
98 lines
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The maestro_demo application demonstrates audio processing on the ARM cortex core
utilizing the Maestro Audio Framework library.
Depending on target platform there are different features of the demo enabled.
- Loopback from microphone to speaker
- Recording microphone to a file
- Wake words + voice commands recognition
The application is controlled by commands from a shell interface using serial console.
Type "help" to see the command list. Similar description will be displayed on serial console:
>> help
"help": List all the registered commands
"exit": Exit program
"version": Display component versions
"record_mic": Record MIC audio and either:
- perform voice recognition (VIT)
- playback on codec
- store samples to file.
USAGE: record_mic [audio|file|<file_name>|vit] 20 [en|cn]
The number defines length of recording in seconds.
For voice recognition say supported WakeWord and in 3s frame supported command.
Please note that this VIT demo is near-field and uses 1 on-board microphone.
NOTES: This command returns to shell after record finished.
To store samples to a file, the "file" option can be used to create a file
with a predefined name, or any file name (without whitespaces) can be specified
instead of the "file" option.
"opus_encode": Initializes the streamer with the Opus memory-to-memory pipeline and
encodes a hardcoded buffer.
For custom VIT model generation (defining own wake words and voice commands) please use
- If more than one channel is used and VIT is enabled, please enable VoiceSeeker.
- The VoiceSeeker that combines multiple channels into one must be used, as VIT can only work with one channel.
Toolchain supported
- IAR embedded Workbench 9.32.1
- GCC ARM Embedded 10.3.1
- MCUXpresso 11.7.0
Hardware requirements
- Mini/micro USB cable
- LPCXpresso55s69 board
- Personal Computer
- headphones with 3.5 mm stereo jack
- source of sound (line output to 3.5 mm stereo jack)
Board settings
Insert the card into the card slot
Prepare the Demo
Note: MCUXpresso IDE project default debug console is semihost
1. Connect headphones to Audio HP / Line-Out connector.
2. Connect source of sound to Audio Line-In connector.
3. Connect a micro USB cable between the PC host and the CMSIS DAP USB port (P6) on the board
4. Open a serial terminal with the following settings :
- 115200 baud rate
- 8 data bits
- No parity
- One stop bit
- No flow control
5. Download the program to the target board.
6. Either press the reset button on your board or launch the debugger in your IDE to begin running the demo.
There is limited RAM on this platform, which brings following limitations:
- VIT is not enabled
Running the demo
When the example runs successfully, you should see similar output on the serial terminal as below:
Maestro audio record demo start
Copyright 2022 NXP
[APP_SDCARD_Task] start
[APP_Shell_Task] start
>> [APP_SDCARD_Task] SD card drive mounted