
369 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright 2019-2022 NXP
* All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#include "app_data.h"
#include "cmd.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "fsl_debug_console.h"
#include "fsl_shell.h"
#include "ff.h"
#include "app_streamer.h"
#include "eap_att.h"
* Definitions
#define STR(s) #s
#define TO_STR(s) STR(s)
* Prototypes
static shell_status_t shellEcho(shell_handle_t shellHandle, int32_t argc, char **argv);
static shell_status_t shellFile(shell_handle_t shellHandle, int32_t argc, char **argv);
* Variables
SHELL_COMMAND_DEFINE(version, "\r\n\"version\": Display component versions\r\n", shellEcho, 0);
"\r\n\"file\": Perform audio file decode and playback\r\n"
" USAGE: file [start|stop|pause|seek|volume|"
#ifdef EAP_PROC
" start Play default (first found) or specified audio track file.\r\n"
" stop Stops actual playback.\r\n"
" pause Pause actual track or resume if already paused.\r\n"
" seek=<seek_time> Seek currently paused track. Seek time is in milliseconds.\r\n"
" volume=<volume> Set volume. The volume can be set from 0 to 100.\r\n"
#ifdef EAP_PROC
" update=<preset> Apply current EAP parameters without attribute value\r\n"
" or switch to preset 1-"TO_STR(EAP_MAX_PRESET)"\r\n"
" set=<preset> Apply current EAP parameters without attribute value\r\n"
" or switch to preset 1-"TO_STR(EAP_MAX_PRESET)"\r\n"
" get Sync actual EAP parameters from library to ATT config structures.\r\n"
" track=<filename> Select audio track to play.\r\n"
" list List audio files available on mounted SD card.\r\n"
" info Prints playback info.\r\n",
SDK_ALIGN(static uint8_t s_shellHandleBuffer[SHELL_HANDLE_SIZE], 4);
static shell_handle_t s_shellHandle;
extern serial_handle_t g_serialHandle;
extern app_handle_t app;
streamer_handle_t streamerHandle;
* Code
static uint32_t isFileOnSDcard(char *filename)
FRESULT error;
DIR directory = {0};
FILINFO fileInformation = {0};
uint32_t filePresent = false;
if (!app.sdcardInserted)
PRINTF("Please insert an SD card with audio files and retry this command\r\n");
return 0;
error = f_opendir(&directory, "/");
if (error)
PRINTF("Failed to open root directory of SD card\r\n");
return 0;
while (1)
error = f_readdir(&directory, &fileInformation);
/* When dir end or error detected, break out */
if ((error != FR_OK) || (fileInformation.fname[0U] == 0U))
/* Skip root directory */
if (fileInformation.fname[0] == '.')
if (!(fileInformation.fattrib & AM_DIR))
if (strcmp(fileInformation.fname, filename) == 0)
filePresent = true;
if (error == FR_OK)
return filePresent;
static shell_status_t shellEcho(shell_handle_t shellHandle, int32_t argc, char **argv)
PRINTF(" Maestro version: 1.2\r\n");
#ifdef EAP_PROC
PRINTF(" EAP version: 3.0.12\r\n");
return kStatus_SHELL_Success;
static shell_status_t shellFile(shell_handle_t shellHandle, int32_t argc, char **argv)
char *dot;
shell_status_t retVal = kStatus_SHELL_Success;
if (!app.sdcardInserted)
PRINTF("Please insert an SD card with audio files and retry this command\r\n");
return kStatus_SHELL_Error;
// lock ATT mutex if needed, but based on major usecase it is not necessary
// be sure that this routine is as short as possible without any complex logic
if (argc >= 2)
if (strcmp(argv[1], "start") == 0)
get_eap_att_control()->command = kAttCmdStart;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "stop") == 0)
get_eap_att_control()->command = kAttCmdStop;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "pause") == 0)
get_eap_att_control()->command = kAttCmdPause;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "seek") == 0)
if (argc >= 3)
get_eap_att_control()->seek_time = abs(atoi((argv[2])));
get_eap_att_control()->command = kAttCmdSeek;
PRINTF("[CMD] Enter seek time value.\r\n");
retVal = kStatus_SHELL_Error;
#if defined(EAP_PROC) && (ALGORITHM_XO == 1)
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "xo") == 0) // this option is good for testing but could be removed for production
if (argc >= 3)
int value = abs(atoi((argv[2])));
if (value == 0)
get_eap_att_control()->controlParam->XO_OperatingMode = LVM_XO_MODE_OFF;
else if (value == 1)
get_eap_att_control()->controlParam->XO_OperatingMode = LVM_XO_MODE_ON;
else if (value >= 60 && value <= 6000)
get_eap_att_control()->controlParam->XO_OperatingMode = LVM_XO_MODE_ON;
get_eap_att_control()->controlParam->XO_cutoffFrequency = value;
"[CMD] Undefined Crossover parameter. Use 'att xo 0|1|<60,6000>' where 0|1 are for "
"disable|enable or "
"specify frequency from range.\r\n");
return retVal;
get_eap_att_control()->command = kAttCmdSetConfig;
"[CMD] Undefined Crossover parameter. Use 'att xo 0|1|<60,6000>' where 0|1 are for disable|enable "
"or "
"specify frequency from range.\r\n");
retVal = kStatus_SHELL_Error;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "volume") == 0)
if (argc >= 3)
int value = atoi((argv[2]));
if (value >= 0 && value <= 100)
get_eap_att_control()->volume = value;
get_eap_att_control()->command = kAttCmdVolume;
PRINTF("[CMD] Ignoring wrong volume parameter.\r\n");
retVal = kStatus_SHELL_Error;
PRINTF("[CMD] Enter volume parameter.\r\n");
retVal = kStatus_SHELL_Error;
#if defined(EAP_PROC)
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "set") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "update") == 0)
if (argc == 3)
int preset = abs(atoi((argv[2])));
if (preset < 0 || preset > EAP_MAX_PRESET)
PRINTF("EAP preset number out of range, setting EAP all effects OFF.\r\n");
preset = 0;
get_eap_att_control()->eapPreset = preset;
get_eap_att_control()->command = kAttCmdSetConfig;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "get") == 0)
get_eap_att_control()->command = kAttCmdGetConfig;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "track") == 0)
if (get_eap_att_control()->status == kAttIdle || get_eap_att_control()->status == kAttRunning)
if (argc >= 3)
if (isFileOnSDcard(argv[2]))
dot = strrchr(argv[2], '.');
if (
#if (OGG_OPUS_DEC == 1)
(dot && strncmp(dot + 1, "opus", 4) == 0) || (dot && strncmp(dot + 1, "ogg", 3) == 0) ||
(dot && strncmp(dot + 1, "mp3", 3) == 0))
strcpy(get_eap_att_control()->input, argv[2]);
get_eap_att_control()->command = kAttCmdStart;
#if (OGG_OPUS_DEC == 1)
PRINTF("Input audio file name has to match one of the .opus|.ogg|.mp3 formats.\r\n");
PRINTF("Input audio file name has to match the .mp3 format.\r\n");
retVal = kStatus_SHELL_Error;
PRINTF("File is not on the SD card, please enter valid filename.\r\n");
retVal = kStatus_SHELL_Error;
PRINTF("Enter name of audio file.\r\n");
retVal = kStatus_SHELL_Error;
PRINTF("Use the stop command first.\r\n");
retVal = kStatus_SHELL_Error;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "list") == 0)
if (list_files(false) != kStatus_Success)
retVal = kStatus_SHELL_Error;
else if (strcmp(argv[1], "info") == 0)
PRINTF("status: %d (last error: %d), (%d/%d)[%s]\r\n", get_eap_att_control()->status,
get_eap_att_control()->lastError, get_eap_att_control()->trackCurrent,
get_eap_att_control()->trackTotal, get_eap_att_control()->input);
PRINTF("Undefined att command option. \r\n");
retVal = kStatus_SHELL_Error;
PRINTF("Enter correct command option. \r\n");
retVal = kStatus_SHELL_Error;
// unlock APP mutex
return retVal;
void shellCmd(void)
/* Init SHELL */
s_shellHandle = &s_shellHandleBuffer[0];
SHELL_Init(s_shellHandle, g_serialHandle, ">> ");
/* Add new command to commands list */
SHELL_RegisterCommand(s_shellHandle, SHELL_COMMAND(version));
SHELL_RegisterCommand(s_shellHandle, SHELL_COMMAND(file));
while (1)