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2022-08-23 15:00:33 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* Copyright 2016 NXP
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "usb_device_config.h"
#include "usb.h"
#include "usb_device.h"
#include "usb_device_class.h"
#include "usb_device_hid.h"
* Definitions
* Prototypes
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidAllocateHandle(usb_device_hid_struct_t **handle);
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidFreeHandle(usb_device_hid_struct_t *handle);
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidInterruptIn(usb_device_handle handle,
usb_device_endpoint_callback_message_struct_t *message,
void *callbackParam);
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidInterruptOut(usb_device_handle handle,
usb_device_endpoint_callback_message_struct_t *message,
void *callbackParam);
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidEndpointsInit(usb_device_hid_struct_t *hidHandle);
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidEndpointsDeinit(usb_device_hid_struct_t *hidHandle);
* Variables
* Code
* @brief Allocate a device hid class handle.
* This function allocates a device hid class handle.
* @param handle It is out parameter, is used to return pointer of the device hid class handle to the caller.
* @retval kStatus_USB_Success Get a device hid class handle successfully.
* @retval kStatus_USB_Busy Cannot allocate a device hid class handle.
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidAllocateHandle(usb_device_hid_struct_t **handle)
uint32_t count;
for (count = 0U; count < USB_DEVICE_CONFIG_HID; count++)
if (NULL == s_UsbDeviceHidHandle[count].handle)
*handle = &s_UsbDeviceHidHandle[count];
return kStatus_USB_Success;
return kStatus_USB_Busy;
* @brief Free a device hid class handle.
* This function frees a device hid class handle.
* @param handle The device hid class handle.
* @retval kStatus_USB_Success Free device hid class handle successfully.
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidFreeHandle(usb_device_hid_struct_t *handle)
handle->handle = NULL;
handle->configStruct = (usb_device_class_config_struct_t *)NULL;
handle->configuration = 0U;
handle->alternate = 0U;
return kStatus_USB_Success;
* @brief Interrupt IN endpoint callback function.
* This callback function is used to notify uplayer the transfser result of a transfer.
* This callback pointer is passed when the interrupt IN pipe initialized.
* @param handle The device handle. It equals the value returned from USB_DeviceInit.
* @param message The result of the interrupt IN pipe transfer.
* @param callbackParam The parameter for this callback. It is same with
* usb_device_endpoint_callback_struct_t::callbackParam. In the class, the value is the HID class handle.
* @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidInterruptIn(usb_device_handle handle,
usb_device_endpoint_callback_message_struct_t *message,
void *callbackParam)
usb_device_hid_struct_t *hidHandle;
usb_status_t status = kStatus_USB_Error;
/* Get the HID class handle */
hidHandle = (usb_device_hid_struct_t *)callbackParam;
if (NULL == hidHandle)
return kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle;
hidHandle->interruptInPipeBusy = 0U;
if ((NULL != hidHandle->configStruct) && (NULL != hidHandle->configStruct->classCallback))
/* Notify the application data sent by calling the hid class callback. classCallback is initialized
in classInit of s_UsbDeviceClassInterfaceMap,it is from the second parameter of classInit */
status =
hidHandle->configStruct->classCallback((class_handle_t)hidHandle, kUSB_DeviceHidEventSendResponse, message);
return status;
* @brief Interrupt OUT endpoint callback function.
* This callback function is used to notify uplayer the transfser result of a transfer.
* This callback pointer is passed when the interrupt OUT pipe initialized.
* @param handle The device handle. It equals the value returned from USB_DeviceInit.
* @param message The result of the interrupt OUT pipe transfer.
* @param callbackParam The parameter for this callback. It is same with
* usb_device_endpoint_callback_struct_t::callbackParam. In the class, the value is the HID class handle.
* @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidInterruptOut(usb_device_handle handle,
usb_device_endpoint_callback_message_struct_t *message,
void *callbackParam)
usb_device_hid_struct_t *hidHandle;
usb_status_t status = kStatus_USB_Error;
/* Get the HID class handle */
hidHandle = (usb_device_hid_struct_t *)callbackParam;
if (NULL == hidHandle)
return kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle;
hidHandle->interruptOutPipeBusy = 0U;
if ((NULL != hidHandle->configStruct) && (NULL != hidHandle->configStruct->classCallback))
/* Notify the application data sent by calling the hid class callback. classCallback is initialized
in classInit of s_UsbDeviceClassInterfaceMap,it is from the second parameter of classInit */
status =
hidHandle->configStruct->classCallback((class_handle_t)hidHandle, kUSB_DeviceHidEventRecvResponse, message);
return status;
* @brief Initialize the endpoints of the hid class.
* This callback function is used to initialize the endpoints of the hid class.
* @param hidHandle The device hid class handle. It equals the value returned from
* usb_device_class_config_struct_t::classHandle.
* @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidEndpointsInit(usb_device_hid_struct_t *hidHandle)
usb_device_interface_list_t *interfaceList;
usb_device_interface_struct_t *interface = (usb_device_interface_struct_t *)NULL;
usb_status_t status = kStatus_USB_Error;
uint32_t count;
uint32_t index;
/* Check the configuration is valid or not. */
if (0U == hidHandle->configuration)
return status;
if (hidHandle->configuration > hidHandle->configStruct->classInfomation->configurations)
return status;
/* Get the interface list of the new configuration. */
if (NULL == hidHandle->configStruct->classInfomation->interfaceList)
return status;
interfaceList = &hidHandle->configStruct->classInfomation->interfaceList[hidHandle->configuration - 1U];
/* Find interface by using the alternate setting of the interface. */
for (count = 0U; count < interfaceList->count; count++)
if (USB_DEVICE_CONFIG_HID_CLASS_CODE == interfaceList->interfaces[count].classCode)
for (index = 0U; index < interfaceList->interfaces[count].count; index++)
if (interfaceList->interfaces[count].interface[index].alternateSetting == hidHandle->alternate)
interface = &interfaceList->interfaces[count].interface[index];
hidHandle->interfaceNumber = interfaceList->interfaces[count].interfaceNumber;
if (NULL == interface)
/* Return error if the interface is not found. */
return status;
/* Keep new interface handle. */
hidHandle->interfaceHandle = interface;
/* Initialize the endpoints of the new interface. */
for (count = 0U; count < interface->endpointList.count; count++)
usb_device_endpoint_init_struct_t epInitStruct;
usb_device_endpoint_callback_struct_t epCallback;
epInitStruct.zlt = 0U;
epInitStruct.interval = interface->endpointList.endpoint[count].interval;
epInitStruct.endpointAddress = interface->endpointList.endpoint[count].endpointAddress;
epInitStruct.maxPacketSize = interface->endpointList.endpoint[count].maxPacketSize;
epInitStruct.transferType = interface->endpointList.endpoint[count].transferType;
epCallback.callbackFn = USB_DeviceHidInterruptIn;
hidHandle->interruptInPipeDataBuffer = (uint8_t *)USB_INVALID_TRANSFER_BUFFER;
hidHandle->interruptInPipeStall = 0U;
hidHandle->interruptInPipeDataLen = 0U;
epCallback.callbackFn = USB_DeviceHidInterruptOut;
hidHandle->interruptOutPipeDataBuffer = (uint8_t *)USB_INVALID_TRANSFER_BUFFER;
hidHandle->interruptOutPipeStall = 0U;
hidHandle->interruptOutPipeDataLen = 0U;
epCallback.callbackParam = hidHandle;
status = USB_DeviceInitEndpoint(hidHandle->handle, &epInitStruct, &epCallback);
return status;
* @brief De-initialize the endpoints of the hid class.
* This callback function is used to de-initialize the endpoints of the hid class.
* @param hidHandle The device hid class handle. It equals the value returned from
* usb_device_class_config_struct_t::classHandle.
* @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidEndpointsDeinit(usb_device_hid_struct_t *hidHandle)
usb_status_t status = kStatus_USB_Error;
uint32_t count;
if (NULL == hidHandle->interfaceHandle)
return status;
/* De-initialize all endpoints of the interface */
for (count = 0U; count < hidHandle->interfaceHandle->endpointList.count; count++)
status = USB_DeviceDeinitEndpoint(hidHandle->handle,
hidHandle->interfaceHandle = NULL;
return status;
* @brief Handle the event passed to the hid class.
* This function handles the event passed to the hid class.
* @param handle The hid class handle, got from the usb_device_class_config_struct_t::classHandle.
* @param event The event codes. Please refer to the enumeration usb_device_class_event_t.
* @param param The param type is determined by the event code.
* @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
* @retval kStatus_USB_Success Free device handle successfully.
* @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidParameter The device handle not be found.
* @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidRequest The request is invalid, and the control pipe will be stalled by the caller.
usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidEvent(void *handle, uint32_t event, void *param)
usb_device_hid_struct_t *hidHandle;
usb_device_hid_report_struct_t report;
usb_status_t error = kStatus_USB_Error;
uint16_t interfaceAlternate;
uint32_t count;
uint8_t *temp8;
uint8_t alternate;
usb_device_class_event_t eventCode = (usb_device_class_event_t)event;
if ((NULL == param) || (NULL == handle))
return kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle;
report.reportBuffer = (uint8_t *)NULL;
report.reportLength = 0U;
/* Get the hid class handle. */
hidHandle = (usb_device_hid_struct_t *)handle;
switch (eventCode)
case kUSB_DeviceClassEventDeviceReset:
/* Bus reset, clear the configuration. */
hidHandle->configuration = 0U;
hidHandle->interruptInPipeBusy = 0U;
hidHandle->interruptOutPipeBusy = 0U;
hidHandle->interfaceHandle = NULL;
error = kStatus_USB_Success;
case kUSB_DeviceClassEventSetConfiguration:
/* Get the new configuration. */
temp8 = ((uint8_t *)param);
if (NULL == hidHandle->configStruct)
if (*temp8 == hidHandle->configuration)
error = kStatus_USB_Success;
/* De-initialize the endpoints when current configuration is none zero. */
if (0U != hidHandle->configuration)
error = USB_DeviceHidEndpointsDeinit(hidHandle);
/* Save new configuration. */
hidHandle->configuration = *temp8;
/* Clear the alternate setting value. */
hidHandle->alternate = 0U;
/* Initialize the endpoints of the new current configuration by using the alternate setting 0. */
error = USB_DeviceHidEndpointsInit(hidHandle);
case kUSB_DeviceClassEventSetInterface:
if (NULL == hidHandle->configStruct)
/* Get the new alternate setting of the interface */
interfaceAlternate = *((uint16_t *)param);
/* Get the alternate setting value */
alternate = (uint8_t)(interfaceAlternate & 0xFFU);
/* Whether the interface belongs to the class. */
if (hidHandle->interfaceNumber != ((uint8_t)(interfaceAlternate >> 8U)))
/* Only handle new alternate setting. */
if (alternate == hidHandle->alternate)
error = kStatus_USB_Success;
/* De-initialize old endpoints */
error = USB_DeviceHidEndpointsDeinit(hidHandle);
hidHandle->alternate = alternate;
/* Initialize new endpoints */
error = USB_DeviceHidEndpointsInit(hidHandle);
case kUSB_DeviceClassEventSetEndpointHalt:
if ((NULL == hidHandle->configStruct) || (NULL == hidHandle->interfaceHandle))
/* Get the endpoint address */
temp8 = ((uint8_t *)param);
for (count = 0U; count < hidHandle->interfaceHandle->endpointList.count; count++)
if (*temp8 == hidHandle->interfaceHandle->endpointList.endpoint[count].endpointAddress)
/* Only stall the endpoint belongs to the class */
if (USB_IN == ((hidHandle->interfaceHandle->endpointList.endpoint[count].endpointAddress &
hidHandle->interruptInPipeStall = 1U;
hidHandle->interruptOutPipeStall = 1U;
error = USB_DeviceStallEndpoint(hidHandle->handle, *temp8);
case kUSB_DeviceClassEventClearEndpointHalt:
if ((NULL == hidHandle->configStruct) || (NULL == hidHandle->interfaceHandle))
/* Get the endpoint address */
temp8 = ((uint8_t *)param);
for (count = 0U; count < hidHandle->interfaceHandle->endpointList.count; count++)
if (*temp8 == hidHandle->interfaceHandle->endpointList.endpoint[count].endpointAddress)
/* Only un-stall the endpoint belongs to the class */
error = USB_DeviceUnstallEndpoint(hidHandle->handle, *temp8);
if (0U != hidHandle->interruptInPipeStall)
hidHandle->interruptInPipeStall = 0U;
if ((uint8_t *)USB_INVALID_TRANSFER_BUFFER != hidHandle->interruptInPipeDataBuffer)
error = USB_DeviceSendRequest(
(hidHandle->interfaceHandle->endpointList.endpoint[count].endpointAddress &
hidHandle->interruptInPipeDataBuffer, hidHandle->interruptInPipeDataLen);
if (kStatus_USB_Success != error)
usb_device_endpoint_callback_message_struct_t endpointCallbackMessage;
endpointCallbackMessage.buffer = hidHandle->interruptInPipeDataBuffer;
endpointCallbackMessage.length = hidHandle->interruptInPipeDataLen;
endpointCallbackMessage.isSetup = 0U;
if (kStatus_USB_Success !=
USB_DeviceHidInterruptIn(hidHandle->handle, (void *)&endpointCallbackMessage,
return kStatus_USB_Error;
(void)USB_DeviceHidInterruptIn(hidHandle->handle, (void *)&endpointCallbackMessage,
hidHandle->interruptInPipeDataBuffer = (uint8_t *)USB_INVALID_TRANSFER_BUFFER;
hidHandle->interruptInPipeDataLen = 0U;
if (0U != hidHandle->interruptOutPipeStall)
hidHandle->interruptOutPipeStall = 0U;
if ((uint8_t *)USB_INVALID_TRANSFER_BUFFER != hidHandle->interruptOutPipeDataBuffer)
error = USB_DeviceRecvRequest(
(hidHandle->interfaceHandle->endpointList.endpoint[count].endpointAddress &
hidHandle->interruptOutPipeDataBuffer, hidHandle->interruptOutPipeDataLen);
if (kStatus_USB_Success != error)
usb_device_endpoint_callback_message_struct_t endpointCallbackMessage;
endpointCallbackMessage.buffer = hidHandle->interruptOutPipeDataBuffer;
endpointCallbackMessage.length = hidHandle->interruptOutPipeDataLen;
endpointCallbackMessage.isSetup = 0U;
if (kStatus_USB_Success !=
USB_DeviceHidInterruptOut(hidHandle->handle, (void *)&endpointCallbackMessage,
return kStatus_USB_Error;
(void)USB_DeviceHidInterruptOut(hidHandle->handle, (void *)&endpointCallbackMessage,
hidHandle->interruptOutPipeDataBuffer = (uint8_t *)USB_INVALID_TRANSFER_BUFFER;
hidHandle->interruptOutPipeDataLen = 0U;
case kUSB_DeviceClassEventClassRequest:
/* Handle the hid class specific request. */
usb_device_control_request_struct_t *controlRequest = (usb_device_control_request_struct_t *)param;
if ((controlRequest->setup->bmRequestType & USB_REQUEST_TYPE_RECIPIENT_MASK) !=
if ((controlRequest->setup->wIndex & 0xFFU) != hidHandle->interfaceNumber)
error = kStatus_USB_InvalidRequest;
switch (controlRequest->setup->bRequest)
if (((controlRequest->setup->bmRequestType & USB_REQUEST_TYPE_DIR_MASK) ==
(controlRequest->setup->wLength != 0U))
/* Get report request */
report.reportType = (uint8_t)((controlRequest->setup->wValue & 0xFF00U) >> 0x08U);
report.reportId = (uint8_t)(controlRequest->setup->wValue & 0x00FFU);
/* classCallback is initialized in classInit of s_UsbDeviceClassInterfaceMap,
it is from the second parameter of classInit */
error = hidHandle->configStruct->classCallback((class_handle_t)hidHandle,
kUSB_DeviceHidEventGetReport, &report);
controlRequest->buffer = report.reportBuffer;
controlRequest->length = report.reportLength;
if (((controlRequest->setup->bmRequestType & USB_REQUEST_TYPE_DIR_MASK) ==
(controlRequest->setup->wLength != 0U))
/* Get idle request, classCallback is initialized in classInit of s_UsbDeviceClassInterfaceMap,
it is from the second parameter of classInit */
error = hidHandle->configStruct->classCallback(
(class_handle_t)hidHandle, kUSB_DeviceHidEventGetIdle, &hidHandle->idleRate);
controlRequest->buffer = &hidHandle->idleRate;
controlRequest->length = sizeof(hidHandle->idleRate);
if (((controlRequest->setup->bmRequestType & USB_REQUEST_TYPE_DIR_MASK) ==
(controlRequest->setup->wLength != 0U))
/* Get protocol request, classCallback is initialized in classInit of
it is from the second parameter of classInit */
error = hidHandle->configStruct->classCallback(
(class_handle_t)hidHandle, kUSB_DeviceHidEventGetProtocol, &hidHandle->protocol);
controlRequest->buffer = &hidHandle->protocol;
controlRequest->length = sizeof(hidHandle->protocol);
if (((controlRequest->setup->bmRequestType & USB_REQUEST_TYPE_DIR_MASK) ==
(controlRequest->setup->wLength != 0U))
/* Set report request */
report.reportType = (uint8_t)((controlRequest->setup->wValue & 0xFF00U) >> 0x08U);
report.reportId = (uint8_t)(controlRequest->setup->wValue & 0x00FFU);
if (0U != controlRequest->isSetup)
report.reportLength = controlRequest->length;
/* classCallback is initialized in classInit of s_UsbDeviceClassInterfaceMap,
it is from the second parameter of classInit */
error = hidHandle->configStruct->classCallback(
(class_handle_t)hidHandle, kUSB_DeviceHidEventRequestReportBuffer, &report);
controlRequest->buffer = report.reportBuffer;
controlRequest->length = report.reportLength;
report.reportBuffer = controlRequest->buffer;
report.reportLength = controlRequest->length;
/* classCallback is initialized in classInit of s_UsbDeviceClassInterfaceMap,
it is from the second parameter of classInit */
error = hidHandle->configStruct->classCallback((class_handle_t)hidHandle,
kUSB_DeviceHidEventSetReport, &report);
if (((controlRequest->setup->bmRequestType & USB_REQUEST_TYPE_DIR_MASK) ==
(controlRequest->setup->wLength == 0U))
/* Set idle request */
hidHandle->idleRate = (uint8_t)((controlRequest->setup->wValue & 0xFF00U) >> 0x08U);
/* classCallback is initialized in classInit of s_UsbDeviceClassInterfaceMap,
it is from the second parameter of classInit */
error = hidHandle->configStruct->classCallback(
(class_handle_t)hidHandle, kUSB_DeviceHidEventSetIdle, &hidHandle->idleRate);
if (((controlRequest->setup->bmRequestType & USB_REQUEST_TYPE_DIR_MASK) ==
(controlRequest->setup->wLength == 0U))
/* Set protocol request */
hidHandle->protocol = (uint8_t)((controlRequest->setup->wValue & 0x00FFU));
/* classCallback is initialized in classInit of s_UsbDeviceClassInterfaceMap,
it is from the second parameter of classInit */
error = hidHandle->configStruct->classCallback(
(class_handle_t)hidHandle, kUSB_DeviceHidEventSetProtocol, &hidHandle->protocol);
/* no action, return kStatus_USB_InvalidRequest */
/*no action*/
return error;
* @brief Initialize the hid class.
* This function is used to initialize the hid class.
* @param controllerId The controller id of the USB IP. Please refer to the enumeration usb_controller_index_t.
* @param config The class configuration information.
* @param handle It is out parameter, is used to return pointer of the hid class handle to the caller.
* @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidInit(uint8_t controllerId, usb_device_class_config_struct_t *config, class_handle_t *handle)
usb_device_hid_struct_t *hidHandle;
usb_status_t error;
/* Allocate a hid class handle. */
error = USB_DeviceHidAllocateHandle(&hidHandle);
if (kStatus_USB_Success != error)
return error;
/* Get the device handle according to the controller id. */
error = USB_DeviceClassGetDeviceHandle(controllerId, &hidHandle->handle);
if (kStatus_USB_Success != error)
return error;
if (NULL == hidHandle->handle)
return kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle;
/* Save the configuration of the class. */
hidHandle->configStruct = config;
/* Clear the configuration value. */
hidHandle->configuration = 0U;
hidHandle->alternate = 0xffU;
*handle = (class_handle_t)hidHandle;
return error;
* @brief De-initialize the device hid class.
* The function de-initializes the device hid class.
* @param handle The hid class handle got from usb_device_class_config_struct_t::classHandle.
* @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidDeinit(class_handle_t handle)
usb_device_hid_struct_t *hidHandle;
usb_status_t error;
hidHandle = (usb_device_hid_struct_t *)handle;
if (NULL == hidHandle)
return kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle;
/* De-initialzie the endpoints. */
error = USB_DeviceHidEndpointsDeinit(hidHandle);
/* Free the hid class handle. */
if (kStatus_USB_Success != USB_DeviceHidFreeHandle(hidHandle))
return kStatus_USB_Error;
return error;
* @brief Send data through a specified endpoint.
* The function is used to send data through a specified endpoint.
* The function calls USB_DeviceSendRequest internally.
* @param handle The hid class handle got from usb_device_class_config_struct_t::classHandle.
* @param ep Endpoint index.
* @param buffer The memory address to hold the data need to be sent.
* @param length The data length need to be sent.
* @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
* @note The return value just means if the sending request is successful or not; the transfer done is notified by
* USB_DeviceHidInterruptIn.
* Currently, only one transfer request can be supported for one specific endpoint.
* If there is a specific requirement to support multiple transfer requests for one specific endpoint, the application
* should implement a queue in the application level.
* The subsequent transfer could begin only when the previous transfer is done (get notification through the endpoint
* callback).
usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidSend(class_handle_t handle, uint8_t ep, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t length)
usb_device_hid_struct_t *hidHandle;
usb_status_t error = kStatus_USB_Error;
if (NULL == handle)
return kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle;
hidHandle = (usb_device_hid_struct_t *)handle;
if (0U != hidHandle->interruptInPipeBusy)
return kStatus_USB_Busy;
hidHandle->interruptInPipeBusy = 1U;
if (0U != hidHandle->interruptInPipeStall)
hidHandle->interruptInPipeDataBuffer = buffer;
hidHandle->interruptInPipeDataLen = length;
return kStatus_USB_Success;
error = USB_DeviceSendRequest(hidHandle->handle, ep, buffer, length);
if (kStatus_USB_Success != error)
hidHandle->interruptInPipeBusy = 0U;
return error;
* @brief Receive data through a specified endpoint.
* The function is used to receive data through a specified endpoint.
* The function calls USB_DeviceRecvRequest internally.
* @param handle The hid class handle got from usb_device_class_config_struct_t::classHandle.
* @param ep Endpoint index.
* @param buffer The memory address to save the received data.
* @param length The data length want to be received.
* @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
* @note The return value just means if the receiving request is successful or not; the transfer done is notified by
* USB_DeviceHidInterruptOut.
* Currently, only one transfer request can be supported for one specific endpoint.
* If there is a specific requirement to support multiple transfer requests for one specific endpoint, the application
* should implement a queue in the application level.
* The subsequent transfer could begin only when the previous transfer is done (get notification through the endpoint
* callback).
usb_status_t USB_DeviceHidRecv(class_handle_t handle, uint8_t ep, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t length)
usb_device_hid_struct_t *hidHandle;
usb_status_t error;
if (NULL == handle)
return kStatus_USB_InvalidHandle;
hidHandle = (usb_device_hid_struct_t *)handle;
if (0U != hidHandle->interruptOutPipeBusy)
return kStatus_USB_Busy;
hidHandle->interruptOutPipeBusy = 1U;
if (0U != hidHandle->interruptOutPipeStall)
hidHandle->interruptOutPipeDataBuffer = buffer;
hidHandle->interruptOutPipeDataLen = length;
return kStatus_USB_Success;
error = USB_DeviceRecvRequest(hidHandle->handle, ep, buffer, length);
if (kStatus_USB_Success != error)
hidHandle->interruptOutPipeBusy = 0U;
return error;