Zachary T Welch 82449e2d60 factor help script command into parts
Creates a helper function, cmd_help, which displays the help string
for a single command.  Presently, it is called from the loop in help.

The routine has been extended to allow indentation of command groups,
so an improved help command can improve the display of information.
2009-11-20 14:52:56 -08:00

133 lines
3.1 KiB

# Defines basic Tcl procs that must exist for OpenOCD scripts to work.
# Embedded into OpenOCD executable
# Help text list. A list of command + help text pairs.
# Commands can be more than one word and they are stored
# as "flash banks" "help text x x x"
proc add_help_text {cmd cmd_help} {
global ocd_helptext
lappend ocd_helptext [list $cmd $cmd_help]
proc get_help_text {} {
global ocd_helptext
return $ocd_helptext
# We need to explicitly redirect this to the OpenOCD command
# as Tcl defines the exit proc
proc exit {} {
ocd_throw exit
proc cmd_help {cmdname h indent} {
set indent [expr $indent * 2]
set fmt_str [format "%%%ds%%-%ds %%s" $indent [expr 25 - $indent]]
set w [expr 50 - $indent]
set n 0
while 1 {
if {$n > [string length $h]} {break}
set next_a [expr $n + $w]
if {[string length $h] > $n + $w} \
set xxxx [string range $h $n [expr $n + $w]]
for {set lastpos [expr [string length $xxxx] - 1]} \
{$lastpos >= 0 && [string compare \
[string range $xxxx $lastpos $lastpos] " "] != 0} \
{set lastpos [expr $lastpos - 1]} \
#set next_a -1
if {$lastpos != -1} {
set next_a [expr $lastpos + $n + 1]
puts [format $fmt_str "" $cmdname \
[string range $h $n [expr $next_a - 1]] ]
set cmdname ""
set n [expr $next_a]
#Print help text for a command. Word wrap
#help text that is too wide inside column.
proc help {args} {
global ocd_helptext
set cmd $args
foreach a [lsort $ocd_helptext] {
if {[string length $cmd] == 0 || \
[string first $cmd $a] != -1 || \
[string first $cmd [lindex $a 1]] != -1} \
cmd_help [lindex $a 0] [lindex $a 1] 0
add_help_text help "Tcl implementation of help command"
# If a fn is unknown to Tcl, we try to execute it as an OpenOCD command
# We also support two level commands. "flash banks" is translated to
# flash_banks
proc unknown {args} {
# do the name mangling from "flash banks" to "flash_banks"
if {[llength $args]>=2} {
set cmd_name "[lindex $args 0]_[lindex $args 1]"
if {[catch {info body $cmd_name}]==0} {
# the command exists, try it...
return [eval "$cmd_name [lrange $args 2 end]"]
# This really is an unknown command.
return -code error "Unknown command: $args"
proc new_target_name { } {
return [target number [expr [target count] - 1 ]]
# Try flipping / and \ to find file if the filename does not
# match the precise spelling
proc find {filename} {
if {[catch {ocd_find $filename} t]==0} {
return $t
if {[catch {ocd_find [string map {\ /} $filename} t]==0} {
return $t
if {[catch {ocd_find [string map {/ \\} $filename} t]==0} {
return $t
# make sure error message matches original input string
return -code error "Can't find $filename"
add_help_text find "<file> - print full path to file according to OpenOCD search rules"
# Run script
proc script {filename} {
source [find $filename]
add_help_text script "<filename> - filename of OpenOCD script (tcl) to run"
# catch any exceptions, capture output and return output
proc capture_catch {a} {
catch {
capture {uplevel $a}
} result
return $result