2022-08-24 23:30:23 +08:00

76 lines
2.4 KiB

// Bundle API auto-generated header file. Do not edit!
// Glow Tools version: 2022-01-16 (c684fee14) (Glow_Release_MCUX_SDK_2.11.0_REL15)
#include <stdint.h>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Common definitions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Glow bundle error code for correct execution.
#define GLOW_SUCCESS 0
// Memory alignment definition with given alignment size
// for static allocation of memory.
#define GLOW_MEM_ALIGN(size) __attribute__((aligned(size)))
// Macro function to get the absolute address of a
// placeholder using the base address of the mutable
// weight buffer and placeholder offset definition.
#define GLOW_GET_ADDR(mutableBaseAddr, placeholderOff) (((uint8_t*)(mutableBaseAddr)) + placeholderOff)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Bundle API
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Model name: "cifar10"
// Total data size: 134208 (bytes)
// Activations allocation efficiency: 1.0000
// Placeholders:
// Name: "input"
// Type: i8[S:0.007812500 O:0][-1.000,0.992]<1 x 32 x 32 x 3>
// Size: 3072 (elements)
// Size: 3072 (bytes)
// Offset: 0 (bytes)
// Name: "CifarNet_Predictions_Reshape_1"
// Type: float<1 x 10>
// Size: 10 (elements)
// Size: 40 (bytes)
// Offset: 3072 (bytes)
// NOTE: Placeholders are allocated within the "mutableWeight"
// buffer and are identified using an offset relative to base.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Placeholder address offsets within mutable buffer (bytes).
#define CIFAR10_input 0
#define CIFAR10_CifarNet_Predictions_Reshape_1 3072
// Memory sizes (bytes).
// Memory alignment (bytes).
#define CIFAR10_MEM_ALIGN 64
// Bundle entry point (inference function). Returns 0
// for correct execution or some error code otherwise.
int cifar10(uint8_t *constantWeight, uint8_t *mutableWeight, uint8_t *activations);
#ifdef __cplusplus