2022-04-08 22:56:26 +08:00

954 lines
32 KiB

* Copyright 2017-2019, 2020 NXP
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "fsl_spi.h"
* Definitions
/* Component ID definition, used by tools. */
#define FSL_COMPONENT_ID "platform.drivers.lpc_minispi"
* Variables
/*! @brief SPI internal handle pointer array */
static spi_master_handle_t *s_spiHandle[FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SPI_COUNT];
/*! @brief IRQ name array */
static const IRQn_Type s_spiIRQ[] = SPI_IRQS;
/*! @brief Typedef for spi master interrupt handler. spi master and slave handle is the same. */
typedef void (*spi_isr_t)(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *spiHandle);
/*! @brief Pointer to master IRQ handler for each instance. */
static spi_isr_t s_spiMasterIsr;
static spi_isr_t s_spiSlaveIsr;
/* @brief Array to map SPI instance number to CLOCK names */
static const clock_ip_name_t s_spiClock[] = SPI_CLOCKS;
/* @brief Array to map SPI reset. */
static const SYSCON_RSTn_t s_spiReset[] = SPI_RSTS_N;
/*! @brief Array to map SPI instance number to base address. */
static const uint32_t s_spiBaseAddrs[FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SPI_COUNT] = SPI_BASE_ADDRS;
/* @brief Dummy data for each instance. This data is used when user's tx buffer is NULL*/
volatile uint16_t s_dummyData[FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SPI_COUNT] = {0};
* Code
* @brief Send a piece of data for SPI.
* This function will check if TXDAT register ready, and write the data into it.
* At the same time, this function updates the values in master handle structure.
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @param handle Pointer to SPI master handle structure.
static void SPI_SendTransfer(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle)
uint32_t tmp32 = 0U;
uint32_t instance = SPI_GetInstance(base);
/* If transmit is ready, write data to TXDAT register. */
if (((uint32_t)kSPI_TxReadyFlag & SPI_GetStatusFlags(base)) != 0U)
if ((handle->txData) != NULL)
tmp32 = *(handle->txData++);
if (handle->dataWidth > (uint8_t)kSPI_Data8Bits)
tmp32 |= ((uint32_t)(*(handle->txData++)) << 8U);
tmp32 = (uint32_t)s_dummyData[instance];
if (handle->dataWidth > (uint8_t)kSPI_Data8Bits)
/* If this transmit is the last to send, Set the control bits. */
if (handle->txRemainingBytes == 0U)
base->TXCTL = handle->lastCommand;
base->TXDAT = tmp32;
* @brief Receive a piece of data for SPI.
* This function will check if RX register is ready, and write the data to destination address.
* At the same time, this function updates the values in master handle structure.
* @param base SPI base pointer
* @param handle Pointer to SPI master handle structure.
static void SPI_ReceiveTransfer(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle)
uint32_t tmp32 = 0U;
/* If receive is ready, read data from RXDAT register. */
if (((uint32_t)kSPI_RxReadyFlag & SPI_GetStatusFlags(base)) != 0U)
tmp32 = SPI_ReadData(base);
/* Check If receive buffer is NULL. */
if ((handle->rxData) != NULL)
*(handle->rxData++) = (uint8_t)tmp32;
if (handle->dataWidth > (uint8_t)kSPI_Data8Bits)
*(handle->rxData++) = (uint8_t)(tmp32 >> 8U);
* @brief Get the instance for SPI module.
* @param base SPI base address
/*! brief Returns instance number for SPI peripheral base address. */
uint32_t SPI_GetInstance(SPI_Type *base)
assert(NULL != base);
uint32_t i = 0U;
for (i = 0; i < (uint32_t)FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SPI_COUNT; i++)
if ((uint32_t)base == s_spiBaseAddrs[i])
assert(i < (uint32_t)FSL_FEATURE_SOC_SPI_COUNT);
return i;
* brief Set up the dummy data. This API can change the default data to be transferred
* when users set the tx buffer to NULL.
* param base SPI peripheral address.
* param dummyData Data to be transferred when tx buffer is NULL.
void SPI_SetDummyData(SPI_Type *base, uint16_t dummyData)
uint32_t instance = SPI_GetInstance(base);
s_dummyData[instance] = dummyData;
/* Set delay time for SPI transfer. */
* brief Set delay time for transfer.
* the delay uint is SPI clock time, maximum value is 0xF.
* param base SPI base pointer
* param config configuration for delay option ref spi_delay_config_t.
void SPI_SetTransferDelay(SPI_Type *base, const spi_delay_config_t *config)
assert(NULL != config);
/* Set the delay configuration. */
base->DLY = (SPI_DLY_PRE_DELAY(config->preDelay) | SPI_DLY_POST_DELAY(config->postDelay) |
SPI_DLY_FRAME_DELAY(config->frameDelay) | SPI_DLY_TRANSFER_DELAY(config->transferDelay));
* brief Sets the SPI master configuration structure to default values.
* The purpose of this API is to get the configuration structure initialized for use in SPI_MasterInit().
* User may use the initialized structure unchanged in SPI_MasterInit(), or modify
* some fields of the structure before calling SPI_MasterInit(). After calling this API,
* the master is ready to transfer.
* Example:
spi_master_config_t config;
* param config pointer to master config structure
void SPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(spi_master_config_t *config)
assert(NULL != config);
/* Initializes the configure structure to zero. */
(void)memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config));
config->enableLoopback = false;
config->enableMaster = true;
config->clockPolarity = kSPI_ClockPolarityActiveHigh;
config->clockPhase = kSPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge;
config->direction = kSPI_MsbFirst;
config->baudRate_Bps = 500000U;
config->dataWidth = (uint8_t)kSPI_Data8Bits;
config->sselNumber = kSPI_Ssel0Assert;
config->sselPolarity = kSPI_SpolActiveAllLow;
config->delayConfig.frameDelay = 0U;
config->delayConfig.postDelay = 0U;
config->delayConfig.preDelay = 0U;
config->delayConfig.transferDelay = 0U;
* brief Initializes the SPI with master configuration.
* The configuration structure can be filled by user from scratch, or be set with default
* values by SPI_MasterGetDefaultConfig(). After calling this API, the slave is ready to transfer.
* Example
spi_master_config_t config = {
.baudRate_Bps = 500000,
SPI_MasterInit(SPI0, &config);
* param base SPI base pointer
* param config pointer to master configuration structure
* param srcClock_Hz Source clock frequency.
status_t SPI_MasterInit(SPI_Type *base, const spi_master_config_t *config, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
uint32_t instance = 0U;
status_t result = 0;
uint32_t tmp = 0U;
/* assert params */
assert(!((NULL == base) || (NULL == config) || (0U == srcClock_Hz)));
/* Get instance number */
instance = SPI_GetInstance(base);
/* Enable the clock. */
/* Reset the module. */
/* set divider */
result = SPI_MasterSetBaudRate(base, config->baudRate_Bps, srcClock_Hz);
if (kStatus_Success != result)
return result;
/* Set CFG register to configure phase/polarity/direction/master mode/loopback/ssel pin select. */
tmp |= (SPI_CFG_CPHA(config->clockPhase) | SPI_CFG_CPOL(config->clockPolarity) | SPI_CFG_LSBF(config->direction) |
SPI_CFG_MASTER(1) | SPI_CFG_LOOP(config->enableLoopback) |
((uint32_t)config->sselPolarity & (uint32_t)kSPI_SpolActiveAllHigh));
base->CFG = tmp;
/* Set delay configuration. */
SPI_SetTransferDelay(base, &(config->delayConfig));
/* Set dummy data. */
SPI_SetDummyData(base, (uint8_t)SPI_DUMMYDATA);
/* Set TXCTL register. */
base->TXCTL |= (SPI_TXCTL_LEN(config->dataWidth) | ((uint32_t)config->sselNumber & (uint32_t)kSPI_SselDeAssertAll));
/* Enable the SPI module. */
SPI_Enable(base, config->enableMaster);
return kStatus_Success;
* brief Sets the SPI slave configuration structure to default values.
* The purpose of this API is to get the configuration structure initialized for use in SPI_SlaveInit().
* Modify some fields of the structure before calling SPI_SlaveInit().
* Example:
spi_slave_config_t config;
* param config pointer to slave configuration structure
void SPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig(spi_slave_config_t *config)
assert(NULL != config);
/* Initializes the configure structure to zero. */
(void)memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config));
config->enableSlave = true;
config->clockPolarity = kSPI_ClockPolarityActiveHigh;
config->clockPhase = kSPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge;
config->direction = kSPI_MsbFirst;
config->dataWidth = (uint8_t)kSPI_Data8Bits;
config->sselPolarity = kSPI_SpolActiveAllLow;
* brief Initializes the SPI with slave configuration.
* The configuration structure can be filled by user from scratch or be set with
* default values by SPI_SlaveGetDefaultConfig().
* After calling this API, the slave is ready to transfer.
* Example
spi_slave_config_t config = {
.polarity = kSPI_ClockPolarityActiveHigh;
.phase = kSPI_ClockPhaseFirstEdge;
.direction = kSPI_MsbFirst;
SPI_SlaveInit(SPI0, &config);
* param base SPI base pointer
* param config pointer to slave configuration structure
status_t SPI_SlaveInit(SPI_Type *base, const spi_slave_config_t *config)
uint32_t instance = 0U;
uint32_t tmp = 0U;
/* assert params */
assert(!((NULL == base) || (NULL == config)));
/* Get the instance of SPI. */
instance = SPI_GetInstance(base);
/* Enable the clock. */
/* Reset the module. */
/* Set confiuration for phase/polarity/direction/active level for SSEL pins. */
tmp |= SPI_CFG_CPHA(config->clockPhase) | SPI_CFG_CPOL(config->clockPolarity) | SPI_CFG_LSBF(config->direction) |
((uint32_t)config->sselPolarity & (uint32_t)kSPI_SpolActiveAllHigh);
base->CFG = tmp;
/* Set dummy data. */
SPI_SetDummyData(base, (uint8_t)SPI_DUMMYDATA);
/* Set TXCTL register. */
base->TXCTL |= SPI_TXCTL_LEN(config->dataWidth);
/* Enable the SPI module. */
SPI_Enable(base, config->enableSlave);
return kStatus_Success;
* brief De-initializes the SPI.
* Calling this API resets the SPI module, gates the SPI clock.
* Disable the fifo if enabled.
* The SPI module can't work unless calling the SPI_MasterInit/SPI_SlaveInit to initialize module.
* param base SPI base pointer
void SPI_Deinit(SPI_Type *base)
/* Assert arguments */
assert(NULL != base);
uint32_t instance = SPI_GetInstance(base);
/* Disable SPI module before shutting down the clock. */
SPI_Enable(base, false);
/* Disable the clock. */
* brief Sets the baud rate for SPI transfer. This is only used in master.
* param base SPI base pointer
* param baudrate_Bps baud rate needed in Hz.
* param srcClock_Hz SPI source clock frequency in Hz.
status_t SPI_MasterSetBaudRate(SPI_Type *base, uint32_t baudrate_Bps, uint32_t srcClock_Hz)
uint32_t tmp;
/* assert params */
assert(!((NULL == base) || (0U == baudrate_Bps) || (0U == srcClock_Hz)));
/* calculate baudrate */
tmp = (srcClock_Hz / baudrate_Bps) - 1U;
if (tmp > 0xFFFFU)
return kStatus_SPI_BaudrateNotSupport;
base->DIV |= SPI_DIV_DIVVAL(tmp);
return kStatus_Success;
* brief Writes a data control info and data into the SPI TX register directly.
* param base SPI base pointer
* param value needs to be write.
void SPI_WriteDataWithConfigFlags(SPI_Type *base, uint16_t data, uint32_t configFlags)
uint32_t control = 0;
/* check params */
assert(NULL != base);
/* Read origin command from TXCTL register. */
/* Mask configFlags */
/* Write data and command to register. */
base->TXDATCTL = (data | control);
* brief Transfers a block of data using a polling method.
* param base SPI base pointer
* param xfer pointer to spi_xfer_config_t structure
* retval kStatus_Success Successfully start a transfer.
* retval kStatus_InvalidArgument Input argument is invalid.
* retval kStatus_SPI_Timeout The transfer timed out and was aborted.
status_t SPI_MasterTransferBlocking(SPI_Type *base, spi_transfer_t *xfer)
uint32_t tx_ctrl = 0, last_ctrl = 0;
uint32_t tmp32, remainingBytes, dataWidth;
uint32_t instance = SPI_GetInstance(base);
uint32_t waitTimes;
/* Check params */
assert(!((NULL == base) || (NULL == xfer) || ((NULL == xfer->txData) && (NULL == xfer->rxData))));
remainingBytes = xfer->dataSize;
/* Read datawidth and ssel info from TXCTL. */
dataWidth = ((tx_ctrl & SPI_TXCTL_LEN_MASK) >> SPI_TXCTL_LEN_SHIFT);
/* Set end of frame configuration. */
tx_ctrl |= ((xfer->configFlags & (uint32_t)kSPI_EndOfFrame) != 0U) ? (uint32_t)kSPI_EndOfFrame : 0U;
/* Set ignore configuration. */
tx_ctrl |= (xfer->configFlags & (uint32_t)kSPI_ReceiveIgnore);
/* If rxData is NULL, ignore the receive. */
if (NULL == xfer->rxData)
tx_ctrl |= (uint32_t)kSPI_ReceiveIgnore;
/* Setup last command for transfer. */
last_ctrl = tx_ctrl;
/* Set end of transfer configuration for last command. */
last_ctrl |= ((xfer->configFlags & (uint32_t)kSPI_EndOfTransfer) != 0U) ? (uint32_t)kSPI_EndOfTransfer : 0U;
/* If only on frame to be sent, set the command to last command. */
if (((remainingBytes == 1U) && (dataWidth < (uint32_t)kSPI_Data9Bits)) ||
((remainingBytes == 2U) && (dataWidth >= (uint32_t)kSPI_Data9Bits)))
SPI_WriteConfigFlags(base, last_ctrl);
SPI_WriteConfigFlags(base, tx_ctrl);
/* Index of loop */
while (remainingBytes != 0U)
tmp32 = 0U;
waitTimes = SPI_RETRY_TIMES;
while (((base->STAT & SPI_STAT_TXRDY_MASK) == 0U) && (--waitTimes != 0U))
while ((base->STAT & SPI_STAT_TXRDY_MASK) == 0U)
if (waitTimes == 0U)
return kStatus_SPI_Timeout;
/* If txdata is not NULL. */
if (xfer->txData != NULL)
tmp32 = *(xfer->txData++);
if (dataWidth > (uint32_t)kSPI_Data8Bits)
tmp32 |= ((uint32_t)(*(xfer->txData++))) << 8U;
tmp32 = (uint32_t)s_dummyData[instance];
if ((dataWidth > (uint32_t)kSPI_Data8Bits) ? (remainingBytes == 2U) : (remainingBytes == 1U))
base->TXDATCTL = (tmp32 | last_ctrl);
/* Write data to the Transmit register. */
base->TXDAT = tmp32;
/* If the RX ignore bits is not set. */
if ((xfer->configFlags & (uint32_t)kSPI_ReceiveIgnore) == 0U)
/* Read data from the receive register. */
waitTimes = SPI_RETRY_TIMES;
while (((base->STAT & SPI_STAT_RXRDY_MASK) == 0U) && (--waitTimes != 0U))
while ((base->STAT & SPI_STAT_RXRDY_MASK) == 0U)
if (waitTimes == 0U)
return kStatus_SPI_Timeout;
tmp32 = base->RXDAT;
/* If receive buffer is not NULL. */
if (xfer->rxData != NULL)
*(xfer->rxData++) = (uint8_t)tmp32;
if (dataWidth > (uint32_t)kSPI_Data8Bits)
*(xfer->rxData++) = (uint8_t)(tmp32 >> 8U);
if (dataWidth > (uint32_t)kSPI_Data8Bits)
/* Note that: the MSTIDLE status is related to the EOT bit, if the EOT is not set, the MSTIDLE bit will never be set
* even though there is no data in the FIFO and no data will be shifted by the bus line. so, please don't check the
* MSTIDLE status if the EOT bit is not set.
if ((xfer->configFlags & (uint32_t)kSPI_EndOfTransfer) != 0U)
waitTimes = SPI_RETRY_TIMES;
while (((base->STAT & SPI_STAT_MSTIDLE_MASK) == 0U) && (--waitTimes != 0U))
while ((base->STAT & SPI_STAT_MSTIDLE_MASK) == 0U)
if (waitTimes == 0U)
return kStatus_SPI_Timeout;
return kStatus_Success;
* brief Initializes the SPI master handle.
* This function initializes the SPI master handle which can be used for other SPI master transactional APIs. Usually,
* for a specified SPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
* param base SPI peripheral base address.
* param handle SPI handle pointer.
* param callback Callback function.
* param userData User data.
status_t SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandle(SPI_Type *base,
spi_master_handle_t *handle,
spi_master_callback_t callback,
void *userData)
/* check 'base' and 'handle'. */
assert((NULL != base) || (NULL != handle));
/* Get SPI instance by 'base' param */
uint32_t instance = SPI_GetInstance(base);
(void)memset(handle, 0, sizeof(*handle));
handle->dataWidth = (uint8_t)((base->TXCTL & SPI_TXCTL_LEN_MASK) >> SPI_TXCTL_LEN_SHIFT);
handle->callback = callback;
handle->userData = userData;
s_spiHandle[instance] = handle;
s_spiMasterIsr = SPI_MasterTransferHandleIRQ;
/* Enable SPI NVIC */
return kStatus_Success;
* brief Initializes the SPI slave handle.
* This function initializes the SPI slave handle which can be used for other SPI slave transactional APIs. Usually,
* for a specified SPI instance, call this API once to get the initialized handle.
* param base SPI peripheral base address.
* param handle SPI handle pointer.
* param callback Callback function.
* param userData User data.
status_t SPI_SlaveTransferCreateHandle(SPI_Type *base,
spi_slave_handle_t *handle,
spi_slave_callback_t callback,
void *userData)
(void)SPI_MasterTransferCreateHandle(base, handle, callback, userData);
s_spiSlaveIsr = SPI_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ;
return kStatus_Success;
* brief Performs a non-blocking SPI interrupt transfer.
* param base SPI peripheral base address.
* param handle pointer to spi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
* param xfer pointer to spi_xfer_config_t structure
* retval kStatus_Success Successfully start a transfer.
* retval kStatus_InvalidArgument Input argument is invalid.
* retval kStatus_SPI_Busy SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.
status_t SPI_MasterTransferNonBlocking(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle, spi_transfer_t *xfer)
/* check params */
!((NULL == base) || (NULL == handle) || (NULL == xfer) || ((NULL == xfer->txData) && (NULL == xfer->rxData))));
uint16_t temp = 0U;
uint32_t instance;
/* dataSize (in bytes) is not aligned to 16bit (2B) transfer */
if ((handle->dataWidth > (uint8_t)kSPI_Data8Bits) && ((xfer->dataSize & 0x1U) != 0U))
return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
/* Check if SPI is busy */
if (handle->state == (uint32_t)kStatus_SPI_Busy)
return kStatus_SPI_Busy;
/* Set the handle information */
handle->txData = xfer->txData;
handle->rxData = xfer->rxData;
/* Set count */
handle->txRemainingBytes = (NULL == xfer->txData) ? 0U : xfer->dataSize;
handle->rxRemainingBytes = (NULL == xfer->rxData) ? 0U : xfer->dataSize;
handle->totalByteCount = xfer->dataSize;
/* If the rxData is NULL, ignore the receive. */
if (NULL == xfer->rxData)
xfer->configFlags |= (uint32_t)kSPI_ReceiveIgnore;
/* If only on frame to be sent, set the command to last command. */
if (((xfer->dataSize == 1U) && (handle->dataWidth < (uint8_t)kSPI_Data9Bits)) ||
((xfer->dataSize == 2U) && (handle->dataWidth >= (uint8_t)kSPI_Data9Bits)))
SPI_WriteConfigFlags(base, xfer->configFlags);
SPI_WriteConfigFlags(base, (xfer->configFlags & (~SPI_TXDATCTL_EOT_MASK)));
/* Set the last command. */
SPI_TXCTL_EOT_MASK | (uint32_t)kSPI_SselDeAssertAll);
if ((xfer->configFlags & (uint32_t)kSPI_EndOfTransfer) != 0U)
handle->lastCommand |= SPI_TXDATCTL_EOT_MASK;
/* Set the SPI state to busy */
handle->state = (uint32_t)kStatus_SPI_Busy;
/* Write data to TXDAT register to trigger a SPI receive. */
if (NULL == handle->txData)
instance = SPI_GetInstance(base);
temp = s_dummyData[instance];
temp = *handle->txData++;
if (handle->dataWidth > (uint8_t)kSPI_Data8Bits)
temp |= (uint16_t)(*handle->txData++) << 8U;
SPI_WriteData(base, temp);
/* Enable generating IRQ.
* If RX ignore bit was set, only enable TX ready interrupt, otherwise,
* enable RX ready interrupt.
if (((uint32_t)kSPI_ReceiveIgnore & xfer->configFlags) != 0U)
SPI_EnableInterrupts(base, (uint32_t)kSPI_TxReadyInterruptEnable);
SPI_EnableInterrupts(base, (uint32_t)kSPI_RxReadyInterruptEnable);
return kStatus_Success;
* brief Performs a non-blocking SPI slave interrupt transfer.
* note The API returns immediately after the transfer initialization is finished.
* param base SPI peripheral base address.
* param handle pointer to spi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
* param xfer pointer to spi_xfer_config_t structure
* retval kStatus_Success Successfully start a transfer.
* retval kStatus_InvalidArgument Input argument is invalid.
* retval kStatus_SPI_Busy SPI is not idle, is running another transfer.
status_t SPI_SlaveTransferNonBlocking(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle, spi_transfer_t *xfer)
status_t status = kStatus_Success;
s_spiSlaveIsr = SPI_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ;
status = SPI_MasterTransferNonBlocking(base, handle, xfer);
return status;
* brief Gets the master transfer count.
* This function gets the master transfer count.
* param base SPI peripheral base address.
* param handle Pointer to the spi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
* param count The number of bytes transferred by using the non-blocking transaction.
* return status of status_t.
status_t SPI_MasterTransferGetCount(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle, size_t *count)
assert(NULL != handle);
if (count == NULL)
return kStatus_InvalidArgument;
/* Catch when there is not an active transfer. */
if (handle->state != (uint32_t)kStatus_SPI_Busy)
*count = 0U;
return kStatus_NoTransferInProgress;
*count = handle->totalByteCount - handle->rxRemainingBytes;
return kStatus_Success;
* brief SPI master aborts a transfer using an interrupt.
* This function aborts a transfer using an interrupt.
* param base SPI peripheral base address.
* param handle Pointer to the spi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void SPI_MasterTransferAbort(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle)
assert(NULL != handle);
SPI_DisableInterrupts(base, (uint32_t)kSPI_TxReadyInterruptEnable | (uint32_t)kSPI_RxReadyInterruptEnable);
handle->state = (uint32_t)kStatus_SPI_Idle;
handle->txRemainingBytes = 0U;
handle->rxRemainingBytes = 0U;
* brief Interrupts the handler for the SPI.
* param base SPI peripheral base address.
* param handle pointer to spi_master_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state.
void SPI_MasterTransferHandleIRQ(SPI_Type *base, spi_master_handle_t *handle)
assert((NULL != base) && (NULL != handle));
/* IRQ behaviour:
* - First interrupt is triggered by receive ready interrupt. The transfer function then
* tries read data and transmit data interleaved that results to strategy to process
* as many items as possible.
* - In last interrupt, the last state is known by empty rxBuffer and txBuffer. If there
* is nothing to receive or send - both operations have been finished and interrupts can be disabled.
* If the callback function is not NULL, trigger it.
/* Data to send or read or expected to receive */
if ((handle->rxRemainingBytes) != 0U)
SPI_ReceiveTransfer(base, handle);
if ((handle->txRemainingBytes) != 0U)
SPI_SendTransfer(base, handle);
if ((0U == handle->txRemainingBytes) && (0U == handle->rxRemainingBytes))
/* Only finalize the transfer when kSPI_TxReadyFlag is set which means
the tx register is empty and all data is sent out to bus */
if ((SPI_GetStatusFlags(base) & (uint32_t)kSPI_TxReadyFlag) != 0U)
/* Disable TX and RX interrupt. */
SPI_DisableInterrupts(base, (uint32_t)kSPI_RxReadyInterruptEnable | (uint32_t)kSPI_TxReadyInterruptEnable);
/* Set transfer state to idle. */
handle->state = (uint32_t)kStatus_SPI_Idle;
/* If callback is not NULL, call this function. */
if (handle->callback != NULL)
(handle->callback)(base, handle, handle->state, handle->userData);
* brief Interrupts a handler for the SPI slave.
* param base SPI peripheral base address.
* param handle pointer to spi_slave_handle_t structure which stores the transfer state
void SPI_SlaveTransferHandleIRQ(SPI_Type *base, spi_slave_handle_t *handle)
assert((NULL != base) && (NULL != handle));
/* IRQ behaviour:
* - First interrupt is triggered by receive ready interrupt. The transfer function then
* tries read data and transmit data interleaved that results to strategy to process
* as many items as possible.
* - In the last interrupt, the last state is known by empty rxBuffer. If there is nothing
* to receive or send - both operations have been finished and interrupt can be disabled.
* If the callback function is not NULL, call it.
/* Sending data to TXDAT first in case of data missing. */
if (handle->txRemainingBytes != 0U)
SPI_SendTransfer(base, handle);
/* Read data from RXDAT. */
if (handle->rxRemainingBytes != 0U)
SPI_ReceiveTransfer(base, handle);
if ((0U == handle->txRemainingBytes) && (0U == handle->rxRemainingBytes))
/* Only finalize the transfer when kSPI_TxReadyFlag is set which means
the tx register is empty and all data is sent out to bus */
if ((SPI_GetStatusFlags(base) & (uint32_t)kSPI_TxReadyFlag) != 0U)
/* Disable RX interrupt. */
SPI_DisableInterrupts(base, (uint32_t)kSPI_RxReadyInterruptEnable | (uint32_t)kSPI_TxReadyInterruptEnable);
/* Set transfer state to idle. */
handle->state = (uint32_t)kStatus_SPI_Idle;
/* If callback is not NULL, call this function. */
if (handle->callback != NULL)
(handle->callback)(base, handle, handle->state, handle->userData);
static void SPI_CommonIRQHandler(SPI_Type *base, void *param)
if (SPI_IsMaster(base))
s_spiMasterIsr(base, (spi_master_handle_t *)param);
s_spiSlaveIsr(base, (spi_slave_handle_t *)param);
#if defined(SPI0)
void SPI0_DriverIRQHandler(void);
void SPI0_DriverIRQHandler(void)
assert(s_spiHandle[0] != NULL);
SPI_CommonIRQHandler(SPI0, s_spiHandle[0]);
#if defined(SPI1)
void SPI1_DriverIRQHandler(void);
void SPI1_DriverIRQHandler(void)
assert(s_spiHandle[1] != NULL);
SPI_CommonIRQHandler(SPI1, s_spiHandle[1]);