# NRF51822 AQI Sensor Test Program ## Work in progress: - [x] LEDs and buttons - [ ] Power management - [x] FreeRTOS - [ ] BLE API - [ ] Sensors ## How to compile? * Edit `Makefile` and replace `SDK_ROOT` to your SDK installation directory. * Run `make` ## How to flash? * Use OpenOCD: ``` openocd -f { YOUR_DEBUGGER_CONFIG } -f target/nrf51.cfg ``` * If you are not using ST-LINKV2 nor CMSIS-DAP, try the following: ``` openocd { YOUR_DEBUGGER_CONFIG } -c 'set WORKAREASIZE 0' -f target/nrf51.cfg ``` Due to incompatible flash algorithm issue. ## What if...? * My device is an _xxAC device(with 32KB RAM): * Replace linker script with `nrf51_xxac.ld` and re-compile. * Do nothing, if the program compiles for 16KB variant, it will run on 32KB devices without any problems. * Hardfault when using logger API: * Blame Nordic, they don't know how to write reentrant code. * Use SEGGER RTT logger API. ## Boards supported: * Waveshare BLE-400 board, w/ NRF511822 module * Some strange AQI sensor board. ## DFU support: Currently there are **NO** DFU methods, **DO NOT** flash it without a debugger.