2022-04-08 22:46:35 +08:00

269 lines
8.1 KiB

* Copyright 2020 NXP
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
/* FreeRTOS kernel includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "queue.h"
/* FATFS includes. */
#include "ff.h"
#include "sdcard.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "h264_dec.h"
#include "fsl_debug_console.h"
#include "pin_mux.h"
#include "clock_config.h"
#include "board.h"
#include "fsl_gpio.h"
* Definitions
#define DEMO_FILE_BUF_SIZE (32U * 1024U)
/* Structure to transfer file content between file_read_task and h264_decode_task. */
typedef struct
uint8_t *data; /* Pointer to data. */
int32_t len; /* Length of the data. */
bool isEndOfFile; /* Has reached file end. */
bool isStartOfFile; /* Is start of file. */
} file_data_block_t;
* Prototypes
static void file_read_task(void *pvParameters);
static void h264_decode_task(void *pvParameters);
* Variables
static QueueHandle_t s_fullFileDataBlockQueue;
static QueueHandle_t s_emptyFileDataBlockQueue;
* Code
int main(void)
/* Init board hardware. */
s_fullFileDataBlockQueue = xQueueCreate(DEMO_FILE_BUF_COUNT, sizeof(file_data_block_t));
if (NULL == s_fullFileDataBlockQueue)
PRINTF("File data queue creation failed!.\r\n");
while (1)
s_emptyFileDataBlockQueue = xQueueCreate(DEMO_FILE_BUF_COUNT, sizeof(file_data_block_t));
if (NULL == s_emptyFileDataBlockQueue)
PRINTF("File data queue creation failed!.\r\n");
while (1)
if (xTaskCreate(file_read_task, "file_read_task", 1000, NULL, configMAX_PRIORITIES - 2, NULL) != pdPASS)
PRINTF("File read task creation failed!.\r\n");
while (1)
if (xTaskCreate(h264_decode_task, "h264_decode_task", 8000, NULL, configMAX_PRIORITIES - 2, NULL) != pdPASS)
PRINTF("H264 decode task creation failed!.\r\n");
while (1)
for (;;)
static void file_read_task(void *pvParameters)
FRESULT error;
uint16_t i = 0;
file_data_block_t blk;
UINT bytesRead;
char h264FileName[10];
bool fileStart;
if (0 != MOUNT_SDCard())
PRINTF("SD card mount error. Demo stopped!");
/* Put all file data buffer to the Queue, for later use. */
for (i = 0; i < DEMO_FILE_BUF_COUNT; i++)
{ = s_fileBuf[i];
xQueueSendToBack(s_emptyFileDataBlockQueue, &blk, portMAX_DELAY);
i = 0;
while (1)
/* format the filename */
sprintf(h264FileName, "/%03d.264", i++);
/* open it */
error = f_open(&h264Fil, h264FileName, FA_READ | FA_OPEN_EXISTING);
if (error != FR_OK)
i = 0;
PRINTF("Could not open %s, will open 000.264 next ...\r\n", h264FileName);
PRINTF("Start to read file %s ...\r\n", h264FileName);
fileStart = true;
while (1)
/* Get one empty block. */
xQueueReceive(s_emptyFileDataBlockQueue, &blk, portMAX_DELAY);
/* Read data into the block. */
error = f_read(&h264Fil,, DEMO_FILE_BUF_SIZE, &bytesRead);
if (error != FR_OK)
PRINTF("File read error\r\n");
blk.len = bytesRead;
blk.isEndOfFile = (DEMO_FILE_BUF_SIZE > bytesRead);
blk.isStartOfFile = fileStart;
fileStart = false;
/* Send the full block to decode task. */
xQueueSendToBack(s_fullFileDataBlockQueue, &blk, portMAX_DELAY);
if (blk.isEndOfFile)
error = f_close(&h264Fil);
if (error != FR_OK)
PRINTF("File close error\r\n");
static void h264_decode_task(void *pvParameters)
file_data_block_t blk;
if (0 != DEMO_InitDisplay())
PRINTF("Display initialization failed.\r\n");
if (0 != OpenH264_Init())
PRINTF("OpenH264 initialization failed.\r\n");
while (1)
/* Get one block with file data. */
xQueueReceive(s_fullFileDataBlockQueue, &blk, portMAX_DELAY);
OpenH264_Decode(, blk.len, blk.isStartOfFile, blk.isEndOfFile);
/* Process done, put the block to empty block queue,
* then file_read_task could use it.
xQueueSendToBack(s_emptyFileDataBlockQueue, &blk, portMAX_DELAY);
* @brief Malloc failed hook.
void vApplicationMallocFailedHook(void)
for (;;)
void vApplicationGetIdleTaskMemory(StaticTask_t **ppxIdleTaskTCBBuffer,
StackType_t **ppxIdleTaskStackBuffer,
uint32_t *pulIdleTaskStackSize)
/* If the buffers to be provided to the Idle task are declared inside this
function then they must be declared static - otherwise they will be allocated on
the stack and so not exists after this function exits. */
static StaticTask_t xIdleTaskTCB;
static StackType_t uxIdleTaskStack[configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE];
/* Pass out a pointer to the StaticTask_t structure in which the Idle task's
state will be stored. */
*ppxIdleTaskTCBBuffer = &xIdleTaskTCB;
/* Pass out the array that will be used as the Idle task's stack. */
*ppxIdleTaskStackBuffer = uxIdleTaskStack;
/* Pass out the size of the array pointed to by *ppxIdleTaskStackBuffer.
Note that, as the array is necessarily of type StackType_t,
configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE is specified in words, not bytes. */
*pulIdleTaskStackSize = configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE;
/* configUSE_STATIC_ALLOCATION and configUSE_TIMERS are both set to 1, so the
application must provide an implementation of vApplicationGetTimerTaskMemory()
to provide the memory that is used by the Timer service task. */
void vApplicationGetTimerTaskMemory(StaticTask_t **ppxTimerTaskTCBBuffer,
StackType_t **ppxTimerTaskStackBuffer,
uint32_t *pulTimerTaskStackSize)
/* If the buffers to be provided to the Timer task are declared inside this
function then they must be declared static - otherwise they will be allocated on
the stack and so not exists after this function exits. */
static StaticTask_t xTimerTaskTCB;
static StackType_t uxTimerTaskStack[configTIMER_TASK_STACK_DEPTH];
/* Pass out a pointer to the StaticTask_t structure in which the Timer
task's state will be stored. */
*ppxTimerTaskTCBBuffer = &xTimerTaskTCB;
/* Pass out the array that will be used as the Timer task's stack. */
*ppxTimerTaskStackBuffer = uxTimerTaskStack;
/* Pass out the size of the array pointed to by *ppxTimerTaskStackBuffer.
Note that, as the array is necessarily of type StackType_t,
configTIMER_TASK_STACK_DEPTH is specified in words, not bytes. */
*pulTimerTaskStackSize = configTIMER_TASK_STACK_DEPTH;