2022-08-23 23:00:33 +08:00

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CONTAINS: MicroCANopen Plus implementation, CANopen USDO Clients
COPYRIGHT: (c) Embedded Systems Academy (EmSA) 2002-2020.
All rights reserved.
DISCLAIM: Read and understand our disclaimer before using this code!
This software was written in accordance to the guidelines at
Licensed under a modified BSD License. See LICENSE.INFO
file in the project root for full license information.
VERSION: 7.10, ESA 20-SEP-02
$LastChangedDate: 2020-09-03 22:04:52 +0200 (Thu, 03 Sep 2020) $
$LastChangedRevision: 5038 $
#ifndef _UUSDOCLNT_H
#define _UUSDOCLNT_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "mco.h"
// Number of SDO/USDO channels implemented
Further "#define" controls used in comgr.c
Must be defined, if code is compiled for CANopen Magic Ultimate simulation
Additional parameter check, if parameters passed are in legal range
If set, Manager is enabled maintaining a node list
This is a macro to be used in RTOS evironments. Called in blocking calls
while waiting, typically set to a delay of a few system ticks
// USDO Client Status Flags (in USDOCLIENT)
#define USDOCL_READY 0x00 // Channel idle
#define USDOCL_EXP_WRCONF 0x02 // Waiting for expedited USDO write response
#define USDOCL_RDCONF 0x03 // Waiting for (any) USDO read response
#define USDOCL_EXP_RDCONF 0x04 // Expedited USDO read confirmed
// For segmented transfers
#define USDOCL_SEG_INITWR 0x10 // Segmented Write Init
#define USDOCL_SEG_WRITE 0x11 // Segmented Write in progress
#define USDOCL_SEG_WRCONF 0x12 // Segmented Write over
#define USDOCL_SEG_WRNEXT 0x13 // Segmented Write over
#define USDOCL_SEG_WRFINA 0x14 // Segmented Write over, final & call-back
#define USDOCL_SEG_READ 0x21 // Segmented Read in progress
#define USDOCL_SEG_RDCONF 0x22 // Segmented Read over
#define USDOCL_SEG_RDFINA 0x23 // Segmented Read over, final & call-back
// For block transfer
#define USDOCL_BLOCK_INITWR 0x30 // Block Write Init
#define USDOCL_BLOCK_WRITE 0x31 // Block Write in progress
#define USDOCL_BLOCK_WRCONF 0x32 // Block Write over
#define USDOCL_BLOCK_WRFINA 0x33 // Block Write over, final & call-back
#define USDOCL_BLOCK_READ 0x41 // Block Read in progress
#define USDOCL_BLOCK_RDCONF 0x42 // Block Read over
#define USDOCL_BLOCK_RDFINA 0x43 // Block Read over, final & call-back
// USDO Response Status (in USDOCLNT_GetStatus)
#define USDOERR_FATAL 0x00 // Illegal pointer passed
#define USDOERR_OK 0x01 // Confirmation, last access was sucess
#define USDOERR_ABORT 0x80 // Abort received
#define USDOERR_TIMEOUT 0x81 // Request timed out
#define USDOERR_SEQ 0x82 // Sequence error
#define USDOERR_BUFSIZE 0x84 // Out of Memory
#define USDOERR_PARAM 0x85 // Wrong parameter
#define USDOERR_UNKNOWN 0x88 // No transfer possible
#define USDOERR_RUNNING 0xFF // USDO Transfer still running, not complete
#endif // NR_OF_SDO_CLIENTS > 0
// Scanning of nodes: states
#define SCAN_NONE 0x00 // node is not present
#define SCAN_DELAY 0x02 // started a delay
#define SCAN_RUN 0x80 // scanning in progress
#define SCAN_WAITREPLY 0x81 // waiting for reply
#define SCAN_ABORT 0xC0 // scan aborted
#define SCAN_DONE 0xFE // scan complete
#define SCAN_OVER 0xFF // scan is over
// Definitions for broadcast/multicast
#define USDOCLNT_FLAGTYPE uint64_t
#define SETBIT(position) (1ULL << position)
#define USDOCLNT_FLAGTYPE uint32_t
#define SETBIT(position) (1UL << position)
#define USDO_CLIENT_RESPONSE_ACK(client_ptr, ind) \
{ \
client_ptr->responses_ack |= SETBIT(ind); \
#define USDO_CLIENT_RESPONSE_NAK(client_ptr, ind) \
{ \
client_ptr->responses_nak |= SETBIT(ind); \
client_ptr->responses_cmp &= ~SETBIT(ind); \
#define USDO_CLIENT_RESPONSES_ALL(client_ptr) ((client_ptr->responses_ack == client_ptr->responses_cmp))
typedef struct
CAN_MSG sdomsg; // Message buffer for send and receive
uint8_t init; // TRUE if client initialized
uint8_t srvnid; // server node ID or USDO_NID_BCAST for broadcast
uint8_t curnid; // last server node ID , for broadcast receive
uint8_t cnt; // segment counter
uint32_t bufmax; // Maximum length of buffer
uint32_t buflen; // Length of expected transfer
uint32_t curlen; // Current length of buffer
MEM_FAR uint8_t *pBuf; // Pointer to buffer for transfer
uint16_t timeout; // USDO Timeout current timestamp
uint16_t timeout_reload; // USDO Timeout re-load value
uint16_t b2btimeout; // Back-to-Back Timestamp
uint16_t tproc; // Back-to-Back processing time
uint16_t index; // Index of current request
uint8_t subindex; // Subindex of current request
uint8_t datatype; // Data type of current request
uint8_t last_abort; // last abort code if any
uint8_t blocked; // TRUE, if blocked mode shall be used when length is greater than 56 bytes
uint8_t msg_pending; // message couldn't be transmit, try again
uint8_t session; // Session ID
uint8_t status; // Channel status info
uint8_t channel; // Channel number from 1 to NR_OF_SDO_CLIENTS
MEM_FAR uint8_t *num_servers; // Pointer to maximum number of USDO servers, up to 32/64
MEM_FAR uint8_t *server_list; // Pointer to list of responding USDO servers
USDOCLNT_FLAGTYPE responses_ack; // Flags for successful USDO response arrived (one bit each)
USDOCLNT_FLAGTYPE responses_nak; // Flags for USDO Abort response arrived or USDO timeout (one bit each)
USDOCLNT_FLAGTYPE responses_cmp; // Saved _ack value for subsequent cycles
uint8_t bcresp[CAN_MAX_DATA_SIZE]; // Buffer for the last received USDO response
// data records for each client
DOES: This function resets all USDO Client channels
RETURNS: nothing
void USDOCLNT_ResetChannels(void);
DOES: (Re-)initializes an USDO client channel.
RETURNS: NULL-Pointer, if channel initialization failed.
Pointer to USDOCLIENT structure used, if init success
uint8_t channel, // USDO channel number in range of 1 to NR_OF_SDO_CLIENTS
uint8_t srvnid, // USDO server node ID
MEM_FAR uint8_t *p_buf, // data buffer pointer for data exchanged
uint32_t buf_size, // max length of data buffer
uint8_t blocked // TRUE, if blocked mode shall be used when length is greater than 56 bytes
DOES: (Re-)initializes a broadcast USDO client channel.
RETURNS: NULL-Pointer, if channel initialization failed.
Pointer to USDOCLIENT structure used if init success
uint8_t channel, // USDO channel number in range of 1 to NR_OF_SDO_CLIENTS
MEM_FAR uint8_t *num_servers, // Pointer to maximum number of USDO servers, up to 31/63, or 0 for auto-detect (needs
// maximum server_list size)
MEM_FAR uint8_t *server_list, // Pointer to list of server node IDs
MEM_FAR uint8_t *p_buf, // data buffer pointer for data exchanged
uint32_t buf_size, // max length of data buffer
uint8_t blocked // TRUE, if blocked mode shall be used when length is greater than 56 bytes
DOES: Transmits a USDO Write (download) request.
RETURNS: TRUE, if request was queued
FALSE, if transmit queue full
GLOBALS: Uses the last data buffer assigned from last call to USDOCLNT_Init,
NOTE: Non blocking transfer, use functions USDOCLNT_GetStatus,
USDOCLNT_BlockUntilCompleted or SDOCLNTCB_SDOComplete to determine
when transfer completed
uint8_t USDOCLNT_Write(MEM_FAR USDOCLIENT *p_client, // Pointer to initialized USDO client structure
uint16_t index, // Object Dictionary Index to write
uint8_t subindex, // Object Dictionary Subindex to write
uint8_t datatype // Data type of entry to write
DOES: Transmits a USDO Write (download) request with extended parameters
RETURNS: TRUE, if request was queued
FALSE, if transmit queue full
NOTE: Non blocking transfer, use functions USDOCLNT_GetStatus,
USDOCLNT_BlockUntilCompleted or SDOCLNTCB_SDOComplete to determine
when transfer completed
uint8_t USDOCLNT_WriteXtd(MEM_FAR USDOCLIENT *p_client, // Pointer to initialized USDO client structure
uint16_t index, // Object Dictionary Index to write
uint8_t subindex, // Object Dictionary Subindex to write
uint8_t datatype, // Data type of entry to write
MEM_FAR uint8_t *pSrc, // Pointer to data source
uint32_t len, // Length of data
uint16_t timeout, // Timeout for this transfer in milliseconds
uint8_t blocked // TRUE, if blocked mode shall be used when length is greater than 56 bytes
DOES: Transmits a USDO Read (upload) request.
RETURNS: TRUE, if request was queued
FALSE, if transmit queue full
GLOBALS: Uses the last data buffer assigned from last call to USDOCLNT_Init,
NOTE: Non blocking transfer, use functions USDOCLNT_GetStatus,
USDOCLNT_BlockUntilCompleted or USDOCLNTCB_USDOComplete to determine
when transfer completed
uint8_t USDOCLNT_Read(MEM_FAR USDOCLIENT *p_client, // Pointer to initialized USDO client structure
uint16_t index, // Object Dictionary Index to read
uint8_t subindex // Object Dictionary Subindex to read
DOES: Transmits a USDO Read (upload) request with extended parameters
RETURNS: TRUE, if request was queued
FALSE, if transmit queue full
NOTE: Non blocking transfer, use functions USDOCLNT_GetStatus,
USDOCLNT_BlockUntilCompleted or USDOCLNTCB_USDOComplete to determine
when transfer completed
uint8_t USDOCLNT_ReadXtd(MEM_FAR USDOCLIENT *p_client, // Pointer to initialized USDO client structure
uint16_t index, // Object Dictionary Index to read
uint8_t subindex, // Object Dictionary Subindex to read
MEM_FAR uint8_t *pDest, // Pointer to data destination
uint32_t len, // Maximum length of data destination
uint16_t timeout // Timeout for this transfer in milliseconds
DOES: Checks the current status of the USDO client
uint8_t USDOCLNT_GetStatus(MEM_FAR USDOCLIENT *p_client // Pointer to initialized USDO client structure
DOES: Checks if a USDO client is busy or not
uint8_t USDOCLNT_IsBusy(MEM_FAR USDOCLIENT *p_client // Pointer to initialized USDO client structure
DOES: Returns the last abort code of the USDO client, if any
RETURNS: Last USDO client Abort code or 0
uint8_t USDOCLNT_GetLastAbort(MEM_FAR USDOCLIENT *p_client // Pointer to initialized USDO client structure
DOES: Blocking call to wait until previous USDO transfer completed.
RETURNS: USDOERR_xxx status codes
uint8_t USDOCLNT_BlockUntilCompleted(MEM_FAR USDOCLIENT *p_client // Pointer to initialized USDO client structure
DOES: Call-Back to application when an USDO client transfer is completed
RETURNS: nothing
void USDOCLNTCB_USDOComplete(uint8_t channel, // USDO channel number in range of 1 to NR_OF_SDO_CLIENTS
uint32_t abort_code // USDOERR_xxx codes or USDO abort code
DOES: Transmits a USDO read request and waits for the response
or an abort.
RETURNS: 0 if access aborted, else length of data received
uint32_t USDOCLNT_ReadCycle(uint8_t channel, // USDO channel number in range of 1 to NR_OF_SDO_CLIENTS
uint8_t srvnid, // USDO server node ID
uint16_t index, // Object Dictionary Index to read
uint8_t subindex, // Object Dictionary Subindex to read
MEM_FAR uint8_t *p_buf, // data buffer pointer for data received
uint32_t buf_size, // max length of data buffer
uint16_t timeout // Timeout for this transfer in milliseconds, 0 for default
DOES: Transmits a USDO Write request and waits for the response
or an abort.
RETURNS: TRUE if write transfer was successful
uint8_t USDOCLNT_WriteCycle(uint8_t channel, // USDO channel number in range of 1 to NR_OF_SDO_CLIENTS
uint8_t srvnid, // USDO server node ID
uint16_t index, // Object Dictionary Index to read
uint8_t subindex, // Object Dictionary Subindex to read
uint8_t datatype, // Data type of entry to write
MEM_FAR uint8_t *p_buf, // data buffer pointer for data transmitted
uint32_t len, // length of data transmitted
uint8_t blocked, // TRUE, if blocked mode shall be used when length is greater than 56 bytes
uint16_t timeout // Timeout for this transfer in milliseconds, 0 for default
DOES: Aborts a transfer currently in progress.
RETURNS: nothing
void USDOCLNT_AbortTransfer(MEM_FAR USDOCLIENT *p_client, // Pointer to initialized USDO client structure
uint8_t abort_code // Abort code to transmit
DOES: Gets executed if a CAN message was received that is the response
to a USDO request
RETURNS: TRUE if message was handled
uint8_t USDOCLNT_HandleUSDOClientResponse(MEM_FAR CAN_MSG *p_rxusdo // Pointer to received USDO response
DOES: USDO Client Handler, needs to be executed frequently
RETURNS: TRUE, if a message was generated
uint8_t USDOCLNT_USDOHandleClient(void);
DOES: Initiates multiple USDO read requests to be sent, results read
go directly into an array of uint32_t. Limited to expedited
transfers of up to 4 byte.
Format of the ScanList is 4 bytes per entry
0,1: Index (set to 0xFFFF to mark end of list)
2: Subindex
3: Length
When the scan completed, MGRCB_NodeStatusChanged() is called
RETURNS: nothing
void MGRSCAN_Init(uint8_t sdo_clnt, // USDO client number from 1 to NR_OF_SDO_CLIENTS
uint8_t node_id, // Node ID of node to read data from
MEM_FAR uint8_t *pScanList, // Pointer to list with OD entries to be read
MEM_FAR uint8_t *pScanData, // Pointer to array, must be as long as number
// of entries times four (to read/write up to four bytes)
// in list above
uint16_t Delay // Delay in ms between read requests
DOES: Can be used to check if a previously started scan is still running
RETURNS: TRUE if scan is still running, else FALSE
uint8_t MGRSCAN_GetStatus(uint8_t node_id // Node ID of node whic is auto-scanned
DOES: Call Back function to allow custom USDO client writes/downloads of
longer data than local buffer size.
RETURNS: 0x00 - No custom handling, or no data
0x01 - Custom handling, data buffer filled
uint8_t USDOCLNTCB_USDOWriteInit(
MEM_FAR USDOCLIENT *p_client, // Pointer to initialized USDO client structure
uint16_t idx, // Index of OD entry
uint8_t subidx, // Subindex of OD entry
uint32_t MEM_FAR *size, // Size of USDO client data buffer, RETURN: length of data filled
uint32_t MEM_FAR *totalsize, // RETURN: total size of data, only set if >*size
uint8_t MEM_FAR *pDat // Pointer to data buffer to fill, RETURN: data up to *size
DOES: Call Back function to allow custom USDO client writes/downloads of
longer data than local buffer size. Provides next data block to write,
or signals the last block.
RETURNS: 0x00 - No custom handling, or no data
0x01 - Custom handling, data buffer filled
uint8_t USDOCLNTCB_USDOWriteComplete(
MEM_FAR USDOCLIENT *p_client, // Pointer to initialized USDO client structure
uint16_t idx, // Index of OD entry
uint8_t subidx, // Subindex of OD entry
uint32_t MEM_FAR *size, // Size of USDO client data buffer, RETURN: length of data filled
uint32_t more, // Number of bytes still needed (of total transfer)
uint8_t MEM_FAR *pDat // Pointer to data buffer to fill, RETURN: data up to *size
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // _UUSDOCLNT_H