Yilin Sun 1cf36afbfa
Updated to SDK v2.14.0
Signed-off-by: Yilin Sun <>
2023-08-31 23:30:31 +08:00

279 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright 2023 NXP
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
/*! File: nmh1000.h
* @brief The \b nmh1000.h file contains the register definitions for NMH1000 sensor.
#ifndef NMH1000_H_
#define NMH1000_H_
** @brief The NMH1000 Sensor Internal Map.
enum {
NMH1000_STATUS = 0x00,
NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1 = 0x01,
NMH1000_RESERVED1 = 0x02,
NMH1000_OUT_M_REG = 0x03,
NMH1000_ODR = 0x06,
NMH1000_RESERVED2 = 0x07,
NMH1000_WHO_AM_I = 0x08,
NMH1000_I2C_ADDR = 0x09,
#define NMH1000_WHO_AM_I_VALUE (0x01)
** Register: STATUS
** Enum: NMH1000_STATUS
** --
** Offset : 0x0 - Status reporting register
** ------------------------------*/
typedef union {
struct {
uint8_t out_b : 1; /* Output Buffer indicate a latched state of the VOUT pin after a transition */
/* from either Asserted to Clear or Clear to Asserted. */
uint8_t rst_stat : 1; /* Reset Status shall indicate the state-machine reset sequence. */
uint8_t _reserved_ : 1;
uint8_t opmode : 1; /* The read-only OPMODE shall indicate the mode of the internal */
/* state-machine. */
uint8_t _reserved_1 : 1;
uint8_t mdr : 1; /* Magnetic Data Ready shall indicate the value in register $03 is available */
/* for read operation. */
uint8_t mdo : 1; /* Magnetic Data Overwrite shall indicate the validity of the value in */
/* register $03. */
uint8_t output : 1; /* Vout control block state. */
} b;
uint8_t w;
} NMH1000_STATUS_t;
** STATUS - Bit field mask definitions
#define NMH1000_STATUS_OUT_B_MASK ((uint8_t) 0x01)
#define NMH1000_STATUS_OUT_B_SHIFT ((uint8_t) 0)
#define NMH1000_STATUS_RST_STAT_MASK ((uint8_t) 0x02)
#define NMH1000_STATUS_RST_STAT_SHIFT ((uint8_t) 1)
#define NMH1000_STATUS_OPMODE_MASK ((uint8_t) 0x08)
#define NMH1000_STATUS_OPMODE_SHIFT ((uint8_t) 3)
#define NMH1000_STATUS_MDR_MASK ((uint8_t) 0x20)
#define NMH1000_STATUS_MDR_SHIFT ((uint8_t) 5)
#define NMH1000_STATUS_MDO_MASK ((uint8_t) 0x40)
#define NMH1000_STATUS_MDO_SHIFT ((uint8_t) 6)
#define NMH1000_STATUS_OUTPUT_MASK ((uint8_t) 0x80)
#define NMH1000_STATUS_OUTPUT_SHIFT ((uint8_t) 7)
** STATUS - Bit field value definitions
#define NMH1000_STATUS_OUT_B_CLEARED ((uint8_t) 0x00) /* OUT Cleared on previous cycle. */
#define NMH1000_STATUS_OUT_B_ASSERTED ((uint8_t) 0x01) /* OUT asserted on previous cycle. */
#define NMH1000_STATUS_RST_STAT_RST_SEQ_COMPLETED ((uint8_t) 0x00) /* Reset sequence complete and read operation */
/* performed on register $00. */
#define NMH1000_STATUS_RST_STAT_RST_SEQ_NOT_COMPLETED ((uint8_t) 0x02) /* Reset sequence not complete. Result of Reset. */
#define NMH1000_STATUS_OPMODE_STATE_MACHINE_FAULT ((uint8_t) 0x00) /* ndicates VPP < VSTAND and the device in */
/* Standalone mode indicating a state machine fault, */
/* since the registers are only accessible in the */
/* I2C mode. */
#define NMH1000_STATUS_OPMODE_USER_MODE ((uint8_t) 0x08) /* Indicates VPP >= VSTAND and the device in I2C User */
/* Mode. */
#define NMH1000_STATUS_MDR_DATA_AVAILABLE ((uint8_t) 0x00) /* $03 data available. */
#define NMH1000_STATUS_MDR_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE ((uint8_t) 0x20) /* $03 data not available. Result of Reset. */
#define NMH1000_STATUS_MDO_VALIDITY_IN_RANGE ((uint8_t) 0x00) /* Register $03 value is within the range $00 to $1F. */
#define NMH1000_STATUS_MDO_VALIDITY_OUT_OF_RANGE ((uint8_t) 0x40) /* Register $03 value is >$1F indicating out-of-range */
/* or fault. Result of Reset. */
#define NMH1000_STATUS_OUTPUT_VOUT_DRIVEN_TO_VOL ((uint8_t) 0x00) /* The state of VOUT is driven to VOL; Result of */
/* Reset. */
#define NMH1000_STATUS_OUTPUT_VOUT_DRIVEN_TO_VOH ((uint8_t) 0x80) /* The state of VOUT is driven to VOH. */
** Register: CONTROL_REG1
** Enum: NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1
** --
** Offset : 0x01 - Control Register
** ------------------------------*/
typedef union {
struct {
uint8_t rst : 1; /* Internal device Soft Reset. */
uint8_t _reserved_ : 1;
uint8_t one_short : 1; /* It provides control of the state machine to trigger a single sequence of */
/* Compare to Vout Control, then halt. The bit shall clear upon the sequence */
/* being completed. */
uint8_t auto_mode : 1; /* It provides control of the state machine to enter a sequential autonomous */
/* mode cycling from Sleep to Compare to Vout Control, then back to Sleep, */
/* etc. The sequence shall be halted when the AUTO is written to 0. */
uint8_t i2c_dis : 1; /* Control of the operating mode "on-the'fly" after the device has exited POR */
/* or Soft Reset. This allows the user to force the device into standalone */
/* mode. */
uint8_t v_pol : 1; /* Control of the user-defined OUT pin and resultant OUT_B register bit */
/* assert / clear polarity. */
} b;
uint8_t w;
** CONTROL_REG1 - Bit field mask definitions
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_RST_MASK ((uint8_t) 0x01)
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_RST_SHIFT ((uint8_t) 0)
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_ONE_SHORT_MASK ((uint8_t) 0x04)
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_ONE_SHORT_SHIFT ((uint8_t) 2)
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_AUTO_MODE_MASK ((uint8_t) 0x08)
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_AUTO_MODE_SHIFT ((uint8_t) 3)
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_I2C_DIS_MASK ((uint8_t) 0x10)
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_I2C_DIS_SHIFT ((uint8_t) 4)
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_V_POL_MASK ((uint8_t) 0x20)
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_V_POL_SHIFT ((uint8_t) 5)
** CONTROL_REG1 - Bit field value definitions
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_RST_NO_RESET ((uint8_t) 0x00) /* No reset is forced. */
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_RST_RESET ((uint8_t) 0x01) /* Internal device reset is be forced. */
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_ONE_SHORT_EN ((uint8_t) 0x04) /* Trigger a One-Shot sequence. */
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_AUTO_MODE_HALT ((uint8_t) 0x00) /* Halts or prevents Autonomous mode. */
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_AUTO_MODE_START ((uint8_t) 0x08) /* Start the Autonomous mode. */
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_I2C_DIS_STANDALONE_MODE ((uint8_t) 0x10) /* force the device into i2c standalone mode. */
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_V_POL_ASSERT_VOH_CLR_VOL ((uint8_t) 0x00) /* Assert = VOH, Clear = VOL; Result of Reset */
#define NMH1000_CONTROL_REG1_V_POL_ASSERT_VOL_CLR_VOH ((uint8_t) 0x20) /* Assert = VOL, Clear = VOH. */
** Register: RESERVED_REG_1
** Enum: NMH1000_RESERVED_REG_1
** --
** Offset : 0x02
** ------------------------------*/
typedef uint8_t NMH1000_RESERVED_REG_1_t;
** Register: OUT_M_REG
** Enum: NMH1000_OUT_M_REG
** --
** Offset : 0x03 - Report of Magnetic Field Strength
** ------------------------------*/
typedef uint8_t NMH1000_OUT_M_REG_t;
** --
** Offset : 0x04 - User selectable output Assert Threshold value from $01 to $1F;provides the capability for the user to override the fixed threshold controlling the output assert condition.
** ------------------------------*/
typedef uint8_t NMH1000_USER_ASSERT_THRESH_t;
** --
** Offset : 0x05 - User selectable output Clear Threshold value from $01 to $1F;provides the capability for the user to override the fixed threshold controlling the output clear condition.
** ------------------------------*/
typedef uint8_t NMH1000_USER_CLEAR_THRESH_t;
** Register: USER_ODR
** Enum: NMH1000_USER_ODR
** --
** Offset : 0x06 - User Setting of Sample Rate(ODR)
** ------------------------------*/
typedef union {
struct {
uint8_t odr : 3;
} b;
uint8_t w;
} NMH1000_USER_ODR_t;
** USER_ODR - Bit field mask definitions
#define NMH1000_USER_ODR_ODR_MASK ((uint8_t) 0x07)
#define NMH1000_USER_ODR_ODR_SHIFT ((uint8_t) 0)
** USER_ODR - Bit field value definitions
#define NMH1000_USER_ODR_ODR_LSP ((uint8_t) 0x00) /* Low sample rate selected */
#define NMH1000_USER_ODR_ODR_5X_LSP ((uint8_t) 0x01) /* 5*Low sample rate selected */
#define NMH1000_USER_ODR_ODR_MSP ((uint8_t) 0x02) /* Medium sample rate selected */
#define NMH1000_USER_ODR_ODR_HSP ((uint8_t) 0x04) /* High sample rate selected */
#define NMH1000_USER_ODR_ODR_5X_HSP ((uint8_t) 0x05) /* 5*High sample rate selected */
#define NMH1000_USER_ODR_ODR_10X_HSP ((uint8_t) 0x06) /* 10*High sample rate selected */
#define NMH1000_USER_ODR_ODR_CONFIG_ERR ((uint8_t) 0x07) /* Coniguration error */
** Register: RESERVED_REG_2
** Enum: NMH1000_RESERVED_REG_2
** --
** Offset : 0x07
** ------------------------------*/
typedef uint8_t NMH1000_RESERVED_REG_2_t;
** Register: WHO_AM_I
** Enum: NMH1000_WHO_AM_I
** --
** Offset : 0x08 - Device identification register
** ------------------------------*/
typedef uint8_t NMH1000_WHO_AM_I_t;
** Register: I2C_ADDR
** Enum: NMH1000_I2C_ADDR
** --
** Offset : 0x09 - I2C Address register
** ------------------------------*/
#endif /* NMH1000_H_ */
// RESERVED1 : 0x02
// RESERVED2 : 0x07
// ODR : 0x06