
The f_readdir function reads an item of the directory.

FRESULT f_readdir (
  DIR* dp,      /* [IN] Directory object */
  FILINFO* fno  /* [OUT] File information structure */
FRESULT f_rewinddir (
  DIR* dp       /* [IN] Directory object */


Pointer to the open directory object.
Pointer to the file information structure to store the information about read item. A null pointer rewinds the read index of the directory.

Return Values



The f_readdir function reads a directory item, informations about the object, from the open directory. Items in the directory can be read in sequence by f_readdir function calls. When all items in the directory have been read and no item to read, a null string is stored into the fno->fname[] without any error. When a null pointer is given to the fno, the read index of the directory object is rewinded. The f_rewinddir function is implemented as a macro.

#define f_rewinddir(dp) f_readdir((dp), 0)

When LFN is enabled, a member altname[] is defined in the file information structure to store the short file name of the object. If the long file name is not accessible due to a reason listed below, short file name is stored to the fname[] and the altname[] has a null string.

There is an issue on read directories in exFAT volume. The exFAT does not support short file name. This means no name can be returned on the condition above. If it is the case, "?" is returned as the file name to indicate that the object is not accessible. To avoid this problem, configure FatFs FF_LFN_UNICODE != 0 and FF_MAX_LFN == 255 to support the full feature of LFN specification.

Dot entries ("." and "..") in the sub-directory of FAT volume are filtered out and they will never appear in the read items because exFAT lacks dot entries in the sub-directory.


Available when FF_FS_MINIMIZE <= 1.

Sample Code

FRESULT scan_files (
    char* path        /* Start node to be scanned (***also used as work area***) */
    FRESULT res;
    DIR dir;
    UINT i;
    static FILINFO fno;

    res = f_opendir(&dir, path);                       /* Open the directory */
    if (res == FR_OK) {
        for (;;) {
            res = f_readdir(&dir, &fno);                   /* Read a directory item */
            if (res != FR_OK || fno.fname[0] == 0) break;  /* Break on error or end of dir */
            if (fno.fattrib & AM_DIR) {                    /* It is a directory */
                i = strlen(path);
                sprintf(&path[i], "/%s", fno.fname);
                res = scan_files(path);                    /* Enter the directory */
                if (res != FR_OK) break;
                path[i] = 0;
            } else {                                       /* It is a file. */
                printf("%s/%s\n", path, fno.fname);

    return res;

int main (void)
    FATFS fs;
    FRESULT res;
    char buff[256];

    res = f_mount(&fs, "", 1);
    if (res == FR_OK) {
        strcpy(buff, "/");
        res = scan_files(buff);

    return res;

See Also

f_opendir, f_closedir, f_stat, FILINFO, DIR
