Steve Bennett ef885d3b2a jim-nvp is moving from jimtcl to openocd
The jim-nvp code is specific to openocd, so it belongs in openocd,
not in the core jimtcl.

Signed-off-by: Steve Bennett <>
2011-09-30 09:38:22 +02:00

276 lines
7.6 KiB

#ifndef JIM_NVP_H
#define JIM_NVP_H
#include <jim.h>
/** Name Value Pairs, aka: NVP
* - Given a string - return the associated int.
* - Given a number - return the associated string.
* .
* Very useful when the number is not a simple index into an array of
* known string, or there may be multiple strings (aliases) that mean then same
* thing.
* An NVP Table is terminated with ".name = NULL".
* During the 'name2value' operation, if no matching string is found
* the pointer to the terminal element (with p->name == NULL) is returned.
* Example:
* \code
* const Jim_Nvp yn[] = {
* { "yes", 1 },
* { "no" , 0 },
* { "yep", 1 },
* { "nope", 0 },
* { NULL, -1 },
* };
* Jim_Nvp *result
* e = Jim_Nvp_name2value(interp, yn, "y", &result);
* returns &yn[0];
* e = Jim_Nvp_name2value(interp, yn, "n", &result);
* returns &yn[1];
* e = Jim_Nvp_name2value(interp, yn, "Blah", &result);
* returns &yn[4];
* \endcode
* During the number2name operation, the first matching value is returned.
typedef struct {
const char *name;
int value;
} Jim_Nvp;
int Jim_GetNvp (Jim_Interp *interp,
Jim_Obj *objPtr,
const Jim_Nvp *nvp_table,
const Jim_Nvp **result);
/* Name Value Pairs Operations */
Jim_Nvp *Jim_Nvp_name2value_simple(const Jim_Nvp *nvp_table, const char *name);
Jim_Nvp *Jim_Nvp_name2value_nocase_simple(const Jim_Nvp *nvp_table, const char *name);
Jim_Nvp *Jim_Nvp_value2name_simple(const Jim_Nvp *nvp_table, int v);
int Jim_Nvp_name2value(Jim_Interp *interp, const Jim_Nvp *nvp_table, const char *name, Jim_Nvp **result);
int Jim_Nvp_name2value_nocase(Jim_Interp *interp, const Jim_Nvp *nvp_table, const char *name, Jim_Nvp **result);
int Jim_Nvp_value2name(Jim_Interp *interp, const Jim_Nvp *nvp_table, int value, Jim_Nvp **result);
int Jim_Nvp_name2value_obj(Jim_Interp *interp, const Jim_Nvp *nvp_table, Jim_Obj *name_obj, Jim_Nvp **result);
int Jim_Nvp_name2value_obj_nocase(Jim_Interp *interp, const Jim_Nvp *nvp_table, Jim_Obj *name_obj, Jim_Nvp **result);
int Jim_Nvp_value2name_obj(Jim_Interp *interp, const Jim_Nvp *nvp_table, Jim_Obj *value_obj, Jim_Nvp **result);
/** prints a nice 'unknown' parameter error message to the 'result' */
void Jim_SetResult_NvpUnknown(Jim_Interp *interp,
Jim_Obj *param_name,
Jim_Obj *param_value,
const Jim_Nvp *nvp_table);
/** Debug: convert argc/argv into a printable string for printf() debug
* \param interp - the interpeter
* \param argc - arg count
* \param argv - the objects
* \returns string pointer holding the text.
* Note, next call to this function will free the old (last) string.
* For example might want do this:
* \code
* fp = fopen("some.file.log", "a");
* fprintf(fp, "PARAMS are: %s\n", Jim_DebugArgvString(interp, argc, argv));
* fclose(fp);
* \endcode
const char *Jim_Debug_ArgvString(Jim_Interp *interp, int argc, Jim_Obj *const *argv);
/** A TCL -ish GetOpt like code.
* Some TCL objects have various "configuration" values.
* For example - in Tcl/Tk the "buttons" have many options.
* Usefull when dealing with command options.
* that may come in any order...
* Does not support "-foo = 123" type options.
* Only supports tcl type options, like "-foo 123"
typedef struct jim_getopt {
Jim_Interp *interp;
int argc;
Jim_Obj * const * argv;
int isconfigure; /* non-zero if configure */
} Jim_GetOptInfo;
/** GetOpt - how to.
* Example (short and incomplete):
* \code
* Jim_GetOptInfo goi;
* Jim_GetOpt_Setup(&goi, interp, argc, argv);
* while (goi.argc) {
* e = Jim_GetOpt_Nvp(&goi, nvp_options, &n);
* if (e != JIM_OK) {
* Jim_GetOpt_NvpUnknown(&goi, nvp_options, 0);
* return e;
* }
* switch (n->value) {
* case ALIVE:
* printf("Option ALIVE specified\n");
* break;
* case FIRST:
* if (goi.argc < 1) {
* .. not enough args error ..
* }
* Jim_GetOpt_String(&goi, &cp, NULL);
* printf("FIRSTNAME: %s\n", cp);
* case AGE:
* Jim_GetOpt_Wide(&goi, &w);
* printf("AGE: %d\n", (int)(w));
* break;
* case POLITICS:
* e = Jim_GetOpt_Nvp(&goi, nvp_politics, &n);
* if (e != JIM_OK) {
* Jim_GetOpt_NvpUnknown(&goi, nvp_politics, 1);
* return e;
* }
* }
* }
* \endcode
/** Setup GETOPT
* \param goi - get opt info to be initialized
* \param interp - jim interp
* \param argc - argc count.
* \param argv - argv (will be copied)
* \code
* Jim_GetOptInfo goi;
* Jim_GetOptSetup(&goi, interp, argc, argv);
* \endcode
int Jim_GetOpt_Setup(Jim_GetOptInfo *goi,
Jim_Interp *interp,
int argc,
Jim_Obj * const * argv);
/** Debug - Dump parameters to stderr
* \param goi - current parameters
void Jim_GetOpt_Debug(Jim_GetOptInfo *goi);
/** Remove argv[0] from the list.
* \param goi - get opt info
* \param puthere - where param is put
int Jim_GetOpt_Obj(Jim_GetOptInfo *goi, Jim_Obj **puthere);
/** Remove argv[0] as string.
* \param goi - get opt info
* \param puthere - where param is put
* \param len - return its length
int Jim_GetOpt_String(Jim_GetOptInfo *goi, char **puthere, int *len);
/** Remove argv[0] as double.
* \param goi - get opt info
* \param puthere - where param is put.
int Jim_GetOpt_Double(Jim_GetOptInfo *goi, double *puthere);
/** Remove argv[0] as wide.
* \param goi - get opt info
* \param puthere - where param is put.
int Jim_GetOpt_Wide(Jim_GetOptInfo *goi, jim_wide *puthere);
/** Remove argv[0] as NVP.
* \param goi - get opt info
* \param lookup - nvp lookup table
* \param puthere - where param is put.
int Jim_GetOpt_Nvp(Jim_GetOptInfo *goi, const Jim_Nvp *lookup, Jim_Nvp **puthere);
/** Create an appropriate error message for an NVP.
* \param goi - options info
* \param lookup - the NVP table that was used.
* \param hadprefix - 0 or 1 if the option had a prefix.
* This function will set the "interp->result" to a human readable
* error message listing the available options.
* This function assumes the previous option argv[-1] is the unknown string.
* If this option had some prefix, then pass "hadprefix = 1" else pass "hadprefix = 0"
* Example:
* \code
* while (goi.argc) {
* // Get the next option
* e = Jim_GetOpt_Nvp(&goi, cmd_options, &n);
* if (e != JIM_OK) {
* // option was not recognized
* // pass 'hadprefix = 0' because there is no prefix
* Jim_GetOpt_NvpUnknown(&goi, cmd_options, 0);
* return e;
* }
* switch (n->value) {
* case OPT_SEX:
* // handle: --sex male | female | lots | needmore
* e = Jim_GetOpt_Nvp(&goi, &nvp_sex, &n);
* if (e != JIM_OK) {
* Jim_GetOpt_NvpUnknown(&ogi, nvp_sex, 1);
* return e;
* }
* printf("Code: (%d) is %s\n", n->value, n->name);
* break;
* case ...:
* [snip]
* }
* }
* \endcode
void Jim_GetOpt_NvpUnknown(Jim_GetOptInfo *goi, const Jim_Nvp *lookup, int hadprefix);
/** Remove argv[0] as Enum
* \param goi - get opt info
* \param lookup - lookup table.
* \param puthere - where param is put.
int Jim_GetOpt_Enum(Jim_GetOptInfo *goi, const char * const * lookup, int *puthere);