# NextVOD related documentation ## Hardware > This hardware is based on PDK7105, with the following details: | Function | Pin | AF | Remarks | |--|--|--|--| | Red LED | PIO0_4 | N/A (GPIO) | Active low | | Blue LED | PIO0_5 | N/A (GPIO) | Active low | | UART header TX | PIO4_0 | ALT_3 | ASC2 | | UART header RX | PIO4_1 | ALT_3 | ASC2, Default routed | ## TODO * FreeRTOS * More peripheral drivers * U-Boot (finally) * Linux Kernel (in some future we can't expect) ## Supplementary files [Check Here](https://cloud.imi.moe/s/AFzsnEKNfxQYjjC)