/** @page rtos_log RTOS Change Log @section FreeRTOS kernel for MCUXpresso SDK. The current version is FreeRTOS kernel 10.4.3-LTS-Patch-2 Original package is available at github.com/FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Kernel. - 10.5.1_rev0 - update amazon freertos version - 10.4.3_rev1 - Apply CM33 security fix from 10.4.3-LTS-Patch-2. See rtos\freertos\freertos_kernel\History.txt - Apply CM33 security fix from 10.4.3-LTS-Patch-1. See rtos\freertos\freertos_kernel\History.txt - 10.4.3_rev0 - update amazon freertos version. - 10.4.3_rev0 - update amazon freertos version. - 9.0.0_rev3 - New features: - Tickless idle mode support for Cortex-A7. Add fsl_tickless_epit.c and fsl_tickless_generic.h in portable/IAR/ARM_CA9 folder. - Enabled float context saving in IAR for Cortex-A7. Added configUSE_TASK_FPU_SUPPORT macros. Modified port.c and portmacro.h in portable/IAR/ARM_CA9 folder. - Other changes: - Transformed ARM_CM core specific tickless low power support into generic form under freertos/Source/portable/low_power_tickless/. - 9.0.0_rev2 - New features: - Enabled MCUXpresso thread aware debugging. Add freertos_tasks_c_additions.h and configINCLUDE_FREERTOS_TASK_C_ADDITIONS_H and configFRTOS_MEMORY_SCHEME macros. - 9.0.0_rev1 - New features: - Enabled -flto optimization in GCC by adding __attribute__((used)) for vTaskSwitchContext. - Enabled KDS Task Aware Debugger. Apply FreeRTOS patch to enable configRECORD_STACK_HIGH_ADDRESS macro. Modified files are task.c and FreeRTOS.h. - 9.0.0_rev0 - New features: - Example freertos_sem_static. - Static allocation support RTOS driver wrappers. - Other changes: - Tickless idle rework. Support for different timers is in separated files (fsl_tickless_systick.c, fsl_tickless_lptmr.c). - Removed configuration option configSYSTICK_USE_LOW_POWER_TIMER. Low power timer is now selected by linking of apropriate file fsl_tickless_lptmr.c. - Removed configOVERRIDE_DEFAULT_TICK_CONFIGURATION in RVDS port. Use of __attribute__((weak)) is the preferred solution. Not same as _weak! - 8.2.3 - New features: - Tickless idle mode support. - Added template application for Kinetis Expert (KEx) tool (template_application). - Other changes: - Folder structure reduction. Keep only Kinetis related parts. */