It is only to be used from within an
* overwritten callback.
void TREEVIEW_Callback(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);
* Common functions
int TREEVIEW_AttachItem (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem, TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItemAt, int Position);
void TREEVIEW_DecSel (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj);
TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle TREEVIEW_GetItem (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem, int Flags);
int TREEVIEW_GetUserData (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, void * pDest, int NumBytes);
void TREEVIEW_IncSel (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj);
TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle TREEVIEW_InsertItem (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, int IsNode, TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItemPrev, int Position, const char * s);
int TREEVIEW_OwnerDraw (const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo);
void TREEVIEW_ScrollToSel (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj);
void TREEVIEW_SetAutoScrollH (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, int State);
void TREEVIEW_SetAutoScrollV (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, int State);
void TREEVIEW_SetBitmapOffset(TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, int Index, int xOff, int yOff);
void TREEVIEW_SetBkColor (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, int Index, GUI_COLOR Color);
void TREEVIEW_SetFont (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, const GUI_FONT * pFont);
void TREEVIEW_SetHasLines (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, int State);
void TREEVIEW_SetImage (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, int Index, const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap);
int TREEVIEW_SetIndent (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, int Indent);
void TREEVIEW_SetLineColor (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, int Index, GUI_COLOR Color);
void TREEVIEW_SetOwnerDraw (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC * pfDrawItem);
void TREEVIEW_SetSel (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem);
void TREEVIEW_SetSelMode (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, int Mode);
void TREEVIEW_SetTextColor (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, int Index, GUI_COLOR Color);
int TREEVIEW_SetTextIndent (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, int TextIndent);
int TREEVIEW_SetUserData (TREEVIEW_Handle hObj, const void * pSrc, int NumBytes);
* Treeview item related functions
void TREEVIEW_ITEM_Collapse (TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem);
void TREEVIEW_ITEM_CollapseAll(TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem);
TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle TREEVIEW_ITEM_Create (int IsNode, const char * s, U32 UserData);
void TREEVIEW_ITEM_Delete (TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem);
void TREEVIEW_ITEM_Detach (TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem);
void TREEVIEW_ITEM_Expand (TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem);
void TREEVIEW_ITEM_ExpandAll (TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem);
void TREEVIEW_ITEM_GetText (TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem, U8 * pBuffer, int MaxNumBytes);
void TREEVIEW_ITEM_SetImage (TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem, int Index, const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap);
TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle TREEVIEW_ITEM_SetText (TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem, const char * s);
void TREEVIEW_ITEM_SetUserData(TREEVIEW_ITEM_Handle hItem, U32 UserData);
* Managing default values
GUI_COLOR TREEVIEW_GetDefaultBkColor (int Index);
const GUI_FONT * TREEVIEW_GetDefaultFont (void);
GUI_COLOR TREEVIEW_GetDefaultLineColor(int Index);
GUI_COLOR TREEVIEW_GetDefaultTextColor(int Index);
void TREEVIEW_SetDefaultBkColor (int Index, GUI_COLOR Color);
void TREEVIEW_SetDefaultFont (const GUI_FONT * pFont);
void TREEVIEW_SetDefaultLineColor(int Index, GUI_COLOR Color);
void TREEVIEW_SetDefaultTextColor(int Index, GUI_COLOR Color);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif // TREEVIEW_H
/*************************** End of file ****************************/