2022-08-23 23:00:33 +08:00

130 lines
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/* */
/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* This software is licensed under the Microsoft Software License */
/* Terms for Microsoft Azure RTOS. Full text of the license can be */
/* found in the LICENSE file at */
/* and in the root directory of this software. */
/* */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "azure/core/az_json.h"
#include "nx_azure_iot_hub_client.h"
#include "nx_api.h"
* @brief Parse PnP command name
* @param[in] method_name_ptr Pointer to method name
* @param[in] method_name_length Length of method name
* @param[out] component_name_pptr Pointer to component pointer
* @param[out] component_name_length_ptr Pointer to length of component name length
* @param[out] pnp_command_name_pptr Pointer to command name pointer
* @param[out] pnp_command_name_length_ptr Pointer to length of command name
* @return A `UINT` with the result of the API.
* @retval #NX_AZURE_IOT_SUCCESS Successful if successful parsed command name.
UINT nx_azure_iot_pnp_helper_command_name_parse(UCHAR *method_name_ptr, UINT method_name_length,
UCHAR **component_name_pptr, UINT *component_name_length_ptr,
UCHAR **pnp_command_name_pptr, UINT *pnp_command_name_length_ptr);
* @brief Parse twin data and call callback on each desired property
* @param[in] packet_ptr `NX_PACKET` pointer containing the twin data
* @param[in] is_partial 1 if twin data is patch else 0 if full twin document
* @param[in] sample_components_ptr Pointer to list of all components name pointers
* @param[in] sample_components_num Size of component list
* @param[in] scratch_buf Temporary buffer used for staging property names out of the JSON document
* @param[in] scratch_buf_len Temporary buffer length size
* @param[in] sample_desired_property_callback Callback called with each desired property
* @param[in] context_ptr Context passed to the callback
* @return A `UINT` with the result of the API.
* @retval #NX_AZURE_IOT_SUCCESS Successful if successful parsed twin data.
UINT nx_azure_iot_pnp_helper_twin_data_parse(NX_PACKET *packet_ptr, UINT is_partial,
CHAR **sample_components_ptr, UINT sample_components_num,
UCHAR *scratch_buf, UINT scratch_buf_len,
VOID (*sample_desired_property_callback)(UCHAR *component_name_ptr,
UINT component_name_len, UCHAR *property_name_ptr,
UINT property_name_len,
az_json_reader property_value_reader, UINT version,
VOID *userContextCallback),
VOID *context_ptr);
* @brief Create PnP telemetry message
* @param[in] iothub_client_ptr Pointer to `NX_AZURE_IOT_HUB_CLIENT`
* @param[in] component_name Pointer to component name
* @param[in] component_name_len Length of component name
* @param[out] packet_pptr `NX_PACKET` return via the API.
* @param[in] wait_option Ticks to wait if no packet is available.
* @return A `UINT` with the result of the API.
* @retval #NX_AZURE_IOT_SUCCESS Successful if successful created NX_PACKET.
UINT nx_azure_iot_pnp_helper_telemetry_message_create(NX_AZURE_IOT_HUB_CLIENT *iothub_client_ptr,
UCHAR *component_name, UINT component_name_len,
NX_PACKET **packet_pptr, UINT wait_option);
* @brief Build PnP reported property into user provided buffer
* @param[in] component_name_ptr Pointer to component name
* @param[in] component_name_len Length of component name
* @param[in] buffer_ptr Pointer to buffer used for storing message
* @param[in] buffer_len Size of buffer
* @param[out] data_copied_ptr Number of bytes copied into buffer
* @param[in] append_reported_property Callback to add reported property
* @param[in] context Context pass to callback
* @return A `UINT` with the result of the API.
* @retval #NX_AZURE_IOT_SUCCESS Successful if successful created reported property message.
UINT nx_azure_iot_pnp_helper_build_reported_property(UCHAR *component_name_ptr, UINT component_name_len,
UINT (*append_reported_property)(az_json_writer *json_builder,
VOID *context),
VOID *context, UCHAR *buffer_ptr, UINT buffer_len,
UINT *data_copied_ptr);
* @brief Build reported property with status
* @param[in] component_name_ptr Pointer to component name
* @param[in] component_name_len Length of component name
* @param[in] property_name_ptr Pointer to property name
* @param[in] property_name_len Length of property name
* @param[in] append_value Callback to add property value
* @param[in] context Context pass to callback
* @param[in] result Status for reported property
* @param[in] description Pointer to description
* @param[in] description_len Length of description
* @param[in] ack_version ack version
* @param[in] buffer_ptr Pointer to buffer to where message is stored.
* @param[in] buffer_len Length of buffer
* @param[out] byte_copied Number of bytes copied to buffer
* @return A `UINT` with the result of the API.
* @retval #NX_AZURE_IOT_SUCCESS Successful if successful created reported property message.
UINT nx_azure_iot_pnp_helper_build_reported_property_with_status(UCHAR *component_name_ptr, UINT component_name_len,
UCHAR *property_name_ptr, UINT property_name_len,
UINT (*append_value)(az_json_writer *builder,
VOID *context),
VOID *context,
INT result, UCHAR *description_ptr,
UINT description_len,
UINT ack_version, UCHAR *buffer_ptr,
UINT buffer_len,
UINT *byte_copied);
#ifdef __cplusplus