Yilin Sun 6e8d03ec0a Updated to SDK v2.15.000
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2024-04-12 21:21:49 +08:00

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9.7 KiB

* SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH *
* Solutions for real time microcontroller applications *
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* (c) 1996 - 2023 SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH *
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* Internet: Support: *
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** emWin V6.34 - Graphical user interface for embedded applications **
All Intellectual Property rights in the Software belongs to SEGGER.
emWin is protected by international copyright laws. Knowledge of the
source code may not be used to write a similar product. This file may
only be used in accordance with the following terms:
The software has been licensed to NXP Semiconductors USA, Inc. whose
registered office is situated at 411 E. Plumeria Drive, San Jose,
CA 95134, USA solely for the purposes of creating libraries for
NXPs M0, M3/M4 and ARM7/9 processor-based devices, sublicensed and
distributed under the terms and conditions of the NXP End User License
Full source code is available at:
We appreciate your understanding and fairness.
Licensing information
Licensor: SEGGER Microcontroller Systems LLC
Licensed to: NXP Semiconductors, 1109 McKay Dr, M/S 76, San Jose, CA 95131, USA
Licensed SEGGER software: emWin
License number: GUI-00186
License model: emWin License Agreement, dated August 20th 2011 and Amendment No. 1, dated October 17th 2017 and Amendment No. 2, dated December 18th 2018
Licensed platform: NXP's ARM 7/9, Cortex-M0, M3, M4, M7, A7, M33
Support and Update Agreement (SUA)
SUA period: 2011-08-19 - 2024-09-02
Contact to extend SUA:
File : WHEEL.h
Purpose : WHEEL include
#ifndef WHEEL_H
#define WHEEL_H
#include "WM.h"
#include "DIALOG_Type.h" // Req. for Create indirect data structure
#include "WIDGET.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" { // Make sure we have C-declarations in C++ programs
* Defines
* WHEEL create flags
* Description
* Flags that are passed when the WHEEL is created.
#define WHEEL_CF_HORIZONTAL 0 // The WHEEL moves horizontally.
#define WHEEL_CF_VERTICAL WIDGET_CF_VERTICAL // The WHEEL moves vertically.
* WHEEL mode flags
* Description
* Flags that define the movement behavior of the widget and
* the WHEEL's cells.
* Additional information
* A more detailed explanation of the WHEEL modes can be found
* at the beginnging of the chapter.
#define WHEEL_MODE_ENDLESS 0 // The WHEEL's list moves continuously and does not stop when the end
// of the list has been reached.
#define WHEEL_MODE_STOP WIDGET_STATE_USER0 // The WHEEL's list moves from the first element to the last one and stops
// when the last element has been reached.
#define WHEEL_MODE_PLAIN 0 // Puts the WHEEL into plain mode. While the list is moving the items don't
// morph into one another, but the center item is highlighted.
#define WHEEL_MODE_MORPH WIDGET_STATE_USER1 // Puts the WHEEL into morph mode. While the list is moving one item
// morphs into the next item.
* WHEEL overlay indexes
* Description
* Indexes for the WHEEL's overlay bitmaps.
#define WHEEL_OI_FIRST 0 // First overlay bitmap that is drawn above the WHEEL.
#define WHEEL_OI_SECOND 1 // Second overlay bitmap that is drawn above the WHEEL.
#define WHEEL_OI_THIRD 2 // Third overlay bitmap that is drawn above the WHEEL.
* Public Types
typedef WM_HMEM WHEEL_Handle;
* Create functions
WHEEL_Handle WHEEL_CreateEx (int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize, WM_HWIN hParent, int WinFlags, int ExFlags, int Id);
WHEEL_Handle WHEEL_CreateUser (int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize, WM_HWIN hParent, int WinFlags, int ExFlags, int Id, int NumExtraBytes);
WHEEL_Handle WHEEL_CreateIndirect(const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO * pCreateInfo, WM_HWIN hWinParent, int x0, int y0, WM_CALLBACK * cb);
* The callback ...
* Do not call it directly ! It is only to be used from within an
* overwritten callback.
void WHEEL_Callback(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);
* Member functions
int WHEEL_AddBitmaps (WHEEL_Handle hObj, const GUI_BITMAP ** ppBitmap, unsigned NumItems, U8 Align, I16 xOff, I16 yOff, GUI_COLOR Color);
int WHEEL_AddItemText (WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index, const char * s);
int WHEEL_AddText (WHEEL_Handle hObj, const GUI_ConstString * ppText, unsigned NumItems, U8 Align, I16 xOff, I16 yOff, GUI_COLOR Color, const GUI_FONT * pFont);
void WHEEL_ClrCenterBox (WHEEL_Handle hObj);
void WHEEL_ClrCenterBitmaps (WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index);
void WHEEL_ClrCenterText (WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index);
int WHEEL_DelItemText (WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index, unsigned Row);
int WHEEL_GetItemText (WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index, unsigned Row, char * pBuffer, int MaxLen);
int WHEEL_GetNumText (WHEEL_Handle hObj);
int WHEEL_GetNumTextItems (WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index);
int WHEEL_GetReleasedItem (WHEEL_Handle hObj);
int WHEEL_GetSel (WHEEL_Handle hObj);
int WHEEL_GetUserData (WHEEL_Handle hObj, void * pDest, int NumBytes);
int WHEEL_InsertItemText (WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index, unsigned Row, const char * s);
int WHEEL_IsMoving (WHEEL_Handle hObj);
void WHEEL_MoveToPos (WHEEL_Handle hObj, int Index);
void WHEEL_MoveToPosEx (WHEEL_Handle hObj, int Index, U32 Period);
void WHEEL_SetAlign (WHEEL_Handle hObj, U8 Align);
void WHEEL_SetBkColor (WHEEL_Handle hObj, GUI_COLOR BkColor);
void WHEEL_SetBox (WHEEL_Handle hObj, GUI_COLOR Color, GUI_COLOR FrameColor, U8 FrameRadius, U8 FrameSize);
void WHEEL_SetCellBitmapAttrMorph(WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index, U8 Align, I16 xOff, I16 yOff, GUI_COLOR Color);
void WHEEL_SetCellColorPlain (WHEEL_Handle hObj, GUI_COLOR Color);
void WHEEL_SetCenterBitmapAttr (WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index, U8 Align, I16 xOff, I16 yOff, GUI_COLOR Color);
void WHEEL_SetCenterBitmaps (WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index, const GUI_BITMAP ** ppBitmap, unsigned NumItems, U8 Align, I16 xOff, I16 yOff, GUI_COLOR Color);
void WHEEL_SetCenterBox (WHEEL_Handle hObj, GUI_COLOR Color, GUI_COLOR FrameColor, U8 FrameRadius, U8 FrameSize);
void WHEEL_SetCenterColorPlain (WHEEL_Handle hObj, GUI_COLOR Color);
void WHEEL_SetCenterTextAttrMorph(WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index, U8 Align, I16 xOff, I16 yOff, GUI_COLOR Color);
void WHEEL_SetCenterTextAttrPlain(WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index, U8 Align, I16 xOff, I16 yOff, GUI_COLOR Color, const GUI_FONT * pFont);
void WHEEL_SetHBorder (WHEEL_Handle hObj, U16 BorderText);
int WHEEL_SetItemText (WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index, unsigned Row, const char * s);
void WHEEL_SetMode (WHEEL_Handle hObj, U16 Mode);
void WHEEL_SetOverlay (WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index, const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap, U8 Align, I16 xOff, I16 yOff);
void WHEEL_SetOverlayColor (WHEEL_Handle hObj, unsigned Index, GUI_COLOR Color);
void WHEEL_SetPeriod (WHEEL_Handle hObj, U32 Period);
void WHEEL_SetSel (WHEEL_Handle hObj, int Index);
void WHEEL_SetSizesMorph (WHEEL_Handle hObj, U16 CellSize, U16 CenterSize, U16 Cutaway, U8 Align);
void WHEEL_SetSizesPlain (WHEEL_Handle hObj, U16 CellSize, U16 CenterSize);
int WHEEL_SetUserData (WHEEL_Handle hObj, const void * pSrc, int NumBytes);
* Global functions
void WHEEL_SetDefaultPeriod(int Period);
int WHEEL_GetDefaultPeriod(void);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif // WHEEL_H
/*************************** End of file ****************************/