MCUXpresso SDK API Reference Manual  Rev 2.15.000
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AOI: Crossbar AND/OR/INVERT Driver


The MCUXpresso SDK provides a peripheral driver for the Crossbar AND/OR/INVERT (AOI) block of MCUXpresso SDK devices.

The AOI module supports a configurable number of event outputs, where each event output represents a user-programmed combinational boolean function based on four event inputs. The key features of this module include:

Function groups

AOI Initialization

To initialize the AOI driver, call the AOI_Init() function and pass a baseaddr pointer.

See the driver examples codes located at <SDK_ROOT>/boards/<BOARD>/driver_examples/aoi.

AOI Get Set Operation

The AOI module provides a universal boolean function generator using a four-term sum of products expression with each product term containing true or complement values of the four selected event inputs (A, B, C, D). The AOI is a highly programmable module for creating combinational boolean outputs for use as hardware triggers. Each selected input term in each product term can be configured to produce a logical 0 or 1 or pass the true or complement of the selected event input. To configure the selected AOI module event, call the API of the AOI_SetEventLogicConfig() function. To get the current event state configure, call the API of AOI_GetEventLogicConfig() function. The AOI module does not support any special modes of operation. See the driver examples codes located at <SDK_ROOT>/boards/<BOARD>/driver_examples/aoi.

Typical use case

The AOI module is designed to be integrated in conjuction with one or more inter-peripheral crossbar switch (XBAR) modules. A crossbar switch is typically used to select the 4*n AOI inputs from among available peripheral outputs and GPIO signals. The n EVENTn outputs from the AOI module are typically used as additional inputs to a second crossbar switch, adding to it the ability to connect to its outputs an arbitrary 4-input boolean function of its other inputs.

This is an example to initialize and configure the AOI driver for a possible use case. Because the AOI module function is directly connected with an XBAR (Inter-peripheral crossbar) module, other peripheral drivers (PIT, CMP, and XBAR) are used to show full functionality of AOI module.

For example: Refer to the driver examples codes located at <SDK_ROOT>/boards/<BOARD>/driver_examples/aoi

Data Structures

struct  _aoi_event_config
 AOI event configuration structure. More...


#define AOI   AOI0
 AOI peripheral address.


typedef enum _aoi_input_config aoi_input_config_t
 AOI input configurations. More...
typedef enum _aoi_event aoi_event_t
 AOI event indexes, where an event is the collection of the four product terms (0, 1, 2, and 3) and the four signal inputs (A, B, C, and D).
typedef struct _aoi_event_config aoi_event_config_t
 AOI event configuration structure. More...


enum  _aoi_input_config {
  kAOI_LogicZero = 0x0U,
  kAOI_InputSignal = 0x1U,
  kAOI_InvInputSignal = 0x2U,
  kAOI_LogicOne = 0x3U
 AOI input configurations. More...
enum  _aoi_event {
  kAOI_Event0 = 0x0U,
  kAOI_Event1 = 0x1U,
  kAOI_Event2 = 0x2U,
  kAOI_Event3 = 0x3U
 AOI event indexes, where an event is the collection of the four product terms (0, 1, 2, and 3) and the four signal inputs (A, B, C, and D). More...

Driver version

 Version 2.0.2. More...

AOI Initialization

void AOI_Init (AOI_Type *base)
 Initializes an AOI instance for operation. More...
void AOI_Deinit (AOI_Type *base)
 Deinitializes an AOI instance for operation. More...

AOI Get Set Operation

void AOI_GetEventLogicConfig (AOI_Type *base, aoi_event_t event, aoi_event_config_t *config)
 Gets the Boolean evaluation associated. More...
void AOI_SetEventLogicConfig (AOI_Type *base, aoi_event_t event, const aoi_event_config_t *eventConfig)
 Configures an AOI event. More...

Data Structure Documentation

struct _aoi_event_config

Defines structure _aoi_event_config and use the AOI_SetEventLogicConfig() function to make whole event configuration.

Data Fields

aoi_input_config_t PT0AC
 Product term 0 input A.
aoi_input_config_t PT0BC
 Product term 0 input B.
aoi_input_config_t PT0CC
 Product term 0 input C.
aoi_input_config_t PT0DC
 Product term 0 input D.
aoi_input_config_t PT1AC
 Product term 1 input A.
aoi_input_config_t PT1BC
 Product term 1 input B.
aoi_input_config_t PT1CC
 Product term 1 input C.
aoi_input_config_t PT1DC
 Product term 1 input D.
aoi_input_config_t PT2AC
 Product term 2 input A.
aoi_input_config_t PT2BC
 Product term 2 input B.
aoi_input_config_t PT2CC
 Product term 2 input C.
aoi_input_config_t PT2DC
 Product term 2 input D.
aoi_input_config_t PT3AC
 Product term 3 input A.
aoi_input_config_t PT3BC
 Product term 3 input B.
aoi_input_config_t PT3CC
 Product term 3 input C.
aoi_input_config_t PT3DC
 Product term 3 input D.

Macro Definition Documentation


Typedef Documentation

The selection item represents the Boolean evaluations.

Defines structure _aoi_event_config and use the AOI_SetEventLogicConfig() function to make whole event configuration.

Enumeration Type Documentation

The selection item represents the Boolean evaluations.


Forces the input to logical zero.


Passes the input signal.


Inverts the input signal.


Forces the input to logical one.

enum _aoi_event

Event 0 index.


Event 1 index.


Event 2 index.


Event 3 index.

Function Documentation

void AOI_Init ( AOI_Type *  base)

This function un-gates the AOI clock.

baseAOI peripheral address.
void AOI_Deinit ( AOI_Type *  base)

This function shutdowns AOI module.

baseAOI peripheral address.
void AOI_GetEventLogicConfig ( AOI_Type *  base,
aoi_event_t  event,
aoi_event_config_t config 

This function returns the Boolean evaluation associated.


aoi_event_config_t demoEventLogicStruct;
AOI_GetEventLogicConfig(AOI, kAOI_Event0, &demoEventLogicStruct);
baseAOI peripheral address.
eventIndex of the event which will be set of type aoi_event_t.
configSelected input configuration .
void AOI_SetEventLogicConfig ( AOI_Type *  base,
aoi_event_t  event,
const aoi_event_config_t eventConfig 

This function configures an AOI event according to the aoiEventConfig structure. This function configures all inputs (A, B, C, and D) of all product terms (0, 1, 2, and 3) of a desired event.


aoi_event_config_t demoEventLogicStruct;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT0AC = kAOI_InvInputSignal;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT0BC = kAOI_InputSignal;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT0CC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT0DC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT1AC = kAOI_LogicZero;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT1BC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT1CC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT1DC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT2AC = kAOI_LogicZero;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT2BC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT2CC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT2DC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT3AC = kAOI_LogicZero;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT3BC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT3CC = kAOI_LogicOne;
demoEventLogicStruct.PT3DC = kAOI_LogicOne;
AOI_SetEventLogicConfig(AOI, kAOI_Event0, demoEventLogicStruct);
baseAOI peripheral address.
eventEvent which will be configured of type aoi_event_t.
eventConfigPointer to type aoi_event_config_t structure. The user is responsible for filling out the members of this structure and passing the pointer to this function.