MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev 2.15.000
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PRINCE: PRINCE bus crypto engine


The MCUXpresso SDK provides a peripheral driver for the PRINCE bus crypto engine module of MCUXpresso SDK devices.


This example code shows how to use the PRINCE driver.

Refer to the driver examples codes located at <SDK_ROOT>/boards/<BOARD>/driver_examples/prince


typedef enum _skboot_status skboot_status_t
 Secure status enumeration. More...
typedef enum _secure_bool secure_bool_t
 Secure boolean enumeration. More...
typedef enum _prince_region prince_region_t
 Prince region. More...
typedef enum _prince_lock prince_lock_t
 Prince lock. More...
typedef enum _prince_flags prince_flags_t
 Prince flag. More...


enum  _skboot_status {
  kStatus_SKBOOT_Success = 0x5ac3c35au,
  kStatus_SKBOOT_Fail = 0xc35ac35au,
  kStatus_SKBOOT_InvalidArgument = 0xc35a5ac3u,
  kStatus_SKBOOT_KeyStoreMarkerInvalid = 0xc3c35a5au,
  kStatus_SKBOOT_Success = 0x5ac3c35au,
  kStatus_SKBOOT_Fail = 0xc35ac35au,
  kStatus_SKBOOT_InvalidArgument = 0xc35a5ac3u,
  kStatus_SKBOOT_KeyStoreMarkerInvalid = 0xc3c35a5au
 Secure status enumeration. More...
enum  _secure_bool {
  kSECURE_TRUE = 0xc33cc33cU,
  kSECURE_FALSE = 0x5aa55aa5U,
  kSECURE_TRUE = 0xc33cc33cU,
  kSECURE_FALSE = 0x5aa55aa5U
 Secure boolean enumeration. More...
enum  _prince_region {
  kPRINCE_Region0 = 0U,
  kPRINCE_Region1 = 1U,
  kPRINCE_Region2 = 2U
 Prince region. More...
enum  _prince_lock {
  kPRINCE_Region0Lock = 1U,
  kPRINCE_Region1Lock = 2U,
  kPRINCE_Region2Lock = 4U,
  kPRINCE_MaskLock = 256U
 Prince lock. More...
enum  _prince_flags {
  kPRINCE_Flag_None = 0U,
  kPRINCE_Flag_EraseCheck = 1U,
  kPRINCE_Flag_WriteCheck = 2U
 Prince flag. More...


static void PRINCE_EncryptEnable (PRINCE_Type *base)
 Enable data encryption. More...
static void PRINCE_EncryptDisable (PRINCE_Type *base)
 Disable data encryption. More...
static bool PRINCE_IsEncryptEnable (PRINCE_Type *base)
 Is Enable data encryption. More...
static void PRINCE_SetMask (PRINCE_Type *base, uint64_t mask)
 Sets PRINCE data mask. More...
static void PRINCE_SetLock (PRINCE_Type *base, uint32_t lock)
 Locks access for specified region registers or data mask register. More...
status_t PRINCE_GenNewIV (prince_region_t region, uint8_t *iv_code, bool store, flash_config_t *flash_context)
 Generate new IV code. More...
status_t PRINCE_LoadIV (prince_region_t region, uint8_t *iv_code)
 Load IV code. More...
status_t PRINCE_SetEncryptForAddressRange (prince_region_t region, uint32_t start_address, uint32_t length, flash_config_t *flash_context, bool regenerate_iv)
 Allow encryption/decryption for specified address range. More...
status_t PRINCE_GetRegionSREnable (PRINCE_Type *base, prince_region_t region, uint32_t *sr_enable)
 Gets the PRINCE Sub-Region Enable register. More...
status_t PRINCE_GetRegionBaseAddress (PRINCE_Type *base, prince_region_t region, uint32_t *region_base_addr)
 Gets the PRINCE region base address register. More...
status_t PRINCE_SetRegionIV (PRINCE_Type *base, prince_region_t region, const uint8_t iv[8])
 Sets the PRINCE region IV. More...
status_t PRINCE_SetRegionBaseAddress (PRINCE_Type *base, prince_region_t region, uint32_t region_base_addr)
 Sets the PRINCE region base address. More...
status_t PRINCE_SetRegionSREnable (PRINCE_Type *base, prince_region_t region, uint32_t sr_enable)
 Sets the PRINCE Sub-Region Enable register. More...
status_t PRINCE_FlashEraseWithChecker (flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint32_t lengthInBytes, uint32_t key)
 Erases the flash sectors encompassed by parameters passed into function. More...
status_t PRINCE_FlashProgramWithChecker (flash_config_t *config, uint32_t start, uint8_t *src, uint32_t lengthInBytes)
 Programs flash with data at locations passed in through parameters. More...

Driver version

 PRINCE driver version 2.6.0. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


Current version: 2.6.0

Change log:

  • Version 2.0.0
    • Initial version.
  • Version 2.1.0
    • Update for the A1 rev. of LPC55Sxx serie.
  • Version 2.2.0
    • Add runtime checking of the A0 and A1 rev. of LPC55Sxx serie to support both silicone revisions.
  • Version 2.3.0
    • Add support for LPC55S1x and LPC55S2x series
  • Version 2.3.0
    • Fix MISRA-2012 issues.
  • Version 2.3.1
    • Add support for LPC55S0x series
  • Version 2.3.2
    • Fix documentation of enumeration. Extend PRINCE example.
  • Version 2.4.0
    • Add support for LPC55S3x series
  • Version 2.5.0
    • Add PRINCE_Config() and PRINCE_Reconfig() features.
  • Version 2.5.1
    • Fix build error due to renamed symbols
  • Version 2.6.0
    • Renamed CSS to ELS

Typedef Documentation

Enumeration Type Documentation


SKBOOT return success status.


SKBOOT return fail status.


SKBOOT return invalid argument status.


SKBOOT return Keystore invalid Marker status.


SKBOOT return Hashcrypt finished with the success status.


SKBOOT return Hashcrypt finished with the fail status.


PRINCE Success.




PRINCE Invalid argument.


PRINCE Invalid marker.


Secure true flag.


Secure false flag.


Secure call protect the security flag.


Secure call protect the app is ready flag.


Secure tracker verified flag.


PRINCE true.


PRINCE false.


PRINCE region 0.


PRINCE region 1.


PRINCE region 2.


PRINCE region 0 lock.


PRINCE region 1 lock.


PRINCE region 2 lock.


PRINCE mask register lock.


PRINCE Flag None.


PRINCE Flag Erase check.


PRINCE Flag Write check.

Function Documentation

static void PRINCE_EncryptEnable ( PRINCE_Type *  base)

This function enables PRINCE on-the-fly data encryption.

basePRINCE peripheral address.
static void PRINCE_EncryptDisable ( PRINCE_Type *  base)

This function disables PRINCE on-the-fly data encryption.

basePRINCE peripheral address.
static bool PRINCE_IsEncryptEnable ( PRINCE_Type *  base)

This function test if PRINCE on-the-fly data encryption is enabled.

basePRINCE peripheral address.
true if enabled, false if not
static void PRINCE_SetMask ( PRINCE_Type *  base,
uint64_t  mask 

This function sets the PRINCE mask that is used to mask decrypted data.

basePRINCE peripheral address.
mask64-bit data mask value.
static void PRINCE_SetLock ( PRINCE_Type *  base,
uint32_t  lock 

This function sets lock on specified region registers or mask register.

basePRINCE peripheral address.
lockregisters to lock. This is a logical OR of members of the enumeration prince_lock_t
status_t PRINCE_GenNewIV ( prince_region_t  region,
uint8_t *  iv_code,
bool  store,
flash_config_t flash_context 

This function generates new IV code and stores it into the persistent memory. Ensure about 800 bytes free space on the stack when calling this routine with the store parameter set to true!

regionPRINCE region index.
iv_codeIV code pointer used for storing the newly generated 52 bytes long IV code.
storeflag to allow storing the newly generated IV code into the persistent memory (FFR).
flash_contextpointer to the flash driver context structure.
kStatus_Success upon success
kStatus_Fail otherwise, kStatus_Fail is also returned if the key code for the particular PRINCE region is not present in the keystore (though new IV code has been provided)
status_t PRINCE_LoadIV ( prince_region_t  region,
uint8_t *  iv_code 

This function enables IV code loading into the PRINCE bus encryption engine.

regionPRINCE region index.
iv_codeIV code pointer used for passing the IV code.
kStatus_Success upon success
kStatus_Fail otherwise
status_t PRINCE_SetEncryptForAddressRange ( prince_region_t  region,
uint32_t  start_address,
uint32_t  length,
flash_config_t flash_context,
bool  regenerate_iv 

This function sets the encryption/decryption for specified address range. The SR mask value for the selected Prince region is calculated from provided start_address and length parameters. This calculated value is OR'ed with the actual SR mask value and stored into the PRINCE SR_ENABLE register and also into the persistent memory (FFR) to be used after the device reset. It is possible to define several nonadjacent encrypted areas within one Prince region when calling this function repeatedly. If the length parameter is set to 0, the SR mask value is set to 0 and thus the encryption/decryption for the whole selected Prince region is disabled. Ensure about 800 bytes free space on the stack when calling this routine!

regionPRINCE region index.
start_addressstart address of the area to be encrypted/decrypted.
lengthlength of the area to be encrypted/decrypted.
flash_contextpointer to the flash driver context structure.
regenerate_ivflag to allow IV code regenerating, storing into the persistent memory (FFR) and loading into the PRINCE engine
kStatus_Success upon success
kStatus_Fail otherwise
status_t PRINCE_GetRegionSREnable ( PRINCE_Type *  base,
prince_region_t  region,
uint32_t *  sr_enable 

This function gets PRINCE SR_ENABLE register.

basePRINCE peripheral address.
regionPRINCE region index.
sr_enableSub-Region Enable register pointer.
kStatus_Success upon success
status_t PRINCE_GetRegionBaseAddress ( PRINCE_Type *  base,
prince_region_t  region,
uint32_t *  region_base_addr 

This function gets PRINCE BASE_ADDR register.

basePRINCE peripheral address.
regionPRINCE region index.
region_base_addrRegion base address pointer.
kStatus_Success upon success
status_t PRINCE_SetRegionIV ( PRINCE_Type *  base,
prince_region_t  region,
const uint8_t  iv[8] 

This function sets specified AES IV for the given region.

basePRINCE peripheral address.
regionSelection of the PRINCE region to be configured.
iv64-bit AES IV in little-endian byte order.
status_t PRINCE_SetRegionBaseAddress ( PRINCE_Type *  base,
prince_region_t  region,
uint32_t  region_base_addr 

This function configures PRINCE region base address.

basePRINCE peripheral address.
regionSelection of the PRINCE region to be configured.
region_base_addrBase Address for region.
status_t PRINCE_SetRegionSREnable ( PRINCE_Type *  base,
prince_region_t  region,
uint32_t  sr_enable 

This function configures PRINCE SR_ENABLE register.

basePRINCE peripheral address.
regionSelection of the PRINCE region to be configured.
sr_enableSub-Region Enable register value.
status_t PRINCE_FlashEraseWithChecker ( flash_config_t config,
uint32_t  start,
uint32_t  lengthInBytes,
uint32_t  key 

This function erases the appropriate number of flash sectors based on the desired start address and length. It deals with the flash erase function complenentary to the standard erase API of the IAP1 driver. This implementation additionally checks if the whole encrypted PRINCE subregions are erased at once to avoid secrets revealing. The checker implementation is limited to one contiguous PRINCE-controlled memory area.

configThe pointer to the flash driver context structure.
startThe start address of the desired flash memory to be erased. The start address needs to be prince-sburegion-aligned.
lengthInBytesThe length, given in bytes (not words or long-words) to be erased. Must be prince-sburegion-size-aligned.
keyThe value used to validate all flash erase APIs.
kStatus_FLASH_Success API was executed successfully.
kStatus_FLASH_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
kStatus_FLASH_AlignmentError The parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.
kStatus_FLASH_AddressError The address is out of range.
kStatus_FLASH_EraseKeyError The API erase key is invalid.
kStatus_FLASH_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
kStatus_FLASH_CommandNotSupported Flash API is not supported.
kStatus_FLASH_EccError A correctable or uncorrectable error during command execution.
kStatus_FLASH_EncryptedRegionsEraseNotDoneAtOnce Encrypted flash subregions are not erased at once.
status_t PRINCE_FlashProgramWithChecker ( flash_config_t config,
uint32_t  start,
uint8_t *  src,
uint32_t  lengthInBytes 

This function programs the flash memory with the desired data for a given flash area as determined by the start address and the length. It deals with the flash program function complenentary to the standard program API of the IAP1 driver. This implementation additionally checks if the whole PRINCE subregions are programmed at once to avoid secrets revealing. The checker implementation is limited to one contiguous PRINCE-controlled memory area.

configThe pointer to the flash driver context structure.
startThe start address of the desired flash memory to be programmed. Must be prince-sburegion-aligned.
srcA pointer to the source buffer of data that is to be programmed into the flash.
lengthInBytesThe length, given in bytes (not words or long-words), to be programmed. Must be prince-sburegion-size-aligned.
kStatus_FLASH_Success API was executed successfully.
kStatus_FLASH_InvalidArgument An invalid argument is provided.
kStatus_FLASH_AlignmentError Parameter is not aligned with the specified baseline.
kStatus_FLASH_AddressError Address is out of range.
kStatus_FLASH_AccessError Invalid instruction codes and out-of bounds addresses.
kStatus_FLASH_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
kStatus_FLASH_CommandFailure Run-time error during the command execution.
kStatus_FLASH_CommandNotSupported Flash API is not supported.
kStatus_FLASH_EccError A correctable or uncorrectable error during command execution.
kStatus_FLASH_SizeError Encrypted flash subregions are not programmed at once.