2022-08-23 23:00:33 +08:00

384 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2015, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
* Copyright 2016-2017 NXP
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "fsl_debug_console.h"
#include "fsl_fxos.h"
#include "pin_mux.h"
#include "clock_config.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "math.h"
* Definitions
#define I2C_BAUDRATE (100000U)
#define EXAMPLE_DELAY_COUNT 8000000
#define HWTIMER_PERIOD 10000U
/* multiplicative conversion constants */
#define DegToRad 0.017453292
#define RadToDeg 57.295779
* Prototypes
* @brief Read all data from sensor function
* @param Ax The pointer store x axis acceleration value
* @param Ay The pointer store y axis acceleration value
* @param Az The pointer store z axis acceleration value
* @param Mx The pointer store x axis magnetic value
* @param My The pointer store y axis magnetic value
* @param Mz The pointer store z axis magnetic value
* @note Must calculate g_dataScale before use this function.
static void Sensor_ReadData(int16_t *Ax, int16_t *Ay, int16_t *Az, int16_t *Mx, int16_t *My, int16_t *Mz);
* @brief Magnetometer calibration
static void Magnetometer_Calibrate(void);
* @brief Hardware timer initialize
static void HW_Timer_init(void);
* @brief Delay function
* @param ticks Cycle clock delay
static void Delay(uint32_t ticks);
* Variables
volatile uint16_t SampleEventFlag;
fxos_handle_t g_fxosHandle;
uint8_t g_sensor_address[] = {0x1CU, 0x1EU, 0x1DU, 0x1FU};
uint8_t g_sensorRange = 0;
uint8_t g_dataScale = 0;
int16_t g_Ax_Raw = 0;
int16_t g_Ay_Raw = 0;
int16_t g_Az_Raw = 0;
double g_Ax = 0;
double g_Ay = 0;
double g_Az = 0;
int16_t g_Ax_buff[MAX_ACCEL_AVG_COUNT] = {0};
int16_t g_Ay_buff[MAX_ACCEL_AVG_COUNT] = {0};
int16_t g_Az_buff[MAX_ACCEL_AVG_COUNT] = {0};
int16_t g_Mx_Raw = 0;
int16_t g_My_Raw = 0;
int16_t g_Mz_Raw = 0;
int16_t g_Mx_Offset = 0;
int16_t g_My_Offset = 0;
int16_t g_Mz_Offset = 0;
double g_Mx = 0;
double g_My = 0;
double g_Mz = 0;
double g_Mx_LP = 0;
double g_My_LP = 0;
double g_Mz_LP = 0;
double g_Yaw = 0;
double g_Yaw_LP = 0;
double g_Pitch = 0;
double g_Roll = 0;
bool g_FirstRun = true;
* Code
static void HW_Timer_init(void)
/* Configure the SysTick timer */
SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / HWTIMER_PERIOD);
void SysTick_Handler(void)
SampleEventFlag = 1;
static void Delay(uint32_t ticks)
while (ticks--)
static void Sensor_ReadData(int16_t *Ax, int16_t *Ay, int16_t *Az, int16_t *Mx, int16_t *My, int16_t *Mz)
fxos_data_t fxos_data;
if (FXOS_ReadSensorData(&g_fxosHandle, &fxos_data) != kStatus_Success)
PRINTF("Failed to read acceleration data!\r\n");
/* Get the accel data from the sensor data structure in 14 bit left format data*/
*Ax = (int16_t)((uint16_t)((uint16_t)fxos_data.accelXMSB << 8) | (uint16_t)fxos_data.accelXLSB) / 4U;
*Ay = (int16_t)((uint16_t)((uint16_t)fxos_data.accelYMSB << 8) | (uint16_t)fxos_data.accelYLSB) / 4U;
*Az = (int16_t)((uint16_t)((uint16_t)fxos_data.accelZMSB << 8) | (uint16_t)fxos_data.accelZLSB) / 4U;
*Ax *= g_dataScale;
*Ay *= g_dataScale;
*Az *= g_dataScale;
*Mx = (int16_t)((uint16_t)((uint16_t)fxos_data.magXMSB << 8) | (uint16_t)fxos_data.magXLSB);
*My = (int16_t)((uint16_t)((uint16_t)fxos_data.magYMSB << 8) | (uint16_t)fxos_data.magYLSB);
*Mz = (int16_t)((uint16_t)((uint16_t)fxos_data.magZMSB << 8) | (uint16_t)fxos_data.magZLSB);
static void Magnetometer_Calibrate(void)
int16_t Mx_max = 0;
int16_t My_max = 0;
int16_t Mz_max = 0;
int16_t Mx_min = 0;
int16_t My_min = 0;
int16_t Mz_min = 0;
uint32_t times = 0;
PRINTF("\r\nCalibrating magnetometer...");
while (times < 5000)
Sensor_ReadData(&g_Ax_Raw, &g_Ay_Raw, &g_Az_Raw, &g_Mx_Raw, &g_My_Raw, &g_Mz_Raw);
if (times == 0)
Mx_max = Mx_min = g_Mx_Raw;
My_max = My_min = g_My_Raw;
Mz_max = Mz_min = g_Mz_Raw;
if (g_Mx_Raw > Mx_max)
Mx_max = g_Mx_Raw;
if (g_My_Raw > My_max)
My_max = g_My_Raw;
if (g_Mz_Raw > Mz_max)
Mz_max = g_Mz_Raw;
if (g_Mx_Raw < Mx_min)
Mx_min = g_Mx_Raw;
if (g_My_Raw < My_min)
My_min = g_My_Raw;
if (g_Mz_Raw < Mz_min)
Mz_min = g_Mz_Raw;
if (times == 4999)
if ((Mx_max > (Mx_min + 500)) && (My_max > (My_min + 500)) && (Mz_max > (Mz_min + 500)))
g_Mx_Offset = (Mx_max + Mx_min) / 2;
g_My_Offset = (My_max + My_min) / 2;
g_Mz_Offset = (Mz_max + Mz_min) / 2;
PRINTF("\r\nCalibrate magnetometer successfully!");
PRINTF("\r\nMagnetometer offset Mx: %d - My: %d - Mz: %d \r\n", g_Mx_Offset, g_My_Offset, g_Mz_Offset);
PRINTF("Calibrating magnetometer failed! Press any key to recalibrate...\r\n");
PRINTF("\r\nCalibrating magnetometer...");
times = 0;
int main(void)
fxos_config_t config = {0};
status_t result;
uint16_t i = 0;
uint16_t loopCounter = 0;
double sinAngle = 0;
double cosAngle = 0;
double Bx = 0;
double By = 0;
uint8_t array_addr_size = 0;
/*Clock setting for LPI2C*/
/* Configure the I2C function */
config.I2C_SendFunc = BOARD_Accel_I2C_Send;
config.I2C_ReceiveFunc = BOARD_Accel_I2C_Receive;
/* Initialize sensor devices */
array_addr_size = sizeof(g_sensor_address) / sizeof(g_sensor_address[0]);
for (i = 0; i < array_addr_size; i++)
config.slaveAddress = g_sensor_address[i];
/* Initialize accelerometer sensor */
result = FXOS_Init(&g_fxosHandle, &config);
if (result == kStatus_Success)
if (result != kStatus_Success)
PRINTF("\r\nSensor device initialize failed!\r\n");
/* Get sensor range */
if (FXOS_ReadReg(&g_fxosHandle, XYZ_DATA_CFG_REG, &g_sensorRange, 1) != kStatus_Success)
return -1;
if (g_sensorRange == 0x00)
g_dataScale = 2U;
else if (g_sensorRange == 0x01)
g_dataScale = 4U;
else if (g_sensorRange == 0x10)
g_dataScale = 8U;
PRINTF("\r\nTo calibrate Magnetometer, roll the board on all orientations to get max and min values\r\n");
PRINTF("\r\nPress any key to start calibrating...\r\n");
/* Infinite loops */
for (;;)
if (SampleEventFlag == 1) /* Fix loop */
SampleEventFlag = 0;
g_Ax_Raw = 0;
g_Ay_Raw = 0;
g_Az_Raw = 0;
g_Ax = 0;
g_Ay = 0;
g_Az = 0;
g_Mx_Raw = 0;
g_My_Raw = 0;
g_Mz_Raw = 0;
g_Mx = 0;
g_My = 0;
g_Mz = 0;
/* Read sensor data */
Sensor_ReadData(&g_Ax_Raw, &g_Ay_Raw, &g_Az_Raw, &g_Mx_Raw, &g_My_Raw, &g_Mz_Raw);
/* Average accel value */
for (i = 1; i < MAX_ACCEL_AVG_COUNT; i++)
g_Ax_buff[i] = g_Ax_buff[i - 1];
g_Ay_buff[i] = g_Ay_buff[i - 1];
g_Az_buff[i] = g_Az_buff[i - 1];
g_Ax_buff[0] = g_Ax_Raw;
g_Ay_buff[0] = g_Ay_Raw;
g_Az_buff[0] = g_Az_Raw;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ACCEL_AVG_COUNT; i++)
g_Ax += (double)g_Ax_buff[i];
g_Ay += (double)g_Ay_buff[i];
g_Az += (double)g_Az_buff[i];
if (g_FirstRun)
g_Mx_LP = g_Mx_Raw;
g_My_LP = g_My_Raw;
g_Mz_LP = g_Mz_Raw;
g_Mx_LP += ((double)g_Mx_Raw - g_Mx_LP) * 0.01;
g_My_LP += ((double)g_My_Raw - g_My_LP) * 0.01;
g_Mz_LP += ((double)g_Mz_Raw - g_Mz_LP) * 0.01;
/* Calculate magnetometer values */
g_Mx = g_Mx_LP - g_Mx_Offset;
g_My = g_My_LP - g_My_Offset;
g_Mz = g_Mz_LP - g_Mz_Offset;
/* Calculate roll angle g_Roll (-180deg, 180deg) and sin, cos */
g_Roll = atan2(g_Ay, g_Az) * RadToDeg;
sinAngle = sin(g_Roll * DegToRad);
cosAngle = cos(g_Roll * DegToRad);
/* De-rotate by roll angle g_Roll */
By = g_My * cosAngle - g_Mz * sinAngle;
g_Mz = g_Mz * cosAngle + g_My * sinAngle;
g_Az = g_Ay * sinAngle + g_Az * cosAngle;
/* Calculate pitch angle g_Pitch (-90deg, 90deg) and sin, cos*/
g_Pitch = atan2(-g_Ax, g_Az) * RadToDeg;
sinAngle = sin(g_Pitch * DegToRad);
cosAngle = cos(g_Pitch * DegToRad);
/* De-rotate by pitch angle g_Pitch */
Bx = g_Mx * cosAngle + g_Mz * sinAngle;
/* Calculate yaw = ecompass angle psi (-180deg, 180deg) */
g_Yaw = atan2(-By, Bx) * RadToDeg;
if (g_FirstRun)
g_Yaw_LP = g_Yaw;
g_FirstRun = false;
g_Yaw_LP += (g_Yaw - g_Yaw_LP) * 0.01;
if (++loopCounter > 10)
PRINTF("\r\nCompass Angle: %3.1lf", g_Yaw_LP);
loopCounter = 0;
} /* End infinite loops */