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# Defines basic Tcl procs that must be there for
# OpenOCD to work.
# Embedded into OpenOCD executable
# Help text list. A list of command + help text pairs.
# Commands can be more than one word and they are stored
# as "flash banks" "help text x x x"
set ocd_helptext {}
proc add_help_text {cmd cmd_help} {
global ocd_helptext
lappend ocd_helptext [list $cmd $cmd_help]
proc get_help_text {} {
global ocd_helptext
return $ocd_helptext
# Production command
# FIX!!! need to figure out how to feed back relevant output
# from e.g. "flash banks" command...
proc board_produce {filename serialnumber} {
openocd "reset init"
openocd "flash write_image erase $filename [flash] bin"]]
openocd "verify_image $filename [flash] bin"]]
echo "Successfully ran production procedure"
proc board_test {} {
echo "Production test not implemented"
# Show flash in human readable form
# This is an example of a human readable form of a low level fn
proc flash_banks_pretty {} {
set i 0
set result ""
foreach {a} [flash_banks] {
if {$i > 0} {
set result "$result\n"
set result [format "$result#%d: %s at 0x%08x, size 0x%08x, buswidth %d, chipwidth %d" $i $a(name) $a(base) $a(size) $a(bus_width) $a(chip_width)]
set i [expr $i+1]
return $result
# We need to explicitly redirect this to the OpenOCD command
# as Tcl defines the exit proc
proc exit {} {
openocd_throw exit
# We have currently converted only "flash banks" to tcl.
proc flash args {
if {[string compare [lindex $args 0] banks]==0} {
return [flash_banks_pretty]
openocd_throw "flash $args"
#Print help text for a command. Word wrap
#help text that is too wide inside column.
proc help {args} {
global ocd_helptext
set cmd $args
foreach a [lsort $ocd_helptext] {
if {[string length $cmd]==0||[string first $cmd $a]!=-1||[string first $cmd [lindex $a 1]]!=-1} {
set w 50
set cmdname [lindex $a 0]
set h [lindex $a 1]
set n 0
while 1 {
if {$n > [string length $h]} {break}
set next_a [expr $n+$w]
if {[string length $h]>$n+$w} {
set xxxx [string range $h $n [expr $n+$w]]
for {set lastpos [expr [string length $xxxx]-1]} {$lastpos>=0&&[string compare [string range $xxxx $lastpos $lastpos] " "]!=0} {set lastpos [expr $lastpos-1]} {
#set next_a -1
if {$lastpos!=-1} {
set next_a [expr $lastpos+$n+1]
puts [format "%-25s %s" $cmdname [string range $h $n [expr $next_a-1]] ]
set cmdname ""
set n [expr $next_a]
add_help_text help "Tcl implementation of help command"
# If a fn is unknown to Tcl, we try to execute it as an OpenOCD command
proc unknown {args} {
if {[string length $args]>0} {
set cmd ""
# We need to add back quotes for arguments w/space
# for args without space, we can add quotes anyway
foreach {a} $args {
set cmd "$cmd \"$a\""
openocd_throw $cmd
# openocd_throw outputs while running and also sets the
# primary return value to the output of the command
# The primary return value have been set by "openocd" above,
# so we need to clear it, lest we print out the output from
# the command twice.
return ""
proc target_script {target_num eventname scriptname} {
if {[string compare $eventname reset]==0} {
set eventname post_reset
# This is the script we invoke
proc "target_[set eventname]_[set target_num]" {} "script $scriptname"
#add_help_text target_script "xxx"
add_help_text target_script "<target#> <event=reset/pre_reset/post_halt/pre_resume/gdb_program_config> <script_file>"