Yilin Sun e468131146
Initial commit v2.13.0
Signed-off-by: Yilin Sun <>
2023-05-25 15:51:41 +08:00

94 lines
6.5 KiB

Release Name: MCUXpresso Software Development Kit (SDK)
Release Version: 2.13.0
Package License: LA_OPT_NXP_Software_License.txt v39 August 2022- Additional Distribution License granted, license in Section 2.3 applies
SDK_Peripheral_Driver Name: SDK Peripheral Driver
Version: 2.x.x
Outgoing License: BSD-3-Clause
License File: COPYING-BSD-3
Format: source code
Description: Peripheral drivers are designed for
the most common use cases identified for the
underlying hardware block.
Location: devices/<device>/drivers
Origin: NXP (BSD-3-Clause)
SDK_Examples Name: SDK examples
Version: NA
Outgoing License: BSD-3-Clause
License File: COPYING-BSD-3
Format: source code, binary, project files, linker
Description: SDK out of box examples to show how
to use peripheral drivers and integrate
Location: boards/<board>/
Origin: NXP (BSD-3-Clause)
SDK_Device Name: SDK SoC files
Version: NA
Outgoing License: BSD-3-Clause
License File: COPYING-BSD-3
Format: source code, linker files
Description: Device system files, template files,
IDE related startup and linker files.
Location: devices/<device>/
Origin: NXP (BSD-3-Clause)
cmsis Name: CMSIS
Version: 5.8.0
Outgoing License: Apache License 2.0
License File: CMSIS/LICENSE.txt
Format: source code
Description: Vendor-independent hardware
abstraction layer for microcontrollers that are
based on Arm Cortex processors, distributed by
ARM. cores
Location: CMSIS/
Origin: ARM (Apache-2.0) -
SDK_Components Name: SDK components and board peripheral drivers
Version: NA
Outgoing License: BSD-3-Clause
License File: COPYING-BSD-3
Format: source code
Description: SDK components and board peripheral
drivers, for example, flash and codec drivers.
Location: components/
Origin: NXP (BSD-3-Clause), ITE (BSD-3-Clause)
rtcesl Name: rtcesl
Version: 4.7 (CM0,CM4,CM7,CM33) + 4.5 (DSC)
Outgoing License: BSD-3-Clause
License File: COPYING-BSD-3
Format: object code & header files
Description: NXP Real Time Control Embedded
Software Library.
Location: middleware/rtcesl
Origin: NXP (BSD-3-Clause)
safety_iec60730b Name: safety iec60730b
Version: 4.2
Outgoing License: LA_OPT_NXP_Software_License.txt
v39 August 2022 - Additional distribution license
granted - License in Section 2.3 applies
License File: LA_OPT_NXP_Software_License.txt
Format: source code & object code & header files
Description: Safety IEC60730b Example
Location: middleware/safety_iec60730b
Origin: NXP
srecord Name: SRecord 1.64 For Windows
Version: 1.64
Outgoing License: GPL-3.0
License File:
Format: source code & binary
Description: Utility for manipulating EPROM load
files, is used for postbuild CRC calculation.
Location: tools/srecord
Origin: Peter Miller