Yilin Sun 35f33adb70
Added and TO-DOs.
Signed-off-by: Yilin Sun <>
2023-01-03 00:01:31 +08:00

2.9 KiB

ESP Nano Hosted


This project is trying to interface with esp-hosted firmware using a MCU-friendly method.

SPI Frame Format

  • Each SPI transaction is fixed 1600 bytes
  • Each transaction is prefixed by a 12-byte header, defined as follows:
struct esp_payload_header {
    uint8_t          if_type:4;
    uint8_t          if_num:4;
    uint8_t          flags;
    uint16_t         len;
    uint16_t         offset;
    uint16_t         checksum;
    uint16_t         seq_num;
    uint8_t          reserved2;
    union {
        uint8_t      reserved3;
        uint8_t      hci_pkt_type;
        uint8_t      priv_pkt_type;
} __attribute__((packed));
  • The if_type field is one of the following enum:
typedef enum {
  • Control requests and responses are handled through ESP_SERIAL_IF, which has the following TLV structure:
 * TLV (Type - Length - Value) structure is as follows:
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Endpoint Type | Endpoint Length | Endpoint Value  | Data Type | Data Length | Data Value  |
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Bytes used per field as follows:
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *       1        |        2        | Endpoint length |     1     |      2      | Data length |
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

/* For type fields: */
#define PROTO_PSER_TLV_T_EPNAME           0x01
#define PROTO_PSER_TLV_T_DATA             0x02

/* Some stupid constraints in the original code expects the length should be same... even they don't have to */
#define CTRL_EP_NAME_RESP                 "ctrlResp"
#define CTRL_EP_NAME_EVENT                "ctrlEvnt"

  • The control messages are encapsulated in protobuf, in the data field of the above TLV.
  • For Host-to-ESP messages, the endpoint name CTRL_EP_NAME_RESP is used.
  • For ESP-to-Host messages, the endpoint name CTRL_EP_NAME_EVENT or CTRL_EP_NAME_RESP are used.


Who owns the buffers? How many buffers should we allocate?

  • Minimize the memory block operations (malloc and free)
  • Control plane and data plane can be async
  • Control API can be blocking until responded
  • At least 2 full-sized buffers are required (for full duplex operations)
  • To re-use the bus while a request is underway, control plane and data plane RX buffers should be copied
  • Bus TX operation should be blocking, however the previous RX data (if any) can be received.
  • The response for the request being transmitted will never arrive within the same transaction


Not decided yet, please be patient. At least not before the project is usable.